Topic: What do you think of Gay Marriage ?
FreeToB's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:44 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Sat 10/18/08 10:46 AM

This is the most ignorant statement ever. So, you assume all gay men are child molesters? Why wouldn't they be able to adopt a boy?

You are a piece of work, and you should be the one dumped to the sharks. I would so much rather be gay, than be as uneducated and insensitive as you are.

No, I do not assume that all gays are child molestors. And I didn't say that. Although I know that some are. I just asked you liberal fools, what next?

As far as being uneducated, I'll put my education and my intelligence against yours any day. Insensitive? Perhaps..but I'm a realist.

I do have an extreme dislike for "gays" because they are unnatural freaks. I used to have some gay friends and after knowing them, got the same story from them all...every one. They were molested as a kid...not "born that way". Get any to tell the truth and you'll know it. One actually said that I was the freak for not being at least bisexual. He called me unnatural. I only know this: A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina...they work together for a biological purpose and for good fun. What these faggots use, I **** out of.

And while you liberal idiots are crying for the dead babies and your friends (and mine) who died of AIDS, remember where it came from and the original name for it. GRID. Gay Related Immune Deficiency. Because only faggots had it. They (and you liberals) have that on you.

If someone wants to be gay, let them. But lets not decide that it's a valid union for MARRIAGE.

BTW, I eat sharks, *****! Throw me in.

fairycatcher31's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:51 AM

Totally against it. What next? Child molestors having visitation rights? Maybe "gay" couples adopting young boys? I'm for giving them all a free vacation cruise halfway to New Zealand. Sharks need to eat too.

Ok I had to respond being that I am gay and would love to be able to marry my girlfriend but can't in the state we live in!
Ok NOT all gays are intittled to share benifits with there partner. NOT all businesses see it as they should. I can't get insurance and as much as my girlfriend would like to add me to hers we can't cause we are not a hetero couple. Yes marriage is in the bible and some see it as a religious union. I don't want to be married by a priest or minister we just want to share in that experience like everyone else and don't think we should have to have a judge do it! And who cares if a gay couple adopts a child, at least someone is steping up and giving a damn about all the orphans in this world! And just because they are gay does not mean they will raise that child to be gay!! And believe me huney we do NOT make more money then most! at least not all gay couples are rich, heck I am sure 75% of them are just like everyone else! I love God and I believe in him and maybe he may not love what I am doing but he loves me no matter what lifestyle I chose!
And we are fighting for the same rights as everyone else but after years of fighting and a heck of alot of research we have found that one step at a time is what it takes and the right to marry just happens to be one of those first steps! If you cut me do I not bleed like you!!

Tromette's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:51 AM

This is the most ignorant statement ever. So, you assume all gay men are child molesters? Why wouldn't they be able to adopt a boy?

You are a piece of work, and you should be the one dumped to the sharks. I would so much rather be gay, than be as uneducated and insensitive as you are.

No, I do not assume that all gays are child molestors. And I didn't say that. Although I know that some are. I just asked you liberal fools, what next?

As far as being uneducated, I'll put my education and my intelligence against yours any day. Insensitive? Perhaps..but I'm a realist.

I do have an extreme dislike for "gays" because they are unnatural freaks. I used to have some gay friends and after knowing them, got the same story from them all...every one. They were molested as a kid...not "born that way". Get any to tell the truth and you'll know it. One actually said that I was the freak for not being at least bisexual. He called me unnatural. I only know this: A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina...they work together for a biological purpose and for good fun. What these faggots use, I **** out of.

And while you liberal idiots are crying for the dead babies and your friends (and mine) who died of AIDS, remember where it came from and the original name for it. GRID. Gay Related Immune Deficiency. Because only faggots had it. They (and you liberals) have that on you.

If someone wants to be gay, let them. But lets not decide that it's a valid union for MARRIAGE.

BTW, I eat sharks, *****! Throw me in.

This is just one example:

"Adoption expert, Carrie Craft cites the Child Welfare Information Gateway (previously National Adoption Information Clearinghouse) as stating, "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. The American Psychological Association agrees, "Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals molest children."

I like your screen name. Free to be what? A redneck closed minded ass?

