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Topic: Pardon me....
Goofball73's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:38 AM
Isn't that nice to say when you try to get by someone? "Pardon me...sir or madam." Sounds so nice...and yet, these little bastards that we call kids have no freaking manners these days.grumble rant You know, when I was a kid and if I was ever rude to someone (especially an adult) my parents wouldn't tolerate that crap. But nowadays....these kids be trippin man.frustrated

itsmetina's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:40 AM
yeah I hate when the cuss outside

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:40 AM
I agree, I was brought up to respect my elders and most kids these days dont!!!

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:41 AM
i have no problem...letting them know how Humans behave in Public......

ledi180's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:44 AM
I know what you mean. I drill manners into my 6 year old on a daily basis. Some other kids are just totally disrespectful - I'm afraid they're gonna undo what I've managed with my kiddo.

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:46 AM
makes you want to knock them in to next week dosnt itexplode

no photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:47 AM

i have no problem...letting them know how Humans behave in Public......

Sometimes this works, other times I just get more cussing at, even louder and more vulgar. Geeeez!!! Even in front of MY KID!!!! No class!!!

And, the other day, some teens threw their litter out in the parking lot at a restaurant!! I was literally speechless!!! I couldn't even yell I was so dumbfounded!!! Not a gum wrapper, a can and a bottle!!

There are so many respectful people and surprisingly a ton of respectful teens who make excellent roll models and it's so unfortunate that the squeeky wheels cuss and do damage. Makes everyone look pathetic and crude.

Getting off of the soap box now.......... :angry:

lifestooshort6's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:48 AM
I hear you, Goof. I was walking down the street and I looked at this kid on a school bus, he was probably 12-13 and he flipped me off noway In my day someone would've gotten a smack down if they would've done that frustrated

franshade's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:52 AM
this is the silliest thing that pisses me off, a child responding Yeah!!! whoa or Huh!!! shocked

What happened to Yes, Yes Ma'am, Yes Sir.... just my $0.02

Makes me wonder, their parents didnt teach them to be polite, what did they teach them?

Goofball73's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:53 AM
I had a kid flip me off couple weeks back. I was driving in my truck and he was on his bike, and for no reason he flipped me off. I slammed on my brakes, and the little bastard bolted.laugh laugh laugh

But yeah, kids these days suck! I feel for teachers man. They have to endure their crap most of the year, and can't do crap about them being bad. No respect.

seahawks's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:55 AM

I had a kid flip me off couple weeks back. I was driving in my truck and he was on his bike, and for no reason he flipped me off. I slammed on my brakes, and the little bastard bolted.laugh laugh laugh

But yeah, kids these days suck! I feel for teachers man. They have to endure their crap most of the year, and can't do crap about them being bad. No respect.
i hearya.!!!!!!!

feistybaby's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:59 AM
Edited by feistybaby on Mon 08/04/08 07:02 AM
Can't really blame the kids though. Place it where it belongs on the value system they are being taught at home, in the school system, by thier peers. We live in a society now where true punishment for misemeanor behavior is nonexistant. Parents and teachers aren't allowed to disipline children in a proper manner. I mean come on you do something wrong you get suspended yeah right give them exactly what they want free days from school. Or grounding them to thier rooms with t.v., stereo, computers and internet.

thumper95's photo
Mon 08/04/08 06:59 AM
when i first started going to school, corporal punishment was still being practiced, and if you were disrespectful you got your ass red. if i was to answer my mom, step dad or grandparents with anything other than yes sir or yes ma'am or what have you, i would get the taste slapped out of my mouth. its maddening to hear the way the kids talk today. they act like the world owes them something for being them. thats alright. they will run into the one that will make them respect them or they will ge ttheir ass handed to them. always happens like that.

franshade's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:01 AM
The raising and instilling values falls on the parents, not the educational system (jmo).

But some parents are too busy to actually teach their kids, that they sit back and allow any form of disrespect by brushing it off or just not acknowledging it.

wzrunner's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:01 AM

I had a kid flip me off couple weeks back. I was driving in my truck and he was on his bike, and for no reason he flipped me off. I slammed on my brakes, and the little bastard bolted.laugh laugh laugh

But yeah, kids these days suck! I feel for teachers man. They have to endure their crap most of the year, and can't do crap about them being bad. No respect.

During my substitute teaching period, I actually had a child first inquire if I was married, which I did not think too much of, but then inquired if my wife was pregnant. I turned to the child and asked if he would like to ask any further questions in the office with a white slip. I agree with you about the lack of respect of children these days!mad

buttons's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:02 AM
some more..... nothing like going on a date to a resturaunt... sit at a booth.. when they seat you... and having kids standing up in the booth behind you jumping up and down and putting their hands near your head staring at you and your date...while their parent is sitting next to them to boot... unreal!!! or people who let their kids run around in the resturaunt and toddlers crawl all over the floor and under tables where all the food had dropped and peoples feet were then seat them in the highchair to eat!noway noway
i remember when my kids were young and i took them to a resturant they were probabaly 12 10 and 5. and there were kids running around and jumping from table to table<yes empty tables> and standing in the seats... my kids replied what the heck? what is wrong with those parents to let their kids act all wild like that?laugh laugh

buttons's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:03 AM

The raising and instilling values falls on the parents, not the educational system (jmo).

But some parents are too busy to actually teach their kids, that they sit back and allow any form of disrespect by brushing it off or just not acknowledging it.

i agree and so they should not have kids if they dont make the time for themlaugh laugh

franshade's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:04 AM
brought back memories Buttons, in a similar situation my mother would just have said, with one raised eye brow, "I dare you"... nothing else needed to be said :thumbsup:

buttons's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:05 AM

brought back memories Buttons, in a similar situation my mother would just have said, with one raised eye brow, "I dare you"... nothing else needed to be said :thumbsup:

laugh laugh i never let my kids play in their ice water either

thumper95's photo
Mon 08/04/08 07:05 AM
so fran, you had a mom like mine huh?laugh all mine had to do was look at me and i would shut up real fast,, i knew that was the one and only warning i got before id have leather across my ass

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