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Topic: The New World Order.
catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:00 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

They have an answer for that it's called socialized Medicine.

People fly here from around the world to be treated because they would die in their socialized medicine country. Try and get a heart operation in Canada or a kidney transplant...Good luck.

See it's a win, win for the elites and U.S. businesses.

Your company will no longer have to provide you with health care benefits once socialized medicine comes in. They save million. Meanwhile we the sheeple end up paying the bill for the people who actually get taken care of. Ingenious isn’t it.

im not talking about the people that come here to get treatment. Im talking about the people that are already here seeking treatment.
ya..people do come here from everywhere, for transplants mostly, like you said.

but im talking about all the chronically ill US citizens that the US government helps to live DAILY.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:01 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

Because anybody can someday be poor and diseased or obtain a disability. I could happen to any one of us.

this is not an answer to the question im asking

im asking why save these people if in the end the governemnt wants to depopulate the world

Sat 10/25/08 11:03 PM

who you voting for goalalltheway??

Sarah Palin.

Sat 10/25/08 11:13 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 11:17 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

They have an answer for that it's called socialized Medicine.

People fly here from around the world to be treated because they would die in their socialized medicine country. Try and get a heart operation in Canada or a kidney transplant...Good luck.

See it's a win, win for the elites and U.S. businesses.

Your company will no longer have to provide you with health care benefits once socialized medicine comes in. They save million. Meanwhile we the sheeple end up paying the bill for the people who actually get taken care of. Ingenious isn’t it.

okay lets say I believe you

give us some details beyond wild accusations

you sound like the guy on the street corner yelling "The End is Near"

Everything I put on here is in the news paper everyday. You just need to pay attention. I don’t have many answers.

The best thing we can do is band together and help put the right people in the right places. That is if we can still work our political system the way it was meant to be worked. We need to find people who are average and have strong moral character and a record that proves it. Not Dynasty families that live in the political main stream. These people have been corrupted or at least a lot of them have. Look at what’s going on. We also have judges making up the law as they go in court rooms around the country. That has to come to a stop.

We also have to reach out to our children and teach them the principals that this country was founded on. Our history is very important. Washington needs an enema bad. Term limits for congress would be a great start.

Of the People, for the People and by the People.

We have to start taking things a lot more seriously. Our friends and families lives depend on it.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:14 PM

who you voting for goalalltheway??

Sarah Palin.


Sat 10/25/08 11:14 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

They have an answer for that it's called socialized Medicine.

People fly here from around the world to be treated because they would die in their socialized medicine country. Try and get a heart operation in Canada or a kidney transplant...Good luck.

See it's a win, win for the elites and U.S. businesses.

Your company will no longer have to provide you with health care benefits once socialized medicine comes in. They save million. Meanwhile we the sheeple end up paying the bill for the people who actually get taken care of. Ingenious isn’t it.

im not talking about the people that come here to get treatment. Im talking about the people that are already here seeking treatment.
ya..people do come here from everywhere, for transplants mostly, like you said.

but im talking about all the chronically ill US citizens that the US government helps to live DAILY.

Sat 10/25/08 11:15 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

They have an answer for that it's called socialized Medicine.

People fly here from around the world to be treated because they would die in their socialized medicine country. Try and get a heart operation in Canada or a kidney transplant...Good luck.

See it's a win, win for the elites and U.S. businesses.

Your company will no longer have to provide you with health care benefits once socialized medicine comes in. They save million. Meanwhile we the sheeple end up paying the bill for the people who actually get taken care of. Ingenious isn’t it.

im not talking about the people that come here to get treatment. Im talking about the people that are already here seeking treatment.
ya..people do come here from everywhere, for transplants mostly, like you said.

but im talking about all the chronically ill US citizens that the US government helps to live DAILY.

Socialized Medicine.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:21 PM
I dont want socialized healthcare. i dont want to stand in a line like a idiot and wait for my chest xray because I cant breathe.
inner city emergency rooms are already packed.

because the docs and nurses are too busy addressing every PERSON that walks in....they dont have time to even properly assess who needs emergent attention.
this will be worse with socialized healthcare

Sat 10/25/08 11:24 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 11:33 PM

who you voting for goalalltheway??

Sarah Palin.


Look I am not hot for her body. She is middle class and has a child with down sydrome. Her daughter is going through a teenage pregnancy etc.

I would rather have her there than some silver spoon politician who wouldn’t know a family budget if he had it stapled to his or her forehead.

This whole thread has nothing to do with McCain. I think he is a socialist of sorts but his opponent is way over the line. That’s just my opinion.

By the way I am a registered independent.

Winx's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:26 PM

who you voting for goalalltheway??

Sarah Palin.


Look I am not hot for her body. She is middle class and has an autistic child. Her daughter is going through a teenage pregnancy etc.

I would rather have her there than some silver spoon politician who wouldn’t know a family budget if he had it stapled to his or her forehead.

This whole thread has nothing to do with McCain. I think he is a socialist of sorts but his opponent is way over the line. That’s just my opinion.

By the way I am a registered independent.

She has a child with Down's Syndrome.

Sat 10/25/08 11:28 PM

goalltheway has a picture of a 2nd-cousin of mine

Genn Simons???

Sat 10/25/08 11:34 PM

who you voting for goalalltheway??

Sarah Palin.


Look I am not hot for her body. She is middle class and has an autistic child. Her daughter is going through a teenage pregnancy etc.

I would rather have her there than some silver spoon politician who wouldn’t know a family budget if he had it stapled to his or her forehead.

This whole thread has nothing to do with McCain. I think he is a socialist of sorts but his opponent is way over the line. That’s just my opinion.

By the way I am a registered independent.

She has a child with Down's Syndrome.

I corrected ... Brains stuck on that list I created.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:36 PM

is palin a part of the NWO
or is she just a puppet on somebodys string??

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:37 PM
whose the mastermind??

Sat 10/25/08 11:44 PM

I dont want socialized healthcare. i dont want to stand in a line like a idiot and wait for my chest xray because I cant breathe.
inner city emergency rooms are already packed.

because the docs and nurses are too busy addressing every PERSON that walks in....they dont have time to even properly assess who needs emergent attention.
this will be worse with socialized healthcare

I dont want it either but they want it. We end up paying for it.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:51 PM
I think Aids was manmade

Sat 10/25/08 11:54 PM

whose the mastermind??

It's a group of families. Historical families that have always been around. And from what I understand there is a system to its levels. .

You have these families at the top and then they have families below them and then there are people who serve their wants in Government industries, education, media etc. I will get a list for you.

There is a book called (The Federal Reserve: Jekyll Island Monster Island.) Check it out. Treat it like a Dean Koontz novel if you want. But it will blow you away. And all the facts in the book check out.

Sat 10/25/08 11:55 PM


is palin a part of the NWO
or is she just a puppet on somebodys string??

Not sure but I have a good feeling about her is all I can say.

Sat 10/25/08 11:57 PM

I think Aids was manmade

Among many other things.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 11:57 PM


is palin a part of the NWO
or is she just a puppet on somebodys string??

Not sure but I have a good feeling about her is all I can say.

me too.

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