Topic: McCains 76 Flip-Flops
t22learner's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:21 PM
Dr. Jack Wheeler...

"Dr. Wheeler doesn't appear to be fond of either major-party candidate in the 2008 U.S. presidential election.

He described Republican nominee John McCain as "clinically nuts" and suggested that the former POW had collaborated with his Communist captors during the Vietnam War in exchange for "an apartment in Hanoi and the services of two prostitutes.""

wouldee's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:24 PM
IS IT ANY WONDER THAT an overwhelming number of flag officers want Hillary as their commander in chief?

YES, there are more embarrassing gaffes (NOW CALLED OBAMAISMS) — BUT THIS TIME, they have to do with national security, our two wars, and — ahem — the prime subjects of the Senate Foreign Relations committee on which he supposedly sits. Via Halperin and ABC News:

(1 OBAMAISM) The Illinois Senator incorrectly says Arabic translators deployed in Iraq are needed in Afghanistan (but Afghans don’t speak Arabic). Later corrected mistake.

(2 OBAMAISM) Obama also stressed need for agricultural specialists in Afghanistan to help develop other crops than heroin poppies (but oil fields not poppy fields are a major source of U.S. technical assistance).

The full stories are below the fold. But, first, let’s recall his other recent gaffes — which call into question his mental state AND his mental acuity — which we wrote on May 10, and which Larry updated on May 11 with “Is Barack Obama Mentally Fatigued?“:

(PREVIOUS OBAMAISM #1) “I am a patriotic citizen of the United States — all 57 of them!”

(PREVIOUS OBAMAISM #2) “Timmuh, er, Matt, er Timmuh, er Matt” (he repeatedly confused Matt Lauer with Tim Russert — which is impossible, even if one only considers the dramatic physical differences!)

(PREVIOUS OBAMAISM #3) In early May, he talked to 30 supporters and told them the story of the “modest” background of himself and his wife — 10 minutes later, he told the same story all over again to the same people.

(PREVIOUS OBAMAISM #4) In a speech, he poignantly referred to his “father’s” flag-draped coffin — except that he really meant his grandfather’s, who was a WWII veteran, and not his father, who died a Kenyan. (Even Howie Kurtz noted the oddity.)

From the ABC News report:

n Rush Limbaugh’s hometown, Sen. Barack Obama came up with some novel reasons why the U.S. may be struggling in the war in Afghanistan.

"We don’t have enough capacity right now to deal with it — and it’s not just the troops," Obama, D-Ill., told a crowd in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

Obama posited — incorrectly — that Arabic translators deployed in Iraq are needed in Afghanistan — forgetting, momentarily, that Afghans don’t speak Arabic.

"We only have a certain number of them and if they are all in Iraq, then its harder for us to use them in Afghanistan," Obama said.

The vast majority of military translators in both war zones are drawn from the local population.
Naturally they speak the local language. In Iraq, that’s Arabic or Kurdish. In Afghanistan, it’s any of a half dozen other languages — including Pashtu, Dari, and Farsi.

No sooner did Obama realize his mistake — and correct himself — but he immediately made another.

"We need agricultural specialists in Afghanistan, people who can help them develop other crops than heroin poppies, because the drug trade in Afghanistan is what is driving and financing these terrorist networks. So we need agricultural specialists," he said.

So far, so good.

"But if we are sending them to Baghdad, they’re not in Afghanistan," Obama said.

Iraq has many problems, but encouraging farmers to grow food instead of opium poppies isn’t one of them. In Iraq, oil fields not poppy fields are a major source of U.S. technical assistance.

There are other infrastructure problems both countries share that U.S. advisors have struggled to address — a lack of safe roads, schools, adequate electricity, etc. — but Obama did not mention these.

