Topic: OBAMA, the EMPTY SUIT Candidate
no photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:02 PM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!
Oh please!!! Where is the BIG LAWSUIT over Obamas birth cerificate gone??NOWHERE Wheres the BIG TAPE of M Obama from the API??NOWHERE Where has all the crap she has slung over the months gone???NOWHERE If you start a every post with hate, people just dont care to respond except with hate..Where have you been..Do you not read or are you just blinded by your love of the right..People go out of there way to try to have a civil debate with her and it gets them nowhere..Like THAT DAM BRIDGE!!!

You're assuming waaaaaaaaay too much here. First of all I have no love for the Republican Party and it's bungling idiocy. John McCain is my next to last choice for a nominee, somewhere right in front B. Hussein Obama.
I read and have been reading these forums for along time!!

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:03 PM

As I said...OBAMA is nothing more than an empty suit full of lies & deceit.

Let's see... they don't like to be asked tough questions as per Biden's interview on a Fla. station...

they are using the govt. to investigate Joe the Plumber...

They just kicked off the Washington Times, the NY Post & another newspaper off their plane for endoring McCain.

So much for reaching across the isle or being held accountable... & he's only running.

Yep! Welcome to the United Banana Republic of America if DEMS take control.

No one can say there's no difference...there are BIG differences between the two partys. BIG! HUGE!

There is no way that Obama can be worst then George W. Bush...or other presidents in the past.

And the fact that you say with such conviction that he will be..says allot about you !

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:10 PM
I read and have been reading these forums for along time!!

You may want to get out more then and try downing a huge glass of clear perspective. This race should not be about hate at all. It should be about demanding more from candidates on both sides until you get someone who can go back ten or twenty years and show a consistent record of beliefs that build a stronger America. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama show consistency or strong judgment founded on their own inner principles. Both are simply career politicians, one later in life, one earlier, neither worthy of trust.

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:15 PM

I read and have been reading these forums for along time!!

You may want to get out more then and try downing a huge glass of clear perspective. This race should not be about hate at all. It should be about demanding more from candidates on both sides until you get someone who can go back ten or twenty years and show a consistent record of beliefs that build a stronger America. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama show consistency or strong judgment founded on their own inner principles. Both are simply career politicians, one later in life, one earlier, neither worthy of trust.
I never said I didnt agree with you, I was responding to another poster..One I have read for many months and call her for facts..I dont spread hate, but if your gonna post such I will call on you to back it up.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:20 PM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!
Oh please!!! Where is the BIG LAWSUIT over Obamas birth cerificate gone??NOWHERE Wheres the BIG TAPE of M Obama from the API??NOWHERE Where has all the crap she has slung over the months gone???NOWHERE If you start a every post with hate, people just dont care to respond except with hate..Where have you been..Do you not read or are you just blinded by your love of the right..People go out of there way to try to have a civil debate with her and it gets them nowhere..Like THAT DAM BRIDGE!!!

You're assuming waaaaaaaaay too much here. First of all I have no love for the Republican Party and it's bungling idiocy. John McCain is my next to last choice for a nominee, somewhere right in front B. Hussein Obama.

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:24 PM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!
Oh please!!! Where is the BIG LAWSUIT over Obamas birth cerificate gone??NOWHERE Wheres the BIG TAPE of M Obama from the API??NOWHERE Where has all the crap she has slung over the months gone???NOWHERE If you start a every post with hate, people just dont care to respond except with hate..Where have you been..Do you not read or are you just blinded by your love of the right..People go out of there way to try to have a civil debate with her and it gets them nowhere..Like THAT DAM BRIDGE!!!

You're assuming waaaaaaaaay too much here. First of all I have no love for the Republican Party and it's bungling idiocy. John McCain is my next to last choice for a nominee, somewhere right in front B. Hussein Obama.

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh
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no photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:41 PM

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh

I understand completely. I am actually a Second Amendment guy who will vote to protect that right. I have gone around and around with people who don't listen and just spew talking points. Unfortunately since Rush Limbaugh has become so popular many on the right also spew their talking points instead of engaging in honest conversation. It's a waste of brain power to listen to either side.

