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Topic: Biggest Mistakes Women Make While have Sex with Men
TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 01:39 AM
Just Something to think about.

"Biggest Mistakes Women Make While Having Sex With Men"

1 Behaving like he's a mind reader - or dropping "clues" about what you

This is a very feminine game, but it won't get you what you want. Men
just don't think that way, and it's disrespectful to later blame them
for something they could never figure out from such indirect
communication. Drop the games, and be direct. Good communication is
everything in a relationship. For example, if you want oral sex, ask him
to go down on you. If you're embarrassed about it, use language which
makes your meaning clear: "I'd like you to kiss my bits" will do -
anything that gets your meaning across. And, though you may find it
difficult, if he's working on bringing you to orgasm, he'll need
feedback to make sure he carries on enthusiastically. Losing your self
in your bliss and not saying anything will make him wonder if you're
asleep, dead or uninterested, at which point he'll most likely stop.

2 Resenting him when you don't get what you want

What, didn't you read number 1 above? If you want, say, more foreplay,
then you need to say so. If he charges straight into your erogenous
zones after a few minutes' kissing, then you need to educate him about
what you want. Men are much more quickly aroused than women on the
whole, and they simply need slowing down. One great way to do this is to
make sure you get an orgasm before you have intercourse (see below). And
you can always distract him with a spot of fellatio, or by licking him
all over. As a woman you're likely to be more creative than he is, so
maybe you can apply your creative skills to sex, and improve it for both
of you!

3 Not realizing that "Women come first"!

Well, maybe not in everything, but it's not a bad rule to follow during
sex. Men lose interest very rapidly after they've ejaculated: like it or
not, that's how they are biologically built (in fact they are programmed
to sleep after sex) and unless they're especially sensitive, once
they've come, they won't be much interested in your satisfaction. The
best way to deal with this is to have extended foreplay which includes
him giving you oral sex or pleasuring you with his fingers until you
come.....then it's his turn. This way he'll be very turned on, and enjoy
a big orgasm when he does come inside you - or in any other way. (And in
case you don't know, men really do like the sight, smell and taste of
your vulva!)

4 Being much more critical of your body than he is

It's hard for women to believe, but it is true. In general, men are much
less critical of your nobody than you are. When you start hiding it
during sex, or refusing to enjoy certain sexual positions because you
fear what he might think of your body, he's likely to get very
disenchanted, very quickly. If you need reassurance that your body is
OK, remember rule number 1: ask him for it. Say, for example, "I'm
feeling a bit insecure about my tits/bottom/belly/whatever. Do you find
them attractive?" or, "Do you like my body?"

5 Not being assertive during sex

It's an old, old stereotype: men lead, women follow. Well, that
certainly shouldn't be true all the time in sex. Even if you like him to
be masculine and dominant during sex, or even if you like to feel as if
you're being "taken" sometimes, it's just as nice for him to see your
assertive side. Take the lead from time to time: give him a treat -
woman on top or rear entry will push all his sexual buttons and make him
wonder if his birthday has come early.

6 Being critical of his performance

Nothing, but nothing, will turn a man off faster (especially if he
thinks he's doing well) than being critical. If he comes too soon for
you, if he doesn't give you enough pleasure, if he's too rough or he
touches you too hard or soft, or whatever, the answer does NOT lie in
criticism! Instead, find a way of gently expressing your feelings and
tell him what would like instead. For example, "When you don't look at
me when you enter me I miss the feeling of intimacy with you" or "I like
it when you do that, but I'd like it even more if you slowed down,
touched to the side of my clitoris, thrust harder/softer...." and so on.

7 Treating his penis as if it were your clitoris

Which means - handle it more firmly. He'll soon tell you if you do it
wrong. In general, men masturbate with much more pressure than is
acceptable for a woman: her clitoris is simply too sensitive. You need
to do it differently for him, especially as he approaches orgasm, when
he really will like a firm touch. (Having said that, he'll still enjoy
feather light touches from your well-lubed hand in the early stages of
your sex play - try saliva as a quick and easy lube.)

8 Refusing oral sex

Well, this may be contentious, but I'll say it anyway. Most women don't
really understand how important oral sex is to men. Sure, you know men
like it (how could you not!), but you may not understand how important
it is. And this isn't some crude male desire to dominate you. Men love
oral sex because the intimacy and trust of the act is signals your love.
Taking his penis into your mouth is not just a sign of accepting his
penis, but also signals to him your total acceptance of him as a man: in
his mind this may be an act of the greatest possible intimacy. By the
way - you don't have to let him ejaculate in your mouth, let alone
swallow his semen.

no photo
Mon 04/09/07 03:31 AM
It's great when you have a partner that you have that mind reading thing
with. The love making can literally last for days straight (which is
wonderful), but as you are saying there are so many guys who need
guidance. If done right I believe he will let down his manly guard and
become one with you, as you guide him to bliss for the both of you.

very good posting again Txs

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:28 AM
Humm well actually I just read the whole thing myself and if I say so
myself. This is so very true and so many times we over look the little
things that will give our partners pleasure in more ways then one. For
when it comes to Making Love the more in-tune you are with your partner
the greater the pleasure is.
You must learn to have an open mind and let your guard down when it
comes to Making Love and let the moment take over. Forget the phone, TV
and the whole outside world for that time. The pleasure and the feelings
will increase to the point of ecstasy.bigsmile

Ohhhh man I need a life lmao laugh laugh laugh laugh

ScottyBravo's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:57 AM
Very true post, good job Txsgal

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:03 AM
Thanks Scotty but the credit goes to the one that wrote it. Regardless
if it was wrote by a man or a woman. If you really think about it it
narrows it down pretty good.bigsmile

shenadra's photo
Mon 04/09/07 09:09 AM
That was a good post...(((((((txs)))))))
How are you???flowerforyou drinker

LAMom's photo
Mon 04/09/07 11:11 AM
((((((((((Ms Txs))))))))))))))))))
Another good post here,,, flowerforyou

Morena350's photo
Mon 04/09/07 12:39 PM
hey, girly, your doing your homework!!


LAMom's photo
Mon 04/09/07 03:54 PM
Ms Txs, has taught an Incredible Class today,,, She has done her
homework well,, happy

OnALark's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:04 PM
Yes, quite a good lesson; I'll have to try that on my hot Italian this

Duffy's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:19 PM
i think farting during sex is what gets u in trouble.

Duffy's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:36 PM
also you get ugly faces with belching when u r in the middle of it.

klugman's photo
Mon 04/09/07 04:57 PM
refusing oral sex....never had that happen

Duffy's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:01 PM
well i never refused o...s.....i was too busy doing other stuff.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:26 PM
Well I hope all enjoyed the post today eveyone seem to even tho a few
were rather long they were good and sure I will find more for ya. Hummm
see got to keep the minds wondering lol

Klugman , maybe you have not ran into that problem yet and may never but
ya would be surprised that some do not enjoy oral sex giving or

klugman's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:27 PM
it dosnt surprise me.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:34 PM
Funny now for the ones I have talked to and found that out it suprised
me actually. Hummm But hey to each there ownbigsmile

seahawks's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:35 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:38 PM
Thanks Seehawk glad eveyone enjoyed something a little differnt lool
there will be more to come lolbigsmile

seahawks's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:42 PM

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