Topic: OK, I'm still wondering why?? | |
Good luck, Mry.
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A former shag partner said: "I go bareback when I'm cheating." A few months later he was diagnosed with hep C. (I'm still clean.) ![]() thats just dirty! if the tubes are tied tho... different story Why would that be a different story?? Both partners can still get an STD no matter who's tubes are tied. |
If you want to find out if he owns his house, you can go the Hall of Records in whatever county he lives in and check. I think there's a small fee to look it up, but just give them the house address and they'll find out who owns it.
sounds like your with a married man
my boyfriend showers me with attention during the week but seems to disappear on the weekends...he owns his own business and even has me call clients for him during the week.He swears hes not married or seeing someone elsc...he calls me Saturday mornings but then thats it... Maybe he is spending weekends in jail, if he is not married..... ![]() Wow, good thinking, very creative!!!! I'd lean toward, fear of commitment or definately involved/married. or at the very least you're being USED. Sounds like a heartbreak waiting to happen. Talk to him seriously, get it changed (if you desire) or Run fast, leave skid marks. Good luck. |
A former shag partner said: "I go bareback when I'm cheating." A few months later he was diagnosed with hep C. (I'm still clean.) ![]() thats just dirty! if the tubes are tied tho... different story Why would that be a different story?? Both partners can still get an STD no matter who's tubes are tied. just a bad joke |
Sounds like a big pain is on the way. say goodbye and move on b4 it's too late. and for christ sakes use the rain gear till you know em!!
A former shag partner said: "I go bareback when I'm cheating." A few months later he was diagnosed with hep C. (I'm still clean.) ![]() thats just dirty! if the tubes are tied tho... different story Naughty! *spanks* |
Wow I am beginning to think I need to start Dating 101 Classes!!! Come on people you have to show a little common sense.
You meet someone on line take your time. Take notes. See if what they do adds up with what they say. They are not going to trip themselves up on the big stuff it will be the details. Don't mess around about getting someone's full name. And age. Don't mess around about finding out where they work and what they specificlly do. we all want to sound important but this one time the resume should be accurate. If you have gone out with someone more than twice you should know. I don't count on co-workers being truthful. You should learn a little about their job to know if they are blowing a smoke screen. Don't mess around finding out where they live. If you trust someone enough to get in a car alone with them you should at least know where they live. Corporations provide apartments all the time so don't be impressed if you see that but it doesn't necesarily mean they are and executive. People who tell you the last lover just kicked them out back off. Chances are they just rented a motel for a weekend and the spouse knows nothing about it. Their car should match their story. Someone's identity should match what they are telling you. People should have mail in there name. At least a car registration. Chronically useing car rentals or company vehicals should make you really nervouse. If they want to use your vehical RUN! Keep your drawers on for awhile. Come on you know you should at least have a thumbnail of their health history if things are getting frisky. If your willing to take your clothes off with someone you should at least be bold enough to look in the medicine cabinet and see what is in there. You might get a real surprize. Certain medications should set off alarm bells. Pay attention to what they are NOT telling you. People who have gaps in there history are hiding something. People who have unusual patterns in their behavior or are very rigid in their patterns are trouble. Someone that has to go home after work immediately or stay home on weekends is under house arrest or at least probation and parole. If someone needs a parole officer to keep their act together you don't need them no matter how much they "need" you. Assume if their friends/employees/family are vouching for them somebody is lying. People don't go out of their way to back up something someone has told you unless they have been coached. Even if people don't necessarily want to lie to you they will because the snakes collect info on their "friends" the same way they do their victims. If they are giving you all the matching answers to your hearts desire there is a good chance they have checked you out to know the right things to say. That you have access to kids means nothing. They often are the apple that doesn't fall very far from the tree. Sadly some family are so glad to get rid of these dirtbags they don't care if you take the lumps for them. Some actually delude themselves that a nice person will settle them down but they know better. If someone trys to tell you that they are friends with the Ex they are most likely still doing each other. I am sure there are others but this is the first class lol. |