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Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 04/10/07 02:35 AM
If you are being abused get out. It wont get better. Every 5 seconds
here in america is woman is beat to death by the one person she loves
and should trust. Her man. It took me almost getting murdered and many
years of abuse to understand this. Pick up the phone, call your local
abuse hotline and in my case i vowed to live in the gutters before
enduring any more beatings from that man. They say that an abused woman
many many times will go on to sadly find another abusive partner and in
my case i thought i had found the opposite of the wasbund only to learn
within 6 months he was worse. After years of enduring verbal, emotional
and financial abuse he raised his hand to me, hit me and i kicked his
abusive rotten ass to the curb. Then i picked up the phone and got once
again the much needed support that is available to both men and women as
men are not the only ones who can be abusers. Being fair here to the men
and its the truth.flowerforyou Today i can stand proud and say i am a
survivor but life has not been easy but it does get better every day.

tessie07's photo
Tue 04/10/07 02:56 AM
i am not what you would call a weak woman, but an ex of mine once beat
me down emotionally/mentally before ever turning to violence. for me the
mental abuse was the hardest to get over, it took along time but i am
back a much stronger person.
it's easy to say "leave" but at the time i felt i had nowhere to go,
that i wouldn't get anything better. some how i found the strenght to
leave and begin my life over. like i said i am stronger now- i still
bear scars but they are old ones and they just sometimes serve as a
reminder of wat once was.
i ran into him a few months ago- he was begging on the streets, looked
like he was homeless and i'm ashamed to say i thought to myself "it's
what you deserve, maybe now you feel as low as you made me feel". i know
it wasn't very nice of me, but it was like a kind of

prussia's photo
Tue 04/10/07 03:04 AM
Hdale said " Never did hit a woman ,never will(cept 4 a luv tap on the
booty).I have
a relative in jail for abusing his wife and when he gets out he will
wish he was still in jail.


It's that simple,and if you do well.....

Huh? The last sentense sounds a wee sticky ... could you elaborate,

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