Topic: Seven Years Later
PredatorYonan's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:24 AM
I was just wondering out of curiosity, where were you and what were you doing during, after, or before September 11, 2001?

bad_girl's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:27 AM
Working on a military installation, not allowed to go home and talking to friend of mine who was working at the Pentagon:cry:

shoesmonkey's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:32 AM
I was home, doing something.......I went outside and, two of my neighbor's told me what was happening. We saw one of the plane's flying over head, the second one actually. I was in upstate NY at the time.

kerbear73's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:33 AM
I was still sleeping for working all night, My wife can running in waking me up

MsCarmen's photo
Thu 09/11/08 03:42 AM
I was at work with my head phones on listening to a morning talk show and right in the middle of the caller's conversation one of the hosts interrupted and said a plane hit the twin towers. Since nobody new what was going on, they let the caller finish her conversation. Then minutes later, they announced the second one and it was on from there. I was scared to death because my Mom lived in New York and I wasn't able to get in touch with her until late that night to make sure she was okay.

Two weeks prior to that, my brother and his family were in NY and had went on a tour of the twin towers. Scary, to say the least!

mcattygarnett's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:13 AM
that day I was off and watching it on tv, and crying my eyes out, and going threw my first of two divorces.

Lily0923's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:18 AM
Edited by Lily0923 on Thu 09/11/08 04:35 AM
I was pregnant with my daughter and my then husband works for the airline industry (making them, not flying them) and was away on business. I woke up to the TV I had left on overnight to the second plane crashing. couldn't get ahold of anyone....

joshyfox's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:21 AM
I was at home listening to some of my music with headphones on with some morning show on TV on mute for visuals (possibly Today show) and boom, there it was. I remember first thinking it was an accident... then came the other Jet...

Krimsa's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:34 AM
I was actually on the West Coast when it happened so it was three hours earlier there for me. I was just getting up in the morning and snapped on the TV and saw the video feed. I was kind of half awake and had not had my coffee yet. I thought initially it was merely a news segment and they were discussing a past incident and showing old footage. Then I noticed the "live" up in the corner of the screen. I remember being terrified because at that point in time, we really did not know if it was over yet or there would be continuing attacks all over the country.

DTHRomeo's photo
Thu 09/11/08 07:40 AM
It was my day off from work and lived in Delaware

Back then my ex-wife ran into the house

Screaming "the towers are on fire"

The first thing i thought was

What movie is she watching???

Got up and saw the whole thing on TV

A very sad day , She lost 3 friends there