Topic: GOD, a sadistic tyrant ? | |
Just so you know. I never read "The Da Vinci Code" nor did I watch the movie so Im not privy to any of those details or theories. I just wasn't very interested at the time that everyone else was. Now I may have to go read the book. So I'm looking at that painting in a totally objective light. That one to the left of Jesus looks like a woman Eljay. Thats just my opinion. Im not saying it is definitely Mary Magdalen but John must have been a little ambiguous then as far as his sexuality. That would be the only manner in which I could explain it. Im sure that was not unheard of especially in this day. Bisexuality would have been very common. Once again, another aspect of an established Pagan belief system which would have been much more accepting and encompassing. I will get The Da Vinci Code and see what that book has to say about it exactly. And if like you state, Da Vinci was simply relying on his imagination in order to paint these folks, well he painted a woman for whatever reason. The fact that it was not a posed painting according to you would seem to indicate that Da Vinci could have been much more capable of taking liberties based on his personal interpretation of events and the individuals involved. Mary would have been one of those individuals. Also, she would have been arguably the one most likely to draw the attention of men since she was a woman. Thats my point. It looks somewhat female to me and soft. The hair and the face. I guess many people have noticed this over the years. But there is only the 12 of them there so I guess it is also possible that if the sexually ambiguous character is John, then perhaps he was bi-sexual or kind of catered to that. This would have not been unheard of in the day. I would not rule that theory out either. |
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Tue 09/16/08 12:57 PM
Just so you know. I never read "The Da Vinci Code" nor did I watch the movie so Im not privy to any of those details or theories. I just wasn't very interested at the time that everyone else was. Now I may have to go read the book. So I'm looking at that painting in a totally objective light. That one to the left of Jesus looks like a woman Eljay. Thats just my opinion. Im not saying it is definitely Mary Magdalen but John must have been a little ambiguous then as far as his sexuality. That would be the only manner in which I could explain it. Im sure that was not unheard of especially in this day. Bisexuality would have been very common. Once again, another aspect of an established Pagan belief system which would have been much more accepting and encompassing. I will get The Da Vinci Code and see what that book has to say about it exactly. And if like you state, Da Vinci was simply relying on his imagination in order to paint these folks, well he painted a woman for whatever reason. The fact that it was not a posed painting according to you would seem to indicate that Da Vinci could have been much more capable of taking liberties based on his personal interpretation of events and the individuals involved. Mary would have been one of those individuals. Also, she would have been arguably the one most likely to draw the attention of men since she was a woman. Of course it was DaVinci's imagination. What would he have had to work with otherwise? You don't think the painting on the roof of the Sisteen Chapel is what God looks like do you? The movie was a pretty accurate portrayal of the book. It is essentially a mystery. Most of what you have been refering to - or to understand what background Dan Brown drew from will be found checking out "The Illuminati" - and the "Knights Templar". Google those teo things and check them out before you see the film, and it will be easier to follow the sub-plot that runs through the movie. It's a pretty interesting film - even if it does stretch the boundries between truth and fiction. No. I also dont think that Jesus looked like he is so often depicted on Hallmark cards at Christmas. I bet that is way off. He was a Hebrew. I imagine this is more accurate. |
That would be a lot closer than what is commonly depicted in most paintings
Anything that is truly "opposite" means that there is none of it's "opposite" within it. To be defined as light it can not have dark. There are different levels of sight in a lighted room......but if there is light at all, it is not "dark". If it is "dark" there is no light. This is what I argue about with my children who insist on turning the lights on in their rooms in the middle of the day. Just because there is not enough "light" for your comfort doesn't make your room dark. If it is cold it has no heat.......opposites. You can not have truth in evil........or evil in truth......opposite. We are not talking about "good" vs "bad" as they are a matter of opinion. The opposite of truth is lies (the only true evil in the world) But I see what your saying.......u turn on a light to get rid of darkness, but u don't turn anything "on" to get rid of light......... That is the way all true opposites work, you must add to something negative to get the opposite of it. "To be defined as light it can not have dark." This is a very strict assessment of the meaning of the word "opposite". I would hold things which cannot be expressed in a finite set can still be considered to have opposites. Websters online dictionary First entry: Define Dark - devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black; "sitting in a dark corner"; "a dark day"; "dark shadows"; "dark as the inside of ..." It can be dark without having to be completely devoid of light in most peoples definitions of the word. Words are very deceptive things by themselves. When left alone they don't like to be definitive. Opposite is an even harder word to define. . . Websters online dictionary: # moving or facing away from each other; "looking