Obama’s overall point may well be true: that U.S. efforts in Iraq have come at the expense of the battle against al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

Still it’s not asking too much to expect the man many say will soon be the Democratic nominee to cite the right facts to back up his thesis. …


(1) “Is Barack Obama Mentally Fatigued?” — by LARRY JOHNSON

(2) [Citizen Alert Update] “My Name Is Barack, and I Am — Where, Who, What Did I Just Say?” — which included this update:

CITIZEN ALERT UPDATE: In the first comment below, WestPalm4Hillary noted, “Great, and THIS is the guy the Democrats want with control of ‘the button’.” Which reminded me of something we haven’t written about in a while — one of BO’s many (and they are countless) excuses for the votes he made, didn’t make, maybe made, or Planned Parenthood or the mob Chicago pols forced him to make, or was just “present” to make in the Illinois State Senate. Via the LA Times, January 8, 2008:

Obama said oops on 6 state Senate votes
He pushed the wrong button, he asserted at the time. Two of the admitted flubs were on hotly contested issues.

Susan’s Note: You know, it’s one thing to go “oops” when you (yeah, right) push the wrong button in a state senate vote, but … in the White House?! God help us all! (And, um, dare I ask … what might have affected his brain so adversely??? Huh?)



t22learner's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:24 PM
Your best writing is cut/paste.

wouldee's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:25 PM

some things are best shared and not plaigerized.

tongue2 :thumbsup: waving

t22learner's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:32 PM


some things are best shared and not plaigerized.

tongue2 :thumbsup: waving

We know you meant "plagiarized."

SVImager's photo
Sun 09/14/08 10:45 PM
Edited by SVImager on Sun 09/14/08 10:48 PM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

This "liberals are scared" is a recent theme of Republican flaks. After eight years of "Dubya" and financial institutions crashing all around us, yeah, I'm terrified of four more years of it.

And financial institutions failing is not the governments fault. They didn't make the banks give out loans. That is their own damn problem.

Sorry, I don't want to be taxed to death.

You got it wrong.

The gov't serves the PEOPLE, we give them power. It is their JOB description.
Today the gov't is serving the corporations.
The Gov't change the rules to allow easier quicker ownership of Property.

It is neither Republican or Democrat.
They are both paid for by the Corporations.
They are both corrupt.

The Gov't Wanted people to be HOMEOWNERs. Which is a good thing. Good Intentions can lend to bad situations.
So they agreed with the MONEY MAKING CORPORATIONS to lend easy Money for Homeowners. Everybody wins. But the Gov't is suppose to be the wiser and so NO.. we have to be responsible, BECAUSE they are the ONES with the POWER to dictate the POLICIES of how tight or Lax the law should be. They went toooo LAX and now it is all wet poopy and slippery. People getting Foreclosed on. People getting Financial trouble. People get divorce over money problems (it is a fact). Corporation gets a Golden Parachute from the Gov't.

The Gov't is mandated to REGULATE the Financial institutions. It is their JOB and given the authority to do so. So it is their fault. The Industry has only one purpose to MAKE MONEY no matter what or how many people suffers. The Gov't regulates how far they can go... Do you get it???

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:41 AM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 09/15/08 08:42 AM


some things are best shared and not plaigerized.

tongue2 :thumbsup: waving

We know you meant "plagiarized."

no I meant this.......


at least the goofball is consistent....


Oh, osama sitting on your are so enlightening.

Am I getting close the the target number of 69 rebuttals?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Can we trust him?
1.) I Was A Professor Of Law - LIAR, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.
2.) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - LIAR, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.
3.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - LIAR, you didn’t write it, introduce it, change it, or create it.
4.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - LIAR, it took just 14 days from start to finish.
5.) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - LIAR, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because of your Nuclear Donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.
6.) I Have Released My State Records - LIAR, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsored or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.
7.) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - LIAR, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens. You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.
8.) My Economics Bill Will Help America - LIAR, your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.
9.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - LIAR, even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.
10.) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - LIAR, they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.
11.) No One Contacted Canada About NAFTA - LIAR, the Canadian Government issued the names and a memo of the conversation your campaign had with them.
12.) I Am Tough On Terrorism - LIAR, you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction of Israel.
13.) I Am Not Acting As President Yet - LIAR, after the NAFTA Memo, a dead terrorist in the FARC, in Colombia, was found with a letter stating how you and he were working together on getting FARC recognized officially.
14.) I Didn’t Run Ads In Florida - LIAR, you allowed national ads to run 8-12 times per day for two weeks - and you still lost.
15.) I Won Michigan - LIAR, no you didn’t.
16.) I won Nevada - LIAR, no you did not.
17.) I Want All Votes To Count - LIAR, you said let the delegates decide.
18.) I Want Americans To Decide - LIAR, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time.
19.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - LIAR, you passed 26, most of which you didn’t write yourself.
20.) My Campaign Was Extorted By A Friend - LIAR, that friend is threatening to sue if you do not stop saying this. Obama has stopped saying this.
21.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - LIAR, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.
22.) I Don’t Take PAC Money - LIAR, you take loads of it.
23.) I don’t Have Lobbyists - LIAR, you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting.
24.) Selma Got Me Born - LIAR, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965.
25.) An Ebony Article Moved Me to Run for Office - LIAR, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn’t, and never did,

