Topic: Ostracized | |
Have you ever been or felt like you was ostracized?
I only ask because I've been feeling sort of like that. I can go out to some place and it's as if no one will speak to me or even look my direction. Now I'll see other's in the place and I don't see them getting the same treatment. I watched just last night at a guy who was setting at the bar all alone watching the game and a single young lady come up and set along side of him in hopes of getting a conversation started. Which of course it did and I was pleased to see the two of them hit it off. But in that same moment I looked over to my left and there wasn't anyone setting within ten chairs of me and it remained that way until I left... Makes wonder why I'm never hit upon? or at the least given a chance to see if I'm a jerk before they pass judgment on me without having ever actually spoken to me... |
Sounds like it was just one of those nights, don't let it make you feel like that...
I've felt that way but it's really not the truth. You aren't "blacklisted" or anything like that. Sometimes, you just don't get hit on. I guess my question would be is why are you waiting for them to come to you??? Why can't you go to them?
Bust a move brother.
Sounds like it was just one of those nights, don't let it make you feel like that... ![]() ![]() |
I've felt that way but it's really not the truth. You aren't "blacklisted" or anything like that. Sometimes, you just don't get hit on. I guess my question would be is why are you waiting for them to come to you??? Why can't you go to them? (((Jill))) good point... ![]() |
I've felt that way but it's really not the truth. You aren't "blacklisted" or anything like that. Sometimes, you just don't get hit on. I guess my question would be is why are you waiting for them to come to you??? Why can't you go to them? (((Jill))) good point... ![]() ![]() |
bad energy ?
Sounds like it was just one of those nights, don't let it make you feel like that... I wished it were that, I really really do :( But It's always like that, the best I can expect is to catch a good game on the TV. Well, at least the staff is a bit wiser, they at least speak to me and I'm always respectful and kind to them. I sometimes get the feeling they feel sorry for me having no one to chat with. They often give me free drinks and chat with me when they aren't so busy... I don't think they would bother talking to a jerk... |
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I used to feel this way...until I started smiling....any where I go...I smile at someone...anyone and say hello...after become a happy person ...happy with yourself....not implying that you aren' just seems that the more I smile...the more welcoming people are towards me
Shshhs trying being my age and go sit up on that bar stool shshs I do good to get the bartender to talk to me
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Sounds like it was just one of those nights, don't let it make you feel like that... I wished it were that, I really really do :( But It's always like that, the best I can expect is to catch a good game on the TV. Well, at least the staff is a bit wiser, they at least speak to me and I'm always respectful and kind to them. I sometimes get the feeling they feel sorry for me having no one to chat with. They often give me free drinks and chat with me when they aren't so busy... I don't think they would bother talking to a jerk... |
I can't take this.
Dude, the secret to talking to a woman is just that....TALK TO THEM. Say something, make a move, but don't try to seem desperate or forceful. Just let it come out natural. She might ignore you. So what? You should be proud that you made the move, and I am willing to bet that if you say something funny, or nice (and not stupid) she will respond. |
well most women won't ask a guy out, see my post. So u have to make the first move. I have also been told that sometimes your body language can make u unapproachable too. Just look around and put a smile on our face.. When someone comes up to the bar for a drink, say hi and smile and u might be surprised...
Have you ever been or felt like you was ostracized? I only ask because I've been feeling sort of like that. I can go out to some place and it's as if no one will speak to me or even look my direction. Now I'll see other's in the place and I don't see them getting the same treatment. I watched just last night at a guy who was setting at the bar all alone watching the game and a single young lady come up and set along side of him in hopes of getting a conversation started. Which of course it did and I was pleased to see the two of them hit it off. But in that same moment I looked over to my left and there wasn't anyone setting within ten chairs of me and it remained that way until I left... Makes wonder why I'm never hit upon? or at the least given a chance to see if I'm a jerk before they pass judgment on me without having ever actually spoken to me... About every time I have went out... I think if people don't know you or your face, they feel threaten now more so than ten years ago So they stand back and don't aproach you.. I am in a new area and know no one here. So I have felt that feeling...And it sucks, but know its NOT you...Good luck. ![]() |
What I've noticed is that sometimes our body language is sending out signals we don't even realize that can keep people from approaching us. Like in the movie "Hitch" where he sums up what signals she is sending to ward off men, then remarks of the "F**k off" signing on her forehead.
![]() There have been times where I'd had to make a conscious effort to pay attention to the signals I was sending, good or bad. Being mindful of that always had an impact on the response I received. You wouldn't think that it's necessary to remind yourself to be approachable, but often we try to protect ourselves and sometimes that actually cause isolation. JMO.... ![]() |
There's nothing really to worry about unless you wake up, hear a noise, look outside and see the crowd with torches and pitchforks. THEN (and only then) you know it's time to run. Otherwise, just do what any sane and rational person would do and enjoy the non-attention!
If they really considered you inconsequential, they would make eye contact and smile--that's how you can tell. People will always make an effort at least to sell things to a person they consider to be truly lowly. If no one is looking at you and no one is talking to you, and if they seem to look through you when you try to talk to them: You're important, baby! Use that sh1t! Use it for all it's worth! I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett |
I moved to a new area and went to some bars alone... Some nights just plain SUCKED and others were a lot of fun. I would just start recruiting people to hang out with there
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I've been there... I really have. And all I can say is that the more you cower in the corning waiting for someone to come to you, the longer you will sit in the corner alone. I wouldn't call it cowarding in the corner, since it's more like what's the use? I've tried speaking only to have a hand thrown up in my face as if like "Only in your dreams dude, now buzz off". I'm not really upset by this unattention it's more of a mystery than a "O' my life can't go on feeling sorry kind of thing". Just blows my mind how this can be? |