Topic: What Exactly Is The Holy Spirit
splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 08:39 AM

the holy spirit is no more than a mindless power source that once tapped into can alter reality

in science terms it's the substance of quantum Mechanics

without God being able to tapped into this source.. on a scale that God's can be measure on...God would be considered as being powerless

even the bible let it be known that all the holy spirit does is take orders from others

So the Holy Spirit is like an errand boy?

...a gopher, so to speak?

as Sigmund Freud might call it the "id" put it in Star Wars term it's the force ..I call it the memory contained in energy ..but it can be mostly described as being unawareness

Or, perhaps "like" the Subconscious?

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 08:49 AM

the holy spirit is no more than a mindless power source that once tapped into can alter reality

in science terms it's the substance of quantum Mechanics

without God being able to tapped into this source.. on a scale that God's can be measure on...God would be considered as being powerless

even the bible let it be known that all the holy spirit does is take orders from others

So the Holy Spirit is like an errand boy?

...a gopher, so to speak?

Yes, and jesus is Isaac and god is cpt. stubing.

We will now join our voices in our beloved hymnal:


Exciting and new...


Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 09:05 AM
Love, exciting and new
Come Aboard. We're expecting you.
Love, life's sweetest reward.
Let it flow, it floats back to you.

Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
Your mind on a new romance.

Love won't hurt anymore
It's an open smile on a friendly shore.

Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
Your mind on a new romance.

Love won't hurt anymore
It's an open smile on a friendly shore.
It's the Love Boat-ah! It's the Love Boat-ah!

no photo
Tue 11/11/08 09:09 AM

the holy spirit is no more than a mindless power source that once tapped into can alter reality

in science terms it's the substance of quantum Mechanics

without God being able to tapped into this source.. on a scale that God's can be measure on...God would be considered as being powerless

even the bible let it be known that all the holy spirit does is take orders from others

So the Holy Spirit is like an errand boy?

...a gopher, so to speak?

as Sigmund Freud might call it the "id" put it in Star Wars term it's the force ..I call it the memory contained in energy ..but it can be mostly described as being unawareness

Or, perhaps "like" the Subconscious?

more on the level of food and water ..a energy source

Seamonster's photo
Tue 11/11/08 09:16 AM

Love, exciting and new
Come Aboard. We're expecting you.
Love, life's sweetest reward.
Let it flow, it floats back to you.

Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
Your mind on a new romance.

Love won't hurt anymore
It's an open smile on a friendly shore.

Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
Your mind on a new romance.

Love won't hurt anymore
It's an open smile on a friendly shore.
It's the Love Boat-ah! It's the Love Boat-ah!

laugh laugh laugh drinker

SkyHook5652's photo
Tue 11/11/08 11:35 AM
I think of the holy spirit as being the medium through which we spiritual beings communicate.

Although recently I've beenthinking that it might be simply the undiscovered rules that govern Quantum Mechanics.

But then, those two might be one and the same for all I know.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 11:50 AM

My pleasure. I can only hope that you would have an idea of who He is. There is no clear description for God, we just have to believe that He is, He was, and He will be.

Take care,

I have ideas...

only ideas.

I attempt to employ logic to solidify these ideas.

It goes around and around.

The only idea that I have been able to at all rest upon is the one that the collective energy of all that exists (including us humans) is what you would call god. It's hard for me to see this as a "him"... It seems to somehow reduce the sheer magnitude of this force to liken it to a human being. I would think that EVERYTHING has been made in "his" image (or imaginings). Of course, imaginings would suggest more human characteristics.

If, all along, we were the ones making god in our image, it would make the concept of this divine force easier to comprehend.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 11:53 AM

If, all along, we were the ones making god in our image, it would make the concept of this divine force easier to comprehend.

I believe that that is exactly what we do. We cannot possibly conceive of God so we create gods out of the different aspects of God. If that makes sense.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 12:15 PM

If, all along, we were the ones making god in our image, it would make the concept of this divine force easier to comprehend.

