Topic: Dating someoen with a mental health issue?!?!!? | |
i wouldnt date someone who didnt have some type of anxiety... or depression. just wouldnt work. we would be to different.
![]() your friends sound mentally ill to me. ![]() who f ![]() sounds like they have some twisted fantasys, maybe wanna be rapist... ![]() |
Risperdal, Halperidol, Trazodone...just some of the meds my wife was on...and wouldn't take. Risperdal pretty much knocks you out, I used to take that. Was never prescribed Haloperidol (sp?). Trazodone never did anything for me, pretty much just gave me energy and nothing to do with it. |
Depression, ADHD, ODD, OCD, Biporlar, Schitzophrenia, schitzoaffective, conduct disorder, personality disorder. a lot of men and women swear that their partner is crazy but have the time done even know just how right they are. Are you or have you been involved with someone you swore was mentally off? Have you been involved with someone you KNEW had a mental health issue? Ive know guys who have stayed with someone mentally ill because of the " physical" benifits" however in the end a lot of these don't go well because there is not a firm grasp of whats really going on. Im curious what you guys have to say. I have mild Schizophrenia, which I control with natural medicine and incense (aroma therapy or something another). I've seen people with horrible Schizophrenia who have absolutely no idea what it is and what it does to the mind usually because of poor prognosis and even worse prescription. I know a lot about Schizophrenia which is probably the main reason it is so under control...the day it is out of my control is the day I see a Psych. Look bro I don't know you personally or how severe yours is but the majority of individuals i have come across with schizophrenia have either 1 felt that nothing was wrong 2knew something was wrong but still refused meds because of the " side effects" or 3 believed they had it but in one way or another " had it under control" so excuse my skepticism...If you know your illness then you know its more than just seeing/hearing things Do you have it? Do you know anything about it? What are the symptoms I should look for? What kinds of medication should I take for it? I do have it under control, it does not affect my personal/public life nor does it affect my professional life. You can be skeptical but do not come out and tell me I am wrong or challenge my decisions based of your experience. Everyone deals with the condition differently, some neglect it while others accept it and then there are some that just don't care. I accepted it, learned about it, and am taking my own preventive measures so that it does not affect my life more then it already has. I would never say i am an expert because that's just far from true. Id hope i know a little about it otherwise Rutgers better come get their degree back from me. and the numerous years Ive spent working around various people that were schizophrenic and schitzoaffective probably gave me some insights. If in fact you can classify yourself as an expert you are only an expert on your on schizophrenia Finally i never said you were wrong i simply said i didn't believe you had it 100% under control. go back and read my post> i start by saying tat i don't know you personally or how severe yours is. what i should have asked is how many times a week do you go to therapy? as for medication. there are meds that are specific for your illness and some that overlap for yours and others each me works differently for each person so what would work for one may not work for another. Like i said i don't know you personally. I don't know if paranoia is in the mix. what i do know is that this illness messes with your head and "skews" things. If you know about your illness then you know that medication is often an issue. I cant knock the natural stuff because one of the places ive worked was an alternative residential treatment facility. they took like 40 vitamins in addition to medication. so in closing Im not saying you are lying i simply just don't believe you are 100% good to go primarily because of how it effects your mind. there could be little things you are doing or thinking that you don't recognize as a problem. so 50% 73% perhaps but unless i am personally able to see you in all aspects of your life there is no 100% belief> you claim to know your illness, then you would understand my skipticism |
Here is the explanation I like:
How can you think you are ill if the very organ you use to think with is sick? (I say this in general terms re: MMI's) |
Here is the explanation I like: How can you think you are ill if the very organ you use to think with is sick? (I say this in general terms re: MMI's) what do you think about this guy who " has it totally under control" apparently im a scumbag because i don't instantly believe he has a 100% handle on things> i assume you would be skeptical as well. |
Here is the explanation I like: How can you think you are ill if the very organ you use to think with is sick? (I say this in general terms re: MMI's) This reminds me of a situation I remember from when I was a kid -- There was a TV commercial for a TV -- they were saying "This brand of TV has an 87% clearer and more dynamic picture than the one you probably have at home -- just take a look at how sharp and clear the image is." And I'm thinking, "If the TV I'm watching your commercial on is SO bad, how the hell am I supposed to be able to see how good YOURS is, on THIS screen?" It never made sense to me. Your "equipment" has to be working right to start with, otherwise it's hard to tell when something really is going wrong. |
Here is the explanation I like: How can you think you are ill if the very organ you use to think with is sick? (I say this in general terms re: MMI's) what do you think about this guy who " has it totally under control" apparently im a scumbag because i don't instantly believe he has a 100% handle on things> i assume you would be skeptical as well. Well, I know Fear through here, and I think he presents himself as living a very stable life. He marches to the beat of a differnt drummer, but only in that he is not mainstream. He laughs at himself and seems to be quite aware and articulate. I am thinking he is feeling defensive. Other than that, I would prefer not to get involved. Lexy~ You are a laugh riot. That was hysterical! ![]() |
i am a paranoid antisocial personality with strange compulsions.
