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Topic: ask a question , answer a question
LAMom's photo
Wed 05/02/07 11:26 PM
Ever seen a triple rainbow or a complete circle rainbow?
A complete circle when i was a kid,,, Sitting on top
of a mountain in Utah,, Amazing

same question?
Ever seen a triple rainbow or a complete circle rainbow?

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/02/07 11:31 PM
Ha, double answer – one of my fav childhood memories was sitting on the
roof top and watching storms roll through. It was then, one time I say a
triple rainbow.

Would like to see a circular one though.

Ever sky dived?

nurjoyce's photo
Wed 05/02/07 11:34 PM
no- too chicken

believe in miricles?

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 11:35 PM

Ever attempted suicide?

CampLight's photo
Wed 05/02/07 11:37 PM
Wasn’t any good at it so I took up discussion threads

Like to hike in the rain?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 01:41 AM
I do, especially in the mountains.

What's your favorite way to spend a Sunday?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 01:46 AM
What's your favorite way to spend a Sunday?
Church and after My Children and I have a big dinner,,, Usually Pot
Roast,,, Durning the summer we Barbq

What's your favorite way to spend a Sunday?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 01:51 AM
Anything except working! Prefer to be at home relaxing.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 01:51 AM
Where is your favorite vacation spot?
Anywhere thier is durt riding quads with the family

When is your favorite time of the day?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 01:57 AM
Mornings if I'm not working. Evenings if I am.

Are you drinking tea? I am.

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:01 AM
Are you drinking tea? I am.
Green Tea

What is you favorite Tea,?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:07 AM
Orange Pekoe. I've been drinking a lot of Earl Grey lately.drinker

What's your favorite type of music?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:08 AM
What's your favorite type of music?
Love Jazz, Country and some R & B

What's your favorite type of music? Same Question

gunblademaster's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:11 AM
What's your favorite type of music?

gunblademaster's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:11 AM
how old where you the first time.

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:15 AM
I like it all except opera. Mind you I've never been to one.

What's life like in LA?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:17 AM
What's life like in LA?
Its Beautiful,, weather is always nice,,, come on down we can go have

Whats it like in Alberta?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:45 AM
Summers are fantastic! Winters are long and cold, great if your a polar
bear or a snowman.

Under 2000 miles to LA. Not tommorrow. laugh

Is there much difference in seasons year round?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:47 AM
Is there much difference in seasons year round?
Not really,, Seems to always be nice even durning the winter
alittle colder,, can still go outside with no jacket,,, Hmmmmmmmmm Not
Tommorrow laugh

Do you have any Pets?

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:54 AM
yes a cat named a giz

what the hell day is it?

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