Topic: Presidential Debate 3 | |
templter - as I said I wasn't speaking of anyone in-particular.(and didn't see you ever do the hateful names) smears --copy-- Speaking at a lively rally in Miami, McCain said Joe Wurzelbacher, of Holland, Ohio, was being punished for asking Obama a legitimate question. "Last weekend, Sen. Obama showed up in Joe's driveway to ask for his vote, and you know what Joe did? He asked Senator Obama a tough question. I'm glad he did; I think Senator Obama could use a few more tough questions," McCain said. "He wasn't recruited or prompted by our campaign. He just asked a question. And Americans ought to be able to ask Senator Obama tough questions without being smeared and targeted with political attacks," he said. Does any of this make Joe the Plumber a bad guy? Of course not. NOT SO FAST There are a lot of Robert M. Wurzelbachers, living in at least three states. You’re going out on a big limb by assuming that the GOP donor in Cincinnati is the father of the Keating 5 son-in-law and that either is closely related to Joe the Plumber.--- But You really are missing the point. Obama SAID to Joe, "spread the wealth around." Bottom line, that is the story. BHO equals 1) bigger government 2) less individual liberty 3) higher taxes 4) judges who rule based on their feelings instead of the written law 5) unrestricted abortion including partial-birth abortion 6)advancement of same-sex sodomy legitimization 7) more restrictive gun control laws surrender in Iraq 9) the weakening of America’s military. That is what BHO promises. If you want those 9 results I listed above, Barack Obama, Jr. is your man. Because that is his agenda. AND HIS ads are lies, negative and slamming the US twice as often as any ad McCain runs, because O has documented funds into his contributions from Overseas, in large amounts. --copy-- N.Y. Times Confirms Suspicious Obama Donations Friday, October 10, 2008 5:28 PM By: Jim Meyers Article Font Size The New York Times has once again published an article citing a Newsmax story that first raised questions about Barack Obama’s fundraising. [Read “Obama Campaign Runs Afoul of Finance Rules” — Go Here Now]. In a Friday story headlined “Fictitious Donors Found in Obama Finance Records,” The Times disclosed that an analysis of campaign finance records “this week found nearly 3,000 donations to Mr. Obama … from more than a dozen people with apparently fictitious donor information.” One contributor used the name “Jgti Jfggjjfgi” and listed an address of “thjtrj” in “gjtjtjtjtjtjr, AP.” Noting that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has filed a complaint against the Obama campaign questioning the legitimacy of the more than $220 million in small donations to Obama’s campaign, The Times reported: “The complaint followed an article on the conservative Web site that highlighted thousands of dollars in contributions, made in increments of $25 dating back to March, from ‘Good Will’ in Austin, Tex., who listed his employer as ‘Loving’ and his occupation as ‘You,’ as well as thousands of small contributions that started last November from a ‘Doodad Pro’ in Nunda, N.Y., with the same employer and occupation.” In a Sept. 29 report, Newsmax correspondent Kenneth R. Timmerman first raised questions about Obama’s fund-raising, disclosing that more than half of the money raised by Obama “has come from small donors whose names the Obama campaign won’t disclose.” --end-- NOW that's troubling stuff!! That's where the media ought to be looking, instead Times tries to downplay it. Yea, right, tell me the media isn't slanted, Gasp! BB |
This is a long 2 hr movie..... suffer thru the
first 5 minutes and it gets REALLY interesting. Change isn't going to happen with these guys. w w w . z e i t g e i s t m o v i e . c o m / m a i n . h t m I wasn't going to post it because I am a Christian, but U feel it has alot of documented details all Americans should see. ----- U see -- this A side by side video comparison of what was going on in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001 while President Bush sat in a Florida classroom for seven minutes as the nation was under attack.---- Kinda takes a bit to wrap your mind around. Google 911 cover-up.. but showing U the 2nd, to details some more of the first. But, first 'movie' isn't all about 911 - --c-- Welcome to the Official Site for 'Zeitgeist, the Movie' (2007) & its sequel 'Zeitgeist: Addendum' (2008). Since the emergence of the project in late June, 2007, many other websites, organizations and posts have fallaciously claimed connections to the works. Please note that these two productions are our only media expressions. Likewise, and its developing activist site: are the only web entities we have produced. 'Zeitgeist, The Movie' and 'Zeitgeist: Addendum' were created as Not-for-Profit expressions to communicate what the author felt were highly important social understandings which most humans are generally not aware of. The first film focuses on suppressed historical & modern information about currently dominant social institutions, while also exploring what could be in store for humanity if the power structures at large continue their patterns of self-interest, corruption, and consolidation. The second film, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project. ---end-- A new world Order just isn't going to 'cut it.' Peace, BB |
Maybe the CFR is publishing all this mudslinging for a reason... It seems likes it's a distraction from the real issues. Trust me, with these candidates, even little old me can point out ENOUGH flaws just by using their supposed policies to make people wanna vomit. Doesn't take a lot of intelligence to figure our that Obama's and McCain's policies do NOT have our best interests in mind....
