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Topic: Where are all the right wingers?
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Sat 11/01/08 06:05 AM

[Using these terms in the same breath is an oxymoron. You can't be a commie, traitor, marxist or anarchist & be for freedom... so much for having any knowledge about these subjects. Right? LOL

LOL..now that's funny! I'd like to see any snivleing lib ever fight any battles...unless it's ones where people they don't agree with are blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. That's what libs consider to be a fair fight. Thanks for the laugh tho...

For once, I partially agree, they are oxymorons however, I disagree that it's about freedom. Freedom in this country means I can be and say whatever I want about MYSELF and label myself any way I like, which I did. I said nothing about YOU, which you did.

FYI, I am a highly intelligent, highly educated woman who would never dream of killing anyone for any reason. For you to say or imply otherwise is insulting at best and completely beneath the dignity of any human being.

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Sat 11/01/08 09:18 AM
Edited by symbelmyne on Sat 11/01/08 09:19 AM


Using these terms in the same breath is an oxymoron. You can't be a commie, traitor, marxist or anarchist & be for freedom... so much for having any knowledge about these subjects. Right? LOL

Uh... nothing good ever came from marxist revolutions...EXCEPT for the worse. It was back then & will always be a lie...to believe that govt. is the answer to all your prayers. It ALWAYS lead to tryanny.

If you were really for the free you would not be voting OBAMA. That's for sure...

LOL..now that's funny! I'd like to see any snivleing lib ever fight any battles...unless it's ones where people they don't agree with are blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. That's what libs consider to be a fair fight. Thanks for the laugh tho...

1920 19th Amendment to the Constitution gives women the right to vote
1931 Davis-Bacon Act provides for prevailing wages on publicly funded construction projects
1933 President Franklin Roosevelt proposes New Deal programs to Congress
1937 Auto Workers win sit-down strike against General Motors in Flint, Mich. Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters wins contract with Pullman Co.
1938 Fair Labor Standards Act establishes first minimum wage and 40-hour week Congress of industrial Organizations forms as an independent federation
1941 U.S. troops enter combat in World Wal II National War Labor Board created with union members
1962 President John Kennedy's order gives federal workers the right to bargain
1963 March on Washington for jobs and Justice Equal Pay Act bans wage discrimination based on gender
1964 Civil Rights Act bans institutional forms of racial discrimination
1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act passed
1972 Coalition of Black Trade Unionists formed
1973 Labor Council for Latin American Advancement founded
1974 Coalition of Labor Union Women founded
1997 Pride at Work, a national coalition of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender workers and their supporters, becomes an AFL-CIO constituency group AFL-CIO membership renewed growth
1999 More than 75,000 human service workers are unionized in Los Angeles County 30,000 to 50,000 working family activists take to Seattle streets to tell the World Trade Organization and its allies, “If the Global Economy Doesn’t Work for Working Families, It Doesn’t Work” 5,000 North Carolina textile workers gain a union after a 25-year struggle 65,000 Puerto Rico public-sector workers join unions Broad Campaign for Global Fairness pushes for economic and social justice worldwide Union movement organizes biggest program of grassroots electoral politics ever.

...all brought to you by "sniveling libs", commies, marxists and anarchist...

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 12:40 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 11/01/08 12:42 PM

[Using these terms in the same breath is an oxymoron. You can't be a commie, traitor, marxist or anarchist & be for freedom... so much for having any knowledge about these subjects. Right? LOL

LOL..now that's funny! I'd like to see any snivleing lib ever fight any battles...unless it's ones where people they don't agree with are blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. That's what libs consider to be a fair fight. Thanks for the laugh tho...

For once, I partially agree, they are oxymorons however, I disagree that it's about freedom. Freedom in this country means I can be and say whatever I want about MYSELF and label myself any way I like, which I did. I said nothing about YOU, which you did.

FYI, I am a highly intelligent, highly educated woman who would never dream of killing anyone for any reason. For you to say or imply otherwise is insulting at best and completely beneath the dignity of any human being.

An intelligent person doesn't respond to insults or make remarks that call to question what they post either. If you don't want to be challenged then don't say things that you don't mean.

BTW...Freedom goes hand in hand WITH being responsible. Without which, there is no hope. You can't be free & not be responsible. Just look at all the hurting people to see that not to mention all the govt. funds it takes to support them. It's a big reason why we are in the fix we are in.