in opposite directions"; "they went in opposite directions" # antonym: a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other; "to him the antonym of `gay' was `depressed'" # the other one of a complementary pair; "the opposite sex"; "the two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors" # reverse: a relation of direct opposition; "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true" # opposition: a contestant that you are matched against # altogether different in nature or quality or significance; "the medicine's effect was opposite to that intended"; "it is said that opposite characters make a union happiest"- Charles Reade # face-to-face: directly facing each other; "the two photographs lay face-to-face on the table"; "lived all their lives in houses face-to-face across the street"; "they sat opposite at the table" # diametric: characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed; "in diametric contradiction to his claims"; "diametrical (or opposite) points of view"; "opposite meanings"; "extreme and indefensible polar positions" # inverse: something inverted in sequence or character or effect; "when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse" Is Evil the inverse of truth . . . no I dont agree. I think it is evil to kill. Their does not seem to be any lies involved with cold blooded drive by shootings, that seems evil. I think truth can stand alone. Truth even can create potential evil, truth makes nukes . . . Lies . . . . sometimes lies can prevent evil from happening . . . I have seen it. The truth would have got someone killed. The truth itself was wrong in nature but not evil . . . . So in science we trap words with adjectives, or make new ones, or express something mathematically. Out side of science you just cant get hung up on words. You have to use alot of them to get at meanings. If you mean to say god = truth = balance = good Then who's sense of good are we talking about? From what frame of reference? God? What if good to god is a smaller population? Then maybe aids is good? Darwin Awards? What is good or bad or evil, or true(Empirically true, and math true aside)is based on perception. Black holes are good, because they promote galaxy formation, but if one eats your solar system its bad . . . . however its both true and very bad and balanced, and natural. Now the only thing that stands out here is that evil requires a will. There must be conscious thought to be evil. But evil is still determined by the subjective reference frame of the individual, it is proportional to bad on yer good/bad scale, evil lies at far edge of the curve. I mean is there an absolute evil even? Can someone be more evil? Do you think hitler was less or more evil then Jeffrey Dahmer, or John wayne gacy? Ok, evil does not equal bad, imo. Good does not equal truth, imo. Truth, indeed stands a sense of the word. I'm not talking about our personal truths, but the fundamentals that everything is built on.......this is a theory. If I may, I do not believe that killing is many cases it is a necessity for survival. Death is not "evil" as it is a natural process of life....... Evil = lies. Lies are never good imo...........and I don't see how they "safe" anyone. If someone threatens to shoot you if you claim to believe in God.........and you tell the truth and say that you will not deny God (that is IF you believe in God) then it isn't the truth that got you killed.........but the lies the person tells himself in order to justify killing you. IF you lie........your denying truth...........what good is your life if you have no integrity........if you will lie to save your own skin??? It is the little lies we tell ourselves added to the little lies everyone else tells us.........that makes the GIANT lies that cause this world havoc......but that is a matter of my own opinion. I will agree that words are limited in meaning by the person speaking them and by the person hearing them............ But truth is truth, and a lie is anything that is not truth. Is it a lie to say that you are sad........when sadness is something that changes from moment to moment........ Truth and lies are things that do not change. It will be a lie yesterday and a lie if it something that can be changed it is a matter of perception and not simple truth..............but anyhoo, now that I've thoroughly confused myself........ I do not view Adolf Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer as being evil in and of themselves........they are truth, evil is everything else that surrounds them. Lack of knowing who you are and your true place is what causes people to do horrendous is because they are deceived into believing something that they are something they are not (evil=lies). Knowing who they truly are and being able to see clearly......taking away the lies.......well that is the process of living and then dying. |
the curse of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil..........religion, that like an auto pilot, closes the eyes to all other data, never adding one shredd of knowing since the day it's "singular truth" was found, what finally made one believe oneself "as right", that relieved the guilt and fear of "being wrong", that plagued the soul, or no looking would have been done to begin with, with such strong belief of self right perpetuated from surrounding oneself with only others believing and seeking the same, all doing all from the "greatest wish" to be as right, and saved from self bad, coming soon the wish to be vindicated before all that spoke any evil, of course evil coming to be all that say one is wrong, but the "ticket of oneself as right" is good for eternity it is told, and the brain is cut off, to whole reality of all itself is, which leaves the brain as never learning anything more again, since proof of "being right" is now believed as coming from some "god himself".......
