Topic: Who are the rich?
Giocamo's photo
Sun 11/02/08 02:31 PM

Americans! Quit your whining and quit being selfish, let money flow freely out of your pockets for higher taxes!

And, as for you Mr. Obama, go workout with Arnold and get get some meat on those bones.

He's a workaholic. He doesn't have time to work out. Besides, he's 6 ft. tall.

And I don't mind paying higher taxes if it helps people less fortunate then me and I'm far from being rich. I don't mind paying higher taxes if it helps educating our youth, makes better roads, pay teachers, police and firefighters more, etc.

they'd have the money for that if they would stop I've said before...this country is overtaxed...***beep*** this is a recording....

Then stop spending billions a month on a war that we should have never had in the first place! BEEP!

Where do you think they are spending too much money?

I knew you were going to say that...which department are we spending too much ?...EVERY stinking one !!...freeze all spending at 2%...until revenues to the treasury exceed expenditures...

How would that freezing and spending 2% do while the cost of living rises?

I like how Obama is going to take money away from the programs that aren't working.

He has yet to name any of those programs.

He said he plans on looking them over carefully.

Has McCain said where he's going to make the cuts?

He did say DOD spending and doing away with the Cost+ contracts.

That way people can't charge the Gov. a million for those toilet seats.


Department of Defense

Thomas27's photo
Sun 11/02/08 02:32 PM
I'm just using the toilet seats as an example since someone brought it up. There are MANY things the DOD overspend on.

no photo
Sun 11/02/08 02:37 PM
no matter who wins the election your taxes will be raised
someone has to pay for the 700 billion plus bailout plan
and not to mention what the war is costing ever month...

this is what it boils down to....

McCain = new taxes
Obama = new taxes

somebody has to pay and they usually come for the regular folks, not the rich ones......

beachbum069's photo
Sun 11/02/08 04:44 PM
I'd like to be rich.

Thomas27's photo
Sun 11/02/08 04:46 PM
Edited by Thomas27 on Sun 11/02/08 04:47 PM

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/03/08 05:33 AM
Well......perhaps boma man considers the "minimum wage" earner rich also.......and perhaps boma man would "Redistribute" these individuals' "WEALTH" (GASP) to buddies like Ayres so Ayres can dedicate more HATE CRIME books to the likes of Sirhan-Sirhan??????

:heart: :heart: :heart:

franshade's photo
Mon 11/03/08 05:42 AM
Neither candidate wins but inherits an existing problem.

problem is existing
bailout must be paid
war must be paid
amongst other issues

someone has to pay, guess who?

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 05:43 AM

Well......perhaps boma man considers the "minimum wage" earner rich also.......and perhaps boma man would "Redistribute" these individuals' "WEALTH" (GASP) to buddies like Ayres so Ayres can dedicate more HATE CRIME books to the likes of Sirhan-Sirhan??????

:heart: :heart: :heart:
McCains definiation of rich is 5 million..I guess anyone who makes less than that is middle class..frustrated

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/03/08 05:57 AM

Good to have an opinion....but get the facts correct.............

:heart: :heart:

Lynann's photo
Mon 11/03/08 06:43 AM
Yes McCain said 5mil.

Seems some posters haven't read the tax plans of either candidate.

Maybe they should take a break from making repetitive posts full of scare tactic accusations and emotes and actually read something.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 11/03/08 06:48 AM


Good to have an opinion....but get the facts correct.............

:heart: :heart:

I remember hearing McCain saying this. Although, it wasn't official by any means. If i remember correctly an interviewer asked him who he would consider "rich" and he responded with "i would consider anyone who makes 5 million a year rich" (or something to that affect.

Side comment:

There are problems existing before the next candidate takes over... But if you look, most voted in favor of these problems. Both men campaigned pretty hard for this bailout. What's funny, and most people don't realize this, is that before congress voted on the economic stabalization act 700 billion was pumped into the market already. That's a little over one and a half trillion dollars pumped into the market to "stabalize it".

(Although Barak didn't make it to the senate until 2005, but his foreign policy is certainly in favor of large spending and more war as well.)

