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Topic: How can I cope with Holidays coming around?
Nicegirl030's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:53 AM
How can I cope the holiday coming around? Being single is hard thing not having someone around. I would like to meet someone but I am afraid and scare what might happen. Any help here for me? frown embarassed huh embarassed

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:56 AM
I'm going on 12 years with no significant other. It's not that bad!!!! Enjoy the reason for the season and your family and friends.

Haven't seen you on here in a while. I hope you are doing well!!!waving waving waving waving waving

Sexyklp4U's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:59 AM
u dont have to have a guy to get thru the holidays..i mean if thats what u want..but with me..i wanna take care of me, first..i have my kids..thats what really makes xmas fun..but good luck to u and just take it easy, enjoy the holiday..the special someone is out there for day!!flowerforyou flowerforyou

Q764's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:01 AM
Edited by Q764 on Wed 12/17/08 08:01 AM
Don't put so much into 'having someone to share the season with' you'll just make yourself misserable! been there!

make happiness come from inside--be happy with who you are and those you already have around you; the rest will come in time.
It's sort of a first things first deal.

I had an "other" for 11 years--not very happily for the better part of those years. The 'other' thing is not all that.


ps the person in the pic with me is not the 'other' I refer too (I need to edit that photo)

chickayoshi's photo
Wed 12/17/08 08:08 AM
I'm talking to a guy who has no one for the holidays. He is living in a new state, fresh out of the Army, and doesn't know a lot of people besides his one friend. He plans to just work the holiday. I feel bad for him, but he can count on me being his friend for the holidays (although we are a state away).

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:54 PM
Talk to people you might not normally talk to. Get to know your neighbors. Strike up a conversation with strangers. Get involved with the freebies things in your area. You will find out that you are not really as alone as you might have first thought.:smile:

a4realn08's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:58 PM
JUst venting ........
I will be alone! Ah Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble sad

Totage's photo
Fri 12/19/08 09:09 PM

How can I cope the holiday coming around? Being single is hard thing not having someone around. I would like to meet someone but I am afraid and scare what might happen. Any help here for me? frown embarassed huh embarassed

What might happen? flowerforyou

imsingle951's photo
Sat 12/20/08 10:52 AM
Thankfully a friend from church invited me to her house for the holiday. that way I wont be alone

Averageguy1964's photo
Sat 12/20/08 10:57 AM
Been single 9 years now,It gets easy,But u can come join me.blushing

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:44 PM
I think it is a mistake to start a relationship this time of year. Even if everything else is okay in your life, its just too vulnerable a time for most. Easy to make rash choices.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:47 PM

Thankfully a friend from church invited me to her house for the holiday. that way I wont be alone

I have found over the past 10 years that it is often easier to be alone during the holidays than to be surrounded by friends or family. That's usually when I am the loneliest.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:48 PM
ignore them....they will go.....



it works for me!!!!!


no photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:11 PM

ignore them....they will go.....


They did. I miss some of them now. I'm really alone.

A few have found me again, though. But, I'm SUCH a different person than I was 20, even 10 or 5 years ago. Much of what has changed and what I have learned, I wouldn't give back for the world, but we haven't had a whole lot in common for a long time, except that we care about each other and will always be there for one another.

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:16 PM
It's not a big deal

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:09 PM

How can I cope the holiday coming around? Being single is hard thing not having someone around. I would like to meet someone but I am afraid and scare what might happen. Any help here for me? frown embarassed huh embarassed

There's another name for the upcoming holidays. Thursday.

I don't put too much stock in christmas and new years day, other than to grade my year according to how good of a friend I've been to people. Business is great here, as my latest invention has reached maturity, and well, I have high hopes for 2009, both in personal and business matters. It's really not so important to have friends or that special someone as it is to be a friend as far as I'm concerned. Eventually, things will line up the way they're supposed to. My next goal is to buy a pool table for the center of the house, sort of as a social event for guests and to live like a real bachelor for a change.:banana:

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 09:14 PM

I think it is a mistake to start a relationship this time of year. Even if everything else is okay in your life, its just too vulnerable a time for most. Easy to make rash choices.

I don't think it's the time of year so much as where I am mentally/emotionally. I stopped pretending to be sane years ago, but reason and common sense usually outweighs mania for me. There's no one in my life I see as anywhere ready for a relationship, and there's nothing wrong with being a friend to anyone, male or female. I've accepted already that this holiday season was meant to happen this way. Same time last year, my nearly ex-wife decided she wanted to not be married anymore, and I accepted her resignation, which took nearly 6 months of hell for her to leave. Next comes the cost benefit analysis. Hell with the wrong person, or patience and leaving room in my life for the right one. Decisions decisions.

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:24 PM

How can I cope the holiday coming around? Being single is hard thing not having someone around. I would like to meet someone but I am afraid and scare what might happen. Any help here for me? frown embarassed huh embarassed

There's another name for the upcoming holidays. Thursday.

I don't put too much stock in christmas and new years day, other than to grade my year according to how good of a friend I've been to people. Business is great here

This is why he cannot be guaranteed to call you on either of these holidays. Or Thanksgiving.

no photo
Mon 12/22/08 12:31 AM

michiganman3's photo
Thu 12/25/08 05:15 AM
First and foremost, its just another day. Just like any other day. Its all in what you make of it.

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