Maybe the CFR is publishing all this mudslinging for a reason... It seems likes it's a distraction from the real issues. Trust me, with these candidates, even little old me can point out ENOUGH flaws just by using their supposed policies to make people wanna vomit. Doesn't take a lot of intelligence to figure our that Obama's and McCain's policies do NOT have our best interests in mind.... Yep, got that right. Here is part two, how they print money w/out anything to back it up. And how politics 'work' and other ideas. If you missed part one, that's a better place to start. Very interesting stuff. But I don't believe their slant on religion. New ideas are always scary and criticized or ridiculed. It threatens belief systems in a person. Some time ago I thought that a system without money was ridiculous! Now, It seems like a very good idea. The venus project makes alot of sense (wayyyyyyy down the road??) But for now - just alot of dif insights - good movie . But it shows the running mates, all of them Obama, McCain and even H.Clinton---- BB ---copy-- The second film, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project |
Edited by
Sat 10/18/08 06:57 PM
Maybe the CFR is publishing all this mudslinging for a reason... It seems likes it's a distraction from the real issues. Trust me, with these candidates, even little old me can point out ENOUGH flaws just by using their supposed policies to make people wanna vomit. Doesn't take a lot of intelligence to figure our that Obama's and McCain's policies do NOT have our best interests in mind.... Yep, got that right. Here is part two, how they print money w/out anything to back it up. And how politics 'work' and other ideas. If you missed part one, that's a better place to start. Very interesting stuff. But I don't believe their slant on religion. New ideas are always scary and criticized or ridiculed. It threatens belief systems in a person. Some time ago I thought that a system without money was ridiculous! Now, It seems like a very good idea. The venus project makes alot of sense (wayyyyyyy down the road??) But for now - just alot of dif insights - good movie . But it shows the running mates, all of them Obama, McCain and even H.Clinton---- BB ---copy-- The second film, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project ![]() |
I don't remeber clinton being a republican. He had a pretty big hand in things. In fact, i remember republicans voting down the first bailout bill...
I'm thinking we can't blame just one party. We have to blame the majority of both... Look at the policies, look at the votes... |
The above may not have been fair... The repubs do have Ron Paul to look up to...
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I don't remeber clinton being a republican. He had a pretty big hand in things. In fact, i remember republicans voting down the first bailout bill... I'm thinking we can't blame just one party. We have to blame the majority of both... Look at the policies, look at the votes... |
Edited by
Sat 10/18/08 06:25 PM
The only way to fix it is to disolve the 2 party system..But for now once bitten, twice shy..Bite me again well....I like Ron Paul and others that I think would do better!! Rep did vote it down until the pork was added, something they object to
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Edited by
Sat 10/18/08 06:22 PM
Maybe the CFR is publishing all this mudslinging for a reason... It seems likes it's a distraction from the real issues. Trust me, with these candidates, even little old me can point out ENOUGH flaws just by using their supposed policies to make people wanna vomit. Doesn't take a lot of intelligence to figure our that Obama's and McCain's policies do NOT have our best interests in mind.... Yep, got that right. Here is part two, how they print money w/out anything to back it up. And how politics 'work' and other ideas. If you missed part one, that's a better place to start. Very interesting stuff. But I don't believe their slant on religion. New ideas are always scary and criticized or ridiculed. It threatens belief systems in a person. Some time ago I thought that a system without money was ridiculous! Now, It seems like a very good idea. The venus project makes alot of sense (wayyyyyyy down the road??) But for now - just alot of dif insights - good movie . But it shows the running mates, all of them Obama, McCain and even H.Clinton---- BB ---copy-- The second film, Zeitgeist: Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics, morality, laws, or any other "establishment" notions of human affairs, but rather on a modern, non-superstitious based understanding of what we are and how we align with nature, to which we are a part. The work advocates a new social system which is updated to present day knowledge, highly influenced by the life long work of Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project ![]() Well said. ![]() |