FreeToB's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:54 AM
Edited by FreeToB on Sat 10/18/08 11:53 AM

This is just one example:

"Adoption expert, Carrie Craft cites the Child Welfare Information Gateway (previously National Adoption Information Clearinghouse) as stating, "A child's risk of being molested by his or her relatives' heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." The study also found that of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. The American Psychological Association agrees, "Another myth about homosexuality is the mistaken belief that gay men have more of a tendency than heterosexual men to sexually molest children. There is no evidence to suggest that homosexuals molest children."

I like your screen name. Free to be what? A redneck closed minded ass?

I started out young thinking that gays should be free to do what they want. And back in those days, they were "queers", not "gay". And mine, then as now, was not the most popular opinion. But I stand by mine now. It's based on my 48 years of living and seeing how life is. Not some survey or opinion poll.

It didn't just pop into my head to totally disagree with what they believe in and how the majority of the ones that I've known live. But I do now, at 48 and with an IQ a good deal higher than the number of posts I've made on this idiot box that you apparently LIVE on.

I really don't care what their life is, only their lifestyles.

You want marriage for gays but what IS marriage? It is a religious union at it's core. And if you're gay, you are not religious, unless you're Unitarian. lol And that ain't religion. It's dwarves and elves and fairies.

My last gay "friend" used to hit on me verbally at every party and place we happened to be at simultaneously. It never bothered me much because I'm straight and not threatened by that. . Four YEARS of that BS. But the last time, he put his hands on me. Not once, not twice, but 3 times after I told him to back off each time. If you give one an inch (so to speak), he'll take a mile if he can. The stitches he took in both eyes attest to how serious I was at not wanting a man laying his hands on me. That was my last and final gay "friend". One who I thought was cool and in a good monogamous relationship.
I cannot abide their behavior, morals or trust them to be friends. And I damn sure wouldn't get drunk with one.

Fags may not be the only child molestors. But regardless of your "research" thay are some. I know that when we were growing up, there were predators and we had to be careful. I can only imagine with society letting anyone do whatever they want these days, it has to be worse.
A few may like to adopt a young boy and it would be fine. But thats like asking the fox to guard the chickens.

How about gang bangers? They were born into that life and environment with no say. They ought to be able to live how they want and influence others just as much...right? Why not bestiality?

You liberal idiots want everything for anyone regardless of it's morality or implications on society. "Gay" IS a choice and those who are made it. That includes not being invited to my parties and having serious injury if you lay hands on even my fingertip. It also includes having to grudgingly accept my opinions as a free redneck/hippie/engineer just as much as you accept the fags, lesbians and other sick MFs who DO want to bugger your kids. lol

alicat4213's photo
Sat 10/18/08 10:56 AM

This is the most ignorant statement ever. So, you assume all gay men are child molesters? Why wouldn't they be able to adopt a boy?

You are a piece of work, and you should be the one dumped to the sharks. I would so much rather be gay, than be as uneducated and insensitive as you are.

No, I do not assume that all gays are child molestors. And I didn't say that. Although I know that some are. I just asked you liberal fools, what next?

As far as being uneducated, I'll put my education and my intelligence against yours any day. Insensitive? Perhaps..but I'm a realist.

I do have an extreme dislike for "gays" because they are unnatural freaks. I used to have some gay friends and after knowing them, got the same story from them all...every one. They were molested as a kid...not "born that way". Get any to tell the truth and you'll know it. One actually said that I was the freak for not being at least bisexual. He called me unnatural. I only know this: A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina...they work together for a biological purpose and for good fun. What these faggots use, I **** out of.

And while you liberal idiots are crying for the dead babies and your friends (and mine) who died of AIDS, remember where it came from and the original name for it. GRID. Gay Related Immune Deficiency. Because only faggots had it. They (and you liberals) have that on you.

If someone wants to be gay, let them. But lets not decide that it's a valid union for MARRIAGE.

BTW, I eat sharks, *****! Throw me in.

OK thats a bunch of bull if I ever heard any!!! 85% of my guy friends are gay and none of them were molested as a child. They all knew at a young age that they were gay. And I do believe that AIDS didn't come from just gay people I do believe it originated in Africa in monkeys or something. They blamed Gays for the disease because gays were just becoming known in society.

no photo
Sat 10/18/08 11:48 AM

This is the most ignorant statement ever. So, you assume all gay men are child molesters? Why wouldn't they be able to adopt a boy?

