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Topic: Wiccans - part 3
Abracadabra's photo
Sun 12/07/08 11:11 AM

today is a good day for some money magick. I just decided that. bigsmile

Good, when your raise the energy for that money spell shoot some over this way. bigsmile

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/07/08 11:13 AM

today is a good day for some money magick. I just decided that. bigsmile

Good, when your raise the energy for that money spell shoot some over this way. bigsmile

I feel really good today. So, I will. flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/07/08 11:14 AM

I was kind of thinking that also Ruth since the Gris Gris bags have historically been considered quite helpful for gamblers. I might make one of those bags up and then go find me a card game. bigsmile

Yep. I don't know what it is, but it's in the air. Let me know if you want some ingredients for that bag. I got the book right here.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 11:20 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/07/08 11:22 AM


Like I said before, if you are not comfortable accepting full responsibility for your experiential reality that is okay. It is a personal choice.

I state it as a fact because I believe it to be a fact.

It has nothing to do with whether or not I'm comfortable with the idea.

I'm saying that it can't possible be true unless you believe in soliplism.

Not true.

Like I said before I don't believe in solipism. I don't believe that all that exist is me or that I can control everything in all of reality.

That is NOT how it works and that is NOT how I believe.

What you are not comfortable with is taking 100% responsibility for your personal reality. You are looking at it from the point of the ego and the little self, and not the higher self. You do not realize that you agreed to experience this life before you came... what ever it involved unknown to you or not.

No of course you are not totally responsible for all the details of the entire physical reality we live in. This reality is a co-created environment.

No, you are never responsible for when other people die. Their deaths were chosen by their higher selves just as yours has been.

But you are responsible for how you respond to everything that you experience.

You cannot control everything that happens in your reality. That is NOT what I am saying. You are only 100% responsible to how you receive and react and respond to it.

Also if you are in a plane crash, then eveyone aboard that plane had to have attracted that crash to themselves.

The list goes on.

You can sight thousands of examples that seem to defy this law but they are not convincing. The truth is in the details. The pattern is so exacting that each person who dies in an airplane crash was meant to die in an airplane crash.

Your death is always decided before you incarnate. It is an agreement that you will die in this world of life and death.

You agreed to die before you came into this world. The approximate manner and time of your death are also chosen. You will not die before your appointed time. This is what I believe.

It's has absolutely nothing at all to do with feeling comfortable with the concept.

I just don't see how it's doable. Period.

The example, would be when I got laid off from companies. Or anyone.

Did all of the employees who worked for a company than went under attract their lay off?

I don't think so.

Yes. They attracted it by the mere fact that they chose to work at that particular company. It was their decision to do that.

I just don't believe that is even makes sense to believe that we attract everything into our lives without acception.

It's just not a sensible idea to me.

Clearly things happen to us that we did not attract.

That has to be a given as far as I'm concern, and it has absolutely nothing to do with being comfortable or uncomfortble with the idea.

It just isn't remotely reasonable as far as I'm concerned.

It is very reasonable to me. We either create our personal reality or we don't.

Sure we do it within the confines of a collective reality we have little effect on, but we agreed to that before we came here, therefore that makes us responsible.

I do believe that we can indeed attract things into our lives.

But I definitely do not believe that we attract everything.

Some parts of our lives are in indeed just due to random events that we truly have no control over.

I firmly believe that.

It has to be that way.

It's not a matter of what I'm comfortable with accepting. It just can't be any other way. Unless your suggesting solipsism.

That would be the only way it could be true as far as I can see.

Solipsims suggest that I am the only person that exists in this reality. That is absurd.

Their are random events but they are caused by the will of other conscious beings (individuals) living in this same environment. And yes, these random events caused by others do impact our reality.

We have no control over other people or other people's wills or decisions. We only have power over our own.

That is the responsibility I am talking about. Taking 100% responsibility for our PERSONAL reality means taking responsibility for how we receive other people's realities and respond to them. It is all about how we perceive and respond.

It is NOT about having control over other people, their lives, or when they die.

That is where so many people misunderstand this concept.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:04 PM

Gloria Jean wrote:

You cannot control everything that happens in your reality. That is NOT what I am saying. You are only 100% responsible to how you receive and react and respond to it.

Well, I certainly agree with that statement. But that wasn't what I originally disagreed with.

I originally disagreed that we are responsible for attracting everything that happens to us into our lives.

