Topic: Red asked: "If we are only clay, animated by God's breath al
MikeMontana's photo
Fri 03/16/07 08:15 PM
In another thread she asked "Let me ask you a weird question - any of
you who read this - If exist as a pile of clay, animated by God's breath
alone, than for what purpose were we created at all? Possibly as an
amusement, or maybe we are on a mission to gather information and when
our essence returns to the maker it is gleened from us. Just questions,
not a confrontation as I like everyone am only seeking knowledge and
truth. again you guys are terrific!"

I would have to say its the same "dopey" feeling a parent-to-be has. You
want to create life, its the better side of our nature. I would say God
has a self-less motivation to simply create a thinking, powerful being
for the sake of the being to exist. Not far removed from wanting to have
a baby really. You know the baby is going to have difficulties, pain,
and struggles, eventually die, but, you do it anyway. Why? for the sake
of existance. We dont expect our children to glorify us, or be our
servants. We dont get 'angry' when they dont salute us at every occasion
- not at all. Creating life for the sake of life is its own reward.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 03/16/07 08:30 PM
I can almost buy that, except that we do not always choose to have the
children we have. And sometimes it's not that we want children for the
reasons you state, but sometimes selfishly or sometimes carelessly, and
sometimes there just this inate sense of time need due to lack of time
that influences a persons decision.

Yet even as I write this, I want you to know that I really do understand
what you say. And God, being mono and having the ability to experience
joy in something he creates would, in fact, create it. But there's
just something that naws at me about that, I think it might be your
stance on free will. I think there's a confict here. If God's joy in
us is strictly that of a loving and amused creator, they why would he
"play" with us by taking away our free will? Why would he "set a
course" for any of us for any reason if his joy was simply and honestly
only to create us?

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 07/09/07 11:23 PM
I was thinkin about TLW asking if these threads were slowing down and ArtGirl's reply about cycles and new people and revivals of old threads, so I started trolling through the old threads and came upon this one.

There was also a thread about Genesis and God creating man within the posted more recently. In that thread it was brought to light that God created man on the 6th day, but Adam and Eve were not created until the 8th day to attend the Garden of Eden. Ever since then I wondered what became of the 6th day mankind creation? I've always believed Divine Creation coexists with evolution. So, I'm thinkin' possibly 6th day man is prehistoric man we've found bones from. Plus, I realize its only a novel but even novels can contain seeds of truth - Clan of the Cave Bear comes to mind. Two different kinds of mankind existed and populated different areas of the earth. So, why would God create both? That I cannot definitely answer, as y'all well know, I'm not God. Wondering speculation, I can provide. Animals and the rest of nature are pretty much set and run(exist) based on instinct and/or natural law. PreHistoric man could have been a little more animalistic than the Adam and Eve style. Free will was given to both. Adam and Eve made choices and were banned from the Garden. I'm wondering if mankind's purpose is to willingly surrender free will, live by Gods laws, and eventually return to the Garden. If both Prehistoric man and descendants of Adam style man were created, it would make sense with free will they would eventually meet and possibly crossbreed, thereby creating mankind as its known today and also eliminating an actual "missing link". The structure of Prehistoric man did change depending on location found. Rare occurrences of crossbreeding would explain the gradual changes. Just a thought.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Tue 07/10/07 02:06 AM
Quran has another theory on the creation of man. Basically, I read it to mean man was created as a test to the angles of their desire to follow God's will. From all that I've read so far, Iblis is Lucifer, the Fallen Angel:

