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Topic: The New World Order.
no photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:45 PM

Only if we stand agianst our tormentors, shall we be free....
I will fight and die before I cave to our pathetic ways of society..... The government is only out for themselves.... Thats how it is, past, present and in the future...... Its is in human nature to be selfish and greedy...... Only the strong shall survive!!!!

flowers flowers flowers flowers
awesome attitudea and viewpoint

Thanks..... I think.....

world is full of greedy people. if you are going to survive in a greedy world without becoming just anotha selfish azzhead....whatcha gonna do??
to avoid becoming that way?
stand against the greedy people??
how ya gonna do that??

One word.....



MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:45 PM

okay we'ver heard a lot a vague gesticulations but no meat

how about some details

give us dirt, name names

They wanted dirt in Waterworld too!

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 09:46 PM
yes tell me about chemtrails, world trade center bombing, the war on drugs, and of course lets please not forget about the ULTRA DEADLY VIRUSES floating around out there.

how can i avoid being a victim of depopulization?

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:02 PM
how can i avoid being a victim of depopulization?

don't die?

Sat 10/25/08 10:02 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 10:48 PM

yes tell me about chemtrails, world trade center bombing, the war on drugs, and of course lets please not forget about the ULTRA DEADLY VIRUSES floating around out there.

how can i avoid being a victim of depopulization?

Bird Flu
Mucery in children’s vaccines causing Autism.
Aspartame eating holes in rats brains.
Explosion of Breast Cancer.
Obesity in industrialized countries
Banks failing but being saved with your money.
Cameras watching you most of the day. Next time you are out and about think about how many times you walk in to a place and you find your self on camera.
Economy working toward a cashless society. Money on a computer can be wiped out in a flash. It's not like cash in your pocket. Think about it cash is a form of freedom. They want to get rid of it.
The U.S. dollar plummeting.
Mean while no money bail out for you.
Bankruptcy laws changed two years before economic implosion.
Everything built on credit and interest payments.
Cost of living so high the family is destroyed because no one is home to watch the kids.
Schools and government dictating to the parents what and how their children will be taught.
Rampant drug use and availability even though the government has a war on drugs. '
Government refuses to protect borders after 911 attacks.
Media backing one candidate for Presidential office.
Government becoming socialized.
Population indoctrinated to rely on government for everything – medicine, housing money etc.
Race relations or should I say lack of.
Rocketing fuel cost.
Wars declared with out end and congress never approves it.
Private Banks running our country and not the government.
Mindless entertainment.
Anti - Christian sentiment through out western civilization. War on CHRISTMASS.
Anti Jewish sentiment beginning to rise.
Distruction of U.S. health care system.
Children being taught about sexual acts at ages as young as 8 years old in public schools.
Globalism - jobs leave the U.S. for cheaper labor markets.

The U.S. becomes a service industry economy. When you make stuff and sale it you have wealth. When you just provide a service that any other country can at cheaper rates you become poor. That is what is happening. We have had our wealth striped from us.

All designed to distract,kill,divide, brainwash,conquer and Dumb us down.

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:09 PM
you left out Bigfoot

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:30 PM
mcdonalds is a conspiracy

Sat 10/25/08 10:34 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 10:34 PM

mcdonalds is a conspiracy

All the processed poison being put in our food is.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:34 PM

mcdonalds is a conspiracy

All the processed poison being put in to it is.

yuppers. i agree. Ive boycotted fast food

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:36 PM
I like slow food

it's easier to kill

Sat 10/25/08 10:36 PM

mcdonalds is a conspiracy

All the processed poison being put in to it is.

yuppers. i agree. Ive boycotted fast food

Just read up on some of this stuff. It can’t all be just a coincidence.

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:40 PM
Edited by littleredhen on Sat 10/25/08 10:44 PM

yes tell me about chemtrails, world trade center bombing, the war on drugs, and of course lets please not forget about the ULTRA DEADLY VIRUSES floating around out there.

how can i avoid being a victim of depopulization?