many different believed gods, but all perpetuating the same assurance as sought, that oneself is good, and saved, which is proof of right, and the same wish of vindication soon comes to be had by all........ the saddest state of existence, because it leads to a misery of self, that only comes to be able to be felt over a very slooooooooooow period of time...... slooooooooooooooooooow "death of sight" of others, as even having value, and soon loss value of life for many, and a groooooooooooooooowing sight of evil more each day.......... if god of text is a peaceful god, then beliefs from him would seem to have to make peace for ALL, not for one, or just one group, or he is a false god of war and murder, as all such beliefs that cause divide, as growing, lead to war, which is death for many.......... how can all in the world look thru the eyes of self right most, if self believe what makes many others evil...... would not there soon be all looking at others and claiming all others wrong, and self right only, soon coming to all minds being as singular dictators........ is this not one brain thinking it is "wiser" than all other brains put together, and all others as ignorant? are ANY totally wrong, or is it the illusion that one brain is smarter than all other's met along the road is very powerful, and perpetuated from seeking out others that agree, make it even a more powerful illusion, as it is no without any doubt an illusion, just from the sheer ridiculousness of such a notion as possible..... until this is let go, the PROOF FOUND TO MAKE IT SO, IS WHAT THE BRAIN PUT TOGETHER TO BE PROOF, from infinite data available to find, keeping anything from seeing all others are right also, and it is all perceptions absorbed which make for total sight, which is learning more each day from all things as a teacher..... ever learning, instead of never learning, as only retaining and confirming what one already knows, lol..... of course your right about many, many, many things, but to look for how one is wrong is the only way to add more wisdom.... is not this just common sense...... was it not said in your own text that jesus was coming back to make peace for the entire universe, so how can a religion that despise many, many, many others be the whole truth of a text? it is not missed it also said "ALL like sheep have gone astray" then are not ALL SHEEP..... what makes any sheep go astray....I AM THE MOST RIGHT, AND IF I CAN GET SOMEONE TO AGREE WITH ME, THIS MAKES IT SO...... please, can it not be seen that all others that do not agree, will be just replaced with someone that does, lol....... it is not missed jesus said "what you have done unto the least of these you, you have done AS unto then ALL are AS jesus, even learning the same things..... it is not missed it said "god" of text so loved the WORLD" then what god is it that love only a small group of the world, the small group of all that agree with self, lol...... of course this make one believe oneself is the greatest and favorite of god, lol..... it is not missed that one of the few admonishments by jesus to the diciples was over WHO was the greatest....... corrected by jesus himself over what.... WHAT THE ROOT OF SUCH THINKING AS THIS WOULD MAKE IN TIME.......GREATEST EVIL, AS DIVIDE AMOUNG MAN MAKE ALL WAR, VIOLENCE, MURDER, HATE, AND MANY, MANY, MANY IN TIME AS EVIL, AND READY FOR DISPOSAL TO THE HUMAN DUMP...... it is not missed that it said "ALL THINGS work to gether for not ALL THINGS then also ALL PEOPLE..... no different than night and day, cold and hot, hate and love, calm and excited, good and evil..... it is not missed that it also said to love thy enemy as this not to the "professed washed", all others that don't agree, as thinking now self as greatest, all others then are seen to be as "unwashed", then heard and seen as ENEMIES........ your text never said who you deem to be thy "christian neighbor", as this would have made divide amoungst ALL mankind, and why it was said..... to keep "defintions of good" AS BEING OF A SINGULAR TRUTH, OR GROUP TRUTH, BUT RATHER MUST BE ALL GOOD FOR ALL, or it will grow into what will always end as a dictatorship, no different than hitler taught us....... cannot the POSITIVE ALONG WITH THE NEGATIVE OF HITLER, save any later and keep from happening again? the seeing of what thinking, in it's infancy, becoming as beliefs held, from half-truths spoken that sound good, words of flattery of self wishes, before they grow into evil so big they cannot be easily overcome........ finding the GOOD thing ALL THINGS teach, never being found seeing anything as a negative, as if hitler was only a negative, this would make only for sight that blame him, which only makes one try to extinguish evil, creating more evil to do it, never allowing the root of thinking that create such things to be seen, that are really always totally as innocent wishes, to be exposed, before such things create what is so big, it cannot be easily corrected...... how does one wish their evil neighbor destroyed, and not see the heart only wishes to be as vindicated right, so bad, as it hate to hear it is wrong with such despise, that it would wish all others dstroyed, and so find such truths, no different than root thinking hitler had in the start, and truly he wished to eliminate what he "thought" made all evil, and if it was cleansed, and washed away, evil would be gone, FORGETTING THE ONE THING, TO ALWAYS LOOK AT SELF FOR EVIL AS WELL, LOL......... he came to aquire the status and power to accomplish such things, thru BELIEF OF OTHERS, THAT ALSO WISHED TO BE RELIEVED OF EVIL, FOR PROTECTION FROM EVIL, THEN MANY OTHERS JOINED, OR THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO POWER..... so the essence of the moral of the story seems to be IF ONE BELIEVE IN GREATER EVIL THAN ONESELF, THERE WILL BE EVIL PERPETUATED..... is it that hard to see that if one is born into the same mind of another, having the same experience, same personality, same emotions, same treatment, same teachings, one would do the same, as do not ALL COME INTO THE WORLD A BLANK SLATE, AND COME TO BE FILLED IN BY ENVIRONMENT...... so if one comes back, and believes the same as you QS, and SAYS HE IS JESUS COME IN THE FLESH, ADN PERHAPS SHOWS NAIL PRINTS IN BOTH HANDS, AS MANY A MAGICIAN CAN DO, easy for chris angel one would suppose, and agree's with all the interpretations you hold to as ALL TRUTH OF GOD, and says IT IS TIME, I HAVE COME TO RESCUE YOU GOOD FOLLOWER, we shall ELIMINATE THE EVIL WICKED, being all others that do not agree with us........would you believe and follow...... is this not what the mortal walk itself is designed to make all come to forsake? is this not what hitler told the people...... was it hitler that was the greatest threat to mankind, or such beliefs HELD that think there are some born that are of the devil, of the lost souls, AND SOME THAT ARE GOOD, AND BETTER....... TWO GROUP THINKING PERIOD......GOOD AND EVIL he was only ONE man, but what the hell made the followers believe him?????????? the followers are equally guilty, as did they not give him the power to do all he did...... all are responsible for not seeing or believing ANY OTHER IS OF LESS VALUE THEN THEMSELF, WITH ANY BELIEF.........PERIOD THESE THAT BELIEVED SUCH MURDEROUS DEVISIVE NOTIONS WANTED CONFIRMATION OF SELF SO BAD, AND TO PROTECT SELF MOST, AND PRESERVE SELF MOST, THAT IT MADE THEM FALL TO SUCH DECEPTION OF WORDS, SOON COMING TO WISH TO BE RID OF ALL OTHERS THAT WERE AS A THREAT, THAT BELIEVED DIFFERENT, OR WISHED TO BE DIFFERENT THAN THEM...... HOW ARE SUCH THINGS ANY DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER RELIGION THAT BELIEVE IT'S NEIGHBORS ARE EVIL...... i do not wish to make you wrong, as this is not a wish of mine for any, as i wish for friends as much as the next guy, maybe more, and error is a tough thing for any human to accept, and why the whole host of names that could be attributed to such beliefs as these are LEFT OUT, not for some law fo goodness, but because true reality of belief is always the hardest to admit while mortal, and we shall all come to be as ONE, WITH COMMON GOOD FOR ALL AS ONE....... there are no ideas here presented as some whole truth, as there is no wisdom of myself, but rather logical facts just as seen down thru time, thru my ignorant perception, awaiting the adding of others wisdom to complete, as no perception is complete of itself...... it is again not missed it was said of your own text as the GREATEST COMMANDMENT, TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF..... never said the neighbor that agress, your neighbor that is a "christian"..... how can it be true that jesus and all his angels are coming back to murder all the unwashed evil doers...... would not this make your god a hypocite, OF THE WORST KIND, AS BILLIONS HAVE BELIEVED AND HEEDED THE WORDS OF "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER"....... is it thought that god can do what he has instructed all not to do......PLEASE how is this any better than the KKK..... how are these beliefs better than