Topic: Is Condoleeza Rice Stupid?
madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 02:01 PM

Have you seen Condi's educational background????????? Compare it with your own..

Now who is the stupid one?????

When you make the Dean's list, can speak 7 languages and have a 4.0... you are qualified to judge....

Seems to me you are WOEFULLY INADEQUATE!!

DO I agree with some of her decisions... NO!

DO I think she is brilliant.??? ABSOLUTELY. No Question!

Read her creditials! Only a pea brain could not interpret the data. Facts... are simply facts.

Yes well that's the COUNTER culture for yu...envious of anyone with accomplishments.

Back seat drivers...if you will :wink:
all those degrees and this is what we get? please.....a mind is a terrible thing to waste

WarElephant's photo
Sun 08/17/08 02:02 PM
Edited by WarElephant on Sun 08/17/08 02:04 PM
For the record, I know all too well what the communist manifesto is all about. This person, OTOH...reveals it's own lack of intelligence about ANYTHING. All it knows is insults.

That's great you know about TCM, except Marx is not the only one who had a hand in creating communism. Everyone knows this.

EDIT: I assumed you were referring to me. Apologies if you weren't.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/17/08 02:50 PM
In 1937 BC, Rice was the leading alien race in the world of earth. It was superior to all other races (yes, that includes cats). Anything that defied it would be destroyed effectively immediately. Rice was a cruel ruler of the land, and led a small resistance to occur. Teenage Hitler and K.I.T(from Night Rider) got together to start a resistance against the almighty rice. this would prove to be useless in later days. Hitler and K.I.t. waged war against Rice, and put up an epic fight. K.I.T use his ninja powers to sneak and uber-microwave the rice, and Hitler would shout von schlagen automobile and Drive off in his brand new Volswagen Bug. When Rice was almost destroyed, they used their last resort. They sent for a giant asteroid to purge the lands of every living thing. Rice would hide deep underground and pretend not to be organic to avoid this catastrophe. After this, cats started appearing, and become the new rulers of the land. In reality, Cats made the CATastrophe, and rice worshiped the cats for the asteroid. Rice soon became prey to one new scourge.....AZNS (also known as the Asian race). Azns started harvesting their souls, and eating their husks, but soon found out the that rice was crunchy because the were still alive and hade a hard battl armor on. this is the reasont they started to cook rice to destoy the armor with the very high temperature . In our days, no meal is complete for the average azn without a bowl of rice. Rice had a good, long lordship over the cat, but the cat is still ruler of our wold. Pray to the cats...

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 03:47 PM

LouLou2's photo
Sun 08/17/08 04:28 PM
Edited by LouLou2 on Sun 08/17/08 04:29 PM

This person, OTOH...reveals it's own lack of intelligence about ANYTHING. All it knows is insults.

offtopic "It" this really how one should refer to another person? Surely you mistyped. Sorry to interupt, but felt something needed to be said. Answering kind with kind does little good, but prove one person can be as insulting as the next.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/17/08 04:34 PM

For the record, I know all too well what the communist manifesto is all about. This person, OTOH...reveals it's own lack of intelligence about ANYTHING. All it knows is insults.

That's great you know about TCM, except Marx is not the only one who had a hand in creating communism. Everyone knows this.

EDIT: I assumed you were referring to me. Apologies if you weren't.

No...I was not referring to you. LOL

More important is that people know what's in it so they can spot it when they see it.

01tim's photo
Sun 08/17/08 04:37 PM
first off. if anyone thinks russia will listen to rice or bush their crazy.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 08/17/08 05:02 PM

since she started hanging out with the dog in washington she must have become stupid.

noway When did she start hanging out with Hillary? noway That is sick! I suppose the next thing we will see is Condi with an eighties hair style wearing pant suits? Noooooo!!!!!!!:cry:

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 08/17/08 05:04 PM

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:00 PM

first off. if anyone thinks russia will listen to rice or bush their crazy.
What country on earth would listen to america at this point, we will be listenting to them if things get much worse

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:38 PM

first off. if anyone thinks russia will listen to rice or bush their crazy.
What country on earth would listen to america at this point, we will be listenting to them if things get much worse

Oh boy! Wouldn't that give you a chubby stubby! drinker

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:35 PM

first off. if anyone thinks russia will listen to rice or bush their crazy.
What country on earth would listen to america at this point, we will be listenting to them if things get much worse

Oh boy! Wouldn't that give you a chubby stubby! drinker
well my thinking is with China and so many other countries financing our defecit, how much longer will it be before we have to pay up, one way or another.