Gloria Jean wrote:

You agreed to die before you came into this world. The approximate manner and time of your death are also chosen. You will not die before your appointed time. This is what I believe.

Well that's an interesting thought. But I can't see how that can be anything more than a guess.

What's your evidence that this is the case?

Where did you get this divine knowledge?

Or is it just a guess that you like to believe?

I neither believe this nor disbelieve it. I would just say that I have no clue whether there's any truth to that kind of fate or not.

Gloria Jean wrote:

Yes. They attracted it by the mere fact that they chose to work at that particular company. It was their decision to do that.

Oh well.

I'm not so sure that this is a meaningful statement in terms of spirituality. I mean, even an atheist would agree with this one.

Gloria Jean wrote:

It is very reasonable to me. We either create our personal reality or we don't.

Sure we do it within the confines of a collective reality we have little effect on, but we agreed to that before we came here, therefore that makes us responsible.

Where, here again, you're talking like you have some kind of heads-up divine knowledge about precisely how we got here and what all that entailed.

I don't have that kind of knowledge and I'm not about to just accept that on someone else's faith.

It may or may not be true.

Gloria Jean wrote:

Solipsims suggest that I am the only person that exists in this reality. That is absurd.

Their are random events but they are caused by the will of other conscious beings (individuals) living in this same environment. And yes, these random events caused by others do impact our reality.

We have no control over other people or other people's wills or decisions. We only have power over our own.

That is the responsibility I am talking about. Taking 100% responsibility for our PERSONAL reality means taking responsibility for how we receive other people's realities and respond to them. It is all about how we perceive and respond.

It is NOT about having control over other people, their lives, or when they die.

That is where so many people misunderstand this concept.

Well, I won't argue with you on this point. On the contrary, I feel that it supports my original assertion that we cannot possibly be responsible for everything we attract into our lives.

However, I think where we may be miscommunication here may very well be with the word 'responsible'

I'm saying that we are not necessarily the cause of everything that comes into our lives. In that sense only we are not responsible for it. (in other words, we are not responsible for causing it)

Are we responsible for how we respond to it?


I agree with that!

My original point is that we aren't responsible for causing everything that happens to us.

I'm not saying that we aren't responsible for how we react to it. Of course we are!

I'm just saying that we aren't necessarily responsible for having caused everything that comes into our lives.

That's all I'm saying. It appeared to me that you were implying that we are responsible for causing everything that comes into our lives. I would disagree with that.

So when you say that a person is responsible for everything that comes into their lives, you should be more specific, and say what you actually mean:

A person is responsible for how they react to everything that comes into their lives.

Big difference. flowers

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:17 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/07/08 03:45 PM
My original point is that we aren't responsible for causing everything that happens to us.

I realize that is what you believe. Accepting responsibility, and being the actual cause of an event are not the same thing.

Events will happen that have very little if anything to do with you being the cause. If you experience or are involved in an event, you may just have been there at the right (or wrong) time and place by your own choices that you made.

To think that you are the "cause" of everything, and every detail that happens in actuality (the actual collective reality) would be rather arrogant.

That would be solipsism.

To even think that you are responsible for another person's personal reality would also be arrogant. Every individual has a will of their own and each has their own frequency.

BUT I still have decided to take personal responsibility for my reality and everything that happens to me.

That would include all things good or bad!

I do this because I believe that I am responsible for my personal reality and my personal experiences whether or not it came to me via conscious choices or subconscious choices.

This, as I said before, is a personal choice to make. Not everyone will do this and most will not do this. I have agreed to take full responsibility for my personal experience and reality and choices for a reason.

In order to be totally free, you have to accept total (self) responsibility. I believe this.


If my husband died in a car accident on his way home from work, it became part of my life experience because of my connection to him. I chose that connection and that experience when I chose to marry that person for better or for worse even though at the time I did not consciously know he was going to die in a car accident.

That does not mean that I am responsible for his death. That part is out of my control because I am not responsible for the personal realities of other people or for their time and manner of death.

His personal reality was to die in a car accident. I did not know that consciously when I married him.

Our birth and our deaths are both chosen before we incarnate.
If they were not, this type of reasoning would not work. But this is my personal belief.

If you do not believe we are eternal spirits incarnating into bodies, then you might curse death at every turn.

If you do believe we are eternal spirits incarnating into bodies you realize that we have agreed to live and to die at some point in this reality.

