fadeawaybaby's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:34 AM
Edited by fadeawaybaby on Wed 09/24/08 09:55 AM
SEX OR ABSTINENCE?? Did you know according to science the more you have sex the healthier you are? When you have sex a lot it increases the white blood cell count in your body. So in reality a permiscuous person is healthier then the abstinant. If you have sex when you have a cold, it will go away the next day! Ive tried it! You may believe God created us right? Then that means he designed us that way right? So why would you believe in abstincence?
True love is almost impossible to find, but if you do find someone you can stand to be with the rest of your life and never cheat...awsome! but then you are in the very small minority! Ever wonder why divorce rate is so high? The truth is there is are very few creatures in the whole world who will naturally spend its entire life with one mate...a vulture for example. Abstinence and life long marriage IS NOT in human nature.

oldsage's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:36 AM
Better dig into science a little bit more, several animals mate for life, know of 2 different birds, for a start.

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:37 AM
Tell my Great grandparents that, who happened to be married over 70 years and raised 15 children...or my grandmother who lost my grandpa 30 years ago and still wears her wedding is possible to remain with one person for all of your days....just not the norm these days

fadeawaybaby's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:41 AM
There are no mammals that naturally stay with one mate, and i know it is possible to stay with one mate, just very unlikely. I was the oldest of 9 kids in a catholic home and my parents just got divorced recently.

pennyg281's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:48 AM
Abstinencs is a choice. Sex may be healty but not if your choosing to have unprotected sex. Each person makes thier choice for many diffrent reasons. For me, unless i'm in a committed relationship, i'd rather be abstinenate. It's alot less complicated.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:54 AM
They say patience is a virtue. One vulture was waiting with its mate and said, "Patience, hell. Lets kill something." I bet it would be terrible being a vulture just waiting for something to die. I bet vultures are cheap dates, though.

fadeawaybaby's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:56 AM
Edited by fadeawaybaby on Wed 09/24/08 09:56 AM

They say patience is a virtue. One vulture was waiting with its mate and said, "Patience, hell. Lets kill something." I bet it would be terrible being a vulture just waiting for something to die. I bet vultures are cheap dates, though.


Winx's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:57 AM

There are no mammals that naturally stay with one mate, and i know it is possible to stay with one mate, just very unlikely. I was the oldest of 9 kids in a catholic home and my parents just got divorced recently.

It's not unlikely in my family. My parents just celebrated their 50th anniversary. My Aunts and Uncles have done the same. My father's parents were married for over 60 years.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 09/24/08 10:25 AM

SEX OR ABSTINENCE?? Did you know according to science the more you have sex the healthier you are? When you have sex a lot it increases the white blood cell count in your body. So in reality a permiscuous person is healthier then the abstinant. If you have sex when you have a cold, it will go away the next day! Ive tried it! You may believe God created us right? Then that means he designed us that way right? So why would you believe in abstincence?
True love is almost impossible to find, but if you do find someone you can stand to be with the rest of your life and never cheat...awsome! but then you are in the very small minority! Ever wonder why divorce rate is so high? The truth is there is are very few creatures in the whole world who will naturally spend its entire life with one mate...a vulture for example. Abstinence and life long marriage IS NOT in human nature.

Interesting... I think they missed the point. I reckon it ain't the sex so much as the closenses... i.e if you feel good being with someone you will be healther in all areas mental, spritual, and physical.

I have received a cold from an encounter... so it goes both ways.