I would have been just fine with Hillary or even another round of Bill Clinton this year. I have never agreed much with Rockefeller Republicans like the Bush family except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth. Reagan was a bit naive but bled red white and blue. I wish there were more like him.

t22learner's photo
Sat 11/01/08 04:44 PM

...except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth.

Like McCain, Jeb was screwed by Dubya and probably will never be president as a result. Jeb probably would be a good one.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:42 AM

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh

I understand completely. I am actually a Second Amendment guy who will vote to protect that right. I have gone around and around with people who don't listen and just spew talking points. Unfortunately since Rush Limbaugh has become so popular many on the right also spew their talking points instead of engaging in honest conversation. It's a waste of brain power to listen to either side.

I would have been just fine with Hillary or even another round of Bill Clinton this year. I have never agreed much with Rockefeller Republicans like the Bush family except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth. Reagan was a bit naive but bled red white and blue. I wish there were more like him.

Yes well many don't even know what their rights are anymore. They still think abortion is a right. LOL All common sense goes right out the window with LIBS & their cultist thinking.

I think the clintons were the worst thing that ever happened to this country. Before them there was respectability & an assurance that things worked properly. They opened our nation to so much evil by pushing the boundries of what it means to be an American that people are willing to sell out to the DEM banana republican schemes. Now even our elections are so skewed. We have the DEMS to thank for that.

It's the COUNTER culture way.

t22learner's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:46 AM

I think the clintons were the worst thing that ever happened to this country. Before them there was respectability & an assurance that things worked properly.

Ever hear of Nixon?

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:51 AM

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh

I understand completely. I am actually a Second Amendment guy who will vote to protect that right. I have gone around and around with people who don't listen and just spew talking points. Unfortunately since Rush Limbaugh has become so popular many on the right also spew their talking points instead of engaging in honest conversation. It's a waste of brain power to listen to either side.

I would have been just fine with Hillary or even another round of Bill Clinton this year. I have never agreed much with Rockefeller Republicans like the Bush family except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth. Reagan was a bit naive but bled red white and blue. I wish there were more like him.

Yes well many don't even know what their rights are anymore. They still think abortion is a right. LOL All common sense goes right out the window with LIBS & their cultist thinking.

I think the clintons were the worst thing that ever happened to this country. Before them there was respectability & an assurance that things worked properly. They opened our nation to so much evil by pushing the boundries of what it means to be an American that people are willing to sell out to the DEM banana republican schemes. Now even our elections are so skewed. We have the DEMS to thank for that.

It's the COUNTER culture way.

Every hear of the "relgious right" and there "right" to blur the line of seperation of Church and State?

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:56 AM

Nothing but hate out of you.

I saw no hatred, just opinion. Apparently nothing but labels come out of YOU!
Oh please!!! Where is the BIG LAWSUIT over Obamas birth cerificate gone??NOWHERE Wheres the BIG TAPE of M Obama from the API??NOWHERE Where has all the crap she has slung over the months gone???NOWHERE If you start a every post with hate, people just dont care to respond except with hate..Where have you been..Do you not read or are you just blinded by your love of the right..People go out of there way to try to have a civil debate with her and it gets them nowhere..Like THAT DAM BRIDGE!!!

You're assuming waaaaaaaaay too much here. First of all I have no love for the Republican Party and it's bungling idiocy. John McCain is my next to last choice for a nominee, somewhere right in front B. Hussein Obama.

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh

I do agree that we need to clean house which is why if you are for change then it will come at the congressional level,not the presidential and there needs to be bipartisanship.I urge you to look at your senators and congressional leaders records and vote accordingly.If they can't cross the aisle then **** can them.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 11/02/08 06:57 AM

...except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth.

Like McCain, Jeb was screwed by Dubya and probably will never be president as a result. Jeb probably would be a good one.

I agree.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 11/02/08 07:00 AM

I think the clintons were the worst thing that ever happened to this country. Before them there was respectability & an assurance that things worked properly.

Ever hear of Nixon?

According to the Tim Russert book"Big Russ and me"Nixon spent money on a lot of social programs but this was forgotten due to Watergate.To bad President Johnson isn't still around.He could really give great advice on listening to advisers concerning a futile war.

