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Topic: What do you think?
Jill298's photo
Sun 09/21/08 07:57 AM
Do you think if everyone in the world was one religion... whether it be Christian, Muslim, Paganism, Jewish, whatever... do you think that we would all get along alot more? Or do you think we need the diversity? Now yes, I KNOW that we would never ever all agree on ONE religion. I'm also not saying that one is right or one is wrong. I'm just asking the question... do you think it would make the world a better place if we all followed one?

Kleisto's photo
Sun 09/21/08 07:59 AM

Do you think if everyone in the world was one religion... whether it be Christian, Muslim, Paganism, Jewish, whatever... do you think that we would all get along alot more? Or do you think we need the diversity? Now yes, I KNOW that we would never ever all agree on ONE religion. I'm also not saying that one is right or one is wrong. I'm just asking the question... do you think it would make the world a better place if we all followed one?

No we'd still find things to argue about.

no photo
Sun 09/21/08 07:59 AM
How about no religion at all?

Jill298's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:00 AM

How about no religion at all?
honestly I think if there was no religion at all... or no spitiuality among the world... there would be a lot more chaos.

Kleisto's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:01 AM

How about no religion at all?
honestly I think if there was no religion at all... or no spitiuality among the world... there would be a lot more chaos.

I agree with this actually, just look at our world now. The more we take religion, take God out of society, the worse we become as people. There's nothing to uphold, no standard for how to be.

KevRoku's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:02 AM
Yeah, it might clear up a lot of the issues because since some religions have extremely different views and they don't really understand each other completely.. however even if religion was unified, as Kleisto pointed out.. they would find something else to fight about.

Jill298's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:04 AM
Edited by Jill298 on Sun 09/21/08 08:04 AM
Many... not all... but many many people act accordingly to their religions. They do what they think is right by their God. Now... this doesn't mean all atheists are running around causing chaos. I'm just saying generally speaking, with no "punishment for your crimes" such as "hell" then people would do whatever they wanted. That would lead to chaos.

KevRoku's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:06 AM
Maybe.. but it wouldn't really break into complete chaos that way because there would still be laws of where ever you are living you have to live by. So instead of fearing god and hell.. you'd have to fear police and jail.

no photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:06 AM
I didn't mean no God or no spirituality, I ment no organised religion, just free thinking, believe what you want to believe without having to follow what others preach.

Jill298's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:07 AM

Maybe.. but it wouldn't really break into complete chaos that way because there would still be laws of where ever you are living you have to live by. So instead of fearing god and hell.. you'd have to fear police and jail.
this works for some but as you may have noticed... our jails and prisons are already well overcrowded.

Jill298's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:08 AM

I didn't mean no God or no spirituality, I ment no organised religion, just free thinking, believe what you want to believe without having to follow what others preach.
lol the question is to follow just one. I'm not for organized religion in the first place. I'm just asking the question if there was only ONE... would it be better?

splendidlife's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:10 AM

How about no religion at all?
honestly I think if there was no religion at all... or no spitiuality among the world... there would be a lot more chaos.

Aren't Religion and Spirituality two completely different animals?

Kleisto's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:10 AM

I didn't mean no God or no spirituality, I ment no organised religion, just free thinking, believe what you want to believe without having to follow what others preach.

Yeah this is a problem, seems like you can't think for yourself hardly, without being challenged by it. Especially when it comes to religion and politics. Case in point, when I left Catholicism, I got a lot of flak for it from my dad's side of the family. They believe wholeheartedly that I am wrong for acting as I did, that I bought into a lot of "crap", and didn't do my faith justice enough. I don't care though, they can think what they want. I did what I did and I stand by it, I know I did the right thing.

Same goes for my political beliefs too, they don't get that either, that I don't trust the government and such. Could care less though as with the Catholicism thing.

Matt8947's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:19 AM

Do you think if everyone in the world was one religion... whether it be Christian, Muslim, Paganism, Jewish, whatever... do you think that we would all get along alot more? Or do you think we need the diversity? Now yes, I KNOW that we would never ever all agree on ONE religion. I'm also not saying that one is right or one is wrong. I'm just asking the question... do you think it would make the world a better place if we all followed one?
Considering most of the ideas that people come up with are based off of their own faith, I dont think it would be good at all, just because there would be no diversity in the world. Basically if everyone had 1 religion it would be like a bunch of robots doing almost the exact same thing all the time.

Mgeno's photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:21 AM
Wow; words galore.
In reference to religion, it is generally accepted that everyone has a religion, it helps us define ourselves. Belief in God, or a god, belief in nothing except ones self, evolutionism, the list goes on. I have always been impressed with the scientific groups who have such an imagination as to take a piece of a jaw bone and create a whole human species and civilization to form a religion for it. Nope, we will not all get along in the near future but the distant future is another issue to speak of.
Free will!

no photo
Sun 09/21/08 08:38 AM
Assuming that there's some way that nearly 7 billion people could be encouraged or coerced all to follow the same religion--quite a stretch of logic, there, but IF--then I don't think you would see much difference.

