Topic: If the Bible erased | |
those religions have far from died out. they are not in the volume of the massive hordes that the christians are, but in pockets of people here and there, and are far more quiet, for the christians do consider themselves a fighting, warring army for the rightiousness of their god, and have killed even today when they can get away with it. i have been threatened myself in new orleans by evangelists, merely on appearance know, the guys toting those crosses...i was minding my own business, and they surrounded me and called me the devils work. Clearly someone else picked up on it also. It was just the manner in which you worded the question. Especially in light of the fact that you just came from the Wicca thread. That’s all I said John. I surely don't understand your point. We truly have a language barrier. I know that these religions if it be norse, greek, or ancient egypt still are practiced in small numbers around the world. I was the one who told you that, yet for the majority of the people around the world they are consider mythologies. A religion that once existed and for others they believe it was never a religon but a superstition or a fairytale story. The important question was would Christianity still exist if Jesus was excluded from the bible. Perhaps Christianity would be also considered for the vast majority a mythology today if Jesus would be excluded from the bible (and for your case a small number of religous followers who practice it still). In the long run I was interested in different replies to the questions and not to be corrected on how I phrase the question, especially when everyone understood it clearly. |
You to.
The important question was would Christianity still exist if Jesus was excluded from the bible. I don't get the question, how a religion can even exist without its founder? even worse when the founder is God himself? and that is the main reason why christianity and the Church has lasted for 2,000 years, not because my Lord is in the Bible or not, it's because my Lord is God Himself. That is why the Church has stood still over heresies, schism, and moot hypothesis. |
Deuteronomy 18:15-19 15'A prophet out of thy midst, out of thy brethren, like to me, doth Yahweh your Elohim raise up to thee — unto him ye hearken; 16 according to all that thou didst ask from Yahweh your Elohim, in Horeb, in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not add to hear the voice of Yahweh my Elohim, and this great fire let me not see any more, and I die not; 17 and Yahweh saith unto me, They have done well that they have spoken; 18 a prophet I raise up to them, out of the midst of their brethren, like to thee; and I have given my words in his mouth, and he hath spoken unto them all that which I command him; 19 and it hath been — the man who doth not hearken unto My words which he doth speak in My name, I require [it] of him. YLT Here he is as it says...... John 5:39-6:1 'Ye search the Writings, because ye think in them to have life age-during, and these are they that are testifying concerning me; 40 and ye do not will to come unto me, that ye may have life; 41 glory from man I do not receive, 42 but I have known you, that the love of Yahweh ye have not in yourselves. 43'I have come in the name of my Father, and ye do not receive me; if another may come in his own name, him ye will receive; 44 how are ye able — ye — to believe, glory from one another receiving, and the glory that [is] from Elohim alone ye seek not? 45'Do not think that I will accuse you unto the Father; there is who is accusing you, Moses — in whom ye have hoped; 46 for if ye were believing Moses, ye would have been believing me, for he wrote concerning me; 47 but if his writings ye believe not, how shall ye believe my sayings?' YLT I've received two reminders on this thread. ![]() He was referred to as a prophet in the Bible and in the Koran. |
those religions have far from died out. they are not in the volume of the massive hordes that the christians are, but in pockets of people here and there, and are far more quiet, for the christians do consider themselves a fighting, warring army for the rightiousness of their god, and have killed even today when they can get away with it. i have been threatened myself in new orleans by evangelists, merely on appearance know, the guys toting those crosses...i was minding my own business, and they surrounded me and called me the devils work. Clearly someone else picked up on it also. It was just the manner in which you worded the question. Especially in light of the fact that you just came from the Wicca thread. That’s all I said John. I surely don't understand your point. We truly have a language barrier. I know that these religions if it be norse, greek, or ancient egypt still are practiced in small numbers around the world. I was the one who told you that, yet for the majority of the people around the world they are consider mythologies. A religion that once existed and for others they believe it was never a religon but a superstition or a fairytale story. The important question was would Christianity still exist if Jesus was excluded from the bible. Perhaps Christianity would be also considered for the vast majority a mythology today if Jesus would be excluded from the bible (and for your case a small number of religous followers who practice it still). In the long run I was interested in different replies to the questions and not to be corrected on how I phrase the question, especially when everyone understood it clearly. The point was just in how you worded the question and implied that those religions no longer existed. I’m sure you did not mean to state it in quite that manner, yet you came across as saying just that. I would imagine that is why two people asked you to clarify the statement. You told me that these pagan religions were in the minority? Did I not know that? ![]() ![]() The point was that from the way you worded the question, you seemed to be implying that NO one practiced these religions any longer which is clearly not the case. Christianity is a mythology also. I don’t understand what you mean at all. Two people questioned you politely. You have clarified what you meant and I accept that. Move on please. |
The important question was would Christianity still exist if Jesus was excluded from the bible. I don't get the question, how a religion can even exist without its founder? even worse when the founder is God himself? and that is the main reason why christianity and the Church has lasted for 2,000 years, not because my Lord is in the Bible or not, it's because my Lord is God Himself. That is why the Church has stood still over heresies, schism, and moot hypothesis. Yes that is the answer I expect from one who follows the bible with faith and believes Jesus is God and I can respect that. I mean for you Jesus is God and the founder of the bible. It makes perfect sense. Yet for one who believes Jesus as a prophet or just a man that wasn't a God contains would believe a different answer. Let us say (and I know you don't believe this) that Jesus was a man no different then what Buddha was. A prophet and he wasn't mentioned in the Bible. Would Christianity not exist at all or would there be some followers regardless creating a new religion. I mean if you look at abracadabra's answer you will see a answer for this. It is a different idealogy then what you believe, but nevertheless, a answer. |
Edited by
Tue 12/09/08 10:46 PM
those religions have far from died out. they are not in the volume of the massive hordes that the christians are, but in pockets of people here and there, and are far more quiet, for the christians do consider themselves a fighting, warring army for the rightiousness of their god, and have killed even today when they can get away with it. i have been threatened myself in new orleans by evangelists, merely on appearance know, the guys toting those crosses...i was minding my own business, and they surrounded me and called me the devils work. Clearly someone else picked up on it also. It was just the manner in which you worded the question. Especially in light of the fact that you just came from the Wicca thread. That’s all I said John. I surely don't understand your point. We truly have a language barrier. I know that these religions if it be norse, greek, or ancient egypt still are practiced in small numbers around the world. I was the one who told you that, yet for the majority of the people around the world they are consider mythologies. A religion that once existed and for others they believe it was never a religon but a superstition or a fairytale story. The important question was would Christianity still exist if Jesus was excluded from the bible. Perhaps Christianity would be also considered for the vast majority a mythology today if Jesus would be excluded from the bible (and for your case a small number of religous followers who practice it still). In the long run I was interested in different replies to the questions and not to be corrected on how I phrase the question, especially when everyone understood it clearly. The point was just in how you worded the question and implied that those religions no longer existed. I’m sure you did not mean to state it in quite that manner, yet you came across as saying just that. I would imagine that is why two people asked you to clarify the statement. You told me that these pagan religions were in the minority? Did I not know that? ![]() ![]() The point was that from the way you worded the question, you seemed to be implying that NO one practiced these religions any longer which is clearly not the case. Christianity is a mythology also. I don’t understand what you mean at all. Two people questioned you politely. You have clarified what you meant and I accept that. Move on please. I will try extra care in the future to phrase my questions more carefully so everyone can understand it. |
probably christianity would exist, but not as it is now.