JACKSTRAW666's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:29 AM
For those who support John McCain...
Better luck next election!
I have many good friends who are "REPS". I like them! I'll still be their friend, but I don't want another helping of the Right Wing rhetoric we have heard for many years. It's quite clear the "Trickle On" Economics is a failure, and it's time to shift gears and grow the economy from the bottom up. Tax the rich, take away tax breaks for oil companies, regulate the profits they can earn. If we must drill off shore, keep American oil in America! Protect our environment! Put Americans instead of the Chinese back to work again and return the United States to the people who made this country great.
$700 BILLION to bail out Wall Street? Why not instead divide that money equally among hard working Americans, and allow the system to work the way it's supposed to? What would you do with a 2 million dollar windfall? Maybe... pay off your mortgage? Build a new house? A car? Health insurance? Start a Business? Go to school? Pay your taxes? And if that happened, would there be a recession still, or wouldn't the system work the way it was supposed to? Wall Street would still end up with a lot of that money, banks would be saved, and the people would have what they need to survive and prosper.
Why are we so quick to help other countries, but so reluctant to help out our own citizens? Why can an illegal alien gain access to medical care when I as a citizen of the most powerful nation in the world am refused unless I can pay? Why is it that a veteran who was willing to give his or her life for the United States
can't get decent health care or welfare assistance? I hope these and many other issues will be resolved in an Obama Presidency!! I have to go now! Go Obama!!!!!

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:32 AM

The libs here like to gang up & throw out all the election year words at those who don't support their point of view & they don't like to be challenged with facts either.

for the record I was not thrilled by McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate. She's like one of us. It made me think that maybe there is more to McCain than I thought.

I've had many discussions with people of GOOD faith on many topics & understand why they are voting for OBAMA. I get it...the working class in America have not had a seat at the table for years... with too many lawyers & wealthy people running things all they talk about is the poor. It's sad to say but I think they are all in for a huge let down. I was saying to vote out every incumbant & it might be what DC needs...a clean sweep of both houses. Too much emphysis is put on the presidency while I think congress is really what needs cleaning up.

No one listens... the libs on this board just bypass any real conversation...then I have to read about the things OBAMA does & get called all sorts of names by those who don't want to be confused with the facts. That's sad.... I take swipes to wake these people out of their blindness. ah well... like they say...beam me up scotty.....:wink: laugh

I understand completely. I am actually a Second Amendment guy who will vote to protect that right. I have gone around and around with people who don't listen and just spew talking points. Unfortunately since Rush Limbaugh has become so popular many on the right also spew their talking points instead of engaging in honest conversation. It's a waste of brain power to listen to either side.

I would have been just fine with Hillary or even another round of Bill Clinton this year. I have never agreed much with Rockefeller Republicans like the Bush family except for Jeb who seems to be cut from a different cloth. Reagan was a bit naive but bled red white and blue. I wish there were more like him.

Yes well many don't even know what their rights are anymore. They still think abortion is a right. LOL All common sense goes right out the window with LIBS & their cultist thinking.

I think the clintons were the worst thing that ever happened to this country. Before them there was respectability & an assurance that things worked properly. They opened our nation to so much evil by pushing the boundries of what it means to be an American that people are willing to sell out to the DEM banana republican schemes. Now even our elections are so skewed. We have the DEMS to thank for that.

It's the COUNTER culture way.

Every hear of the "relgious right" and there "right" to blur the line of seperation of Church and State?

ummmm no

I've never heard of a "relgious right"

franshade's photo
Mon 11/03/08 10:36 AM

Every hear of the "relgious right" and there "right" to blur the line of seperation of Church and State?

ummmm no

I've never heard of a "relgious right"

rofl You are on a roll today rofl but you let seperation slide by rofl

adj4u's photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:25 AM
they are all mt suits

out to but the federal reserve board in control of the world

where do ou wanna bet the 700billion came from

and wonder what the interest is on 700billion

also who's grandfather and previous presidents father was on the original federal reserve board

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:30 PM
OH, come on now......just cause they disagree with your point of view!..........geez...........

:heart: :heart:

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:32 PM
Edited by Lindyy on Mon 11/03/08 07:34 PM
t22learner: what what OMG, are you OK, or are you being cynical?

:heart: :heart: