Topic: Obama's Overwhelming Victory
ScotS's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:59 AM
Actually, I do think that riders on more important bills is a problem, and thats why I was for the line item veto which was voted down a few years ago by the Senate.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:27 AM
yeah I wanted that line item veto to go through as well, but again what was tacked onto that particular bill? lol....

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:13 AM

yeah I wanted that line item veto to go through as well, but again what was tacked onto that particular bill? lol....

well the dems have enough control to get the line item veto

if they are people oriented enough to want it

they have total control to pass anything they want

they have an overwhelming control in the house

and at least 56% of the senate

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:15 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 11/05/08 09:15 AM

Do you think perhaps Our President-elect's overwhelming victory and the Democratic Congress might have sent a message to George W. Bush and the Republican party that perhaps they've been screwing up the country for quite a while??

like the ones sent to the dem in what was it 02 or was it o no

noway noway noway noway

and the dems had control of congress already

the republicans have not been in control

that is the propaganda talking

just the way it is

if the dems are really for the people they will repeal the anti terrorist act and the patriot act for stsrters

one from each party there

and you think the dems care about you

neither of them do

they impower the federal reserve they are the ones really in power (guess whos father was on the original fed res board [hint he used to be president] and guess who's grandfather was on the first fed res board)

wake up wake up

as lita would say

this is your wake up call

Hmmm....I thought the last time that the Dems had control was in 94.

Republicans became the majority party after the 1994 elections. They've remained the majority party since then.

that is not correct

that was the last time they had senate house and presidency

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:18 AM

Do you think perhaps Our President-elect's overwhelming victory and the Democratic Congress might have sent a message to George W. Bush and the Republican party that perhaps they've been screwing up the country for quite a while??

like the ones sent to the dem in what was it 02 or was it o no

noway noway noway noway

and the dems had control of congress already

the republicans have not been in control

that is the propaganda talking

just the way it is

if the dems are really for the people they will repeal the anti terrorist act and the patriot act for stsrters

one from each party there

and you think the dems care about you

neither of them do

they impower the federal reserve they are the ones really in power (guess whos father was on the original fed res board [hint he used to be president] and guess who's grandfather was on the first fed res board)

wake up wake up

as lita would say

this is your wake up call

Hmmm....I thought the last time that the Dems had control was in 94.

Republicans became the majority party after the 1994 elections. They've remained the majority party since then.

that is not correct

that was the last time they had senate house and presidency

Yes - the majority.

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:21 AM

congress history


233 dem

198 rep

4 vacant

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:25 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 11/05/08 09:27 AM


50 dem sen

49 rep sen

1 ind


49 dem

49 rep

1 in

1 in dem

daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:27 AM
true on that adj. I went to bed before hearing the results of the fillibuster race last night, so am not sure if they have the 60% that they wanted or not.

yeah I wanted that line item veto to go through as well, but again what was tacked onto that particular bill? lol....

well the dems have enough control to get the line item veto

if they are people oriented enough to want it

they have total control to pass anything they want

they have an overwhelming control in the house

and at least 56% of the senate

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:28 AM
Edited by adj4u on Wed 11/05/08 09:30 AM

Yes - the majority.

sorry but no not the majority

that is one reason obama won false beliefs of who was in control

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:13 AM

Do you think perhaps Our President-elect's overwhelming victory and the Democratic Congress might have sent a message to George W. Bush and the Republican party that perhaps they've been screwing up the country for quite a while??

the 55 and half million people that voted republican says otherwise.....Obama got 62 and half million votes. A nation still divided...

so it looks like we had about a 60% voter turnout. Obama got a little better than half of that.

so about 30% of the country voted for Obama


This is the first time in decades that a presidential candidate obtained both the popular vote AND electoral vote.

That says something!!

Aye does say someting...

However 52% vs 48% is NOT an overwhelming victory.

Overwhelming victory is 2/3rds or better. Ain't no one got that in a long time.

Tells me they is all the same...

Considering that a large number of people in that 48% did not vote for Obama because he's black (and, yeah, I know some), it is a great victory, IMO.

Comments as such are uncalled for - if you say that you have to apply your logic to black voters too on the other side....

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:21 AM
Clinton was awesome!!! And yay Obama!

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:23 AM
Edited by Winx on Wed 11/05/08 10:26 AM

Do you think perhaps Our President-elect's overwhelming victory and the Democratic Congress might have sent a message to George W. Bush and the Republican party that perhaps they've been screwing up the country for quite a while??

the 55 and half million people that voted republican says otherwise.....Obama got 62 and half million votes. A nation still divided...

so it looks like we had about a 60% voter turnout. Obama got a little better than half of that.

so about 30% of the country voted for Obama


This is the first time in decades that a presidential candidate obtained both the popular vote AND electoral vote.

That says something!!

Aye does say someting...

However 52% vs 48% is NOT an overwhelming victory.

Overwhelming victory is 2/3rds or better. Ain't no one got that in a long time.

Tells me they is all the same...

Considering that a large number of people in that 48% did not vote for Obama because he's black (and, yeah, I know some), it is a great victory, IMO.

Comments as such are uncalled for - if you say that you have to apply your logic to black voters too on the other side....

I said that I know white people that didn't vote for Obama because he's black. What is wrong with me saying that? And I know white people that know white people that didn't vote for him because he's black. And we surely saw them on the videos of Palin's rallies.

You don't think it's a possibility that many of the black voters voted for him because they could have been Democrat. Or because they thought he might be the best man for the job.

