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Topic: 70 % devorce rate
buffry's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:33 AM
Not to mention that why get married at all, if you don't believe in monogamy? What is the point?

Jill298's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:35 AM

Not to mention that why get married at all, if you don't believe in monogamy? What is the point?
agreed. When you get married you commit yourself to that person and only that person.

Jill298's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:35 AM
Edited by Jill298 on Sat 11/15/08 10:35 AM

Not to mention that why get married at all, if you don't believe in monogamy? What is the point?
double post grumble

AllenAqua's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:38 AM
Edited by AllenAqua on Sat 11/15/08 10:46 AM

Funny how the plural relationships are always for the man... you never hear of a woman with 6 husbands.

True but doesn't that say as much about women as it says about men ? Why do they consent to it ?
Don't get me wrong, I believe in one woman/one man but I see it all as the inevitable result of a world that's grown so massive and has unfortunetly outpaced our willingness to focus on anything that's not easy or doesn't cater to the supposed need to "do my own thing"


TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:42 AM

offtopic Please stay on topic if it is a subject you do not care to participate in then move on. Topics are posted in order to get feed back not for others to attack them for their beliefs.

So if you are curious or interested about the Topic in hand please respond and state your opinion with out attacking others for what they believe in.

Thank You
Site Mod

I will say this one more time and also add that grammar is not the Topic here!! So with that said please stick to the Topic.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:42 AM
Hmmm I guess keeping a second wife somewhere would be easier than getting a run home. I kind of doubt the wife really agrees with that concept as a "blessing" but maybe she has her own "blessing" tucked away somewhere and he just doesn't know it. Sounds like a load of manure to me. Gives a whole new meaning to statistical lying but you would think he could come up with a better arguement than that. Looks more like a free advertisement for a pimp daddy than a profile. Kind of makes you wonder if the wife even knows what he is doing with her picture. If it is bogus I hope she gets a fat alimoney check out of this guy.

eileena9's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:46 AM

Did anybody stop and think that monogamy is a dieing instatutesion , the waste of life time resourses, plural relationships is the wave of the future ,also with the tougf economic times lets face it it takes alot of money just to survive three pay checks is better than one , people have got to let go of there outdated concepts of idealizam that dosent work,
True it takes a good non selfish personailty to be plural mate ,in fact in many people the lack of this personailty is the cause of there devorce
best in life to you all:wink: :angel: waving

Did anybody stop and think that monogamy is a dying institution , the waste of life time resources, plural relationships is the wave of the future ,also with the tough economic times lets face it it takes a lot of money just to survive three pay checks is better than one , people have got to let go of there outdated concepts of idealism that doesn't work,
True it takes a good non selfish personality to be plural mate ,in fact in many people the lack of this personality is the cause of there divorce
best in life to you all:wink: :angel: waving

Sorry I'm not a teacher but there were too many errors for me to understand.......

Whenever there is a third brought in to a relationship, someone is going to feel cheated and the whole relationship goes sour. Good luck to you in your search but you may have better luck on a different site.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:47 AM
Edited by heartSoul on Sat 11/15/08 10:48 AM
"plural relationships is the wave of the future" noway

I don't agree with that
I don't mind sharing, but this is ridiculoustongue2

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:49 AM
I heard Mormon men prefer two wives.

One skinny one for the summer to show off and one heavyset one to keep them warm in the winterlaugh

I say whatever works best for you!:smile:

awolf1010's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:50 AM
swingers are alot more common than one would think!!!

NO im not into that....but they are out there.
when I found out my ex was cheatin'
I dug deeper and found out she was involved in groups like this...
her boyfriend called me and told me, I was just being a jealous husband.

guess im not really good at sharing either, thats why she's the EX!!!!

Jill298's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:51 AM
Edited by Jill298 on Sat 11/15/08 10:52 AM
I think to each their own. If you and you wife have chosen together to add someone else to your relationship, then that is your choice. As long as you BOTH decided this together. However, I don't agree with you implying that monogamy kills a marriage and is a dying institution. Many people strongly believe in just one partner.

PushingPixels's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:00 AM
Edited by PushingPixels on Sat 11/15/08 11:02 AM

If that is so would it not make more sense to go to a site that promotes what your looking for?