any gang.... is it thought god of text is real, but cannot abide by his own teachings and commandments.... it could never create what was spoken to be of god, which was peace for all..... would it not have to be all perceptions joined as one that make the whole truth, forsaking this natural human hate of being wrong, and believing oneself as most right...... it seems pointed out with great clarity, with GREAT EMPHASIS OF WORDS, whether the story of jesus is real or metophorical, to leave out the debate, that he was proved as ALL WRONG to himself, as when cring FATHER, FATHER, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME...... how could this be uttered, unless he, like all mankind in it's first state of self being right most, believed what he himself THOUGHT AS TRUE MOST, DID NOT HAPPEN...... is it wrong to seek self good....absolutely not, as the human body reside in self preservation most, so it is natural, but to wish most good for self, LEAVING OUT what is COMMON GOOD FOR ALL, and self is only extended outward to all that agree...... the WHOLE TRUTH must be able to find solutions for ALL, or it is diobolical, and lead to misery, the same as all truths that have thought such things in the past, have shown us with history, that actually come to DESTROY SELF in the end, and millions along the way..... these such interpretations are no different than what so called "terrorist believe, in their infancy, and of the same root......EVIL NEIGHBORS EVIL NEIGHBORS MAKE FOR MURDEROUS WISHES OF THE HEART IN TIME...... it is not missed it was said that if one wish in the heart of murder, it is no different than having committed..... WHY......because not given up, and seen and amitted plainly with the mouth it is WRONG, in time one will as a blind man be led to murder, even before one knows how it happended.... it was never said in text to try to be a good person, in fact all words of wisdom within said this was as what divided all man against himself, and would blind and divide any civilization, but rather to only admit with all acceptence all was one at all times......the bad, and the ugly most of course, as this is what grow into what even onself truly does not wish for.......... interpretations making others as evil and unwashed make it harder for one to see that mortal is the sin, and hate of self wrong is the greatest sin, and nothing more..... even paul withint the height of his ministry, as the leader of many, and looked to as a great leader, called himself the "CHIEF OF SINNERS"......perhaps he seen if ones loses sight of themself as having evil potential, without looking into self to spot and admit, than evil can always be created jesus called himself as a sinner, when it was spoken, ALL LIKE SHEEP HAVE GONE ASTRAY....DID HE PROCLUDE HIMSELF......ALL MEANS ALL DOES IT NOT was it not also said by jesus, I HAVE FELT IN ALL WAYS AS ALL MAN...... please.......all are as walking thru the same damn emotions, thru the same type experiences, learning all the very same things jesus did, for all to come to be smarter, of greater mental strength, not to be as BETTER PEOPLE THAN THE EVIL, but indeed to to gain the greatest peace there is known to any mortal, THAT TO BE WRONG MEANS ONE IS LEARNING, AS THIS MEANS YOU JUST ACCPETED MORE INTO THE SELF, SO NOW CONTAIN MORE WISDOM............. indeed criticism comes to be the only food of wisdom....... is mortal sin anything more than what the brain believe that keep human brains from learning more, as if god or greater wisdom of each one, was said to be as all knowing, and it is said to become as one with the father, or all truth, or one with greater self, than what shall not come to be the same, from seeing how, no longer following a guide of good that is not big enough for the whole world to be fit into, that will always make many others as evil....... is the god of text as a "terrorist"? no editing, so hope ok......just ideas from the devil....... peace |
