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Topic: Pardon me....
seahawks's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:49 AM
sometimes when you dont behave buttons, i just wanna gently spank you.!!!!!laugh laugh laugh :wink:

franshade's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:51 AM
Good and it worked, whats astounding is that they dont see any problems with their childrens attitudes or behavior unless someone reacts??? Are they really that blind? Do they truly not see??? Do they even care??

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:54 AM

Good and it worked, whats astounding is that they dont see any problems with their childrens attitudes or behavior unless someone reacts??? Are they really that blind? Do they truly not see??? Do they even care??

Too many leave it up to Society to fix it for them. They want kids then they seem to go Blind, Deaf and Dumb when it comes to raising them. They are more into their social life’s to pay any attention to what is really happening in the world.

cflbikedog's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:55 AM
I'm convinced that a great many of them don't care at all- I was shopping with a friend the other day and two boys about 7-8 years old came flying around the end of an aisle and almost knocked my friend down. I said to the mother "Don't control your kids or anything, don't mind us". She immediately played the race card, which has nothing at all to do with it- I see poorly behaved kids of all ages and races every day.

buttons's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:55 AM

Good and it worked, whats astounding is that they dont see any problems with their childrens attitudes or behavior unless someone reacts??? Are they really that blind? Do they truly not see??? Do they even care??

i felt if i had said something to them they would still be in denial.... this way i think they were embarrased cause everyone in the restraunt seen us move. and everyone was then watching them.laugh laugh and maybe they will think twice next time they go into one... cause they should of been embarrased if you ask me...

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/04/08 08:10 AM

some more..... nothing like going on a date to a resturaunt... sit at a booth.. when they seat you... and having kids standing up in the booth behind you jumping up and down and putting their hands near your head staring at you and your date...while their parent is sitting next to them to boot... unreal!!! or people who let their kids run around in the resturaunt and toddlers crawl all over the floor and under tables where all the food had dropped and peoples feet were then seat them in the highchair to eat!noway noway
i remember when my kids were young and i took them to a resturant they were probabaly 12 10 and 5. and there were kids running around and jumping from table to table<yes empty tables> and standing in the seats... my kids replied what the heck? what is wrong with those parents to let their kids act all wild like that?laugh laugh

What is funny is I worked as a waitress for over 10 years and seen many things in my time. But I was one that did not keep my mouth shut if someone let their kids run a muck in the Restaurant. Not only does it disturb others eating but they also annoy the wait staff as well. Many of times I would tell parents please do not let your child run around in the in the Dinning Room. I'm sure I made a few parents not happy but ohhh well sure I made plenty more happy to know I would speak up for them in the long run.

I took my kids out from the time they were babies and up to Restaurant's to eat we ate we cleaned up our mess and we left the area clean.

I have seen the tables look like a war zone after a couple left with kids. Sure makes you wonder what their houses looked like.

But we had this one lady that brought her little one in he sat in a highchair. She brought a plastic square sheet in, she would put on the floor first put the highchair on it and when they were through fold it up with what ever was on it and leave. The little one was always so good.

Believe me ones like that tend to leave an impression.

isaac_dede's photo
Mon 08/04/08 08:14 AM

Humm seems you hit it right on the head THE PARENTS DID NOT TEACH THEM!!

More and more latch key kids Parents no longer want to be bothered with raising their kids instead they leave it up to the schools. Hummm then they want to go nuts when the Schools take the upper hand.noway noway

Completly agree, although some parents like to make excuses over and over...like 'well he's just a stubborn child' and 'what can you do' they would rather think that it is not their fault and that their kid is just 'different' and let them get away with anything. When i was younger(God i'm getting old:laugh) my mom would not tolerate disrespect from anyone including my friends. One of my friends Shawn, would cuss at his mother and call her every name in the book, when he first met my mom i warned him that he couldn't talk to her the way he talked to his mom. Well when he met my mom the first time she told me 'no you can't go' and Shawn called her a B!tch....well in about .02 seconds he was laying on the floor..she backhanded him out of reflexlaugh But he NEVER disrespected her againlaugh

franshade's photo
Mon 08/04/08 08:17 AM
rofl I had a pretty clear visual of that scene rofl

I to this date, can hear myself sound more and more like my own mother, but I am proud, because I turned out OK as did my siblings and extended family.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/04/08 08:37 AM

Humm seems you hit it right on the head THE PARENTS DID NOT TEACH THEM!!

More and more latch key kids Parents no longer want to be bothered with raising their kids instead they leave it up to the schools. Hummm then they want to go nuts when the Schools take the upper hand.noway noway

Completly agree, although some parents like to make excuses over and over...like 'well he's just a stubborn child' and 'what can you do' they would rather think that it is not their fault and that their kid is just 'different' and let them get away with anything. When i was younger(God i'm getting old:laugh) my mom would not tolerate disrespect from anyone including my friends. One of my friends Shawn, would cuss at his mother and call her every name in the book, when he first met my mom i warned him that he couldn't talk to her the way he talked to his mom. Well when he met my mom the first time she told me 'no you can't go' and Shawn called her a B!tch....well in about .02 seconds he was laying on the floor..she backhanded him out of reflexlaugh But he NEVER disrespected her againlaugh

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Ohhh that was just priceless!!!:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

My son's friends always liked to hang around the house I was known as one of the kool Mom's. Why cause I would talk to them joke around with them but I respected their thoughts as well. In return they repected my home as well. Yeah they cursed out on there own but as soon as they walked in my door they found their manners quick. For they all knew no matter how Kool I may be I had a quick mouth and would tell them to hit that door and not look back if they did not learn to respect others. To this day each and everyone will always give me a hug when they come by and before they leave. bigsmile

franshade's photo
Mon 08/04/08 09:06 AM
likewise Txsgal, to this date daughter's childhood friends still call me Mom :thumbsup:

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 08/04/08 09:12 AM
It's a good feeling when ya know your kids friends come in and treat your home as if they are home. One must give Respect to receive Respect.

It's sad at times the kids you see running around without manners and no care in the world whom they step on. In the end it will come back on them Karma is a great thing!!!bigsmile

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