I don't remeber clinton being a republican. He had a pretty big hand in things. In fact, i remember republicans voting down the first bailout bill... I'm thinking we can't blame just one party. We have to blame the majority of both... Look at the policies, look at the votes... But Clinton wrote some of these bills that follow what you call the "republican" agenda. Forget the fallacy of thinking that because repubs are in power they caused everything... It's called a fallacy because you cannot come up with logical conclusions based on the information provided. Think about it, lose the anger for a sec, and think. The dems have to back the repubs in order to get a bill to pass, for the most part. I can't think of a single f-ed up bill that didn't have democratic approval... Its also pretty rare that a bill pass with 100% republican approval. The majority of both parties do not have our best interests at heart, you know that. It is understandible that you would be angry at what many republicans, and democrats support... They've broken the constitution so many times, if they were to have a trial most could be thrown in prison for several lifetimes (and i believe they should be). Hell, check this out, the Paulson Act violates the constitution in several ways. For starters it was written in the senate, i believe, and that is illegal from what i understand. Therefore everyone that supported the bill should be held accountable, as well as the person who wrote it. Lets see, Hilary, Obama, McCain, definitely Paulson, and many more were HEAVY supporters of it from what i understand. They all deserve criminal charges, and should never be allowed to serve in any leadership position ever again. |
I don't remeber clinton being a republican. He had a pretty big hand in things. In fact, i remember republicans voting down the first bailout bill... I'm thinking we can't blame just one party. We have to blame the majority of both... Look at the policies, look at the votes... But Clinton wrote some of these bills that follow what you call the "republican" agenda. Forget the fallacy of thinking that because repubs are in power they caused everything... It's called a fallacy because you cannot come up with logical conclusions based on the information provided. Think about it, lose the anger for a sec, and think. The dems have to back the repubs in order to get a bill to pass, for the most part. I can't think of a single f-ed up bill that didn't have democratic approval... Its also pretty rare that a bill pass with 100% republican approval. The majority of both parties do not have our best interests at heart, you know that. It is understandible that you would be angry at what many republicans, and democrats support... They've broken the constitution so many times, if they were to have a trial most could be thrown in prison for several lifetimes (and i believe they should be). Hell, check this out, the Paulson Act violates the constitution in several ways. For starters it was written in the senate, i believe, and that is illegal from what i understand. Therefore everyone that supported the bill should be held accountable, as well as the person who wrote it. Lets see, Hilary, Obama, McCain, definitely Paulson, and many more were HEAVY supporters of it from what i understand. They all deserve criminal charges, and should never be allowed to serve in any leadership position ever again. |
I don't remeber clinton being a republican. He had a pretty big hand in things. In fact, i remember republicans voting down the first bailout bill... I'm thinking we can't blame just one party. We have to blame the majority of both... Look at the policies, look at the votes... But Clinton wrote some of these bills that follow what you call the "republican" agenda. Forget the fallacy of thinking that because repubs are in power they caused everything... It's called a fallacy because you cannot come up with logical conclusions based on the information provided. Think about it, lose the anger for a sec, and think. The dems have to back the repubs in order to get a bill to pass, for the most part. I can't think of a single f-ed up bill that didn't have democratic approval... Its also pretty rare that a bill pass with 100% republican approval. The majority of both parties do not have our best interests at heart, you know that. It is understandible that you would be angry at what many republicans, and democrats support... They've broken the constitution so many times, if they were to have a trial most could be thrown in prison for several lifetimes (and i believe they should be). Hell, check this out, the Paulson Act violates the constitution in several ways. For starters it was written in the senate, i believe, and that is illegal from what i understand. Therefore everyone that supported the bill should be held accountable, as well as the person who wrote it. Lets see, Hilary, Obama, McCain, definitely Paulson, and many more were HEAVY supporters of it from what i understand. They all deserve criminal charges, and should never be allowed to serve in any leadership position ever again. |
K-sorry Temp
I both stand corrected on the policy thing, and apologize for assuming that you were one sided. ![]() ![]() ![]() Didn't have my reading glasses on... ![]() ![]() You are right.....the two party system is evil. It misleads people into false arguments and attacks, while they ignore real issues. Not to mention inhibits critical thinking by promoting biased loyalties... ![]() |
Politics and all politicians suck...Period
Guess my whole point about the majority thing, is look who voted on the major issues. I'm pretty sure you will find many dems that fell under the "yea" catagory...
Politics and all politicians suck...Period Not all, just most. Some are actually trying to do good for this country. If you get bored google Ron Paul, or look him up on youtube. |
Politics and all politicians suck...Period Not all, just most. Some are actually trying to do good for this country. If you get bored google Ron Paul, or look him up on youtube. |
Guess my whole point about the majority thing, is look who voted on the major issues. I'm pretty sure you will find many dems that fell under the "yea" catagory... |