Topic: Throw down - part 2 | |
Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 02:27 PM
ok ok people where did all this nasty come from.....I left and it was somewhat peaceful....and I come back
whewwwwwww Ok peeps fresh start....... everyone take a deep breath....... Whewwwwwwwww Go |
hello feralcatlady
how are you sexy? |
The train is a lover, not a fighter
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The train is a lover, not a fighter ![]() ![]() ![]() |
ok ok people where did all this nasty come from.....I left and it was somewhat peaceful....and I come back whewwwwwww Ok peeps fresh start....... everyone take a deep breath....... Whewwwwwwwww Go |
Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 02:41 PM
[ Wouldee wrote:
That not being the case in reality, I must say, that nothing is further from the truth that remains so exemplified in the elusive protestations of self centered, egotistical and arrogant demogogues that speak from nothing more than their abundance of lack in experience, knowledge, understanding and wisdom found only in the selflessness of denying oneself for the good of those dear and tenderly entered into their hearts and held in higher esteem than their very own lives, which is foreign to any that through fear or enlightened self interest have determined for themselves to be the purview of the foolish and ignorant and basest of men. So in other words, no one believes in the Bible verbatim, nor follows it as such. I'm in total agreement with that, Wouldee. ![]() Of course you are, abra. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and this from one who has found nothing more than torment within it, at the end of the day. No doubt, you can only see that which you choose to see from the sidelines that sequester your participation in the abundant joys called life. This from a man that equates definitions given the abundance of lack of the delusional protestations of male chauvinism in transference as the metaphorical and allegorical interpretation of the full import of the Holy Bible as the sum total of that which is gleaned from my previous observations. It is no surprise to me that you have missed the point, abra. But your sense of humor does not escape me, even if in the bereft catacomb that you call your own esteemed heart, it seems appropriate for you to so opine. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() what a treat, that which a day may bring. ![]() So basically you are saying the bible is old, there was simply a lot of chauvinism and a misogynistic viewpoint was the norm, get over it already. I’m sorry but I am asking you WHY there was such an agenda set forth? Why were these men so oppressive and fearful? Don’t tell me about your god today, and he's made up for this and its all fine and good now. There is bound to be a little mistrust and resentment there. Krimsa, no, actually , I am saying that men raise families and proitect and love and nurture women and children and that women that are fond of such men are also blessed to receive them as gifts from God. That is what I am saying. and that, by the sheer aBSENCE OF SCH COMPREHENSIONS, MANY THAT HAVE NOT BEEN SO INCLINED ARE IGNORANT OF THAT FACT AND THE JOYS AND REWARDS KNOWN TO US THAT HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED TO BE SO FORTUNATE. oops, sorry, the caplock key got bumped. It is the poor of Rome that have held the true gospel intact, and carry that perspective forward to today. it is the unsung heroes of the mundane life (as coined by the arrogant) that possess the truth, not the point of view adopted from the pleadings of arrogant men that pontificate their own esteem in matters beyond their control and authority, even so from their contrived offices and badges. we all wear what we will. we are all known by our fruits. we all do as we choose from the heart. the fool and the wise. ground is put under the foot by every choice seized and that ground is given by God. on the last day, all will stand before God and plead or not. But God's answer will be the same. Here is your penny. What is the penny?, they may say. The penny? it is what I gave you every time you chose what you chose. Don't you recognize it? it is what you asked of me. oh, wait, if only I knew.....yeah, right. OK ![]() ![]() |
The train is a lover, not a fighter ![]() ![]() ![]() Littleike...I see your finger is as big as mine ![]() |
I don’t know,. It became a little heated but not too bad. Just the usual. The thread like broke off. I guess it can only go for so many pages
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Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 03:33 PM
quote] [ Wouldee wrote:
That not being the case in reality, I must say, that nothing is further from the truth that remains so exemplified in the elusive protestations of self centered, egotistical and arrogant demogogues that speak from nothing more than their abundance of lack in experience, knowledge, understanding and wisdom found only in the selflessness of denying oneself for the good of those dear and tenderly entered into their hearts and held in higher esteem than their very own lives, which is foreign to any that through fear or enlightened self interest have determined for themselves to be the purview of the foolish and ignorant and basest of men. So in other words, no one believes in the Bible verbatim, nor follows it as such. I'm in total agreement with that, Wouldee. ![]() Of course you are, abra. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and this from one who has found nothing more than torment within it, at the end of the day. No doubt, you can only see that which you choose to see from the sidelines that sequester your participation in the abundant joys called life. This from a man that equates definitions given the abundance of lack of the delusional protestations of male chauvinism in transference as the metaphorical and allegorical interpretation of the full import of the Holy Bible as the sum total of that which is gleaned from my previous observations. It is no surprise to me that you have missed the point, abra. But your sense of humor does not escape me, even if in the bereft catacomb that you call your own esteemed heart, it seems appropriate for you to so opine. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() what a treat, that which a day may bring. ![]() So basically you are saying the bible is old, there was simply a lot of chauvinism and a misogynistic viewpoint was the norm, get over it already. I’m sorry but I am asking you WHY there was such an agenda set forth? Why were these men so oppressive and fearful? Don’t tell me about your god today, and he's made up for this and its all fine and good now. There is bound to be a little mistrust and resentment there. Krimsa, no, actually , I am saying that men raise families and proitect and love and nurture women and children and that women that are fond of such men are also blessed to receive them as gifts from God. That is what I am saying. and that, by the sheer aBSENCE OF SCH COMPREHENSIONS, MANY THAT HAVE NOT BEEN SO INCLINED ARE IGNORANT OF THAT FACT AND THE JOYS AND REWARDS KNOWN TO US THAT HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED TO BE SO FORTUNATE. oops, sorry, the cap;lock key got bumped. It is the ppoor of Rome that have held the true gospel intact, and carry that perspective forward to today. it is the unsung heroes of the mundane life as coined by the arrogant that possess the truth, not the point of view adopted from the pleadings of arrogant men that pontificate their own esteem in matters beyond their control and authority, even soi there contrived offices and badges. we wear what we will. we are known by our fruits. we do as we choose from the heart. the fool and the wise. fground is put under the foot by the choice seized and that ground is given by God. on the last day, all will stand before Gid and plead or not. But God's answer will be the same. Here is your penny. What is the penny?, they may say. The penny? it is what I gave you every time you chose what you chose. Don't you recognize it? it is what you asked of me. oh, wait, if only I knew.....yeah, right. OK ![]() ![]() Alright fair enough. I’m not sure that you should presume to know what anyone on this forum has experienced over the course of their lifetime. It is annoying and might cause anger to be generated towards you. Also, it’s the "designer Christians" that might really want to re-think using the bible to fuel their own egos. Yeah yeah, we get it. You are all in touch and have this special connection with your creator. Fine. Let it go at that. No need to force that on others. Once again, you know NOTHING about me or my life experience. Anyway, your insight is interesting in certain respects, even if cryptic. |
please tell me what the topic is, i didnt or wasnt hear for first part
You have a nice face. I hope you don't let your disdain for men rune you. You are intelligent and strong and I know that you were made by God for a reason.I know ...I Know you don't need me to tell you your beautiful or smart etc..etc..etc
But please don't forget to smile once in a while..OK? Oh, and if you want to dominate men because of our past sins move to California. Most of the guys out there have already been neutered by feminism, communism and steroid's. They make really easy targets for female rage..Hell they will even apologize to you for having been born with a penis.Dont mess with the gay guys though ...very Very jealous. Oh and definitely stay away from the military basses. In San Francisco clubs you can get a manicure and an official apology from Governor Aaaanold for there being so many men in the state. Peace out my Lady. |
what are desihner christians?
Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 02:50 PM
You have a nice face. I hope you don't let your disdain for men rune you. You are intelligent and strong and I know that you were made by God for a reason.I know ...I Know you don't need me to tell you your beautiful or smart etc..etc..etc But please don't forget to smile once in a while..OK? Oh, and if you want to dominate men because of our past sins move to California. Most of the guys out there have already been neutered by feminism, communism and steroid's. They make really easy targets for female rage..Hell they will even apologize to you for having been born with a penis.Dont mess with the gay guys though ...very Very jealous. Oh and definitely stay away from the military basses. In San Francisco clubs you can get a manicure and an official apology from Governor Aaaanold for there being so many men in the state. Peace out my Lady. Alright, that's enough out of you. Point taken. Go to bed! |
let me recomend to all of you to read the book A PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE BY RICK WARREN it will iform you on alot
Now before God commanded this of course how can you only worship God if he was not there yet. I feel that when God came and still people would worship false idols this is what is meant by that.