Umm...i was just quoting from the original poster's profile...
they're a couple looking for a 3rd vertex in a love triangle...

i mean..i dunno..to each their own..i'm not gonna pass judgement, but i can think it's funny...

i think these days,
people not maturing as fast mentally + alternate means of communication = more infidelity in relationships..

i mean..back in the day when marriage was considered an "institution" i suppose, you probably couldn't sneak off with a laptop and correspond with someone somewhere remote, in real time, and think you build a "connection"...how many relationships do you think the internet has ruined?

also...i think these days, a lot of people get married too young..
i have friends who are 28 and divorced...

if you consider "adult" life to start in your 20s right...like graduate school, get a job and start living as an adult...and you're probably gonna live to be about what..75?..80?..it's pretty crazy to think that you can find someone you want to spend the rest of your 50 years (if you live that long) in the first 5 or 10..

i was in a 5 year relationship from when i was 21 to 26...marriage crossed my mind. it would have ended in divorce. i definitely am semi-self aware of how different i think about things now, from what i thought about things then...

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:09 AM
I do remember a discussion in biology class that said the preference for male infants in some societies does tend to create and imbalance of the ratio and would create a need for women to have more than one husband.

No offense guys I don't see how any woman can keep up with more than one of you. Being pregnant by two husbands OMG. lol least at the same time I think is impossible. I just can't see doing that much laundry or or tolerateing that much whineing or "Honey where is my ----." I would loose my mind for sure.

I know I hear a lot of single men saying they are cheated on but were they also getting good sex at home? That always has puzzeled me. I always figured someone was getting "I have a headache." Always wondered where and when a wife was cheating. And who was watching the kids while she was doing it?

I think if the welfare system and child support would put an end to women "living as married" then poligamy would come to a screatching halt.
I always wonder how they get the second wife on the insurance? I think a lot of them are on public assistance. Probability is the women get no medical care at all.

Maybe this situation is to subsidize the truck payment? Lot of lines are laying off drivers. They have busted a few women here in California for turning their houses in to "Cat houses". One thing about a failing economy people always have another excuse for their getting over.

Jill298's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:11 AM
Also, be aware of your actions. There could be unwanted pregnancies, STDS, jealousy. All kinds of bad things could result from this.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:15 AM
yeah to each their own but I don't like the fact that he's trying to convince everyone what a great guy he is by doing it. That just because the divorce rate is high (and not that high) that the only viable option is paligamy.

I'm all about if your not hurting anyone then, whatever gets ya through.

Winx's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:20 AM

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:31 AM
WOW,,,YOUR SO RIGHT MAN...WE should all get naked and live together having FREE sex and not use any protections,,,YES,,,wow,,what a great life to watch each of us living this way and the kids all running about naked to,,,,

Excuse me for a minute and let me just say that.

I LIVE to NEVER see life and living FALL to this DEMEANING WAY.

Old VALUES still hold a great part of this culture we live here
And I TRULY believe that ONE WOMAN is all I'll EVER WANT or NEED.:angry: But live your pitchfork life for pitchfork U.

Winx's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:30 PM

WOW,,,YOUR SO RIGHT MAN...WE should all get naked and live together having FREE sex and not use any protections,,,YES,,,wow,,what a great life to watch each of us living this way and the kids all running about naked to,,,,

Excuse me for a minute and let me just say that.

I LIVE to NEVER see life and living FALL to this DEMEANING WAY.

Old VALUES still hold a great part of this culture we live here
And I TRULY believe that ONE WOMAN is all I'll EVER WANT or NEED.:angry: But live your pitchfork life for pitchfork U.


cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:34 PM

Did anybody stop and think that monogamy is a dieing instatutesion , the waste of life time resourses, plural relationships is the wave of the future ,also with the tougf economic times lets face it it takes alot of money just to survive three pay checks is better than one , people have got to let go of there outdated concepts of idealizam that dosent work,
True it takes a good non selfish personailty to be plural mate ,in fact in many people the lack of this personailty is the cause of there devorce
best in life to you all:wink: :angel: waving

maybe one should think about bettering themselves, to get a more secure, stable, higher-paying job with which to support their family?

frankly, i'd rather go down with my ship than sleep with two men at the same time for money.

is that wrong?:angel:

Winx's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:56 PM

Did anybody stop and think that monogamy is a dieing instatutesion , the waste of life time resourses, plural relationships is the wave of the future ,also with the tougf economic times lets face it it takes alot of money just to survive three pay checks is better than one , people have got to let go of there outdated concepts of idealizam that dosent work,
True it takes a good non selfish personailty to be plural mate ,in fact in many people the lack of this personailty is the cause of there devorce
best in life to you all:wink: :angel: waving


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