Topic: The Choice Should Be Clear
no photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:26 PM

warmachine's photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:28 PM

their schooling has nothing to do with how qualified they are NOW to become president/vice president.
it's everything in between their frat parties and now their political stabs at each other....
honestly i'm still so scared for our nations future that i can't even imagine getting into the voting booth. i just hope to CHRIST that they have a good team behind them.

god...we're so screwed.

I'm with you, we are being turned into a 3rd world totalitarian nation, from the inside out and the top down.

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:30 PM
is INdependent party?

s1owhand's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:05 PM


Team A
Guy who could only win running unopposed in state legislature
Perennial presidential candidate failure

Team B
War hero and veteran legislator with independent streak
Most popular state governor in America

laugh laugh laugh laugh

this kind of thing has no real value.

Obama is clearly not well qualified to be president.
McCain is qualified but may be hamstrung by his party and right wing idealogues.

no good choices here. the Dems really blew it this year
they should be crushing McCain. now it could go either way...

I'll say it, the Elephant in the corner is the fact that many Americans aren't ready to vote for any that doesn't look like the people on the money.

i think you're right racial discrimination and xenophobia could cost Obama the election. but the tanking economy might be enough to overcome the bigots.

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 09/24/08 06:00 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Wed 09/24/08 06:05 AM
McCain/Palin... All the Way in 2008!

Actually it would not matter who's in the whitehouse as long as we the people vote out EVERY incumbant.

I don't think libs would do that...they are so partisan they would elect their corrupt DEMS & we would really be in for it.

So there yu have it...with all the pious talk looking down your noses at others for who they support you are all just as much a part of the problem.

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 06:36 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 09/24/08 06:38 AM

McCain/Palin... All the Way in 2008!

Actually it would not matter who's in the whitehouse as long as we the people vote out EVERY incumbant.

I don't think libs would do that...they are so partisan they would elect their corrupt DEMS & we would really be in for it.

So there yu have it...with all the pious talk looking down your noses at others for who they support you are all just as much a part of the problem.
We are the problem because we don't believe with you views..That's kinda arrogant don't you think...I think we need to start locally and work our way up...Dems or Reps alike should fall...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:18 AM

is INdependent party?

Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and Chuck Baldwin i believe are all third party candidates.

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:21 AM
happy so we still have a chance??????

Winx's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:25 AM
The odds of a third party winning is slim to none, IMO.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:36 AM

The odds of a third party winning is slim to none, IMO.

You are right Winx. It's not an opinion, it's fact. Unfortunately we are going to get the same treatment or worse in comparison to the last 8 years. Niether of the possible candidates they put out there wanna change anything, look at their policies if you don't believe me. They both want aggressive foreign policies, to include lots of involvment with MANY third world countries. They both want to lower taxes, while boosting our government spending. Niether of them are trying to get back any civil liberties we lost... Ok got side tracked...

Anyhow, IMO it is foolish to throw away your vote to Obama or McCain. Popular vote just gets publicity, congress chooses the president. This is a FACT. It's the electoral college votes that count. Always has been that way. That is why we are a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Anyhow why give publicity to someone that just wants to keep the country on the track we are headed in?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:50 AM

happy so we still have a chance??????

I am afraid we don't this time around... The good news is the more publicity you get a third party, the more supporters he or she will have. That makes for likely donations from the people.

Take Ron Paul for instance... despite the fact he isn't running anymore, but he made millions just off donations his followers made. He never accepted money from any corporation, or back alley deal. Isn'st that someone you want in office eventually?

Anyhow, he is putting that money to good use by exposing corruption behind the system right now. You should watch some of his debates and speeches, they are eye openers...

Anyway we want to give publicity to those people that will actually address problems we are having. (civil liberties, foreign policy, the CAUSES of the collapsing economy, etc.) All problems McCain and Obama have knowingly ignored. Both of them are corrupt.

Anyway, vote for someone that will bring these issues up, and you will see people like Obama squirm in their seats, and he wont be able to save himself with his public speaking ability.

If you vote for someone that will do "the least damage" you are still throwing away your vote. Especially since our votes don't choose the president.

