Topic: What do you think?
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:38 PM
:smile: What do you think about a couple getting married,just because the woman's pregnant?:smile:

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:39 PM
dumb if it's the only reason

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:39 PM
Huge mistake

sara89's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:39 PM
shouldnt do it, horrible reason.
my sister did that and got totally pun intendedlaugh

IamMewhoRU's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:39 PM
suicide for the kid and you laugh huh noway

JulieMP's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:41 PM
As good a reason as any.

When marrying for love it hasnt proved to be a more lasting bind, at least not statistically.

Queene123's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:41 PM
well its not a good reason as you dont keep a relationship going because of the kids. when i got pg with my son his dad and i were having our issue and we broke up several times between that. and he wanted to get married this certain date and i wanted to wait. he didnt. we were together for 2yrs on and off and when we did get married i kicked him out of the house 4 differnt times the 4th was the last and we wernt even together for our 1st anerversary...

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:42 PM

As good a reason as any.

When marrying for love it hasnt proved to be a more lasting bind, at least not statistically.


alonenotlonely's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:47 PM

:smile: What do you think about a couple getting married,just because the woman's pregnant?:smile:

Woman smart. Man stupid.

MYheartACHES4u's photo
Sat 08/16/08 03:52 PM
didn't work for me