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Topic: The Choice Should Be Clear
Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:26 AM
Kudos to you Becca, for actually doing your homework on the matter. Most voters i've seen on here can't even really back their candidate. Or they give the excuse that one will do less damage than the other... Most voters just follow the blind party system. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Personally i like the sound of Obama's ideas better until i look into them a bit. My big problem with him is that he can't back up his ideas without increasing the deficit, and printing more unbacked money. You print more money gas prices go up, as does healthcare costs, because it lowers our dollar value. I really dont want to become dependent on these programs since dependency on the government will just bring us closer to tyranny.

If he were to cut funding to programs that aren't necesary or just plain don't work, or bring the troops home i would be all for it.....(he wants increased involvment in foreign affairs, as wellas increased presence in afgan, then going into pakistan, and "non violently" helping georgia.)

Between Obama and McCain i lean a bit more towards Obama, even though my family is mostly McCain. I confess i think my biggest problem is that noone measures up to Ron Paul in debating, policies, and ideals. And he is one of the few to never take money from coporate dealers...

Oh well, BTW everyone, Ron Paul is fighting like hell to do away with the Patriot Act, and any other unconstitutional bills. www.campaignforliberty.com if ya wanna show his support.

Anyone have any constructive criticism for me i am willing to hear. As well as any additional information on either candidate that will give me a bit of hope, instead of taking it away...

warmachine's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:35 AM

Count my vote here too!
Ron Paul has only suspended his candidacy.
Let's show Washington who's boss.
Haven't you fools seen enough?
How much more will it take before you open your eyes to see...

I love Jesse Ventura too! He cares about this country and the people.

Ron Paul has endorsed Chuck Baldwin of the Libertarian Party. Of course, as Ron is really a Libertarian. Chuck will be on the ballot. Ron won't unless you can write in, in your state.

Actually, if you really understand the voting process, the electoral will elect our next President. They will vote in January, only weeks preceding the Inaugeration. Many of our delegates are voting for RON PAUL!!!
It is very important that you find out who your delegates are (it is public info, names and email addresses of delegates), write them and request they vote for Ron Paul. Encourage everyone you know to do this. Ron Paul is America's Only HOPE!!

Truely, the cons who are in control, Organized Crime at its highest level, the Bush Administration, the FED, the CFR, the CIA and many others... have a plan. It is not in your best interest, it is sad to say. And John McCain is one of their puppets, no matter how much he tries to glaze it over. No matter how beautiful and convincing Ms. Palin is, talking of reform. They speak lies and their deception will entrap many... for a vote. How sad, to lose your freedoms, life and family... for a vote.


Mr.Baldwin is of the Constitution party. The libertarian party has ex-GOP man and "former" CIA operative, Bob Barr running, however there is a move afoot to remove him from the ticket.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:36 AM

Kudos to you Becca, for actually doing your homework on the matter. Most voters i've seen on here can't even really back their candidate. Or they give the excuse that one will do less damage than the other... Most voters just follow the blind party system. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Personally i like the sound of Obama's ideas better until i look into them a bit. My big problem with him is that he can't back up his ideas without increasing the deficit, and printing more unbacked money. You print more money gas prices go up, as does healthcare costs, because it lowers our dollar value. I really dont want to become dependent on these programs since dependency on the government will just bring us closer to tyranny.

If he were to cut funding to programs that aren't necesary or just plain don't work, or bring the troops home i would be all for it.....(he wants increased involvment in foreign affairs, as wellas increased presence in afgan, then going into pakistan, and "non violently" helping georgia.)

Between Obama and McCain i lean a bit more towards Obama, even though my family is mostly McCain. I confess i think my biggest problem is that noone measures up to Ron Paul in debating, policies, and ideals. And he is one of the few to never take money from coporate dealers...

Oh well, BTW everyone, Ron Paul is fighting like hell to do away with the Patriot Act, and any other unconstitutional bills. www.campaignforliberty.com if ya wanna show his support.

Anyone have any constructive criticism for me i am willing to hear. As well as any additional information on either candidate that will give me a bit of hope, instead of taking it away...

Watch the hill... We shall see if our congresspersons and senators are worth the votes they were givin...

Since I don't quite trust bush/cheney aliance I am quite certin this bill is NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA...

The Newt has proposed one possible way to get a true fix started. It has nothing to do with 700 Billion. Worth checking out.

There are ways to fix this problem that do not include turning our great grandchildren into indentured servants to pay for the wall street and political pirates that not only have raped us on the street but are getting ready to do it again in the legal system.

no photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:40 AM
Thanks Drivinmenutz. I have realized how passionate politics can be and although I'm far from being a guru, I like knowing what I'm arguing about instead of sticking my head in the sand and trying to make it sound like it's not coming out my ass.

I am afraid for our country, and I am doing more 'homework' as you call it. If i'm going to take my vote away from the obvious candidates I want it to be for the right reasons.

If Ron Paul pops back into the election...he'll probably get my vote.