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:53 AM
Edited by Lynann on Wed 11/05/08 11:20 AM
I've come to one conclusion on my time on these boards.

There is no talking to some people. Present them with facts and they plug their ears, shut their eyes and ignore everything.

A bit like a five year old.

For 6 years the republicans held a majority. They also controlled the executive branch.

Blaming this ship wreck on the democrats is simply ridiculous.

Democrats do not have a magic wand. When an aircraft carrier is headed on the wrong course about to run aground one cannot wish it's course straight. Nor can you twist the wheel or throw it in reverse. You cannot stand on the brakes.

Instead you have to prepare for and minimize damage. Once you've stopped steaming towards disaster it's time to assess damages and make a plan to get out of the shallows and back to sea.

Try as he might, the captain alone cannot pull his ship out. He cannot do it with just the officer corps either. He needs all hands.

Our ship of state has run aground. It will take all hands to right her and get her back in navigable water again.

Please everyone, if you voted for Obama don't stop there. You must do more for this country and if you didn't vote for Obama consider putting aside your dislike or distrust of him aside not to work in his service but in the service of this country.

If we hold onto the politics of division and refuse to lend a hand and do some really hard work our ship of state will remained mired and rusting in the shallows. Then we are all more vulnerable to our enemies and we all lose.

franshade's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:01 AM

daniel48706's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:18 AM
Excellent way to put things Lyn, Thank you.

The only possible thing I could think to add is remember folks: President Elect Obama is one man; that's all he is and all he ever will be. As Lyn so elegantly stated, he can not run this country alone, nor is he going to be able to bring us out of the trouble we are in by himself. Nor is the Democratic (?) Party going to be able to do it alone with just his help also.

Now that we have all voted, and decided upon whom we want to be the leader of our team, we need to all stand together and do everything that we can to help him get things back in control, and properly aligned.

i wont lie to you, this is going ot be hard and it is going to require sacrifice ona ll of our parts in order to accomplish it, but we are the greatest nation on this planet and I'll be dammed if I stand back and not help our chosen leader do what he needs to do in order to bring us back to the path we belong on.

Who is with me?

I've come to one conclusion on my time on these boards.

There is no talking to some people. Present them with facts and they plug their ears, shut their eyes and ignore everything.

A bit like a five year old.

For 6 years the republicans held a majority. They also controlled the executive branch.

Blaming this ship wreck on the democrats is simply ridiculous.

Democrats do not have a magic wand. When an aircraft carrier is headed on the wrong course about to run aground one cannot wish it's course straight. Nor can you twist the wheel or throw it in reverse. You cannot stand on the brakes.

Instead you have to prepare for and minimize damage. Once you've stopped steaming towards disaster it's time to assess damages and make a plan to get out of the shallows and back to sea.

Try as he might, the captain alone cannot pull his ship out. He cannot do it with just the officer corpse either. He needs all hands.

Our ship of state has run aground. It will take all hands to right her and get her back in navigable water again.

Please everyone, if you voted for Obama don't stop there. You must do more for this country and if you didn't vote for Obama consider putting aside your dislike or distrust of him aside not to work in his service but in the service of this country.

If we hold onto the politics of division and refuse to lend a hand and do some really hard work our ship of state will remained mired and rusting in the shallows. Then we are all more vulnerable to our enemies and we all lose.

adj4u's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:27 AM
facts are facts

blame is not important

fixing it is what is important

and if he can do it he can do it

if he cant then he cant

dems have major muscle flexing power

the republican were not this powerful

and i do not think i blamed it on anyone

unless this counts "thanks g w" because he gave all the power to one party

and hope it does not change to much nor get to restrictive

and i would say the same thing if the parties were reversed

if you can find them (i think may be deleted) or find some one that remembers i said the same when the rep had all the power (almost) they never had this whelming advantage

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:37 PM
Shrub consistently ignored congress and the judiciary. Even members of his own party were alarmed by some of his actions.

Now's the time to be active. Write some letters to your representatives. Let them know what issues are important to you. Join a community organization.

We are in a tough spot. Let's show the world we are the United States of America!

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:57 PM

Shrub consistently ignored congress and the judiciary. Even members of his own party were alarmed by some of his actions.

Now's the time to be active. Write some letters to your representatives. Let them know what issues are important to you. Join a community organization.

We are in a tough spot. Let's show the world we are the United States of America!


dancesonroad's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:59 PM
honestly how can anything get worse in this country?
we have ,corney as it sounds ,change now
at least you go out and vote
and do what you can
to make things happen
if you love it
or hate it
at least you tried

Tanzkity's photo
Wed 11/05/08 06:11 PM

Actually, it was the democrats who caused the financial crisis in the Clinton era with the Financial Market Modernization Act of 1999 which deregulated the financial market. Also, the democrats in the senate filibustered all three attempts by the republicans to repair the damage. Bush tried in 2004 and McCain sponsored a bill in 2005. Democrat senator Ted Kennedy said that the republicans were “fear mongering” and the “financial market is fine”.

By the way, change is not always for the better.

CHANGE IS THE BEST THING FOR THIS COUNTRY............we have been in the same stagnant position for decades maybe even centuries......................OUR CHILDREN HAVE SAID IT WITH THEIR VOTES..................YES WE NEED CHANGE...............I LOVE THIS NEW GENERATION OF KIDS MAN...............THEY ARE FREAKIN flowers