You are a piece of work, and you should be the one dumped to the sharks. I would so much rather be gay, than be as uneducated and insensitive as you are.

No, I do not assume that all gays are child molestors. And I didn't say that. Although I know that some are. I just asked you liberal fools, what next?

As far as being uneducated, I'll put my education and my intelligence against yours any day. Insensitive? Perhaps..but I'm a realist.

I do have an extreme dislike for "gays" because they are unnatural freaks. I used to have some gay friends and after knowing them, got the same story from them all...every one. They were molested as a kid...not "born that way". Get any to tell the truth and you'll know it. One actually said that I was the freak for not being at least bisexual. He called me unnatural. I only know this: A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina...they work together for a biological purpose and for good fun. What these faggots use, I **** out of.

And while you liberal idiots are crying for the dead babies and your friends (and mine) who died of AIDS, remember where it came from and the original name for it. GRID. Gay Related Immune Deficiency. Because only faggots had it. They (and you liberals) have that on you.

If someone wants to be gay, let them. But lets not decide that it's a valid union for MARRIAGE.

BTW, I eat sharks, *****! Throw me in.


FreeToB's photo
Sat 10/18/08 12:09 PM

If you cut me do I not bleed like you!!

I wouldn't cut you, in any respect. But, if you had your business up some fags butt, pretty good odds that you do not bleed like me.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 10/18/08 12:32 PM
OK, I've had my bi-monthly dose of this chat stuff. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me. lol But hey...there IS an outside world.

Seriously, I do not consider myself ignorant, a redneck or a hater. I'm quite certain that every person that knows me also does not think that of me at all. Just not one to hold back in my opinions or back down from...anything. I'm a helper and a good friend to those that are honorable. I'm that guy that breaks up a fight and keeps the peace, stops even when Im in a hurry to help you on the side of the road, and fixes your car, not just give you a ride as far as Im going, buys you a meal or some gas to get home on, fixes your computer...and car if I love you. lol

The question was gay marriage and, as I said, I'm against it. I'm also against cheating on my girl, stealing, lying, hurting people and general bad behavior. I have values based on what my mother and father and grandparents taught me, not what the media tells us that we should believe. So take em with a grain of whatever you need and realize that I'm not alone by any means in my beliefs.

Have a great weekend everyone...fags included. lol

Tromeo's photo
Sat 10/18/08 12:45 PM

OK, I've had my bi-monthly dose of this chat stuff. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me. lol But hey...there IS an outside world.

Seriously, I do not consider myself ignorant, a redneck or a hater. I'm quite certain that every person that knows me also does not think that of me at all. Just not one to hold back in my opinions or back down from...anything. I'm a helper and a good friend to those that are honorable. I'm that guy that breaks up a fight and keeps the peace, stops even when Im in a hurry to help you on the side of the road, and fixes your car, not just give you a ride as far as Im going, buys you a meal or some gas to get home on, fixes your computer...and car if I love you. lol

The question was gay marriage and, as I said, I'm against it. I'm also against cheating on my girl, stealing, lying, hurting people and general bad behavior. I have values based on what my mother and father and grandparents taught me, not what the media tells us that we should believe. So take em with a grain of whatever you need and realize that I'm not alone by any means in my beliefs.

Have a great weekend everyone...fags included. lol

Despite claiming not to be a redneck, hater or ignorant, it seems that whenever you open your mouth or type, that's all that's broadcast. You are holding on to old views and not being remotely open to new views. That, by definition, is ignorance.

You aren't against gay marriage. You are against gay. There is a big difference. Gay marriage would, semantically, challenge the current definition of marriage between a man and a woman. If you were only against that, you wouldn't refer to gay people as fags and call them child molesters.

Actually, if I only read what you posted here, I would think you were nothing more than an ignorant, Stars and Bars flyin', hate spewing piece of white trash that would be better off falling in the combine you're driving.

But, hey, that's just my opinion.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:14 PM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right? what are you hate god or what ?

Is that what I said?