*deep breath*
Time to look at Ralph Nader.

no photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:42 AM

Kudos to you Becca, for actually doing your homework on the matter. Most voters i've seen on here can't even really back their candidate. Or they give the excuse that one will do less damage than the other... Most voters just follow the blind party system. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Personally i like the sound of Obama's ideas better until i look into them a bit. My big problem with him is that he can't back up his ideas without increasing the deficit, and printing more unbacked money. You print more money gas prices go up, as does healthcare costs, because it lowers our dollar value. I really dont want to become dependent on these programs since dependency on the government will just bring us closer to tyranny.

If he were to cut funding to programs that aren't necesary or just plain don't work, or bring the troops home i would be all for it.....(he wants increased involvment in foreign affairs, as wellas increased presence in afgan, then going into pakistan, and "non violently" helping georgia.)

Between Obama and McCain i lean a bit more towards Obama, even though my family is mostly McCain. I confess i think my biggest problem is that noone measures up to Ron Paul in debating, policies, and ideals. And he is one of the few to never take money from coporate dealers...

Oh well, BTW everyone, Ron Paul is fighting like hell to do away with the Patriot Act, and any other unconstitutional bills. www.campaignforliberty.com if ya wanna show his support.

Anyone have any constructive criticism for me i am willing to hear. As well as any additional information on either candidate that will give me a bit of hope, instead of taking it away...

Watch the hill... We shall see if our congresspersons and senators are worth the votes they were givin...

Since I don't quite trust bush/cheney aliance I am quite certin this bill is NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA...

The Newt has proposed one possible way to get a true fix started. It has nothing to do with 700 Billion. Worth checking out.

There are ways to fix this problem that do not include turning our great grandchildren into indentured servants to pay for the wall street and political pirates that not only have raped us on the street but are getting ready to do it again in the legal system.

Someone in another thread suggested giving the money back to the people.

warmachine's photo
Thu 09/25/08 09:51 AM
Another idea, back in the old days there was a tactic used called tarred and feathered...

I wonder if that would be considered an act of terrorism?

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:43 PM

Thanks Drivinmenutz. I have realized how passionate politics can be and although I'm far from being a guru, I like knowing what I'm arguing about instead of sticking my head in the sand and trying to make it sound like it's not coming out my ass.

I am afraid for our country, and I am doing more 'homework' as you call it. If i'm going to take my vote away from the obvious candidates I want it to be for the right reasons.

If Ron Paul pops back into the election...he'll probably get my vote.

*deep breath*
Time to look at Ralph Nader.

More important is voting for someone who values what you value in living your personal life as well as someone who is pro constititonal & won't step on your rights as a solution.

Anyone who uses the constitution & BoR's as their guidelines can never go wrong. It's not about me or you it's about laws that bring well being for everyone.

warmachine's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:56 PM

Thanks Drivinmenutz. I have realized how passionate politics can be and although I'm far from being a guru, I like knowing what I'm arguing about instead of sticking my head in the sand and trying to make it sound like it's not coming out my ass.

I am afraid for our country, and I am doing more 'homework' as you call it. If i'm going to take my vote away from the obvious candidates I want it to be for the right reasons.

If Ron Paul pops back into the election...he'll probably get my vote.

*deep breath*
Time to look at Ralph Nader.

More important is voting for someone who values what you value in living your personal life as well as someone who is pro constititonal & won't step on your rights as a solution.

Anyone who uses the constitution & BoR's as their guidelines can never go wrong. It's not about me or you it's about laws that bring well being for everyone.

Those who write laws to carve up our governing document should be charged with treason, IMO.
I agree.

Thu 09/25/08 03:01 PM

If you were The Boss... which team would you hire?

With America facing historic debt, multiple war fronts, stumbling health care, a weakened dollar, all-time high prison population, skyrocketing Federal spending, mortgage crises, bank foreclosures, etc. etc., this is an unusually critical election year.

Let's look at the educational background of the candidates and see what they bring to the job:

Occidental College - Two years.
Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude

& Biden:
University of Delaware - B.A. in history and B.A. in political science.
Syracuse University College of Law - Juris Doctor (J.D.)


United States Naval Academy - Class rank 894 out of 899 (meaning that, like George Bush, McCain was at the bottom of his class)

Hawaii Pacific University - 1 semester
North Idaho College - 2 semesters - general study
University of Idaho - 2 semesters - journalism
Matanuska-Susitna College - 1 semester
University of Idaho - 3 semesters - B.A. in journalism

Now, which team are you going to hire to lead the most influential nation in the world?

What, like school is the best reason for a decision? What about experience? What about someone who DOES make a decision and not just run thier lips and sound good doing it. I think one who actually votes and makes a choice instead of writing "present" shows leadership. It may not be the decision you or I like but at least it was made. Just because a dog has a pedigree doesn't make it the best one in the class. I think we need a little less talk and a lot more action.

txtony1's photo
Thu 09/25/08 07:53 PM
Lets Get Real! Neither choice is good for us. I say Mickey and Goofy no matter wich way you vote its what we are getting. Seriously though the President is little more than a figure head. He or she cant really do much without the support of congress so the real culprits in the mess we are in is all of the politicians in washington.

no photo
Fri 09/26/08 03:47 AM

Lets Get Real! Neither choice is good for us. I say Mickey and Goofy no matter wich way you vote its what we are getting. Seriously though the President is little more than a figure head. He or she cant really do much without the support of congress so the real culprits in the mess we are in is all of the politicians in washington.

this may be the only thing that saves our country's ass

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