That was the agreement we made. To live and to die. If we can make that agreement then why is it such a stretch to believe that we (as our higher self) also choose when we are born?

If we can pick when we are born, then why is it such a stretch to choose how we will die? After all, these are the two most important agreements we make when we incarnate into this world.

Of course all of this is a moot point if you don't believe in the incarnation of an eternal spirit.

I find it interesting that you would ask for evidence that we choose our manner of death but you that would not ask for evidence or proof that we are eternal spirits incarnating into bodies.

You know that it is all just what I believe. In my belief system, there are few questions that are not answered. Perhaps I made them all up, I don't know. I simply ask the question and an answer that make sense just shows up. Perhaps I just have a good imagination, I don't know.

I could be completely wrong about everything. But this is a very personal and individual belief system that I have been working on for most of my life.

An of course I can't prove any of it.


no photo
Sun 12/07/08 03:34 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/07/08 03:41 PM
So one might ask what would be the advantage of this type of mind set?

These are the advantages as they work in my life:

1.) --I don't worry needlessly about things that might happen.
2.) --I don't look for someone or something to blame for my circumstances.
3.) --I don't regret things, I just try to learn from my mistakes.
4.) --When something bad happens I don't go into extended shock, I just accept it and handle it the best I can.
5.) --I have faith in the law of attraction knowing that there are no exceptions.
6.) --I understand that anything that seems random is the result of a conscious Will (individual) at work.
7.) --I trust that everything is as it should be.
8.) --I understand that to change this reality one need only change the collective minds and thoughts that created it.
9.) --I realize I can't save people from themselves.
10.) --I realize that I can't save the world.
11.) --I realize that I can't control anything except myself and how I perceive and respond to other people's realities.
12.) -- I realize that I can and do create my own personal reality.
13.) --I understand that to change my personal reality I need only change my mind, attitude, attention and thoughts that create it.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 12/07/08 04:58 PM

12.) -- I realize that I can and do create my own personal reality.
13.) --I understand that to change my personal reality I need only change my mind, attitude, attention and thoughts that create it.

I'm with you all the way up until you get to 12 and 13.

I hold that 12 and 13 cannot be totally true outside of solipism. And the reason being that other people and forces can indeed force their will upon you. Whether you like it or not.

And it seems that you even agree with this when you said,....

Events will happen that have very little if anything to do with you being the cause. If you experience or are involved in an event, you may just have been there at the right (or wrong) time and place by your own choices that you made.

To think that you are the "cause" of everything, and every detail that happens in actuality (the actual collective reality) would be rather arrogant.

Yet your assertion of numbers 12 and 13 seem to conflict with this.

You seem to be simultaneously in agreement that you can't possibly have control over everything (by your own admission that such an idea would be arrogant). Yet, your assertions of number 12 and 13, look like your claiming that you do have total control over your own personal reality.

So it just appears to me that you have some unresolved issues in your own philosophy.

I guess I just don't understand where you stand. That's all. You seem to be wanting to have it both ways.

I'm just confused, I guess.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/07/08 05:04 PM
1.) --I don't worry needlessly about things that might happen.
2.) --I don't look for someone or something to blame for my circumstances.
3.) --I don't regret things, I just try to learn from my mistakes.

These first three are inherent aspects of my personality. They are nothing I have ever had to work at or create any kind of personal philosophy or system of belief in order to institute them into my life. They are simply part of who I am.

Jill298's photo
Sun 12/07/08 05:59 PM

1.) --I don't worry needlessly about things that might happen.
2.) --I don't look for someone or something to blame for my circumstances.
3.) --I don't regret things, I just try to learn from my mistakes.

These first three are inherent aspects of my personality. They are nothing I have ever had to work at or create any kind of personal philosophy or system of belief in order to institute them into my life. They are simply part of who I am.

beautiful flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:07 PM
1.) --I don't worry needlessly about things that might happen.

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep. :wink:

2.) --I don't look for someone or something to blame for my circumstances.

Everything's Jeanniebean's fault.

(She likes to take responsiblity for reality bigsmile )

3.) --I don't regret things, I just try to learn from my mistakes.

I never make mistakes, so I never learn anything.

But I do regret not making mistakes.


Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:15 PM

1.) --I don't worry needlessly about things that might happen.