probably christianity would exist, but not as it is now. You (maybe)100% right about that. We will never know though ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 12/09/08 10:49 PM
those religions have far from died out. they are not in the volume of the massive hordes that the christians are, but in pockets of people here and there, and are far more quiet, for the christians do consider themselves a fighting, warring army for the rightiousness of their god, and have killed even today when they can get away with it. i have been threatened myself in new orleans by evangelists, merely on appearance know, the guys toting those crosses...i was minding my own business, and they surrounded me and called me the devils work. Clearly someone else picked up on it also. It was just the manner in which you worded the question. Especially in light of the fact that you just came from the Wicca thread. That’s all I said John. I surely don't understand your point. We truly have a language barrier. I know that these religions if it be norse, greek, or ancient egypt still are practiced in small numbers around the world. I was the one who told you that, yet for the majority of the people around the world they are consider mythologies. A religion that once existed and for others they believe it was never a religon but a superstition or a fairytale story. The important question was would Christianity still exist if Jesus was excluded from the bible. Perhaps Christianity would be also considered for the vast majority a mythology today if Jesus would be excluded from the bible (and for your case a small number of religous followers who practice it still). In the long run I was interested in different replies to the questions and not to be corrected on how I phrase the question, especially when everyone understood it clearly. The point was just in how you worded the question and implied that those religions no longer existed. I’m sure you did not mean to state it in quite that manner, yet you came across as saying just that. I would imagine that is why two people asked you to clarify the statement. You told me that these pagan religions were in the minority? Did I not know that? ![]() ![]() The point was that from the way you worded the question, you seemed to be implying that NO one practiced these religions any longer which is clearly not the case. Christianity is a mythology also. I don’t understand what you mean at all. Two people questioned you politely. You have clarified what you meant and I accept that. Move on please. I will try extra care in the future to phrase my questions more carefully so everyone can understand it. Thank you. At first I thought you were kidding but then another member spoke up. That is why I asked for the clarification honestly. No hard feelings. |
probably christianity would exist, but not as it is now. You (maybe)100% right about that. We will never know though ![]() I just can't imagine a world without my Lord as God Himself. Probably this is the reason why non-believers say that religion closes people's mind. But for me is so clear that my Lord is the begotten Son of God (God Himself), that I can't even bear the possibility of any other option. |
Edited by
Tue 12/09/08 10:58 PM
probably christianity would exist, but not as it is now. You (maybe)100% right about that. We will never know though ![]() I just can't imagine a world without my Lord as God Himself. Probably this is the reason why non-believers say that religion closes people's mind. But for me is so clear that my Lord is the begotten Son of God (God Himself), that I can't even bear the possibility of any other option. All I can say is if it works for you then I am all for it. The main thing is you can wake up in the morning happy and ready to take a new day of life, able to help others when you can. I have known you for awhile and know you have a good heart and mind. Humans regardless where they live will always have something to argue or disagree about, but what is important is that we understand we are all in the same boat trying to make the best of life. I wish you a great Christmas and a Happy New Year incase we don't chat here before then. ![]() |
If Jesus had not been nailed to a cross, what would be the road to salvation today for Christians?
Here are some interesting facts that seem to support the bible as Yahshua is said to have been born in 7bc not 4bc.
Now this gives rise to what the bible says about Yahshua being taken to Egypt. Matthew 2:12-16 This was the Magi 12 and having been divinely warned in a dream not to turn back unto Herod, through another way they withdrew to their own region. 13 And on their having withdrawn, lo, a messenger of the Lord doth appear in a dream to Joseph, saying, 'Having risen, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and be thou there till I may speak to thee, for Herod is about to seek the child to destroy him.' 14 And he, having risen, took the child and his mother by night, and withdrew to Egypt, 15 and he was there till the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled that was spoken by Yahweh through the prophet, saying, 'Out of Egypt I did call My Son.' 16 Then Herod, having seen that he was deceived by the mages, was very wroth, and having sent forth, he slew all the male children in Beth-Lehem, and in all its borders, from two years and under, according to the time that he inquired exactly from the mages. YLT Now according to Herods life here is when he died. In 40 BC the Parthians invaded the Roman eastern provinces and managed to expel the Romans. In Judea the Hasmonean dynasty was restored under king Antigonus. Herod the Great, who was the son of Antipater the Idumean and Cypros, a Nabataean princess, managed to escape to Rome. There he was elected "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate[1]. However Herod did not fully conquer Judea until 37 BC. He ruled for 34 years. Herod ruled Judea until 4 BC; at his death his kingdom was divided between his three sons. These 3 sons… Herod Archelaus, son of Herod and Malthace the Samaritan, was given the main part of the kingdom, Judea, Edom and Samaria. He ruled for ten years until 6 AD when he was "banished to Vienne in Gaul, where—according to Dion Cassius Cocceianus, "Hist. Roma," lv. 27—he lived for the remainder of his days."