Zapchaser's photo
Sun 08/17/08 07:52 PM

first off. if anyone thinks russia will listen to rice or bush their crazy.
What country on earth would listen to america at this point, we will be listenting to them if things get much worse

Oh boy! Wouldn't that give you a chubby stubby! drinker
well my thinking is with China and so many other countries financing our defecit, how much longer will it be before we have to pay up, one way or another.

您要美國是您的共產主義操場? noway

madisonman's photo
Sun 08/17/08 09:35 PM
Lies, Damned Lies And Rice
by Harley Sorensen

The lies never stop. They lie not only to you and me, but also to their friends and colleagues, Republicans as well as Democrats.

I speak (as you might guess) of those masters of deceit in the Bush administration. A few months ago they told our senators and representatives that their bogus Medicare prescription drug bill would cost $400 billion over the next 10 years. Now that the bill has become law, they've revised their estimate: Now it's $724 billion.

Two questions: Why is the difference in estimates important, and why do I call the drug bill "bogus"?

The bill barely squeaked through Congress. The biggest objection to it was its cost. In the end, it passed only because it was deemed, at $400 billion, affordable. Had its cost been higher, it almost certainly would have failed.

What is bogus about the law? Three things: It prohibits the importation of drugs from Canada and other countries; it prohibits the government from negotiating with drug companies for lower prices; and it provides benefits for everyone, regardless of income or financial status. Do the heirs of Sam Walton really need our help buying their prescription drugs?

That drug law should be repealed immediately. It's not an effort to help seniors at all. In fact, it's nothing more than a scam designed to enrich pharmaceutical companies. Sen. John McCain, the one Republican who acts like a Republican, calls it "outrageous." He's right.

By the way, almost immediately after the drug benefit bill became law, the price of prescription drugs went up. These people have no shame.

In vaguely related news, the Queen of Chutzpah, our lovely secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, has just completed a whirlwind tour of the known world in which she tried to convince everyone she met to fear and loathe the nation of Iran.

From all appearances, the Bushies are developing plans to take over Iran and kill a lot of beautiful Persian women and handsome Persian men in the process. The reason (which has nothing to do with oil, wink-wink) is that Iran has a nuclear energy program that could evolve into weapons production, making Iran as much as a threat to the United States as other nations with nuclear weapons, say, like Pakistan or Israel.

The Bush propaganda campaign against Iran is under way. At the moment, it lacks one Iranian leader who we can learn to hate, but you can be assured one will be identified soon. Already we're being told that Iran is stubbornly pursuing its nuclear energy program, in spite of our wishes to the contrary.

The American press, compliant to the end, will dutifully spread the Bushies' propaganda. The liberals in the media, fearful of being called unpatriotic, or worse, liberal, will give the Bushies the slant they crave. The conservatives in the media will cheerfully continue on their flag-waving, apple-polishing way. They'll parade their red, white and blue "patriotism" much like a hooker with a cross around her neck parades her virtue.

To prove to the world how virtuous they are, the Bushies will soon go to the United Nations and ask for its cooperation in letting us throttle Iran. Their request will be couched in terms making it impossible for the U.N. to comply. When the U.N. rejects the insincere entreaty, the Bushies will badmouth it, and then declare that circumstances have become so dire that America must once again go it alone.

And then the bombs will burst in air, and the rockets will red glare.

I dearly hope I am wrong in my predictions, but it seems that history, and the pathological predilections of the Bush administration, make an attack on Iran inevitable.

But we were talking about Condoleezza Rice.

The thing I admire most about her, I think, is her brazenness. When Sen. Barbara Boxer pointed out Rice's dishonesty at a committee confirmation hearing, Rice stiffened and, with as much self-righteousness as I've ever seen in a person, attacked Boxer for questioning her integrity.