Bird Flu
Mucery in children’s vaccines causing Autism.
Aspartame eating holes in rats brains.
Explosion of Breast Cancer.
Obesity in industrialized countries
Banks failing but being saved with your money. Mean while no money bail out for you.
Bankruptcy laws changed two years before economic implosion.
The U.S. dollar plummeting.
Everything built on credit and interest payments.
Cost of living so high the family is destroyed because no one is home to watch the kids.
Schools and government dictating to the parents what and how their children will be taught.
Rampant drug use and availability even though the government has a war on drugs. '
Government refuses to protect borders after 911 attacks.
Media backing one candidate for Presidential office.
Government becoming socialized.
Population indoctrinated to rely on government for everything – medicine, housing money etc.
Race relations or should I say lack of.
Rocketing fuel cost.
Wars declared with out end and congress never approves it.
Private Banks running our country and not the government.
Mindless entertainment.
Anti - Christian sentiment through out western civilization. War on CHRISTMASS.
Anti Jewish sentiment beginning to rise.
Distruction of U.S. health care system.
Children being taught about sexual acts at ages as young as 8 years old in public schools.
Globalism - jobs leave the U.S. for cheaper labor markets.

The U.S. becomes a service industry economy. When you make stuff and sale it you have wealth. When you just provide a service that any other country can at cheaper rates you become poor. That is what is happening. We have had our wealth striped from us.

All designed to distract,kill,divide, brainwash,conquer and Dumb us down.

add to this list

"Tetnus vaccine" given only to females of childbearing age & discovered to have contaminates that can cause sterility.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:47 PM
why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

Sat 10/25/08 10:49 PM
Edited by GOALLTHEWAY on Sat 10/25/08 10:59 PM
Cameras watching you most of the day. Next time you are out and about think about how many times you walk in to a place and you find your self on camera.

Economy working toward a cashless society. Money on a computer can be wiped out in a flash. It's not like cash in your pocket. Think about it cash is a form of freedom. They want to get rid of it.

Meanwhile they have you playing with a piece of plastic that does not seem like real money. It's like Las Vegas they take your money and give you plastic chips in return. A few drinks later you are throwing that plastic around like it's not real money. It's a mind game.

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:50 PM
They don't bother with a lot of us.

Sat 10/25/08 10:54 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

They have an answer for that it's called socialized Medicine.

People fly here from around the world to be treated because they would die in their socialized medicine country. Try and get a heart operation in Canada or a kidney transplant...Good luck.

See it's a win, win for the elites and U.S. businesses.

Your company will no longer have to provide you with health care benefits once socialized medicine comes in. They save million. Meanwhile we the sheeple end up paying the bill for the people who actually get taken care of. Ingenious isn’t it.

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:54 PM

Cameras watching you most of the day. Next time you are out and about think about how many times you walk in to a place and you find your self on camera.
Economy working toward a cashless society. Money on a computer can be wiped out in a flash. It's not like cash in your pocket. Think about it cash is a form of freedom. They want to get rid of it.

Land ownership is freedom too. The self sustanable family farm is history. We are dependant on agribussiness & the trucking industry. Monsanto scares me.

catwoman96's photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:55 PM
who you voting for goalalltheway??

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:56 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

They have an answer for that it's called socialized Medicine.

People fly here from around the world to be treated because they would die in their socialized medicine country. Try and get a heart operation in Canada or a kidney transplant...Good luck.

See it's a win, win for the elites and U.S. businesses.

Your company will no longer have to provide you with health care benefits once socialized medicine comes in. They save million. Meanwhile we the sheeple end up paying the bill for the people who actually get taken care of. Ingenious isn’t it.

okay lets say I believe you

give us some details beyond wild accusations

you sound like the guy on the street corner yelling "The End is Near"

Winx's photo
Sat 10/25/08 10:59 PM

why save the poor and the diseased then??
why spend so much money on medicare and medicaid?? not to mention disability??

why treat the obese women with heart failure that eats at mcdonalds daily and smokes cigarretes nonstop?? and forgets all her meds?? why bother?

Because anybody can someday be poor and diseased or obtain a disability. I could happen to any one of us.

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