38:71 [For,] lo, [54] thy Sustainer said unto the angels: �Behold, I am about to create a human being out of clay;38:72 and when I have formed him fully and breathed into him of My spirit, fall you down before him in prostration!� 38:73 Thereupon the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together,38:74 save Iblis: he gloried in his arrogance, and [thus] became one of those who deny the truth. 38:75 Said He: �O Iblis! What has kept thee from prostrating thyself before that [being] which I have created with My hands? [58] Art thou too proud [to bow down before another created being], or art thou of those who think [only] of themselves as high?�38:76 Answered [Iblis]: �I am better than he: Thou hast created me out of fire, [60] whereas him Thou hast created out of clay.� 38:77 Said He: �Go forth, then, from this [angelic state] - for, behold, thou art henceforth accursed, 38:78 and My rejection shall be thy due until the Day of Judgment!� 38:79 Said [Iblis]: �Then, O my Sustainer, grant me a respite till the Day when all shall be raised from the dead!� 38:80 Answered He: �Verily, so [be it:] thou shalt be among those who are granted respite 38:81 till the Day the time whereof is known [only to Me].� 38:82 [Whereupon Iblis] said: �Then [I swear] by Thy very might: I shall most certainly beguile them all into grievous error � 38:83 [all] save such of them as are truly Thy servants!� 38:84 [And God] said: �This, then, is the truth! [62] And this truth do I state: 38:85 Most certainly will I fill hell with thee and such of them as shall follow thee, all together!�

HillFolk's photo
Tue 07/10/07 02:38 AM
If God's joy in us is strictly that of a loving and amused creator, they why would he "play" with us by taking away our free will? Why would he "set a course" for any of us for any reason if his joy was simply and honestly only to create us?

The first question is biblically sound because choice is always an issue throughout the Bible. It could be construed as cause and effect because if you do this then this happens and in other cases if you don't do this then this happens. I think the second question is biblically sound because we are lower than gods but higher than animals. However, humans can be creative so that does set us in the same league as gods.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 07/10/07 05:30 AM
Some good questions, Here's a thought... Be thankful we do exist for now and if there is an afterlife and a God, which I believe there to be both, then you can ask GOD all this stuff directly.

joshyfox's photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:08 AM
Hey this reminds me of a theory I once had that stated the God was lonely so he split himself up into billions and billions of pieces so he wouldn't be lonely anymore and that those pieces are us. Silly perhaps, but I've heard crazier ideas that people have made into religions.

no photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:11 AM
Isaiah 43:7
Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Psalm 16:11
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Isaiah 62:5
For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

According to Christianity, we were created to glorify God, take pleasure in God's existance and God takes pleasure in our existance. We are NOT the children of God until we are adopted into God's family through faith in Jesus Christ. God loves us, even though we aren't His children. So in answer to Redykeulous, God has choosen each of us to be His children, but we have to choose Him for that to become the reality. It's not because our will is supreme, it's because God allows us this decision in our life.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:14 AM
I do believe that God does not play with us. We always have our free will. If we didn't we would not have people killing. They are free to kill even though it's against God's will. We would not have wars which are against God's will. We would not have brothers hating brothers which is against God's will.
Therefore, we always have free will.
The creation story shows it when it tells that Adam and Eve ate from the prohibited tree. That is what we do. We do things that are against God's will because we have free will.


joshyfox's photo
Tue 07/10/07 06:24 AM
Yep To glorify God as he also glorifies us, that' about the closest to a straight answer you can get. Does this mean we are nothing but God's "groupies"? I don't think so, I think it is a bit more than God just wanting someone around to tell him he's great, I think he wanted to make life to make life, to make some joy in his big empty creation the universe, perhaps to even help relive boredom.

The Groupies are the angels, who from what I understand do not have free will as we do.

Again, we won't know the FULL story until we actually can ask God Him/her self.

ezguy's photo
Tue 07/10/07 08:03 AM
But if life is an illusion, maybe it is we that created ourselves.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 07/10/07 08:07 AM
we don't have the power to do such a thing

ezguy's photo
Tue 07/10/07 08:13 AM
maybe we forgot who we are

Eljay's photo
Tue 07/10/07 10:44 PM
noway frown frown

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 07/12/07 02:35 AM
Quran 51:56 And [tell them that] I have not created the invisible beings [37] and men to any end other than that they may [know and] worship Me.

FYI just passing it on.

ezguy's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:52 PM
All I was saying is that maybe we've forgotten that we are already enlightened beings, one with god and all that.
That nothing can change who we are. That we are already perfect.
And if that is true, perhaps we forgot that who we are because we got caught up in life's drama. If we forgot who we are, then we would've forgotten that it is we that created this world.
Try to keep in mind, I believe this world is an illusion.