Winx's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:54 AM
I don't consider it "throwing my vote away". Our country is in a crisis situation right now due to the last administration.
Something has to change!! I am hoping that it's for the better.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 08:11 AM

I don't consider it "throwing my vote away". Our country is in a crisis situation right now due to the last administration.
Something has to change!! I am hoping that it's for the better.

So why vote for someone who wants business as usual? (Like John McCain, and Barack Obama)

Winx's photo
Wed 09/24/08 08:15 AM

I don't consider it "throwing my vote away". Our country is in a crisis situation right now due to the last administration.
Something has to change!! I am hoping that it's for the better.

So why vote for someone who wants business as usual? (Like John McCain, and Barack Obama)

Because the third party has slim to no chance of winning.

I think that McCain is too much like Bush and Obama may be the key to the changes we need. And there's more.

At the same time, the changes will be painfully slow due to the big "mess" clean-up ahead of us.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 08:36 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Wed 09/24/08 08:38 AM

I don't consider it "throwing my vote away". Our country is in a crisis situation right now due to the last administration.
Something has to change!! I am hoping that it's for the better.

So why vote for someone who wants business as usual? (Like John McCain, and Barack Obama)

Because the third party has slim to no chance of winning.

I think that McCain is too much like Bush and Obama may be the key to the changes we need. And there's more.

At the same time, the changes will be painfully slow due to the big "mess" clean-up ahead of us.

There was another forum, in which we were discussing Obama, and trying to get people to defend him. (Even though no one could.) Dragoness pretty much shut us all up by pasting the policies of McCain and Obama. (Kudos to you Dragoness!flowerforyou ) Even she was shocked at how similar both parties are. So i urge you to exercise some critical thinking... How different can he really be from Bush?

Straight from his campaign page Obama mentions he wants more involvment in third world countries. We may want to pull out of Iraq, but that's foolish since he plans on reinforcing Afganistan, as well as going into Pakistan with these troops. He also mentions he wants to get involved in georgia too. (In his defense it is a peaceful involvment.

He plans to increase government spending while, at the same time "lowering taxes", for 95% of Americans... the sad truth about this is that it will not only increase the deficit, but it will also increase the "inflation tax"(Gas prices and medical costs) on everyone. He is not planning on changing our civil liberties policy as far as i know, and i know for a fact he's not calling the FED into check.

So i ask, how is someone that wants a foreign policy consisting of more involvement, an economic policy that involves more government spending, while ignoring civil liberties, going to bring the "change" we need?

Winx's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:11 AM
It's still better than McSame!! There is more hope.

I hope to learn alot more Friday night with the debates.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:33 AM

It's still better than McSame!! There is more hope.

I hope to learn alot more Friday night with the debates.

gonna keep my eyes open for the debates as well...flowerforyou

You don't have to worry about Obama becoming president me thinks. The congress is democratic now.

And i do have to ask you something.... if your vote only counted for publicity, not the election, who would you want more coverage of? Mcbama Mcsame, or someone who actually cares about this country and where it's headed?

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:47 AM

is INdependent party?

Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, and Chuck Baldwin i believe are all third party candidates.

some alternate choices.

a kook, an idiot, and a crusader.

stack them up against what is on the ticket now.

I think not. It would just mean more unaceptable choices. There are enough of those on the ticket allready.

Where are all the patriots.

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 09:53 AM

ok...gimme a muzzle loader....i'll take care of it

i just finished listening to some of Ron Paul's views about alot of the issues we are having. I've been researching some about the other parties...

like Ron Paul said...if enough of us who are fed up of having to choose the lesser of the 2 evils vote for the other parties, maybe the government will see that we are serious about not taking **** anymore. maybe it'll wake the government up instead of continuing to flush it down the toilet.

adj4u's photo
Wed 09/24/08 11:04 AM


ok...gimme a muzzle loader....i'll take care of it

i just finished listening to some of Ron Paul's views about alot of the issues we are having. I've been researching some about the other parties...

like Ron Paul said...if enough of us who are fed up of having to choose the lesser of the 2 evils vote for the other parties, maybe the government will see that we are serious about not taking **** anymore. maybe it'll wake the government up instead of continuing to flush it down the toilet.

i have been saying that for over a decade or two