(Bill Clinton tried to affect the same kind of self-righteousness when he told us he did not have sex with "that woman," but Clinton is an amateur compared with Rice when it comes to righteous indignation.)

Rice is as brazen and as cagey as her boss. She put her brazenness to work again over the past fortnight by urging our former allies in Europe and elsewhere to put the past behind us. It's time to move on, she said.

You gotta love it! For four years the Bushies been sticking it to the rest of the world, and now that they want some help they're asking the people they dissed to "get over it."

The image this brings to my mind is a cartoon image of a bank robber pleading his case before a judge. The robber is saying something like, "We can't wallow in the past, Your Honor. It's time for us to put the past behind us. I recommend you dismiss the charges, so we can all start over with a clean slate."

Why is it that only the guilty want the past forgotten?

Rice displayed her caginess when a reporter asked about the possibility of a pre-emptive U.S. strike against Iran. Her response: "The question is simply not on the agenda at this point in time."

"Point in time"? In other words, we're not going to attack Iran at this moment, but circumstances change ... and perhaps at a future "point in time," like maybe 10 minutes from now, we'll have a new agenda and be forced to go to war again.

The lies never stop.

Harley Sorensen is a longtime journalist. His column appears Mondays in the San Francisco Chronicle. E-mail him at

WarElephant's photo
Mon 08/18/08 08:33 AM

first off. if anyone thinks russia will listen to rice or bush their crazy.
What country on earth would listen to america at this point, we will be listenting to them if things get much worse

Oh boy! Wouldn't that give you a chubby stubby! drinker
well my thinking is with China and so many other countries financing our defecit, how much longer will it be before we have to pay up, one way or another.

I've thought about this as well, then considered that we could just do what every European country did to us after WWII. Forgive themselves of their own debt. What is China going to do? We may lose Taiwan and Tibet, but honestly, who cares about those people?

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/18/08 08:54 AM

I just bring you the articles if you havent noticed rarely with my own opinion but pravada to me is a little more respectable than some of our news outlets.

Now that's almost as funny as Ray Charles driving a bus.

Go home.

laugh laugh laugh

Good one!

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/18/08 09:02 AM
Edited by mnhiker on Mon 08/18/08 09:03 AM

Lies, Damned Lies And Rice
by Harley Sorensen

The lies never stop. They lie not only to you and me, but also to their friends and colleagues, Republicans as well as Democrats.

I speak (as you might guess) of those masters of deceit in the Bush administration. A few months ago they told our senators and representatives that their bogus Medicare prescription drug bill would cost $400 billion over the next 10 years. Now that the bill has become law, they've revised their estimate: Now it's $724 billion.

Two questions: Why is the difference in estimates important, and why do I call the drug bill "bogus"?

The bill barely squeaked through Congress. The biggest objection to it was its cost. In the end, it passed only because it was deemed, at $400 billion, affordable. Had its cost been higher, it almost certainly would have failed.

What is bogus about the law? Three things: It prohibits the importation of drugs from Canada and other countries; it prohibits the government from negotiating with drug companies for lower prices; and it provides benefits for everyone, regardless of income or financial status. Do the heirs of Sam Walton really need our help buying their prescription drugs?

That drug law should be repealed immediately. It's not an effort to help seniors at all. In fact, it's nothing more than a scam designed to enrich pharmaceutical companies. Sen. John McCain, the one Republican who acts like a Republican, calls it "outrageous." He's right.

By the way, almost immediately after the drug benefit bill became law, the price of prescription drugs went up. These people have no shame.

In vaguely related news, the Queen of Chutzpah, our lovely secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, has just completed a whirlwind tour of the known world in which she tried to convince everyone she met to fear and loathe the nation of Iran.

From all appearances, the Bushies are developing plans to take over Iran and kill a lot of beautiful Persian women and handsome Persian men in the process. The reason (which has nothing to do with oil, wink-wink) is that Iran has a nuclear energy program that could evolve into weapons production, making Iran as much as a threat to the United States as other nations with nuclear weapons, say, like Pakistan or Israel.