the curse of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil..........religion, that like an auto pilot, closes the eyes to all other data, never adding one shredd of knowing since the day it's "singular truth" was found, what finally made one believe oneself "as right", that relieved the guilt and fear of "being wrong", that plagued the soul, or no looking would have been done to begin with, with such strong belief of self right perpetuated from surrounding oneself with only others believing and seeking the same, all doing all from the "greatest wish" to be as right, and saved from self bad, coming soon the wish to be vindicated before all that spoke any evil, of course evil coming to be all that say one is wrong, but the "ticket of oneself as right" is good for eternity it is told, and the brain is cut off, to whole reality of all itself is, which leaves the brain as never learning anything more again, since proof of "being right" is now believed as coming from some "god himself"....... many different believed gods, but all perpetuating the same assurance as sought, that oneself is good, and saved, which is proof of right, and the same wish of vindication soon comes to be had by all........ the saddest state of existence, because it leads to a misery of self, that only comes to be able to be felt over a very slooooooooooow period of time...... slooooooooooooooooooow "death of sight" of others, as even having value, and soon loss value of life for many, and a groooooooooooooooowing sight of evil more each day.......... if god of text is a peaceful god, then beliefs from him would seem to have to make peace for ALL, not for one, or just one group, or he is a false god of war and murder, as all such beliefs that cause divide, as growing, lead to war, which is death for many.......... how can all in the world look thru the eyes of self right most, if self believe what makes many others evil...... would not there soon be all looking at others and claiming all others wrong, and self right only, soon coming to all minds being as singular dictators........ is this not one brain thinking it is "wiser" than all other brains put together, and all others as ignorant? are ANY totally wrong, or is it the illusion that one brain is smarter than all other's met along the road is very powerful, and perpetuated from seeking out others that agree, make it even a more powerful illusion, as it is no without any doubt an illusion, just from the sheer ridiculousness of such a notion as possible..... until this is let go, the PROOF FOUND TO MAKE IT SO, IS WHAT THE BRAIN PUT TOGETHER TO BE PROOF, from infinite data available to find, keeping anything from seeing all others are right also, and it is all perceptions absorbed which make for total sight, which is learning more each day from all things as a teacher..... ever learning, instead of never learning, as only retaining and confirming what one already knows, lol..... of course your right about many, many, many things, but to look for how one is wrong is the only way to add more wisdom.... is not this just common sense...... was it not said in your own text that jesus was coming back to make peace for the entire universe, so how can a religion that despise many, many, many others be the whole truth of a text? it is not missed it also said "ALL like sheep have gone astray" then are not ALL SHEEP..... what makes any sheep go astray....I AM THE MOST RIGHT, AND IF I CAN GET SOMEONE TO AGREE WITH ME, THIS MAKES IT SO...... please, can it not be seen that all others that do not agree, will be just replaced with someone that does, lol....... it is not missed jesus said "what you have done unto the least of these you, you have done AS unto then ALL are AS jesus, even learning the same things..... it is not missed it said "god" of text so loved the WORLD" then what god is it that love only a small group of the world, the small group of all that agree with self, lol...... of course this make one believe oneself is the greatest and favorite of god, lol..... it is not missed that one of the few admonishments by jesus to the diciples was over WHO was the greatest....... corrected by jesus himself over what.... WHAT THE ROOT OF SUCH THINKING AS THIS WOULD MAKE IN TIME.......GREATEST EVIL, AS DIVIDE AMOUNG MAN MAKE ALL WAR, VIOLENCE, MURDER, HATE, AND MANY, MANY, MANY IN TIME AS EVIL, AND READY FOR DISPOSAL TO THE HUMAN DUMP...... it is not missed that it said "ALL THINGS work to gether for not ALL THINGS then also ALL PEOPLE..... no different than night and day, cold and hot, hate and love, calm and excited, good and evil..... it is not missed that it also said to love thy enemy as this not to the "professed washed", all others that don't agree, as thinking now self as greatest, all others then are seen to be as "unwashed", then heard and seen as ENEMIES........ your text never said who you deem to be thy "christian neighbor", as this would have made divide amoungst ALL mankind, and why it was said..... to keep "defintions of good" AS BEING OF A SINGULAR TRUTH, OR GROUP TRUTH, BUT RATHER MUST BE ALL GOOD FOR ALL, or it will grow into what will always end as a dictatorship, no different than hitler taught us....... cannot the POSITIVE ALONG WITH THE NEGATIVE OF HITLER, save any later and keep from happening again? the seeing of what thinking, in it's infancy, becoming as beliefs held, from half-truths spoken that sound good, words of flattery of self wishes, before they grow into evil so big they cannot be easily overcome........ finding the GOOD thing ALL THINGS teach, never being found seeing anything as a negative, as if hitler was only a negative, this would make only for sight that blame him, which only makes one try to extinguish evil, creating more evil to do it, never allowing the root of thinking that create such things to be seen, that are really always totally as innocent wishes, to be exposed, before such things create what is so big, it cannot be easily corrected...... how does one wish their evil neighbor destroyed, and not see the heart only wishes to be as vindicated right, so bad, as it hate to hear it is wrong with such despise, that it would wish all others dstroyed, and so find such truths, no different than root thinking hitler had in the start, and truly he wished to eliminate what he "thought" made all evil, and if it was cleansed, and washed away, evil would be gone, FORGETTING THE ONE THING, TO ALWAYS LOOK AT SELF FOR EVIL AS WELL, LOL......... he came to aquire the status and power to accomplish such things, thru BELIEF OF OTHERS, THAT ALSO WISHED TO BE RELIEVED OF EVIL, FOR PROTECTION FROM EVIL, THEN MANY OTHERS JOINED, OR THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO POWER..... so the essence of the moral of the story seems to be IF ONE BELIEVE IN GREATER EVIL THAN ONESELF, THERE WILL BE EVIL PERPETUATED..... is it that hard to see that if one is born into the same mind of another, having the same experience, same personality, same emotions, same treatment, same teachings, one would do the same, as do not ALL COME INTO THE WORLD A BLANK SLATE, AND COME TO BE FILLED IN BY ENVIRONMENT...... so if one comes back, and believes the same as you QS, and SAYS HE IS JESUS COME IN THE FLESH, ADN PERHAPS SHOWS NAIL PRINTS IN BOTH HANDS, AS MANY A MAGICIAN CAN DO, easy for chris angel one would suppose, and agree's with all the interpretations you hold to as ALL TRUTH OF GOD, and says IT IS TIME, I HAVE COME TO RESCUE YOU GOOD FOLLOWER, we shall ELIMINATE THE EVIL WICKED, being all others that do not agree with us........would you believe and follow...... is this not what the mortal walk itself is designed to make all come to forsake? is this not what hitler told the people...... was it hitler that was the greatest threat to mankind, or such beliefs HELD that think there are some born that are of the devil, of the lost souls, AND SOME THAT ARE GOOD, AND BETTER....... TWO GROUP THINKING PERIOD......GOOD AND EVIL he was only ONE man, but what the hell made the followers believe him?????????? the followers are equally guilty, as did they not give him the power to do all he did...... all are responsible for not seeing or believing ANY OTHER IS OF LESS VALUE THEN THEMSELF, WITH ANY BELIEF.........PERIOD THESE THAT BELIEVED SUCH MURDEROUS DEVISIVE NOTIONS WANTED CONFIRMATION OF SELF SO BAD, AND TO PROTECT SELF MOST, AND PRESERVE SELF MOST, THAT IT MADE THEM FALL TO SUCH DECEPTION OF WORDS, SOON COMING TO WISH TO BE RID OF ALL OTHERS THAT WERE AS A THREAT, THAT BELIEVED DIFFERENT, OR WISHED TO BE DIFFERENT THAN THEM...... HOW ARE SUCH THINGS ANY DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER RELIGION THAT BELIEVE IT'S NEIGHBORS ARE EVIL...... i do not wish to make you wrong, as this is not a wish of mine for any, as i wish for friends as much as the next guy, maybe more, and error is a tough thing for any human to accept, and why the whole host of names that could be attributed to such beliefs as these are LEFT OUT, not for some law fo goodness, but because true reality of belief is always the hardest to admit while mortal, and we shall all come to be as ONE, WITH COMMON GOOD FOR ALL AS ONE....... there are no ideas here presented as some whole truth, as there is no wisdom of myself, but rather logical facts just as seen down thru time, thru my ignorant perception, awaiting the adding of others wisdom to complete, as no perception is complete of itself...... it is again not missed it was said of your own text as the GREATEST COMMANDMENT, TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF..... never said the neighbor that agress, your neighbor that is a "christian"..... how can it be true