[2] See also Census of Quirinius. Herod Philip I, son of Herod and his fifth wife Cleopatra of Jerusalem, was given jurisdiction over the northeast part of his father's kingdom; he ruled there until his death in 34. Herod Antipas, another son of Herod and Malthace, was made ruler of the Galilee and Perea; he ruled there until he was exiled to Spain by emperor Caligula in 39. Agrippa I was the grandson of Herod; thanks to his friendship with emperor Caligula he was appointed by him as ruler of the territories of Herod Philip after his death in 34, and in 39 he was given the territories of Herod Antipas. In 41 emperor Claudius added to his territory the parts of Iudea province that previously belonged to Herod Archelaus. Thus Agrippa re-united his grandfather's kingdom under his rule. He died in 44. Now Yahshua family fled to Egypt. Now John speaks of Herod Herod Antipas, another son of Herod and Malthace, was made ruler of the Galilee and Perea; he ruled there until he was exiled to Spain by emperor Caligula in 39. Why did John speak of Herod? Matthew 14:1-4 14:1 At that time did Herod the tetrarch hear the fame of Yahshua, 2 and said to his servants, 'This is John the Baptist, he did rise from the dead, and because of this the mighty energies are working in him.' 3 For Herod having laid hold on John, did bind him, and did put him in prison, because of Herodias his brother Philip's wife , 4 for John was saying to him, 'It is not lawful to thee to have her,' YLT Who’s wife? because of Herodias his brother Philip's wife , The History of this family. Herod Philip I, son of Herod and his fifth wife Cleopatra of Jerusalem, was given jurisdiction over the northeast part of his father's kingdom; he ruled there until his death in 34. 3 For Herod having laid hold on John, did bind him, and did put him in prison, because of Herodias his brother Philip's wife The bible and the reign of the Herods seem to fit. Herod the Great, who was the son of Antipater the Idumean and Cypros, a Nabataean princess, managed to escape to Rome. There he was elected "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate[1]. However Herod did not fully conquer Judea until 37 BC. He ruled for 34 years. Herod ruled Judea until 4 BC; at his death his kingdom was divided between his three sons. Herod Archelaus, son of Herod and Malthace the Samaritan, was given the main part of the kingdom, Judea, Edom and Samaria. He ruled for ten years until 6 AD when he was "banished to Vienne in Gaul, where—according to Dion Cassius Cocceianus, "Hist. Roma," lv. 27—he lived for the remainder of his days."[2] See also Census of Quirinius. Herod Philip I, son of Herod and his fifth wife Cleopatra of Jerusalem, was given jurisdiction over the northeast part of his father's kingdom; he ruled there until his death in 34. Herod Antipas, another son of Herod and Malthace, was made ruler of the Galilee and Perea; he ruled there until he was exiled to Spain by emperor Caligula in 39. Agrippa I was the grandson of Herod; thanks to his friendship with emperor Caligula he was appointed by him as ruler of the territories of Herod Philip after his death in 34, and in 39 he was given the territories of Herod Antipas. In 41 emperor Claudius added to his territory the parts of Iudea province that previously belonged to Herod Archelaus. Thus Agrippa re-united his grandfather's kingdom under his rule. He died in 44. Yahshua was taken again to Egypt because of Herod the Great and Herod had all male children killed who were 2 years and younger. Matthew 2:16-18 16 Then Herod, having seen that he was deceived by the mages, was very wroth, and having sent forth, he slew all the male children in Beth-Lehem, and in all its borders, from two years and under, according to the time that he inquired exactly from the mages. 17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, 18'A voice in Ramah was heard — lamentation and weeping and much mourning — Rachel weeping [for] her children, and she would not be comforted because they are not.' YLT A prophecy that their would be great weeping for the children when Yahshua came. Now who did they tell Herod was Born? Matthew 2:1-4 :1 And Yahshua having been born in Beth-Lehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king , lo, mages from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, 'Where is he who was born king of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and we came to bow to him.' 3 And Herod the king having heard, was stirred, and all Jerusalem with him, 4 and having gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he was inquiring from them where the Messiah is born. YLT Herod is awfully paranoid about a child being called The King of The Jews. Why? Herod the Great, who was the son of Antipater the Idumean and Cypros, a Nabataean princess, managed to escape to Rome. There he was elected "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate[1 AHH.. Herod had been ELECTED “ KING OF THE JEWS” An awfull good history the bible seems to have. I believe right here it is QUITE Historical….. Blessings of Shalom….Miles |
