Topic: British TV to Crucify a Human Corpse
Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 12:39 PM

In what has to be the most controversial film to ever air on television,
Channel 4 in London plans to broadcast a documentary that shows a human
corpse being hung on a cross to depict Christ's suffering, reports The
Daily Mail. Titled "Crucifixion," the premise of the 90-minute film from
anatomist Gunther von Hagens is to show people how Jesus Christ died
when he was crucified. Filming has not yet started.

Someones got too much time on their hands.

Who the hell would watch this?

I wonder if their the ones who want to show the video of Steve Erwin
being killed by the sting Ray?

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 01:09 PM
that's society for ya, these same people that are so interested in
seeing this grisly stuff or interested in other people's pain could not
handle it if it was directed at them though.

couple years ago a band in florida said that they were going to allow a
fan to commit suicide on stage. i don't know if it was just a publicity
stunt or if they really intended to do it but i bet they sold alot more
tickets. this is truly a sick society that we live in but you shouldn't
let it bother you. say your peace and surround yourself with good

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 01:39 PM
I agree.

But there are other cultures that do things that we might consider gross
and or weird but to them it's normal. I once saw a travel show and they
were in the Filipinos were there is this ritual on some religious
holiday, Passover I think, but they would actually Crucify or just nail
some guy to a cross while still alive. and he just allows them to do it.
They take him down after a while and he's not killed but still, kind of
crazy. It's either some extremists or just a rite of passage. I think
there's a primitive culture in New Guinea that allows a person, boy, who
is coming of age, they put a glove of some type full of fire ants over
his arms and let the ants bite him.

Crazy shit man.

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 01:44 PM
i don't see anything wrong with the corpse on the cross because it would
be like surgery on t.v. but there are some very sick things in this
world. i've heard about the rite of passage crucifiction and many others
but they don't seem disturbing to me because they are participating of
their own free will.
you see alot of those things on discovery and A&E, i love learning about
stuff like that.

Jimi366's photo
Fri 09/22/06 02:55 PM
Like I said in a post a few days ago,
People need to fuck more.
There's just not enough fuckin' anymore.
I we were all fuckin' we wouldn't have time
to think of that kind of shit.

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 02:57 PM
i have to have something to do between all the fuckin. it's sad to say
but i have to wait a minute after i cum before it'll get hard again.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 03:02 PM
Yeah I'm with ya on that.

Maybe they need to broad cast the old movie Caliguala on all airwaves.

That would freak some people out.

Just take over the airwaves and blast stuff like porn. That would be
cool. LMAO.

chismah's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:00 PM
Well let's check the british online news websites for survey's of how
many people actually watched that program for the grand total...

The person is sick all good people don't watch stuff like
that because they are putting stuff out on tv so you all would get
"MENTALLY BRAIN NUMB or MIND WARPED" into liking things like
other words it's sick art to bring down the populations mental moral of
right and wrong or destroying your conscious...

Heads up people...but truly...for people that like that stuff need to
have their head examined as well as the creep putting on the air
something like that....alllll about the conditioning...

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:11 PM
It's called desensitizing, and yeah I can see it being a problem, but ya
know what. Probably the average kid has watched about 32 hours of
killings on TV in a week. You see it even in cartoons that they watch.
It's all around us even sex too. So I dunno. Is our society going to
hell in a hand bag or what. I think there's plenty of good stuff out
there if people choose wisely. I watch PBS alot so I think I get a good
mix of educational stuff and yeah I know they have a liberal slant but I
don't care. I pick and choose what I want to believe is true as far as
political issues.

chismah's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:13 PM
THANK YOU GHOST right on the money that's the word I was looking for and
yup you are reading me's totally nuts and sick eeek -_-

chismah's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:17 PM
No prob on the choices guy it's all about free will in what you want or
do not want to do in life...but it's not political...that's just a label
name for something like's just plain wrong is what it is for
peeps to do something like that...educational yeah...but would one think
a person that you know would take a cropse let's say and do something
like this infront of your front lawn of your house having the whole
neighborhood watch something like that???

"Oh look dear...somebody is putting up a corpse in their front yard over wonderful" 0_o

andreww38's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:28 PM
break out the popcorn!

Andrew Wee

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:41 PM
Yeah that's almost as sick as burning a cross in the front lawn. But at
lest the cross burns out after a while were as the corps will smell up
the whole neighborhood worse then a skunk.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:44 PM
Hey Andrew how about fire up the BBQ! LOL!

what part do ya fancy. I have a leg myself. I'm a leg man as far as
women are concirned.

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 05:52 PM
hips, ass and legs thank you

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 09:20 PM

There has been controvery over how he was crucified for centries. So I
say it has to do with how it is done more than it being done. Were the
nails through the wrist or palms type things. If they get into the
sceince and stay out of religion it could be a good program for ADULT
christians looking for the truth. I have to say I already think I know
how it was done and that is enough for me and No I do not want to see
this program.

no photo
Sat 09/23/06 11:55 PM
i don't think that there is anything wrong with it, don't you watch
surgeries on t.v.? just because you don't think it's gruesome or even
if you have been desensitized, it doesn't mean that you are some warped
freak lurking in the shadows. i could say that anyone who isn't used to
it is weak hearted and will never survive the real world to spread the
better way of life to those demented and warped people therefore
becoming a feeding trough for the truly wicked which creates more
emotionally crippled people. it is a scientific study. as for the all of
the other vilolence, it wouldn't matter if people were brought up
differently and actually understood the difference between right and
wrong and learned how to be emotionally stable people. i think all of
the coddling has a negative effect on people because no one can do for
their self anymore and if they have to they cry about it. that's why
this country is going to hell in a hand basket. that and the parents
aren't involved enough

no photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:34 AM

I sure agree parent are not involved enough in their childrens lives.
Not just taking the kids to all the school functions and such but
talking with their kids regularly to know them.

I do believe it is a lack of teaching respect to our children for other
people that is destroying this country. I opened a door for a woman
carrying a baby into the doctors office. A guy from inside the building
darted through the open door bumping into the lady making her drop the
diaper bag. It is this selfish mentality that is making this place so
bad to live in. This same mentality leads to higher theft rates as you
do not respect the hours of work someone put in to get their stuff or
what the theft will do to te person emotionally.