For example: Lots of people who follow the same religion in different nations do not follow the same practices or have the same concept of divinity. Look at how enthusiastically Muslims are currently killing each other off because one group does not worship the same as the other--all Muslims accept Allah as the one true God, right? And get the Shia hate the Druse, and so on and so forth.

Though there's not quite as much bloodshed over the issue, there are like 20 or more different varieties of Christians--again, all believing in the same God, accepting the same basic tenet that God's "son" Jesus saved them from eternal death by his sacrifice. And yet how differently each group interprets this very simple word, and how bitterly they can fight over it--yes, even with bloodshed sometimes.

So, to answer your question: I don't think there would be a lot of difference if all humanity was to suddenly start practicing the same religion.

I hope this was helpful. yours in Chaos, Scarlett

davidben1's photo
Sun 09/21/08 09:35 AM
what is religion, other than believing one has MORE truth than a neighbor, and trying to impose it upon them, and of not recieved, is of less EQUAL insight......

a man of high IQ that believe all others are NOT AS EQUAL, is just as guilty of religion, as any organised religion.....

it seems just the belief that one is smarter, no matter what the beliefs or opinions are, is what create this perception looked thru that create what is called "religion"....

what create religion other than not seeing others as EQUAL, which the proof of such thinking, is then to call what another believes as wrong, showing that oneself believes they are MORE RIGHT, LOL......

religion when organized indeed has more power, but then do not all "thoughts", no matter what they are, if believed by more than one, create more power, and the natural desire to organize, if the thoughts are any that seek to create with physical hands or words something more than what will be greater good OF ALL.......

but then how do humans, that have self preservatioin driving the very essence of the natural being, leave a state of this driving their purpose in conscious willed things wished to be created......

a engineering firm, must have a form of organized religion, or just common beliefs held, to bring about anyting created together, or there is chaos, which lead to failure of objective.....

if even all business are operating on the same principles of organized religion, than it is no wonder all things that live mortal naturally lean to this thinking, as all things created mortally by human hands need organization to be created, lol......

so then can the need for organization of peoples, or common purpose, is a needed thing, even needed to create any good, as peace, or unity, so then it would seem the culprit must be the essence then of "what things" are believed, that see any other as not equal, that will always have to create devisivness, or disunity.......

seems this is the natural first thinking of all mankind, until greater information is seen that could show HOW all things are equal.....

what purpose would it be to say "all man are created equal", unless there was sight of knowing HOW, as is not the HOW what inspires any logical belief.......

so then it seems this is the only truth sought, that could result in evidence procured, that could show how equality of minds was always so, but never known in the past, just from lack of info, so all were naturally thrust by lack of information into religious concepts......

seems like we need to somehow try to PROVE how all man is equal, and of the same essence, if there is to ever be common beliefs heard from the HOW, to finally create ourself peace, which serve every last one alive.......

just ideas.....peace

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 09/21/08 10:11 AM
No religion...

Faith is...

Faith needs not religion...

Only faith.

davidben1's photo
Sun 09/21/08 10:18 AM

No religion...

Faith is...

Faith needs not religion...

Only faith.

indeed, but is not faith built on the hearing and knowing of what one sees as GREATER, so then one believes in it, or puts "faith" in it....

no religion, seems to be no more than seeing out the eyes of all things as equal, or the eyes looked out will create religion, of one, or two, or many, but still all the same root thought that create a principle of truth or definitions of "good" as followed like a law guiding behaviour, by belief's....

mankind seems to see many things as unequal, first and foremost most other's truths, lol.....

the human brain can prove anything as true, that it seek to disprove, but it can opnly prove grester truth as true, in trying to prove all things heard as true, then anything of less truth is automatically dropped from belief....

seems the parodox of how the human brain actually process all data....

just ideas man....peace

Plainome's photo
Sun 09/21/08 11:57 AM

Many... not all... but many many people act accordingly to their religions. They do what they think is right by their God. Now... this doesn't mean all atheists are running around causing chaos. I'm just saying generally speaking, with no "punishment for your crimes" such as "hell" then people would do whatever they wanted. That would lead to chaos.

Actually people usually find "God" or "religions" that fit their own personally morality.

Seriously......that is why so many people raised in a certain religion leave it........because it doesn't "fit them".

People attribute things to their "God" but really it is them.

Why do you think some "Christians" are all "Hell Fire and Brimstone" where you can't even look at a women and appreciate her form without being in danger of going to hell.........and other "Christians" believe that all you have to do is accept Jesus as your savior.........or be baptized even if you were only three months old, and you are good for eternity????

It is because their own personal "morality" is causing them to pick and choose which portions of the Bible they would like to focus on.........causing them to see "God" one way or another.

You will not stay in a religion that doesn't match your inner will always move on. That is if you have a mind of your own.

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