Topic: Ah, Interventionism at its worst.
warmachine's photo
Tue 09/16/08 03:30 PM
Get ready for some of that blowback.

US to sell bunker-busting bombs to Israel: Pentagon
AFP Published: Tuesday September 16, 2008

The US Defense Department has notified Congress of plans to sell 1,000 bunker-buster bombs to Israel in a deal worth 77 million dollars.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced the possible arms sale of the GBU-39 small diameter smart bombs on its website. The deal still requires approval from Congress.

The bombs, which are touted as more precise than larger munitions, have the capacity to penetrate 1.8 meters (six feet) of reinforced concrete and carry a 50 percent probability of reaching a target within five meters.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the bombs could help Israel in a possible strike against Iran's nuclear sites, some of which are protected by bunker-like structures.

Last month, Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that his country will never accept Iran developing a nuclear weapons capability and refused to rule out "any options."

Israel, the region's sole if undeclared nuclear armed state, considers Iran its main strategic threat because of its nuclear programme, which Israel and its staunch US ally suspect is aimed at developing weapons.

no photo
Tue 09/16/08 03:38 PM

warmachine's photo
Tue 09/16/08 03:41 PM


Alright, would you like to come with more than that or are you going to become my own personal snoozing smiley stalker?

I'd like to know, because so many other posters take the time to actually debate, you on the other hand are wasting space and perhaps oxygen.
Care to explain?

Ted14621's photo
Tue 09/16/08 03:43 PM


Well, it WAS already in the news.

warmachine's photo
Tue 09/16/08 03:49 PM
It wasn't discussed here, other than the broad post about Bush upping the profits for the Military Industrial Complex. This talks about specifics and to whom some of these weapons are going to. Now, granted, We treat Israel like our little prison b!tch, you know, they won't be safe without our protection, but we've already got problems in the middle east and intentionally aiding Israel in appears to be the beginnings of war with Iran is a HUGE part of the reason why Muslims get pissed at the west.

120557's photo
Tue 09/16/08 04:30 PM
We have been selling arms to them for decades. Where have you been hiding at??? We shall continue to sell them arms regardless who is president so your gabbering about it will amount to nothing!!! Get with the times one of these days, will you??????????frustrated

warmachine's photo
Tue 09/16/08 05:40 PM
Ummm... I think that was sort of my point. Here, let me elaborate, since you don't think I'm "with the times" If we are selling arms to antiisrael countries and to Isreal, are we not guilty of funding both sides of a conflict? What does that solve for us as a country? It makes other nations hate us for our intervention and it makes global corporations rich off our backs.

Not "gabbering" about it as you so eloquently put it, is tantamount to endorsing it, which I will not do.
Israel can take care of themselves, if America would back off and let them. Instead, we're playing broker between their governments and the Military Industrial Complex.

Everytime we meddle in the region, we open the door to blowback.

no photo
Wed 09/17/08 07:45 AM
War is the only business left in make excellent war machines, lots of profits...problem is, the whole supply and demand thing...without wars who are you going to sell your goods too?

Warmongering has become de facto in the USA....frown

Lynann's photo
Wed 09/17/08 09:03 AM
Lots of countries out there selling arms. Not just us evil Americans. We are the largest supplier but given our size and manufacturing capabilities that's not surprising. If you look into who is sell what to whom you might be surprised.

From These countries are the biggest suppliers. More detailed information is available there.
United States
United Kingdom

We are supplying directly or indirectly people or countries that oppose each other. Look at what's happened in Afghanistan.

I won't even start on Israel...I am sure my opinions on that would really stir up a hornets nest.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 09/17/08 09:05 AM

Lots of countries out there selling arms. Not just us evil Americans. We are the largest supplier but given our size and manufacturing capabilities that's not surprising. If you look into who is sell what to whom you might be surprised.

From These countries are the biggest suppliers. More detailed information is available there.
United States
United Kingdom

We are supplying directly or indirectly people or countries that oppose each other. Look at what's happened in Afghanistan.

I won't even start on Israel...I am sure my opinions on that would really stir up a hornets nest.

Of course we are suppling opposing sides. As long as they are fighting each other they leave us alone.

Lynann's photo
Wed 09/17/08 09:16 AM
In theory yeah but it hasn't really turned out that way has it?

wouldee's photo
Wed 09/17/08 10:25 AM
all that ois gpoing on is the US selling used cars with 400,000 miles on them as "pre-owned" and scrutinized with a 57 point check list for flaws.:wink: laugh

meanwhile, we have the new toys that knock out the old toys and no matter where the conflicts are, the US toys are better than the world's toys .

nothing like a new car.


FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 09/17/08 10:27 AM
When you can't fight the war...sell to the team that is against the one's you want to fight.

warmachine's photo
Wed 09/17/08 12:52 PM
We aren't just selling to any one side, we are selling to whomever can cut a check, but it's only helping Global corporate conglomerates, like Carlyle.