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:01 AM
For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him.
Karl Marx

Winx's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:01 AM


Good to have an opinion....but get the facts correct.............

:heart: :heart:

McCain said it.laugh

You know, the man that couldn't remember how many houses he had.

beachbum069's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:27 AM

Yes McCain said 5mil.

Seems some posters haven't read the tax plans of either candidate.

Maybe they should take a break from making repetitive posts full of scare tactic accusations and emotes and actually read something.

What does their tax plans matter? They don't write the tax code, congress does.

franshade's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:06 AM

Yes McCain said 5mil.

Seems some posters haven't read the tax plans of either candidate.

Maybe they should take a break from making repetitive posts full of scare tactic accusations and emotes and actually read something.

the forums will cease to exist waving

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:24 AM

Get your facts straight.

No matter how many times Obama states it, you don't seem to hear?

95% of all Americans will receive a TAX CUT.

If you make less than $250,000, you will PAY LESS TAXES.

Prove this...

I have done the math... Ain't no way 95% of americans are gonna get a tax cut (pipe dream based on false data).

Even if it WERE possible or even TRUE... Those business that get their taxes increased will pass it on to the rest of us in HIDDEN TAXES...(you know... raised prices and such).

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:31 AM

Americans! Quit your whining and quit being selfish, let money flow freely out of your pockets for higher taxes!

And, as for you Mr. Obama, go workout with Arnold and get get some meat on those bones.

He's a workaholic. He doesn't have time to work out. Besides, he's 6 ft. tall.

And I don't mind paying higher taxes if it helps people less fortunate then me and I'm far from being rich. I don't mind paying higher taxes if it helps educating our youth, makes better roads, pay teachers, police and firefighters more, etc.

they'd have the money for that if they would stop I've said before...this country is overtaxed...***beep*** this is a recording....

Then stop spending billions a month on a war that we should have never had in the first place! BEEP!

Where do you think they are spending too much money?

I knew you were going to say that...which department are we spending too much ?...EVERY stinking one !!...freeze all spending at 2%...until revenues to the treasury exceed expenditures...

How would that freezing and spending 2% do while the cost of living rises?

I like how Obama is going to take money away from the programs that aren't working.

He has yet to name any of those programs.

IF he was to get elected...
Bet you it takes four years (and a few million or billion) to investigate. decide, debate, redecide, debate some more, then put it all in a plan so confusing the the average american won't see the sneakin little cash flows to friends and such...

then he will tell us that he needs four more years to actually do it...

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:52 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/03/08 11:57 AM


Good to have an opinion....but get the facts correct.............

:heart: :heart:
His own qoute from the first debate!!! Didn'T watch it? Get your facts straight and quit with the religion..This country was founded on freedom of religion so your religious beliefs are just that!!! YOURS

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 11/03/08 12:52 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Mon 11/03/08 12:59 PM

Where do you think they are spending too much money?

Department of homeland security, department of energy, department of education, Afganistan, Iraq, billions funding terrorist organizations that we eventually end up fighting, billions spent on "combating global poverty", welfare programs need revamping, congress needs to take a pay cut, $1.5 trillion being spent on a bailout, AND the $2.5 trillion going missing right before 9/11..., hundreds of billions going unaccounted for during the conflicts in Iraq/Afganistan, military bases in countries all over the world, illegal immigration,... whew... That's a mouthful...

Cut back on all of the above, you could pay off our deficit in 5 years propably. Most of our taxes go towards the deficit. Then you could cut the IRS and let states collect their own taxes. The federal government could get funding from the states like they should.

Next abolish the federal reserve or at least audit it. No more printing money. Reback the dollar and start focusing on bringing the value f our dollar back up.

Then you could afford to start making it more tempting for businesses to move back here instead of outsourcing. There goes all our problems.

Healthcare, taxes, welfare, unemployment, gas prices, the cost of education, everything is pretty much solved under this plan...

Winx's photo
Mon 11/03/08 12:53 PM

Yes McCain said 5mil.

Seems some posters haven't read the tax plans of either candidate.

Maybe they should take a break from making repetitive posts full of scare tactic accusations and emotes and actually read something.

the forums will cease to exist waving