Ok – I certainly don’t understand this whole line of thought. Here’s the deal. Humanity began with Adam and Eve – am I correct? Adam and Eve knew god – am I correct? When Adam and Eve had children, did they not teach their children about their maker? So how is it that, a whole world of, people “suddenly” exist who have no concept of god? How is it that all these simply worship according to their superstitions? How is it that the Genesis story was not handed down and known throughout the world? BUT – here’s a thought, if there really is no other being capable of consideration of Creator of the universe, how did god become jealous? Jealousy is a human trait. We are jealous of what others have – why would god be jealous of a belief in which his creation took comfort? Afterall, if his creation was happy and learning and experiencing all of life, why would that make a god unhappy? Unless, of course, the lone being that existed before IT created anything else, has the biggest ego of all. Where’d that come from? ANYWAY – what took so long for god to intercede. I mean, from Adam and Eve ,to a world populated by humans, and THEN god appears to one man, in one section of the world and says tell everyone I’m god, you met me and they need to follow my rules. Man alive, did Moses even understand the intensity of what he was being asked. Oh but wait, I’m ahead of myself. That was actually AFTER god appeared to Noah and said, this is just too much. I don’t have time to change all these people. So I’m getting rid of them and starting over. Now poor Noah has the responsibility of making sure that every person that stems from his family is taught about Adam and Eve and god and everything else. You know there’s a pattern here. For example: The angels defied god, Adam and Eve defied god, all of the population of humans born between Adam and Eve and Noah, defied god, THEN, all the humans born between Noah and Jesus, defied god. Don’t you think god will ever figure out why everyone can’t accept his Emanince? Or Maybe I should say: Don’t you think man will ever figure out why humanity will never come to terms with the concept of a single godly belief system? |
Krimsa and everyone,
I would like to make it clear, lest 'some' beleive they have totally clarified the points, that in part one of the original post there was never any decisive or complete responce give to the questions of Leviticus posed by Krimsa. The answers given were not explanation enough to meet the requiremends of having answered, sufficiently, the questions posed by Krimsa. ALSO;Krimsa I was greatly impressed by your long posts bringing to light the hiddeousness that is assulted on man in the name of religion, specifically the Judeo-Christian religions. Very aptly followed through and no question can remain but that religion continues, today, to be main cause of death in this world. |
KerryO Wrote:
Ah, but by some estimates, he's a billionaire, and in America, that always means you can buy access and get your opinions/agenda heard.
Here's another of his 'famous' statements: "The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." -- Pat Robertson, fundraising letter, 1992 ![]() Oh, wait I see the problem - he undoubtedly raised a heck of a lot more money then, than even our government has given to the research for AIDS. That's pretty sad! |
Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 04:07 PM
I hate to chime in here with reality . . . but a literal interpretation of genesis is counter to everything we have learned in the last 20 years with genetics.
The human race did not pop out of nowhere. Im going to quote a source because I just woke up and dont want to spout bs. "human evolution encompasses the development of the genus Homo, but usually involves studying other hominids and hominines as well, such as Australopithecus. "Modern humans" are defined as the Homo sapiens species, of which the only extant subspecies - our own - is known as Homo sapiens sapiens. Homo sapiens idaltu (roughly translated as "elder wise human"), the other known subspecies, is now extinct.[6] Anatomically modern humans first appear in the fossil record in Africa about 130,000 years ago, although studies of molecular biology give evidence that the approximate time of divergence from the common ancestor of all modern human populations was 200,000 years ago.[7][8]" Genesis is an interesting creation story . . the key here is story. Read other religions creation stories . . . all of the stories have things in common, and are all interesting, but accurate they are not. |
hello feralcatlady how are you sexy? Hi ike........ |
The train is a lover, not a fighter ![]() ![]() ![]() Your to sexy for anyone........ |