Lynann's photo
Mon 09/15/08 08:57 AM's the truth. The nation has a choice. To go deeper into debt or be financially responsible. You don't want to be taxed to death? Maybe you should have demanded financial accountability from the current administration.

The government has taken on the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mess. Guess what? The investors will get their money and every tax payer will get the bill. Do you know the size of that bill? Here's a clue about it's size. It is larger than the national debt of any country and is in essence the largest business failure ever.

Lehman Brothers is going down the tubes as I type this.

Other banks are going to follow.

Major automakers are on the brink of failure.

China owns an alarming amount of U.S. debt.

We are spending billions in Iraq with no end in sight.

Who's paying for it?

But don't worry, the fundamentals of our economy are strong...yeah, McCain won't raise your taxes? Where's all this money going to come from then?

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:15 AM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 09/15/08 09:16 AM's the truth. The nation has a choice. To go deeper into debt or be financially responsible. You don't want to be taxed to death? Maybe you should have demanded financial accountability from the current administration.

The government has taken on the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mess. Guess what? The investors will get their money and every tax payer will get the bill. Do you know the size of that bill? Here's a clue about it's size. It is larger than the national debt of any country and is in essence the largest business failure ever.

Lehman Brothers is going down the tubes as I type this.

Other banks are going to follow.

Major automakers are on the brink of failure.

China owns an alarming amount of U.S. debt.

We are spending billions in Iraq with no end in sight.

Who's paying for it?

But don't worry, the fundamentals of our economy are strong...yeah, McCain won't raise your taxes? Where's all this money going to come from then?


and the construction industry is experiencing the worst downturn since the great depression.

Why don't we here bailouts for the contruction industry?

Nevertheless, the Federal government is buying the bad mortgages and hoping to glean the interest income on the surviving assets, and is investing in collateral paper for lending at the discount window.

Like the Chinese and foreign holders of the USD, the US Government is buying equities.

But no one notices this while focusing on the mess that government spending and offshore manufacturing have contributed to the mess.

if offshore manufacuturing were not offshore but in country, there would be more tax revenues in the US Treasury for Congress to plunder.

If Congress and the White House don't plunder the public treasure, and if they didn't legislate the over protective litigious environment of in country liabilities that exist for commerce and industry, then they wouldn't bail to offshore safe havens for capital.

World Inc. is shaping itself.

Governments and foreign investors are buying up American equities.

We will all be working for globalists unless we replace their merchandise with home grown trade.

Belt tightening required.

sweat required.

exhausting hard work required.


and the construction industry is quiet.



Winx's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:21 AM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

Nope. Not scared. Just....enough is enough. McCain - Bush's third term.

Winx's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:23 AM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

This "liberals are scared" is a recent theme of Republican flaks. After eight years of "Dubya" and financial institutions crashing all around us, yeah, I'm terrified of four more years of it.

And financial institutions failing is not the governments fault. They didn't make the banks give out loans. That is their own damn problem.

Sorry, I don't want to be taxed to death. must make over $250,000 a year. Those are the folks that will be seeing more taxes.

SVImager's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:29 AM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

Nope. Not scared. Just....enough is enough. McCain - Bush's third term.

McCain has proven in his record than he works together with everybody.

Nobody is as stupid as Bush.
Well, Palin as President is Bush's Third Term.

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:35 AM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 09/15/08 09:36 AM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

This "liberals are scared" is a recent theme of Republican flaks. After eight years of "Dubya" and financial institutions crashing all around us, yeah, I'm terrified of four more years of it.

And financial institutions failing is not the governments fault. They didn't make the banks give out loans. That is their own damn problem.

