Topic: What is your take on Eve? | |
I am glad she chose the 'apple'.
Put mankind on the long road. Let us explore the mountain before reaching the top. I would much rather explore life than look back at its beauty without haveing experienced it in person. |
just goes to show.. a naked woman can make a man do anything..loll
all joking aside.. hard to say.. now if i lived in paradice and had no enemies.. then yeah .. i'd probably be pretty upset if i was kicked out for a bad choice in judgment by a person but since i didnt.. i make the best with the world i live in |
Are you sure it was a bad choice?
Look at what we would have missed. Of course we also would not have had all the wars and other growing pains. But then again perhaps we would not be here at all if they had chosen to stay in the garden and not grow. |
It just goes to show that inside every good girl there is a bad girl, a very bad, bad girl. |
Eve was the original BAD GIRL.
Man she must've been hot. ![]() |
What are you saying WAS?!?!? Eve is here with us, on this post, right now!!! 'FallingAngel82' the Good Eve! and, 'sum1fun' the 'very bad, bad Eve! |
Personally I was in love with Lillith, she got a bad rap. The only
reason God made Adam, was to be a playmate for me. You see it was a generous gift for babysittin all those dinasours that lived outside the garden. When he turned to face me, I yelled at God "what is this"? He said a playmate, like a piece to a puzzel, it fits." I said "You gotta be kidding me" see, maybe, back then, I had goddess tendancies and thought a playmate should be in MY immage. God was so angry and felt sorry for Adam because I shunned him, so to spite me Lillith was created for Adam. NOW that was a piece of work. Lillith and I got on real well, taught 'ol Adam the game of hide and seek, he didn't find us for years. When Adam finally complained to his creator, Lillith and I were both banished from the garden and I never saw Lillith again. But I was around to check out Eve. Oh, man, next thing I knew the dinasours were disappearing, the garden was filled with babies and then there were shoe stores and dress makers and malls - yea -like I said, I loved Lillith. Anyone happen to have her email address? |
She is the root of all evil....
just kidding folks just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO in all honesty I dont know what to think. Yes she idsobeyed god and got us banned. But there havebeen good things due to it as well. So who can say? |
I reckon the snake would be the root.
She was just a neieve girl with no knowledge of right or wrong. Perhaps god should have let them eat of the fruit. then they would have had the knowledge to tell the snake to get lost. If my child makes a mistake because I failed to explain to them the truth of life then is that mistake not also mine. |
you know it bigglen!!!
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I think Eve was the first scapegoat. I would think that Eve and Mikey
from the old Life cereal commercial might be related. I ain't trying it. Well, I ain't trying it, either. Let's give it to Mikey. ![]() |
The apple represents knowledge. Eve took the first bite and knowledge
opened her eyes. She, like most women, then shared it with Adam, the one she loved. After he ate it, he thought of himself as better then God. So God had to punish Adam. Adam said was Eves fault, because she gave him the apple to eat. God in his infinite wisdom, knew Eve was filled with love and needed to share that love and Adam would need help to survive when he closed down the garden. So God made it for Eve to bear and bond with the children and teach them, later as they grew helped Adam. |
Good point. The first time I read the passages I thought that God had
gotten jealous of Eve because before it was God and Adam talking in the Garden. But in Genesis chapter 3 verse 4 that Satan actually gave Eve half-truths. Eve was vulnerable. You can read where God was very angry at Satan because through other passages in the Bible when the Son of the Morning was cast down to hell that Satan tripped Eve just like he tripped himself with vanity. The Son of the Morning was vain. He used Eve's vanity against her. Her eyes were opened and so was Adam's. With knowledge comes responsibility. Adam and Eve didn't have to be responsible before that. He that knoweth to do good but doeth it not to him it is a sin. The temptation to be God can be tempting. But who could do it? Who would really want it? The lonliness alone would be tragic. The Son of the Morning took angels with him and a war broke out in Heaven. That was not bad enough to screw up heaven he wanted to screw up Earth, too. Eve recreated heaven when she loved Adam. |
I reckon Eve is the proud owner of the largest cesarian scar in the
world After all, one woman to produce this many people ... The woman has be given respect for all those labour pains!!! Cant imagine that Adam was too happy after the 100th child though. Unless he was hung like a siberian yak, it would have been like shaking a stick in a cave!!! ![]() |
Hmmm, thinking one's gender is superior to another's. Interesting
concept. Thinking that because only the female of species get pregnant that the male is not equally responsible, most fascinating. Here, honey have an apple; It make you a God. You sure? Yeah, I am sure. Go ahead. Ok, if you say so. Now isn't it easier to see with your eyes open? |
Eve was framed...
And when given apples...make apple sauce.. What a crap story, to have women immediately held responsible and guilt ridden, for over 2000 years,...a violently, horrible story, with nothing more than manipulation, to have women reduced in societies that followed.. A bit of a paradox....what happened to turning the other cheek? Don't think the authors really read each others work, and kept continuity with their stories.. |
My people believe that it was Adam's disbelief in Gods forgiveness that
made him accept the apple and give a unilateral decision on the part of humanity. Kinda moot now, what's done is done. The root of evil is choice, yours and mine, here and now. |
Well, if you read it properly. Lilith was created first, from the same
clay as Adam. She refused to be subservient to Adam, so was cast out first. Then Eve was created FROM Adam. Which is disturbingly incestuous in its own right. Before moving on and realizing that Eve's kids had to boink each other to make the rest of the species. Can we kick up the theme music in Deliverance, please? In my religion, the Knowlege of Good and Evil wasn't a curse. It was a responsibility. As the crowning jewel of this world- humanity was made its master. To do with as we saw fit. With the understanding that it wasn't going to be replaced for us. And, if you look at certain ancient translations of the Bible- it wasn't a "curse", either. It was a choice. If we chose to stay forever as children- forever obedient and subservient- we could live happily forever. But if we chose to step out on our own- to live with free will and beholden to ourselves to protect us- then we would pay for it. And dearly. Adam and Eve made that choice for our species. |
Well if you believe the bible God is a male and there is no Mrs. God to
keep him in line. (ha ha) God created Adam in his own image, that’s why Adam is also a man. As an afterthought god created Eve. Although, if Eve was an afterthought that makes me wonder how god was expecting Adam to be fruitful and multiply originally. Seems to me that God knew all along that he was going to create Eve and just lied to Adam about that. God would be allowed to lie wouldn’t he? I mean, after all, he’s running the show he can do anything he wants right? Let’s see, what happened next? Oh yeah, Eve got tempted by this long slender thing, and the next thing you know sex was an evil act. I’m not sure how it all worked out, but fig leaves became important until Levi Strauss was born. That’s about all I really know. Oh yeah, women are still tempted by long slender things, either live ones or battery operated facsimiles. Things haven’t changed much over the eons. Except now Eveready’s keep going and going and going. |