stay away. ive got claws |
AND I GET HAY FEVER TOO ![]() ![]() |
I lived in HELL with a man...he had the skitzo syndrome!
Sorry. No cwazee peeps for me. Had enough of dat. If I want red flags I can buy em at walmart.
Sorry. No cwazee peeps for me. Had enough of dat. If I want red flags I can buy em at walmart. Don't you love how you get choked with them on a coffee date? I mean I suppose I can pretend it's a neckerchief and you can do the ole ascot thingy.... |
Depression, ADHD, ODD, OCD, Biporlar, Schitzophrenia, schitzoaffective, conduct disorder, personality disorder. a lot of men and women swear that their partner is crazy but have the time done even know just how right they are. Are you or have you been involved with someone you swore was mentally off? Have you been involved with someone you KNEW had a mental health issue? Ive know guys who have stayed with someone mentally ill because of the " physical" benifits" however in the end a lot of these don't go well because there is not a firm grasp of whats really going on. Im curious what you guys have to say. seriously its very difficult..very draining, but there are great moments..if you love someone enough you can overcome their mental health issues, providing the other person is working on them and doing all they can to get past those issues.... |
I'm sorry but the voices in your head did not say "F*ck me".
I'm sorry but the voices in your head did not say "F*ck me". Best line of the day.... I nominate it.... ![]() |
Any woman that dates me is "mental" for doing so.
No way man! I'm not giving crazy crunt a second chance to burn my house down because she was upset I wasn't there at the time. Aint happenin.
Here is the explanation I like: How can you think you are ill if the very organ you use to think with is sick? (I say this in general terms re: MMI's) what do you think about this guy who " has it totally under control" apparently im a scumbag because i don't instantly believe he has a 100% handle on things> i assume you would be skeptical as well. Never called you a scumbag. And I never said 100%, if I had a 100% handle on it, it wouldn't even be an issue. You can't have a 100% handle on something that effects your mind, I simply refuse conventional medication because for schizophrenia the medication usually shuts down the thinking process of the brain (sedative) and I refuse to have my mind slower then it already is on account of some doctor that gets paid to tell me "this pill is the best one". I take the natural course by taking Ginkgo to clear my mind and allow me to think easier. |
And having to take all the steak knives out of the drawer and sticking them in the ceiling out of her bi-polar ass reach so I wake up without one in my back in the morning is not a relationship I seek.
Here is the explanation I like: How can you think you are ill if the very organ you use to think with is sick? (I say this in general terms re: MMI's) what do you think about this guy who " has it totally under control" apparently im a scumbag because i don't instantly believe he has a 100% handle on things> i assume you would be skeptical as well. Never called you a scumbag. And I never said 100%, if I had a 100% handle on it, it wouldn't even be an issue. You can't have a 100% handle on something that effects your mind, I simply refuse conventional medication because for schizophrenia the medication usually shuts down the thinking process of the brain (sedative) and I refuse to have my mind slower then it already is on account of some doctor that gets paid to tell me "this pill is the best one". I take the natural course by taking Ginkgo to clear my mind and allow me to think easier. I know you didnt call me a scumbag that was just me being me. is ginko all you take no calcium ascorbate, naicin, http 5, or the 30+ other vitamins and minerals that naturalists have found can help with your illness? did you stop eating meat, dairy, wheat, and sugar because naturalist studies have shown that there may be an allergen that causes episodes? you still haven't told me how often you go to therapy. your comment on 100% control is somewhat right but if you are telling me all you do is take ginkgo then unless you have a VERY mild diagnosis i doubt you even more. ogo get blood work done by a nutritionist and look into the " allergen" theory if you havent already.... also pelase tell em you are in therapy... |