Sorry, I don't want to be taxed to death. must make over $250,000 a year. Those are the folks that will be seeing more taxes.

:cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad

and I am in construction and want a tax increase but the market won't let me have it back!!!!!

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

I used to support 14 people on welfare. two scool teachers. a cop and a fireman.

I want my tax bracket back!!!!!

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 09:39 AM
:cry: frustrated sad frustrated what shocked and my auto racing team is done.

sad sad sad :cry: sad

okay, I am done venting.

tongue2 waving

Winx's photo
Mon 09/15/08 12:39 PM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

This "liberals are scared" is a recent theme of Republican flaks. After eight years of "Dubya" and financial institutions crashing all around us, yeah, I'm terrified of four more years of it.

And financial institutions failing is not the governments fault. They didn't make the banks give out loans. That is their own damn problem.

Sorry, I don't want to be taxed to death. must make over $250,000 a year. Those are the folks that will be seeing more taxes.

:cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad

and I am in construction and want a tax increase but the market won't let me have it back!!!!!

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

I used to support 14 people on welfare. two scool teachers. a cop and a fireman.

I want my tax bracket back!!!!!

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

Oooh, my.... those 14 people, 2 school teachers and a fireman must be starving.:tongue:

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:27 PM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

This "liberals are scared" is a recent theme of Republican flaks. After eight years of "Dubya" and financial institutions crashing all around us, yeah, I'm terrified of four more years of it.

And financial institutions failing is not the governments fault. They didn't make the banks give out loans. That is their own damn problem.

Sorry, I don't want to be taxed to death. must make over $250,000 a year. Those are the folks that will be seeing more taxes.

:cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad

and I am in construction and want a tax increase but the market won't let me have it back!!!!!

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

I used to support 14 people on welfare. two scool teachers. a cop and a fireman.

I want my tax bracket back!!!!!

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

Oooh, my.... those 14 people, 2 school teachers and a fireman must be starving.:tongue:

I know.

it's rough.

sad sad sad sad sad

where's a liberal when you need help?frustrated

Winx's photo
Mon 09/15/08 04:31 PM

again, the liberals are apparently scared and can only resort to bashing.

This "liberals are scared" is a recent theme of Republican flaks. After eight years of "Dubya" and financial institutions crashing all around us, yeah, I'm terrified of four more years of it.

And financial institutions failing is not the governments fault. They didn't make the banks give out loans. That is their own damn problem.

Sorry, I don't want to be taxed to death. must make over $250,000 a year. Those are the folks that will be seeing more taxes.

:cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad :cry: sad

and I am in construction and want a tax increase but the market won't let me have it back!!!!!

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

I used to support 14 people on welfare. two scool teachers. a cop and a fireman.

I want my tax bracket back!!!!!

sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

Oooh, my.... those 14 people, 2 school teachers and a fireman must be starving.:tongue:

I know.

it's rough.

sad sad sad sad sad

where's a liberal when you need help?frustrated

One never knows when one might need help. A person might need help after a stroke, car accident, old age, etc.

Lynann's photo
Mon 09/15/08 11:11 PM
Where's a liberal when you need help?

I bet you didn't notice them helping...they usually aren't thumping you with bibles and calling news conferences for a photo op of them helping.

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/15/08 11:23 PM
well, that rules out nobama.



SVImager's photo
Tue 09/16/08 07:11 AM

Where's a liberal when you need help?

I bet you didn't notice them helping...they usually aren't thumping you with bibles and calling news conferences for a photo op of them helping.

Jesus is a liberal.
Our Founding Fathers are liberal.

The NeoCons stole Christian values and using it to get votes.
For all I care, I don't give a flying f if they stop all abortion in the U.S. or stop every gay marriage in the U.S. The NeoCons will than be destroyed because they have no real issues to get votes.

I absolutely believe mixing Christianity with a Political Party is the root of Evil. They are attaching something that cannot be debated (God's Truth) than cherry picking out of the Bible to support their Political (Man's) Agenda. If you guys look carefully and let's replace the name "Jesus" with "Ali", the Muslim National went down that route with their total Authoritarianism and Legalist believes and strict control of the female body and no FREEDOM of Choice to make mistakes. Everything that we dislike about our enemy, the NeoCons represents. They energize each other.