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Topic: Can past posted topics ruin a potential match?
no photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:24 PM
Let's say you are interested in someone that you are starting to email on this site and everything is going pretty good, Then you notice a posting they put on the forum that may be crude or stupid or downright sick or perverted. Would that affect your oppinion of them at all? Maybe they posted the topics as jokes or just off the wall subjects to stir up the boring topics that were posted earlier or who knows, maybe one of their friends threw in some off the wall posts to the dismay of the actual account holder. Do you just go by who you are getting to know from the emails only or do you judge them on their past posts and drop the communication and move on thinking they are lowlife trash? Also is there a way someone can delete or edit their past posts? Or are you stuck with it all for all to see for eternity.

ZAfterlife's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:27 PM
Hmmmm, what did you do???
If I know the person well enough then I might question them about their post or presume that they were having a bad day. I don't think I'd let one bad post stop a friendship...

no photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:27 PM

Moondark's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:27 PM
If you want to edit, you go and find the post and click edit.

You can't outright remove.

Etrain's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:27 PM
I hope not or I'm totally screwed....lolol

RKISIT's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:28 PM
i've been called a perv ,but im not really i just joke alot and try to make people smile,but then i use to give a sh!t,but i don't give a f*ck,do you understand me really do youflowerforyou

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:29 PM
If I'm just getting to know them I will take into account their posts and what they say... If I know them then chances are I should know their personality and whether or not they're kidding or being off the wall etc.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:29 PM

I hope not or I'm totally screwed....lolol
i thought you left,oh no you didntdrinker

izzie's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:29 PM
Edited by izzie on Fri 09/05/08 03:31 PM
first off.. no you cannot delete your past posts unless you do it soon enough.. and edit them out..
if its something desperate you could contact admin and try that way.. but dont hold your breath on that one.

second.. why cant you do both.. get to know the person thru emails.. but also keep in mind the posts.. or try a crazy idea...
ASK them about the post that they did!!!!

some crazy form of communication or something.. i seem to have heard about it once.. lol

Etrain's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:34 PM
devil devil devil RAWR!!!! Izzie....RAWR!!!!devil devil devil

jasonl26's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:35 PM
No I'd ignore the post cuz chances are they are like me and have a sick mind and not really care what others think when they post happy

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:35 PM

i've been called a perv ,but im not really i just joke alot and try to make people smile,but then i use to give a sh!t,but i don't give a f*ck,do you understand me really do youflowerforyou

I heard that too.... laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:36 PM

ljcc1964's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:37 PM
You have a valid point that I had never considered.

Oh crap.

lilangel2's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:37 PM
if that is the way a person is...why hide yourself ...even if you are a crude. People need to know! HA!bigsmile

izzie's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:37 PM

devil devil devil RAWR!!!! Izzie....RAWR!!!!devil devil devil

you like my alter ego do you?

im power girl!!!

no photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:39 PM
I have used this method to get a better idea of with whom I am communicating. The caveat is to make sure you look at a whole thread to see if the person was kidding or if it was seriously part of their nature.

toreybelle's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:40 PM

I hope not or I'm totally screwed....lolol

Ya....I'll bet on that one!!!! How ya been?????? Long time No HEAR!!!!! Having as much fun as I have???

I'd ask about the posts.....and see what they say and weigh if ya can believe their answer. Over time......everything is exposed....I'm certain of that......all toooooooo many times.....a rel. will come forth with truths that just either confirm a good rel. or ruin it!!!! Life sucks sometimes.....don't know why I cont. to seek a good rel.

Moondark's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:41 PM
OR you make sure you make the thread into a flame war and the admin totally deletes it. But that can get you in trouble, too. So might not be the best idea.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:41 PM

i've been called a perv ,but im not really i just joke alot and try to make people smile,but then i use to give a sh!t,but i don't give a f*ck,do you understand me really do youflowerforyou

I heard that too.... laugh
flowerforyou wanna see my tattoo:smile:

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