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Topic: ask a question , answer a question
LAMom's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:07 AM
Think I could get Ned into hamster modeling?
Hell you never Know laugh he is cute bigsmile

Favorite Ice Cream?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:08 AM
Why yes I do think you can get Ned into hamster modeling, I think he
would be the absolute top in his field!!

would you prefer a grand adventure or a simple existance?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:09 AM
would you prefer a grand adventure or a simple existance?

Simple existance with my special one.

Will I ever stop crying?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:11 AM
would you prefer a grand adventure or a simple existance?
Simple Existance with the one who loves me for me

Do you find it hard to forgive someone who has hurt you so much?

eileena9's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:11 AM
Yes you will

Will I ever stop crying?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:11 AM
I don't know, though I would hope you will, unless its tears of joy

Now can I take a nap??

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:11 AM
Will I ever stop crying?

I wish I knew, I ask myself that everyday.
Favorite ice cream?

Rockey Road

Does on ever run out of tears?

eileena9's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:12 AM
Hard to forgive (scorpio trait)

How long does the hurt last for other who can forgive?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:12 AM
Now can I take a nap??
Grap my Eeyore Pillow and Blanket and snuggle them and think of
something special,, Okay now close your eyes and sleep my sweet one.

Is the sun shinning where you live?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:14 AM
How long does the hurt last for other who can forgive?
A lifetime

Do you believe in Fate?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:15 AM
Its always shinging here whenu are on line Denise!!!! Am I a
figment of my own imagination?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:16 AM
Am I a figment of my own imagination?
No your not

Do you like Mexican Food?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:16 AM
If you are then what are you doing in mine?

no photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:19 AM
Sun shining, yes, forgive..not so easy....imagination..ahh could very
well be, I am reading your mind Fine lol, fate..yes though its fickle,
and now I nap TTFN all

Ocean or lake?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/17/07 10:20 AM
Ocean or lake?

Will Ms Poet have a good Nap?

Nite Nite Ms Poet

FallinAngel82's photo
Wed 07/04/07 06:28 PM
i dont know..

did ms poete have a good nap?

LAMom's photo
Wed 07/04/07 06:31 PM
did ms poet have a good nap?
I am sure she did,,

How is your 4th of July going?

FallinAngel82's photo
Wed 07/04/07 06:35 PM
would be going great if the lunatic was here instead of helping a friend put a fence up.. and if the truck worked we could go watch fire works.. but other than that its going okay

how is urs going

YeaBigsexy's photo
Wed 07/04/07 08:56 PM
Ok,First nope,ive never wanted to be somebody else.I sometimes wish i was better at things other people were.But then agian,it just takes practic.

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Thu 07/05/07 03:52 AM
ummmmmm what was the question?

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