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep. :wink:

2.) --I don't look for someone or something to blame for my circumstances.

Everything's Jeanniebean's fault.

(She likes to take responsiblity for reality bigsmile )

3.) --I don't regret things, I just try to learn from my mistakes.

I never make mistakes, so I never learn anything.

But I do regret not making mistakes.



Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:19 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 12/07/08 06:19 PM
Abra said:

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep.

ha! I think my cats themselves are possessed by something. laugh :wink: They are destructive creatures.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:26 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/07/08 06:28 PM

12.) -- I realize that I can and do create my own personal reality.
13.) --I understand that to change my personal reality I need only change my mind, attitude, attention and thoughts that create it.

I'm with you all the way up until you get to 12 and 13.

I hold that 12 and 13 cannot be totally true outside of solipism. And the reason being that other people and forces can indeed force their will upon you. Whether you like it or not.

And it seems that you even agree with this when you said,....

Events will happen that have very little if anything to do with you being the cause. If you experience or are involved in an event, you may just have been there at the right (or wrong) time and place by your own choices that you made.

To think that you are the "cause" of everything, and every detail that happens in actuality (the actual collective reality) would be rather arrogant.

Yet your assertion of numbers 12 and 13 seem to conflict with this.

You seem to be simultaneously in agreement that you can't possibly have control over everything (by your own admission that such an idea would be arrogant). Yet, your assertions of number 12 and 13, look like your claiming that you do have total control over your own personal reality.

So it just appears to me that you have some unresolved issues in your own philosophy.

I guess I just don't understand where you stand. That's all. You seem to be wanting to have it both ways.

I'm just confused, I guess.

Yes I guess you are confused. laugh laugh :wink:

I can't "control" the world or other people.

There is no conflict. You are confusing realities.

I realize that I can't control the world or other people.

(This is one of the reasons I don't worry about the world or other people and how they choose to live and react in their complicated lives.)

These are things that are out of my control.

It is useless to worry about things that are out of your control.

However, I do take personal responsibility for my own personal reality, and my own personal experiences.

My personal reality is not the same as your personal reality or the world's reality. (I don't consider my personal reality to be the world's reality.)

My personal reality is how I live my life, and how I react and respond to the events of things in my life. I also take responsibility for things that happen to me, good or bad and I don't look for someone to blame, nor do I waste time blaming myself.

I simply deal with it and go on. If I make a mistake, the best thing to do is to admit it, deal with it, and carry on.


Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:29 PM

Abra said:

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep.

ha! I think my cats themselves are possessed by something. laugh :wink: They are destructive creatures.

No kidding. Mine is a complete freak and I'm sure she is frequently possessed.

Jill298's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:30 PM

Abra said:

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep.

ha! I think my cats themselves are possessed by something. laugh :wink: They are destructive creatures.

my cat is in heat... she keep violating my arm ohwell

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 12/07/08 06:41 PM
I hold that 12 and 13 cannot be totally true outside of solipism. And the reason being that other people and forces can indeed force their will upon you. Whether you like it or not.

**12 and 13 have to do with my PERSONAL reality, not this SHARED ENVIRONMENT that many people call reality.

Forcing your will upon others:

People can try to control other people and they do this all the time; but any effort to control others will always end badly in a very tangled web. It is the master - slave game.

To the extent that you attempt to control (or force your will upon someone) you will become a slave to that effort. A slave master has to always be vigilant in order to keep his slaves in line.

Krimsa's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:39 PM

Abra said:

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep.

ha! I think my cats themselves are possessed by something. laugh :wink: They are destructive creatures.

my cat is in heat... she keep violating my arm ohwell

Oh no. Why have you not had her spade? Are you going to breed her?

Jill298's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:41 PM

Abra said:

I worry that the boogieman will follow my cat into the house. So I put salt on my doorstep.

ha! I think my cats themselves are possessed by something. laugh :wink: They are destructive creatures.

my cat is in heat... she keep violating my arm ohwell

Oh no. Why have you not had her spade? Are you going to breed her?
well when I got her she was to little... then I kinda put it off and forgot about it til she started rolling around moaning and violating my foot.

Jill298's photo
Sun 12/07/08 06:42 PM
Edited by Jill298 on Sun 12/07/08 06:42 PM
frustrated I did it again frustrated frustrated I need to stop venturing off from the "others"frustrated http://mingle2.com/topic/show/186653

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