I believe that that is exactly what we do. We cannot possibly conceive of God so we create gods out of the different aspects of God. If that makes sense.

It makes sense that, as we "evolve", we would naturally gain an increasing capacity to see beyond previous symbolism and embrace limitless possibility.

When fear is employed to fetter more possibility, I tend to try to keep a safe distance.

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 11/11/08 12:19 PM

If, all along, we were the ones making god in our
It makes sense that, as we "evolve", we would naturally gain an increasing capacity to see beyond previous symbolism and embrace limitless possibility.

When fear is employed to fetter more possibility, I tend to try to keep a safe distance.

Yep. I couldn't agree more.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 11/11/08 12:26 PM
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. 12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you

Having experienced the Holy Spirit myself, the Comforter is a good name for the Holy Spirit. It brings a peace, love, and wisdom that cannot compare to any force on earth. It is the force God uses to bring healing to the inner man and validates the truth of the Bible. There's been times it's been so strong on me that it felt like heaven on earth. Never had this sensation except by worshiping/praising God and prayer.

Now, I do think that some use the "holy spirit" as an excuse to go all loony tunes. Not sure that's the same spirit though.

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 11/11/08 12:40 PM
I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 01:15 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 11/11/08 01:34 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

Pretty sure that's how it works smile2

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 01:37 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

Pretty sure that's how it works smile2

Pardon my sounding like my 2-year-old daughter, but...


HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 11/11/08 01:43 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

Pretty sure that's how it works smile2

Pardon my sounding like my 2-year-old daughter, but...


In the scripture I posted above it is also called the Spirit of Truth. I believe that it can come to those that don't believe for the sole purpose of drawing them in to the truth and showing them that God loves them and is in fact real & does care.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 01:55 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

Pretty sure that's how it works smile2

Pardon my sounding like my 2-year-old daughter, but...


In the scripture I posted above it is also called the Spirit of Truth. I believe that it can come to those that don't believe for the sole purpose of drawing them in to the truth and showing them that God loves them and is in fact real & does care.

Then, you agree that you don't have to be Christian to receive The Holy Spirit?

Or is it conditional upon conversion?

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:01 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

Pretty sure that's how it works smile2

Pardon my sounding like my 2-year-old daughter, but...


In the scripture I posted above it is also called the Spirit of Truth. I believe that it can come to those that don't believe for the sole purpose of drawing them in to the truth and showing them that God loves them and is in fact real & does care.

Then, you agree that you don't have to be Christian to receive The Holy Spirit?

Or is it conditional upon conversion?

I believe you can get a taste of the Holy Spirit without conversion and you can choose to ignore it and not become a Christian. In it's fullness, I think you would have to be a Christian.

Sweetnshy47's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:04 PM
The third person in the trinity,our guide that lives in our heart.

splendidlife's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:06 PM
Edited by splendidlife on Tue 11/11/08 02:09 PM

I'll try and describe the sensation to you; think the best sex you ever had times twenty! It's the Christian drug. It comes at different strengths, at different times, for different reasons.

"Must" you be Christian to receive this?

Pretty sure that's how it works smile2

Pardon my sounding like my 2-year-old daughter, but...


In the scripture I posted above it is also called the Spirit of Truth. I believe that it can come to those that don't believe for the sole purpose of drawing them in to the truth and showing them that God loves them and is in fact real & does care.

Then, you agree that you don't have to be Christian to receive The Holy Spirit?

Or is it conditional upon conversion?

I believe you can get a taste of the Holy Spirit without conversion and you can choose to ignore it and not become a Christian. In it's fullness, I think you would have to be a Christian.


It sounds as if you're saying that the only way to NOT ignore it would be by becoming Christian.

Does this mean that the billions of people on this planet who haven't chosen Christianity are somehow missing out?

Do you see how this sounds?

Why can't ALL of humanity have access?

I wonder if Jesus would agree.