I'm just making sure that all of the people who are saying that they are against gay marriage for religious reasons, aren't having any sex before marriage, or getting divorced...since the bible says that both of those things are wrong too, and boy would it be hypocritical of anyone to open their bigoted mouth and voice their disapproval of the subject.

You're again missing the point.
Whether or not unmarried people are having sex, is a moral issue true....but same sex marriage is a whole new world inwhich most of society won't accept...and you know it.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:15 PM

And I'm sure all of you bible bumping freaks out there who oppose gay marriage, aren't having any pre-marital sex or getting divorced, right? what are you hate god or what ?

Is that what I said?

I'm just making sure that all of the people who are saying that they are against gay marriage for religious reasons, aren't having any sex before marriage, or getting divorced...since the bible says that both of those things are wrong too, and boy would it be hypocritical of anyone to open their bigoted mouth and voice their disapproval of the subject.

AMEN TO THAT!!!drinks drinks

To what ?

No1sLove's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:18 PM
I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:21 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:24 PM
Marriage is more or less a religious thing. I don't think there should be gay marriage, but I am fine with a government sanctioned union that will give them all the legal rights and privileges of a married couple with just a different title.

Tromeo's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:26 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

If this is being read correctly, you don't think anyone wants gay sex? What about, maybe, gay people?

Exempting a few people here and there, I'm staggered at the level of ignorance here.

SportsNut2007's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:31 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

If this is being read correctly, you don't think anyone wants gay sex? What about, maybe, gay people?

Exempting a few people here and there, I'm staggered at the level of ignorance here.

You're not reading it correctly...again !

lulu24's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:32 PM

I do have an extreme dislike for "gays" because they are unnatural freaks.

how so? did you know that there are animals that mate homosexually for life?

I used to have some gay friends and after knowing them, got the same story from them all...every one. They were molested as a kid...not "born that way". Get any to tell the truth and you'll know it.

i've personally spent quite a bit of time with gays...and most were NOT molested. did you know that there are actual differences in the brains of straight and gay males? this points to biology, not to molestation.

One actually said that I was the freak for not being at least bisexual. He called me unnatural. I only know this: A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina...they work together for a biological purpose and for good fun.

i get this, actually...they are saying that we should be able to love a person for WHO they are, not what body they wear.

What these ******* use, I **** out of.

plenty of hetero people enjoy anal play.

If someone wants to be gay, let them. But lets not decide that it's a valid union for MARRIAGE.

what gives you the right to decide to whom i may tie my monetary assets? a LEGAL marriage is not the same thing as a RELIGIOUS one.


let's all remember to keep this civil. it's NOT okay to call names or use derogatory terms towards others, even if they make decisions that you don't agree with.

Chazster's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:38 PM

what gives you the right to decide to whom i may tie my monetary assets? a LEGAL marriage is not the same thing as a RELIGIOUS one.

Then would you have any problem with a legal arrangement that gave you all those rights, but just was not called "marriage"?

no photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:39 PM

What do you think of Gay Marriage ?

I believe it's pretty darn gay. Back to you Bob.

Tromeo's photo
Sat 10/18/08 01:40 PM
Edited by Tromeo on Sat 10/18/08 01:41 PM

I don't believe in it, but that's probably got a lot to do with the fact that I don't understand it.

It doesn't effect me one way or another, so if those that believe in it want'll hear no protests from me. flowerforyou

I don't think anyone wants it !

If this is being read correctly, you don't think anyone wants gay sex? What about, maybe, gay people?

Exempting a few people here and there, I'm staggered at the level of ignorance here.

You're not reading it correctly...again !

Ah, you're speaking of gay marriage and not gay sex. My apologies, this thread has somewhat derailed into intolerance about anything gay.

But, once again, for gay marriage, I'm gonna say that gay people want it.

Also, I don't think it's being recognized that marriage has no religious background what so ever. Marriage in a religious sense was started by the church during the middle ages. It was a way to tax, make more money, and control the populace.

C'est la vie. Is there anything really wrong with sharing benefits with someone you love that happens to be of the same sex? What does that really hurt? What problems could sharing benefits at a civil level be? If the thought of two dudes pumping each other in the butts offends you, think of it like a business proposal.

Edit: Also, you really can't tell me you don't dig lesbian porn. That would just be gay.