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Topic: Question about Titanic
challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:04 PM
I just watched a documentary on the question is
If experts were able to bring up collectables from her, why haven't they raised the ship?

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:07 PM
First of all, it's so mired in mud and silt, it would be a practically impossible task, given the depth she's at.

Secondly, it's regarded as a sacred site, the graveyard of hundreds.

stevil342001's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:08 PM
the ship wights tons would take alot to bring it up...but that was a very good questionflowerforyou

RKISIT's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:08 PM

I just watched a documentary on the question is
If experts were able to bring up collectables from her, why haven't they raised the ship?
too much money and why where are they going to put it

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:10 PM
Edited by Riffman8 on Sun 11/30/08 03:11 PM
If I remember it's in cold water 2nd if you try to bring it up it will crumble from the rust. Then you have totally lost the ship forever just like egyptian tombs.

challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:12 PM
that's true and another thing is how come the military didn't find her first?
They found two bottom pieces of her hull farther away from where she landed and are thinking that the crew thought they had more time than they actually did to save the passengers

krupa's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:14 PM
inaccessability and the sheer crushing depth makes it financially unfeasable....who the hell is gonna go down below 3000 feet...get out of a sub and attatch salvage lines to one of the largest chunks of metal on the planet...we aren't talking about a line or two...closer to 2,500 cables would be needed to keep the thing intact.

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:15 PM
It's in two separate sections, about a half mile apart, so it would take more than on excursion to do it, if it could even be done at all. Far too expensive, and it shouldn't be desecrated anyway. Sure, I'd love to be able to actually have the opportunity to see it in person, to touch it, to realize its magnificence, but personally, I'm satisfied in just knowing that she was found. That's good enough for me.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:15 PM

I just watched a documentary on the question is
If experts were able to bring up collectables from her, why haven't they raised the ship?
:smile: Too much trouble:smile:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:15 PM

that's true and another thing is how come the military didn't find her first?
They found two bottom pieces of her hull farther away from where she landed and are thinking that the crew thought they had more time than they actually did to save the passengers

Technically, the Navy did, indeed find her first.

The man that found the Titanic was actually on a mission, top secret of course, for the United States Navy. He was sent out to look for a couple of submarines that the Navy lost, and he brokered a deal with them that if he had any time left, he could use the rest of his funding and mission time to go look for Titanic.

challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:16 PM
They could still bring up the anchor and the propeller which are made of copper.They thought that not only did she scrape the side,but she might of grounded on the iceberg as well

challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:16 PM
They could still bring up the anchor and the propeller which are made of copper.They thought that not only did she scrape the side,but she might of grounded on the iceberg as well

Dan99's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:17 PM
There was no iceburg, it was a government conspiracy!

Well everything else is a conspiracy it seems!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:18 PM
The propellers are pretty much buried under the stern of the ship.

challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:24 PM
the experts were thinking that she didn't sink from the hole in her side but may have punctured her bottom as well due to the fourth boiler flooding from underneath

challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:24 PM
the experts were thinking that she didn't sink from the hole in her side but may have punctured her bottom as well due to the fourth boiler flooding from underneath

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:27 PM
The "experts" can think whateverthehell they want. The end result is still the same. She still sank, and she's still been at the bottom of the sea for the past 96 years.

irad8you's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:32 PM
They did bring up a big scrap of it i remember seeing that on tv.

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:36 PM
What about "The Heart of the Ocean"..did they ever recover that? Stupid Rose!!laugh

challengingmind's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:37 PM
it would have been interesting to be able to see inside her of course without moving her or causing more damage

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