The Bush propaganda campaign against Iran is under way. At the moment, it lacks one Iranian leader who we can learn to hate, but you can be assured one will be identified soon. Already we're being told that Iran is stubbornly pursuing its nuclear energy program, in spite of our wishes to the contrary.

The American press, compliant to the end, will dutifully spread the Bushies' propaganda. The liberals in the media, fearful of being called unpatriotic, or worse, liberal, will give the Bushies the slant they crave. The conservatives in the media will cheerfully continue on their flag-waving, apple-polishing way. They'll parade their red, white and blue "patriotism" much like a hooker with a cross around her neck parades her virtue.

To prove to the world how virtuous they are, the Bushies will soon go to the United Nations and ask for its cooperation in letting us throttle Iran. Their request will be couched in terms making it impossible for the U.N. to comply. When the U.N. rejects the insincere entreaty, the Bushies will badmouth it, and then declare that circumstances have become so dire that America must once again go it alone.

And then the bombs will burst in air, and the rockets will red glare.

I dearly hope I am wrong in my predictions, but it seems that history, and the pathological predilections of the Bush administration, make an attack on Iran inevitable.

But we were talking about Condoleezza Rice.

The thing I admire most about her, I think, is her brazenness. When Sen. Barbara Boxer pointed out Rice's dishonesty at a committee confirmation hearing, Rice stiffened and, with as much self-righteousness as I've ever seen in a person, attacked Boxer for questioning her integrity.

(Bill Clinton tried to affect the same kind of self-righteousness when he told us he did not have sex with "that woman," but Clinton is an amateur compared with Rice when it comes to righteous indignation.)

Rice is as brazen and as cagey as her boss. She put her brazenness to work again over the past fortnight by urging our former allies in Europe and elsewhere to put the past behind us. It's time to move on, she said.

You gotta love it! For four years the Bushies been sticking it to the rest of the world, and now that they want some help they're asking the people they dissed to "get over it."

The image this brings to my mind is a cartoon image of a bank robber pleading his case before a judge. The robber is saying something like, "We can't wallow in the past, Your Honor. It's time for us to put the past behind us. I recommend you dismiss the charges, so we can all start over with a clean slate."

Why is it that only the guilty want the past forgotten?

Rice displayed her caginess when a reporter asked about the possibility of a pre-emptive U.S. strike against Iran. Her response: "The question is simply not on the agenda at this point in time."

"Point in time"? In other words, we're not going to attack Iran at this moment, but circumstances change ... and perhaps at a future "point in time," like maybe 10 minutes from now, we'll have a new agenda and be forced to go to war again.

The lies never stop.

Harley Sorensen is a longtime journalist. His column appears Mondays in the San Francisco Chronicle. E-mail him at

The main beef I have with Condi in this whole Georgian situation is that she stayed on vacation while Georgia burned, instead of doing her job and handling the situation while it was happening.

It was only after a cease fire was declared that she did anything about it.

Her boss's laziness must be infectious.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 08/18/08 11:41 AM

Lies, Damned Lies And Rice
by Harley Sorensen

The lies never stop. They lie not only to you and me, but also to their friends and colleagues, Republicans as well as Democrats.

I speak (as you might guess) of those masters of deceit in the Bush administration. A few months ago they told our senators and representatives that their bogus Medicare prescription drug bill would cost $400 billion over the next 10 years. Now that the bill has become law, they've revised their estimate: Now it's $724 billion.

Two questions: Why is the difference in estimates important, and why do I call the drug bill "bogus"?

The bill barely squeaked through Congress. The biggest objection to it was its cost. In the end, it passed only because it was deemed, at $400 billion, affordable. Had its cost been higher, it almost certainly would have failed.

What is bogus about the law? Three things: It prohibits the importation of drugs from Canada and other countries; it prohibits the government from negotiating with drug companies for lower prices; and it provides benefits for everyone, regardless of income or financial status. Do the heirs of Sam Walton really need our help buying their prescription drugs?

That drug law should be repealed immediately. It's not an effort to help seniors at all. In fact, it's nothing more than a scam designed to enrich pharmaceutical companies. Sen. John McCain, the one Republican who acts like a Republican, calls it "outrageous." He's right.