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Sat 11/01/08 12:58 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 11/01/08 12:59 PM

[Using these terms in the same breath is an oxymoron. You can't be a commie, traitor, marxist or anarchist & be for freedom... so much for having any knowledge about these subjects. Right? LOL

LOL..now that's funny! I'd like to see any snivleing lib ever fight any battles...unless it's ones where people they don't agree with are blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. That's what libs consider to be a fair fight. Thanks for the laugh tho...

For once, I partially agree, they are oxymorons however, I disagree that it's about freedom. Freedom in this country means I can be and say whatever I want about MYSELF and label myself any way I like, which I did. I said nothing about YOU, which you did.

FYI, I am a highly intelligent, highly educated woman who would never dream of killing anyone for any reason. For you to say or imply otherwise is insulting at best and completely beneath the dignity of any human being.

An intelligent person doesn't respond to insults or make remarks that call to question what they post either. If you don't want to be challenged then don't say things that you don't mean.

BTW...Freedom goes hand in hand WITH being responsible. Without which, there is no hope. You can't be free & not be responsible. Just look at all the hurting people to see that not to mention all the govt. funds it takes to support them. It's a big reason why we are in the fix we are in.

Why are people hurting..Could it be there are NO JOBS, could it be our wages have dropped while the cost of living has increased..Been happening for years!!! Could it be that its there only way to get healthcare for their kids.. Many more senerios besides being a lowlife bum!!!

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:25 PM

[Using these terms in the same breath is an oxymoron. You can't be a commie, traitor, marxist or anarchist & be for freedom... so much for having any knowledge about these subjects. Right? LOL

LOL..now that's funny! I'd like to see any snivleing lib ever fight any battles...unless it's ones where people they don't agree with are blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. That's what libs consider to be a fair fight. Thanks for the laugh tho...

For once, I partially agree, they are oxymorons however, I disagree that it's about freedom. Freedom in this country means I can be and say whatever I want about MYSELF and label myself any way I like, which I did. I said nothing about YOU, which you did.

FYI, I am a highly intelligent, highly educated woman who would never dream of killing anyone for any reason. For you to say or imply otherwise is insulting at best and completely beneath the dignity of any human being.

An intelligent person doesn't respond to insults or make remarks that call to question what they post either. If you don't want to be challenged then don't say things that you don't mean.

BTW...Freedom goes hand in hand WITH being responsible. Without which, there is no hope. You can't be free & not be responsible. Just look at all the hurting people to see that not to mention all the govt. funds it takes to support them. It's a big reason why we are in the fix we are in.

Why are people hurting..Could it be there are NO JOBS, could it be our wages have dropped while the cost of living has increased..Been happening for years!!! Could it be that its there only way to get healthcare for their kids.. Many more senerios besides being a lowlife bum!!!

On this one you are singing to the choir. I am in total agreement with you. You can't say that in other situations some things are self inflicted. Why should you or I who go to work & try to live the right way have to keep sacrificing to spread the pie thinner & thinner. No one forces drugs or anything else on people. That's all I'm saying.

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 01:32 PM

[Using these terms in the same breath is an oxymoron. You can't be a commie, traitor, marxist or anarchist & be for freedom... so much for having any knowledge about these subjects. Right? LOL

LOL..now that's funny! I'd like to see any snivleing lib ever fight any battles...unless it's ones where people they don't agree with are blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs. That's what libs consider to be a fair fight. Thanks for the laugh tho...

For once, I partially agree, they are oxymorons however, I disagree that it's about freedom. Freedom in this country means I can be and say whatever I want about MYSELF and label myself any way I like, which I did. I said nothing about YOU, which you did.

FYI, I am a highly intelligent, highly educated woman who would never dream of killing anyone for any reason. For you to say or imply otherwise is insulting at best and completely beneath the dignity of any human being.

An intelligent person doesn't respond to insults or make remarks that call to question what they post either. If you don't want to be challenged then don't say things that you don't mean.

BTW...Freedom goes hand in hand WITH being responsible. Without which, there is no hope. You can't be free & not be responsible. Just look at all the hurting people to see that not to mention all the govt. funds it takes to support them. It's a big reason why we are in the fix we are in.

Why are people hurting..Could it be there are NO JOBS, could it be our wages have dropped while the cost of living has increased..Been happening for years!!! Could it be that its there only way to get healthcare for their kids.. Many more senerios besides being a lowlife bum!!!

On this one you are singing to the choir. I am in total agreement with you. You can't say that in other situations some things are self inflicted. Why should you or I who go to work & try to live the right way have to keep sacrificing to spread the pie thinner & thinner. No one forces drugs or anything else on people. That's all I'm saying.
But see you seem to put all the people in that catagory..It is a small percentage..I beleive healthcare avalibility is a major one!!

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