that jesus and all his angels are coming back to murder all the unwashed evil doers...... would not this make your god a hypocite, OF THE WORST KIND, AS BILLIONS HAVE BELIEVED AND HEEDED THE WORDS OF "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER"....... is it thought that god can do what he has instructed all not to do......PLEASE how is this any better than the KKK..... how are these beliefs better than any gang.... is it thought god of text is real, but cannot abide by his own teachings and commandments.... it could never create what was spoken to be of god, which was peace for all..... would it not have to be all perceptions joined as one that make the whole truth, forsaking this natural human hate of being wrong, and believing oneself as most right...... it seems pointed out with great clarity, with GREAT EMPHASIS OF WORDS, whether the story of jesus is real or metophorical, to leave out the debate, that he was proved as ALL WRONG to himself, as when cring FATHER, FATHER, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME...... how could this be uttered, unless he, like all mankind in it's first state of self being right most, believed what he himself THOUGHT AS TRUE MOST, DID NOT HAPPEN...... is it wrong to seek self good....absolutely not, as the human body reside in self preservation most, so it is natural, but to wish most good for self, LEAVING OUT what is COMMON GOOD FOR ALL, and self is only extended outward to all that agree...... the WHOLE TRUTH must be able to find solutions for ALL, or it is diobolical, and lead to misery, the same as all truths that have thought such things in the past, have shown us with history, that actually come to DESTROY SELF in the end, and millions along the way..... these such interpretations are no different than what so called "terrorist believe, in their infancy, and of the same root......EVIL NEIGHBORS EVIL NEIGHBORS MAKE FOR MURDEROUS WISHES OF THE HEART IN TIME...... it is not missed it was said that if one wish in the heart of murder, it is no different than having committed..... WHY......because not given up, and seen and amitted plainly with the mouth it is WRONG, in time one will as a blind man be led to murder, even before one knows how it happended.... it was never said in text to try to be a good person, in fact all words of wisdom within said this was as what divided all man against himself, and would blind and divide any civilization, but rather to only admit with all acceptence all was one at all times......the bad, and the ugly most of course, as this is what grow into what even onself truly does not wish for.......... interpretations making others as evil and unwashed make it harder for one to see that mortal is the sin, and hate of self wrong is the greatest sin, and nothing more..... even paul withint the height of his ministry, as the leader of many, and looked to as a great leader, called himself the "CHIEF OF SINNERS"......perhaps he seen if ones loses sight of themself as having evil potential, without looking into self to spot and admit, than evil can always be created jesus called himself as a sinner, when it was spoken, ALL LIKE SHEEP HAVE GONE ASTRAY....DID HE PROCLUDE HIMSELF......ALL MEANS ALL DOES IT NOT was it not also said by jesus, I HAVE FELT IN ALL WAYS AS ALL MAN...... please.......all are as walking thru the same damn emotions, thru the same type experiences, learning all the very same things jesus did, for all to come to be smarter, of greater mental strength, not to be as BETTER PEOPLE THAN THE EVIL, but indeed to to gain the greatest peace there is known to any mortal, THAT TO BE WRONG MEANS ONE IS LEARNING, AS THIS MEANS YOU JUST ACCPETED MORE INTO THE SELF, SO NOW CONTAIN MORE WISDOM............. indeed criticism comes to be the only food of wisdom....... is mortal sin anything more than what the brain believe that keep human brains from learning more, as if god or greater wisdom of each one, was said to be as all knowing, and it is said to become as one with the father, or all truth, or one with greater self, than what shall not come to be the same, from seeing how, no longer following a guide of good that is not big enough for the whole world to be fit into, that will always make many others as evil....... is the god of text as a "terrorist"? no editing, so hope ok......just ideas from the devil....... peace "We're on a mission...for God." John Belushi Dan Aykroyd The Blues Brothers |
they seemed to see greater logic of truth than most religious definitions found, lol....... ditto's |