By the way, almost immediately after the drug benefit bill became law, the price of prescription drugs went up. These people have no shame.

In vaguely related news, the Queen of Chutzpah, our lovely secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, has just completed a whirlwind tour of the known world in which she tried to convince everyone she met to fear and loathe the nation of Iran.

From all appearances, the Bushies are developing plans to take over Iran and kill a lot of beautiful Persian women and handsome Persian men in the process. The reason (which has nothing to do with oil, wink-wink) is that Iran has a nuclear energy program that could evolve into weapons production, making Iran as much as a threat to the United States as other nations with nuclear weapons, say, like Pakistan or Israel.

The Bush propaganda campaign against Iran is under way. At the moment, it lacks one Iranian leader who we can learn to hate, but you can be assured one will be identified soon. Already we're being told that Iran is stubbornly pursuing its nuclear energy program, in spite of our wishes to the contrary.

The American press, compliant to the end, will dutifully spread the Bushies' propaganda. The liberals in the media, fearful of being called unpatriotic, or worse, liberal, will give the Bushies the slant they crave. The conservatives in the media will cheerfully continue on their flag-waving, apple-polishing way. They'll parade their red, white and blue "patriotism" much like a hooker with a cross around her neck parades her virtue.

To prove to the world how virtuous they are, the Bushies will soon go to the United Nations and ask for its cooperation in letting us throttle Iran. Their request will be couched in terms making it impossible for the U.N. to comply. When the U.N. rejects the insincere entreaty, the Bushies will badmouth it, and then declare that circumstances have become so dire that America must once again go it alone.

And then the bombs will burst in air, and the rockets will red glare.

I dearly hope I am wrong in my predictions, but it seems that history, and the pathological predilections of the Bush administration, make an attack on Iran inevitable.

But we were talking about Condoleezza Rice.

The thing I admire most about her, I think, is her brazenness. When Sen. Barbara Boxer pointed out Rice's dishonesty at a committee confirmation hearing, Rice stiffened and, with as much self-righteousness as I've ever seen in a person, attacked Boxer for questioning her integrity.

(Bill Clinton tried to affect the same kind of self-righteousness when he told us he did not have sex with "that woman," but Clinton is an amateur compared with Rice when it comes to righteous indignation.)

Rice is as brazen and as cagey as her boss. She put her brazenness to work again over the past fortnight by urging our former allies in Europe and elsewhere to put the past behind us. It's time to move on, she said.

You gotta love it! For four years the Bushies been sticking it to the rest of the world, and now that they want some help they're asking the people they dissed to "get over it."

The image this brings to my mind is a cartoon image of a bank robber pleading his case before a judge. The robber is saying something like, "We can't wallow in the past, Your Honor. It's time for us to put the past behind us. I recommend you dismiss the charges, so we can all start over with a clean slate."

Why is it that only the guilty want the past forgotten?

Rice displayed her caginess when a reporter asked about the possibility of a pre-emptive U.S. strike against Iran. Her response: "The question is simply not on the agenda at this point in time."

"Point in time"? In other words, we're not going to attack Iran at this moment, but circumstances change ... and perhaps at a future "point in time," like maybe 10 minutes from now, we'll have a new agenda and be forced to go to war again.

The lies never stop.

Harley Sorensen is a longtime journalist. His column appears Mondays in the San Francisco Chronicle. E-mail him at

The main beef I have with Condi in this whole Georgian situation is that she stayed on vacation while Georgia burned, instead of doing her job and handling the situation while it was happening.

It was only after a cease fire was declared that she did anything about it.

Her boss's laziness must be infectious.
smokin I agree with your assesment of the way the situation was handled.smokin

no photo
Mon 08/18/08 01:50 PM
I'll bet you dollars to donuts that anyone who believes that Russia SHOULD be in Georgia, also thinks that Israel SHOULDN'T be in Palestine.

t22learner's photo
Mon 08/18/08 04:11 PM

I've thought about this as well, then considered that we could just do what every European country did to us after WWII. Forgive themselves of their own debt. What is China going to do? We may lose Taiwan and Tibet, but honestly, who cares about those people?

That is some really ****ed up thinking.