Topic: If The Counrty Tanks | |
Would you be for or against a types of new deal programs to rebuild the infrastructure of the country?
like what with what and where where
I think it may come to that. My wholesale business to retail store has dropped about 70% over the summer. I teach part-time so I am about to get yet another job. I would not mind doing something like helping the national park service/
actually that was tried
We could fix the potholes in our roads with a few politicians...
Just drop them in and hope they are not ALL just hot air. |
it didnt help.what got us out out of the depression was war sadly to say.government is not the answer to all the will tank if the businesses are taxed any higher.and if obama gives away all he promisses and doesnt drill off shore to bridge the gap untill a better energy source is found.
Drilling off shore won't really help right now. There isn't enough proven oil off shore to make a big difference.
big government got us into this to begin loans to people who couldnt pay using descrimination as reason for the away will never work.i say we fire all of them in nov.
I really don't think the country is at the same point as it was when the "new"deal" was put into place. Hate to think that we would get there. Just so many things going on right now. Don't think government is focusing on the right things. We live in a capitalistic society so let it work and stay away from the financial markets. The country's infrastructure would be a good place to start.
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oh but there you want to go on sending money to our enemy untill we find an alternative?that was the same thing said years ago and now we need it.if we were cut off from oil right now it would be disasterous.we have to start drilling our oil.why is that hard to understand?and why not.every other country does and they collect our money and hold it over our heads.we are one major disaster from going under.everyone we buy oil from hate us.its a matter of national securety.
big government got us into this to begin loans to people who couldnt pay using descrimination as reason for the away will never work.i say we fire all of them in nov. |
i the problem is we dont produce a product in america. we have taxed the job creating companies away.we are not a socialist state. so what would spending money nothing might create a jobs for a verry short term.its not governments job to create jobs and have everyone work for the government.wont work. didnt work during the new deal.i said nothing about race.descrimination against the poor. somone got the big idea that it was in the bill of rights for everyone to own there own home regardless of who pays for it.its a fact.theres alot of blame polititions who came up with the bright idea just to get votes.
There is a big problem in america with people not realizing there is a problem. At this rate with the economy/ our own personal liberties in jepordy/ I give this place another 15 or so years until we the American People have finally had ENOUGH.
Oil is such an outdated fuel source. Drilling ofshore/in Alaska, would be like trying to keep Best Buy open selling Beta and 8 track tapes!! |
There is a big problem in america with people not realizing there is a problem. At this rate with the economy/ our own personal liberties in jepordy/ I give this place another 15 or so years until we the American People have finally had ENOUGH. Oil is such an outdated fuel source. Drilling ofshore/in Alaska, would be like trying to keep Best Buy open selling Beta and 8 track tapes!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I agree, I think people are in denial. Me I am starting a root cellar this year. |
How about construction?
Building roads and bridges would really help the country's infrastructure. |