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Topic: ask a question , answer a question
kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:56 AM
Not at the moment. I'd like to but not sure where I'll be living in the
near future.
I keep getting bumped off the site. Maintenence probably.

What is one place you'd like to visit?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:56 AM
what the hell day is it?
Its Thursday,,, At least I think it is

What is your favorite all time movie?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 02:57 AM
What is one place you'd like to visit?

Where are you moving?

Site is doing Mainentance,,,

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:02 AM
Too many good movies to pick just one.

I don't know yet. Maybe nowhere. I'm just wanting to escape the winters
here. Can't stand them anymore. I'm not a snowman!laugh

Do you read the papers or watch the news regularly?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:04 AM
Do you read the papers or watch the news regularly?
I Don't watch TV that ofter,,, Read the news on line,, Go figurelaugh

What Country would you like to visit?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:12 AM
Quite a few. I've been thinking about Australia and New Zealand for this
winter. Trying for Europe in the fall also. We'll see what happens.
Still trying to find that elusive money tree.

Have you ever done home renovations?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:16 AM
Have you ever done home renovations?
Yes, Added on a whole new room and bathroom to
my house when I was Married,,, Had alot of fun
doing it,, Left it behind When I divorced,,

Have you ever re-done furniture?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:19 AM
Some when I was younger. Made a mess out of a nice coffee table by
sanding through the veneer when I was 12. Dad wasn't all that

Do you like old cars?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:21 AM
Do you like old cars?
My first car was my Dad's Passed on too me
when I was 16, was a 1964 Powder Blue Mustang
Beautiful Car,,

Do you like old cars?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:30 AM
Yes, since I was a little kid. I have a few at the moment. Mostly early
Fords from '24 to '48 and old Land Rovers.

Do you have a favorite actor? If so, who?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:33 AM
Do you have a favorite actor? If so, who?
John Wayne,,, Meryl Streep,

Do like to go to the Movies or watch movies at home?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:37 AM
Both! I haven't been to a theatre in years though. Nobody to go with.

Are you a sports fan?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:38 AM
Are you a sports fan?
Like to go to Baseball games,,.

Do you play any sports?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:42 AM
Nah, unless you count pool.:tongue:

What type of car do you drive?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:44 AM
What type of car do you drive?
Mitsubishi Diamonte &
Honda Civic

What type of car do you drive?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:50 AM
A '92 T Bird for a winter beater and I'm putting my VW Golf(turbo
diesel) back on the road soon. Also a '79 Ford F350 for a work vehicle.

Have you ever been to Disneyland?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:51 AM
Have you ever been to Disneyland?
Happiest place in the world,,, Yes I have won two free tickets the other
day,,, waiting for summer to go again

What States have you lived in?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:58 AM
They're actually provinces here in Canada. Same idea as states.
Ontario and Alberta.

Are you scared of flying?

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:59 AM
Are you scared of flying?
No love to fly

Do you have any fears?

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 05/03/07 04:03 AM
Needles!!! Absolutely hate them! Not a big fan of heights either.

Have you ever been to Mexico?

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