probably christianity would exist, but not as it is now. You (maybe)100% right about that. We will never know though ![]() I just can't imagine a world without my Lord as God Himself. Probably this is the reason why non-believers say that religion closes people's mind. But for me is so clear that my Lord is the begotten Son of God (God Himself), that I can't even bear the possibility of any other option. All I can say is if it works for you then I am all for it. The main thing is you can wake up in the morning happy and ready to take a new day of life, able to help others when you can. I have known you for awhile and know you have a good heart and mind. Humans regardless where they live will always have something to argue or disagree about, but what is important is that we understand we are all in the same boat trying to make the best of life. I wish you a great Christmas and a Happy New Year incase we don't chat here before then. ![]() thank you for your wishes, the same feelings from me to you. the Lord has given me a great blessing, I'm going back to my country, so I will spend the holidays with my family and friends. |
probably christianity would exist, but not as it is now. You (maybe)100% right about that. We will never know though ![]() I just can't imagine a world without my Lord as God Himself. Probably this is the reason why non-believers say that religion closes people's mind. But for me is so clear that my Lord is the begotten Son of God (God Himself), that I can't even bear the possibility of any other option. All I can say is if it works for you then I am all for it. The main thing is you can wake up in the morning happy and ready to take a new day of life, able to help others when you can. I have known you for awhile and know you have a good heart and mind. Humans regardless where they live will always have something to argue or disagree about, but what is important is that we understand we are all in the same boat trying to make the best of life. I wish you a great Christmas and a Happy New Year incase we don't chat here before then. ![]() thank you for your wishes, the same feelings from me to you. the Lord has given me a great blessing, I'm going back to my country, so I will spend the holidays with my family and friends. You're leaving soon?! Are you coming back? |
You say Christianity is a mythology, but for many people around the world it is a religion of faith. To argue this away from those who truly believe in this is wasted effort. You can go blue trying to convince them otherwise. It is the same as people who believe in Norse Mythology, which has as you know a small following. Very small! Yet for those who believe in this belief system they call it a religion and put their faith into it. The term mythology would be wrong in their heads. One thing I learned from Buddha is to never criticize someones faith. I try very hard to respect everyones faith even if I don't agree with it, because I know it is dear to them. This may sound irrational to you, but I really have more peace of mind when doing this. I don't criticize a religion either. I simply ask questions and can either agree or disagree to a answer respectfully, but never tell someone they are wrong for believing in what they find helpful to themselves. I wish you a good sleep as it is time for me to pass out. |
Miles shalom my friend. I am wishing you much peace and happiness. You have alot to read! I will have to read it tommorow for it is 2 am over here and I am truly tired.
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Miles shalom my friend. I am wishing you much peace and happiness. You have alot to read! I will have to read it tommorow for it is 2 am over here and I am truly tired. ![]() Shalom and Good Night..Blessings...Miles |
You say Christianity is a mythology, but for many people around the world it is a religion of faith.
I speak from the perspective of someone who has gone to college and studied both cultural and physical anthropology as well as archeology. In reference to my academic background, Christianity is referred to as the "Christian Creation Mythology'. It is no more or less prestigious and occupies no greater place in our studies as any other creation mythologies found the world over today. To argue this away from those who truly believe in this is wasted effort. You can go blue trying to convince them otherwise.
I speak my truth and I explain and demonstrate and describe what I perceive to be factual or credible evidence. What people choose to do with it from there is between them and their faith. I have just as much right to be here as you, or Abra or any of the Christians. It is the same as people who believe in Norse Mythology, which has as you know a small following. Very small! Yet for those who believe in this belief system they call it a religion and put their faith into it. The term mythology would be wrong in their heads.
That is not necessarily true as explained. One thing I learned from Buddha is to never criticize someones faith. I try very hard to respect everyones faith even if I don't agree with it, because I know it is dear to them. This may sound irrational to you, but I really have more peace of mind when doing this.
I have NEVER once criticized a person’s faith on this forum. Not ever. What I have criticized is organized religion. In the US today, the dominant organized religion is Christianity. If I were to reside in the Middle East, what makes you think I would not be serving the same purpose in speaking out publicly against Islam? The only difference is I would probably be dead or imprisoned by now. I can’t be a little people pleaser like you. Can you see me wearing that hat and keep a straight face? ![]() ![]() |