Topic: christmas is a blasphemous pagan holiday. | |
Pagan or Christian, who really cares? its a day off work and an excuse to get drunk. If people want to make out that it is any more than that it is up to them, but there is little religious meaning to it to the best part of people who celebrate it. I don't know anybody that gets drunk on Christmas. |
Some people do. I dont drink anymore myself. You always have to be careful about that at Christmas parties and gatherings because people spike eggnog and dont tell anyone.
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Maybe its a British tradition to get completely sh1t faced on christmas day!
I may well start drinking at 8am that day, and there aint nothing nobody can say to tell me its wrong. |
So Dan will be sh!tfaced by 10 am or so on Christmas morning.
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Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 06:51 PM
Pagan or Christian, who really cares? its a day off work and an excuse to get drunk. If people want to make out that it is any more than that it is up to them, but there is little religious meaning to it to the best part of people who celebrate it. I don't know anybody that gets drunk on Christmas.Maybe not as a "primary goal", but I have had too much to drink on a number of christmases. ![]() Although admitedly I've never been "unpleasantly" drunk (sick, passed out, depressed, belligerent or stumbling) and I don't start drinking until at least late afternoon. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 06:52 PM
I tell ya it never really feels like Christmas to me unless Im calling the bail bondsman from a holding cell at the local PD. Let freedom ring.
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I tell ya it never really feels like Christmas to me unless Im calling the bail bondsman from a holding cell at the local PD. Let freedom ring. ![]() ![]() |
So Dan will be sh!tfaced by 10 am or so on Christmas morning. ![]() Well, not quite sh1tfaced but on my way maybe! In my book(which is more reliable than the bible! lol) it is very difficult to have 'too much' on Christmas day. |
I tell ya it never really feels like Christmas to me unless Im calling the bail bondsman from a holding cell at the local PD. Let freedom ring. ![]() Well you shouldnt be going outside and getting caught doing whatever you are doing! |
Yeah thats a frighteningly similar admonishment that my then attorney gave me.
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I tell ya it never really feels like Christmas to me unless Im calling the bail bondsman from a holding cell at the local PD. Let freedom ring. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/10/08 10:29 PM
I pray for those who are skeptics that you would research x-mas before you put up a tree to celebrate and lead your families astray. ![]() Christians Worship Jesus. Not a Tree. Also Yamin... you yourself stated that you are NOT a Chrsitian. If You were, you would understand the heart of a Chrsitian.. and know we celebrate Jesus , not a tree . So Yamin... since you yourself stated that you are not a Christian, Don't speak against us and judge us, on our celebrating our Saviour's birth. It's Called RESPECT. Thank You. You are welcome to share your Isrealite beliefs, however. And we Christians WON'T Judge you on your beliefs. Thank You Yamin. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I pray for those who are skeptics that you would research x-mas before you put up a tree to celebrate and lead your families astray. ![]() Christians Worship Jesus. Not a Tree. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yamin you are NOT a Christian? Why all this worry then?
Yamin you are NOT a Christian? Why all this worry then? Krimsa the Almighty Father has called a remnant of people to reveal and to understand His Truths and it is our responsibility to tell it whether you recieve it or not it is up to you.The church is not exposing the truths, their hiding it.Whoever does not care to research the Fathers truth themselves loves to live in darkness rather than the light . I just shake off the dust and keep it moving. |
it is our responsibility to tell it whether you recieve it or not it is up to you
And it would also be up to me how i chose to make you shut up and stop forcing your unwanted opinions on me. Im all for people having their own beliefs and opinions, i just dont tolerate people telling me that they are right and i am wrong. |
Yamin you are NOT a Christian? Why all this worry then? Krimsa the Almighty Father has called a remnant of people to reveal and to understand His Truths and it is our responsibility to tell it whether you recieve it or not it is up to you.The church is not exposing the truths, their hiding it.Whoever does not care to research the Fathers truth themselves loves to live in darkness rather than the light . I just shake off the dust and keep it moving. Yamin, I might be misunderstanding your position here but its common knowledge to most people today that the origin of both Christmas (Winter Solstice) and Easter (Ēostre) are both Pagan. In fact, many Christians who have studied this are very aware of the actual root designations of these holidays. Thats just the reality. However the Christians adopted them and created their own meanings that they added on. Thats why Easter has all of the trappings of the much older Pagan rituals, colored eggs and bunnies. The ancient Egyptians even painted eggs. That how far back it reaches. However that does not mean you can not celebrate them unless you simply choose not to for whatever reason. |
Yamin you are NOT a Christian? Why all this worry then? Krimsa the Almighty Father has called a remnant of people to reveal and to understand His Truths and it is our responsibility to tell it whether you recieve it or not it is up to you.The church is not exposing the truths, their hiding it.Whoever does not care to research the Fathers truth themselves loves to live in darkness rather than the light . I just shake off the dust and keep it moving. Yamin, I might be misunderstanding your position here but its common knowledge to most people today that the origin of both Christmas (Winter Solstice) and Easter (Ēostre) are both Pagan. In fact, many Christians who have studied this are very aware of the actual root designations of these holidays. Thats just the reality. However the Christians adopted them and created their own meanings that they added on. Thats why Easter has all of the trappings of the much older Pagan rituals, colored eggs and bunnies. The ancient Egyptians even painted eggs. That how far back it reaches. However that does not mean you can not celebrate them unless you simply choose not to for whatever reason. Krimsa in John 9:41 Messiah Yahshua says "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains". How many preachers today are telling you to repent and prepare for the wrath to come? ![]() |
Im not a Christian. I avoid that entire scene.
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