Topic: this has been bothering me
DHinkle's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:39 AM

idk i'm just really tired and not thinking of what i'm saying.

ohhh, haha well be careful that can get u into trouble sometimes lol

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:40 AM

Good looking or not and asshole is and asshole and not one I would date regardless of their looks. Just give me one that is soothing to the eyes and a great personality.bigsmile

you really just condradicted yourself just now

And how pray tell did I condradict myself I more or less said I don't give a flying chit if they are good looking or not if they are and asshole I will in fact pass them up.

Everyone wants someone that is soothing to the eyes regardless who they are what looks good to me may only be what you consider average.

Myself I look at the eyes and the smile first and they must have a good personality. As far as looking for that model type I could careless there is a lot more to a person besides their looks. I could careless if they could pose for a Magazine.

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:45 AM
I don't approach someone to talk to just because they are the defined "good looking". And, often you CAN tell someone's personality by looking at them!!! Body language and carriage count A LOT MORE than looks.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:45 AM
Actually I tend to pass those guys up that look like Mr.Perfect and super good looking most are too stuck on themselves.

I have in fact dated guys that are very good looking to what some would see as below average. But truth is there are assholes in all walks of life does not always matter on there looks.

It all comes down to the chemistry and which one it is with. To me with out the chemistry it will never go any farther anyway.

lilith401's photo
Tue 12/23/08 07:50 AM

I don't approach someone to talk to just because they are the defined "good looking". And, often you CAN tell someone's personality by looking at them!!! Body language and carriage count A LOT MORE than looks.

And folks we have a winner....:banana:

seahawks's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:00 AM
when im in a room full of pretty gals starin at me, i cant help myself but wag my tail n pee on the floor .laugh laugh laugh laugh

DHinkle's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:03 AM

when im in a room full of pretty gals starin at me, i cant help myself but wag my tail n pee on the floor .laugh laugh laugh laugh

and the comic relief has arrived ladies and gentelmen lol

late as usual lmfao

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:03 AM

girls, its not just the men, its us too. We also judge a man based on there looks, because lets be honest, we wouldn't talk to the ugliest guy in the room, why? because its a fact we like the hott asshole kind (not that i'm saying all hot guys are asses', but most are.) So all the girls thinking guys just look at the hottest girls in the room, so do we ladies, meaning the hottest guys not girls.

Nope. I tend to stay away from the hot asshole type of guy.

seahawks's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:04 AM

when im in a room full of pretty gals starin at me, i cant help myself but wag my tail n pee on the floor .laugh laugh laugh laugh

and the comic relief has arrived ladies and gentelmen lol

late as usual lmfao
drinker laugh laugh laugh

lilith401's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:04 AM

girls, its not just the men, its us too. We also judge a man based on there looks, because lets be honest, we wouldn't talk to the ugliest guy in the room, why? because its a fact we like the hott asshole kind (not that i'm saying all hot guys are asses', but most are.) So all the girls thinking guys just look at the hottest girls in the room, so do we ladies, meaning the hottest guys not girls.

Nope. I tend to stay away from the hot asshole type of guy.

Well, there is the potential for hot alley sex, but nothing more...laugh

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:05 AM

i know i may not be a catch but you cannot and i mean CANNOT judge a persons by there personality first because you don't know anything about them.

unfortunately in this society looks are everything.

Sure you can tell something about a person's personality even if you don't know them. Body language says a lot.

DHinkle's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:05 AM

when im in a room full of pretty gals starin at me, i cant help myself but wag my tail n pee on the floor .laugh laugh laugh laugh

and the comic relief has arrived ladies and gentelmen lol

late as usual lmfao
drinker laugh laugh laugh

ill drink to that loldrinker

seahawks's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:05 AM

girls, its not just the men, its us too. We also judge a man based on there looks, because lets be honest, we wouldn't talk to the ugliest guy in the room, why? because its a fact we like the hott asshole kind (not that i'm saying all hot guys are asses', but most are.) So all the girls thinking guys just look at the hottest girls in the room, so do we ladies, meaning the hottest guys not girls.

Nope. I tend to stay away from the hot asshole type of guy.

Well, there is the potential for hot alley sex, but nothing more...laugh
omg behave. it just moved on its own.!!!laugh laugh :wink:

scorpio90's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:05 AM
People that judge solely by looks are shallow and superficial if you ask me.

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:05 AM

girls, its not just the men, its us too. We also judge a man based on there looks, because lets be honest, we wouldn't talk to the ugliest guy in the room, why? because its a fact we like the hott asshole kind (not that i'm saying all hot guys are asses', but most are.) So all the girls thinking guys just look at the hottest girls in the room, so do we ladies, meaning the hottest guys not girls.

Nope. I tend to stay away from the hot asshole type of guy.

Well, there is the potential for hot alley sex, but nothing more...laugh

Perhaps, but if they're acting like an ass, I don't really want to be around them anyway, no matter how hot they are.

lilith401's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:07 AM
I hear ya, Sweets.... happy

no photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:13 AM
Actually though, if it were good sex, it might not matter... laugh.

lilith401's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:13 AM
See? laugh I brought you to my gutter.. I'm sorry....

DHinkle's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:15 AM

Actually though, if it were good sex, it might not matter... laugh.

you guys completely proved my point jus now...u are attracted to may have the utmost ability to look past them...but you are still attracted to them

seahawks's photo
Tue 12/23/08 08:15 AM

See? laugh I brought you to my gutter.. I'm sorry....
frustrated :tongue: frustrated :tongue: laugh laugh :wink: