Topic: i wonder why people are so
adj4u's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:05 PM
there seems to be a conspiracy to advance the belief of conspiracy theories here



no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:08 PM

Once again, you reveal you ignorance of mathematics, "professor".

You completely weaseled your way out of that one by trying to ignore what you had stated:

you said

Look it up, it's a mathematical statement which is necessarily true. That means it has to be true in this or any other conceivable universe or situation.

That's simply not true.

It all depends on the axioms that are in play at the time. You can't make absolutes out of it. Mathematical statements that are true in this universe, may not be true in other universes.

Mathematical proofs are defined as "necessarily true", which goes back to Gottfried Leibnitz, the founder of Calculus. "Necessarily true" means "true in any universe". So you can buck Leibnitz if you want, but that's what he believes and that is what mathematicians believe when they write a mathematic proof.

Eljay's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:10 PM
Edited by Eljay on Thu 07/31/08 02:12 PM

Occam's Razor

one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything

Occam's razor means that almost every conspiracy theory should be deemed false until proven true. When assuming the cause of an event, occam's razor should be kept in mind. It is therefore unreasonable to accept conspiracy theories without hard evidence.

Ask Abra?!?! What would that prove?

its impossible to prove any truths beyond a doubt including Occams razor, including the bible, includung anything of mans mind. you base your beliefs on what you find to be reasonable about mankind and who and what he is at his core, from their it's easy to see that the heart of man is evil to its core, and not only is this possible as to conspiricys, but historically shown to be true.

Wrong, it is possible to prove many things, especially in math.

that has nothing to do with the human condition being spoke of hear or talked of here spider.

You said "its impossible to prove any truths"...I refuted that. You said something false, I refute it. What don't you get?

forgive me spider, but even math is wrong in many instances, just ask abra. or look at history.

Ask Abra??? What would that do. That's like asking the Dali Lama to explain the stations of the cross.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:12 PM

then you say I should believe this stuff without proof and then you say that you won't believe in Christianity because there is no proof. It's making my head spin. You are right, I do want to vomit, to think that such an incredibly silly patchwork of beliefs makes sense to a grown woman.

1. I have never said you SHOULD BELIEVE THIS STUFF let alone "without proof."

You did say that a person should deem (conspiracy) theories to be FALSE without proof.

That is a fool's choice. A theory should be considered a possibility, because that is what it is.

First of all, proof is only a matter of accepted belief. Conspiracy theories, and indeed all theories have supportive evidence. Some of it is over whelming evidence, but it is still considered a theory.

I have never said that I "don't believe Christianity because their is no proof." If something sounds reasonable, and you want to believe it, you will find your own proof and supportive evidence to justify your belief.

I don't believe Christianity because it has too many dead ends and too many unanswered puzzles and too many pieces of the puzzle that do not fit.

In my world view most of the puzzle pieces fit.


no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:13 PM

But before you pass your arrogant judgment on my world view or on my beliefs you should have a better understanding of them. You don't, and you don't want to and you never will. You just want to lash out and ridicule. You are where you are and I respect that.

If you have any really sincere questions I would be happy to answer them.


Have you read your comments about Christianity? The pot is calling the kettle black...

Just let me get this straight...we were all evil lizard overlords at one time, then we decided to become prey for the evil lizard overlords and we are somehow "evolved" forward? So what, they aren't as evolved as us, but we are easy prey for them and they have perfected interstellar travel? Flying giant lizard monsters with spaceships somehow seems to be more evolved than a species that produces movies like "Meet the Spartans".

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:15 PM


then you say I should believe this stuff without proof and then you say that you won't believe in Christianity because there is no proof. It's making my head spin. You are right, I do want to vomit, to think that such an incredibly silly patchwork of beliefs makes sense to a grown woman.

1. I have never said you SHOULD BELIEVE THIS STUFF let alone "without proof."

You did say that a person should deem (conspiracy) theories to be FALSE without proof.

That is a fool's choice. A theory should be considered a possibility, because that is what it is.

First of all, proof is only a matter of accepted belief. Conspiracy theories, and indeed all theories have supportive evidence. Some of it is over whelming evidence, but it is still considered a theory.

I have never said that I "don't believe Christianity because their is no proof." If something sounds reasonable, and you want to believe it, you will find your own proof and supportive evidence to justify your belief.

I don't believe Christianity because it has too many dead ends and too many unanswered puzzles and too many pieces of the puzzle that do not fit.

In my world view most of the puzzle pieces fit.


Now you know better than Occam's razor? laugh Seriously, you guys get a little criticism of your beliefs and you go off the deep end.

tribo's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:15 PM

Occam's Razor

one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything

Occam's razor means that almost every conspiracy theory should be deemed false until proven true. When assuming the cause of an event, occam's razor should be kept in mind. It is therefore unreasonable to accept conspiracy theories without hard evidence.

Ask Abra?!?! What would that prove?

its impossible to prove any truths beyond a doubt including Occams razor, including the bible, includung anything of mans mind. you base your beliefs on what you find to be reasonable about mankind and who and what he is at his core, from their it's easy to see that the heart of man is evil to its core, and not only is this possible as to conspiricys, but historically shown to be true.

Wrong, it is possible to prove many things, especially in math.

that has nothing to do with the human condition being spoke of hear or talked of here spider.

You said "its impossible to prove any truths"...I refuted that. You said something false, I refute it. What don't you get?

forgive me spider, but even math is wrong in many instances, just ask abra. or look at history.

Ask Abra??? What would that do. That's like asking the Dali Lama to explain the stations of the cross.

am i getting the feeling that you beleive that math s provable beyond a doubt?

tribo's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:23 PM
Edited by tribo on Thu 07/31/08 02:26 PM

Occam's Razor

one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything

Occam's razor means that almost every conspiracy theory should be deemed false until proven true. When assuming the cause of an event, occam's razor should be kept in mind. It is therefore unreasonable to accept conspiracy theories without hard evidence.

Ask Abra?!?! What would that prove?

its impossible to prove any truths beyond a doubt including Occams razor, including the bible, includung anything of mans mind. you base your beliefs on what you find to be reasonable about mankind and who and what he is at his core, from their it's easy to see that the heart of man is evil to its core, and not only is this possible as to conspiracies, but historically shown to be true.

Wrong, it is possible to prove many things, especially in math.

that has nothing to do with the human condition being spoke of hear or talked of here spider.

You said "its impossible to prove any truths"...I refuted that. You said something false, I refute it. What don't you get?

forgive me spider, but even math is wrong in many instances, just ask abra. or look at history.

Ask Abra??? What would that do. That's like asking the Dali Lama to explain the stations of the cross.

am i getting the feeling that you believe that math s provable beyond a doubt?
don't bother answering that eljay, this discussion is getting way off track, so lets bring it back to the original question, why not at least take into consideration that many of these theories do hold truths? to say that they don't is just being ignorant, even ancient myths have a shred of truth attached to them, we have seen especially with the bankers of renown that they have controlled models of many countries and by doing so have ran there ideas and desires to come forth by the will of the governing forces in charge. even Rothschild made the statement " i care not who rules the country if i rule the money" what do we do disregard such statements? no it has to be taken into account as to what lies in history of the bankers extraordinaire.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:35 PM

But before you pass your arrogant judgment on my world view or on my beliefs you should have a better understanding of them. You don't, and you don't want to and you never will. You just want to lash out and ridicule. You are where you are and I respect that.

If you have any really sincere questions I would be happy to answer them.


Have you read your comments about Christianity? The pot is calling the kettle black...

(1.)Just let me get this straight...we were all evil lizard overlords at one time, then we decided to become prey for the evil lizard overlords and we are somehow "evolved" forward?

(2.) So what, they aren't as evolved as us, but we are easy prey for them and they have perfected interstellar travel? Flying giant lizard monsters with spaceships somehow seems to be more evolved than a species that produces movies like "Meet the Spartans".

Answers to your sarcastic questions:

1.) I don't know what your particular incarnational path was Not everyone follows the same path. But many humans once were reptilian incarnates, but certainly not all of them. (Not all reptilian humanoids are evil overlords either.)

2.)The reptilian humanoids of this galaxy are more technically advanced because they have longer life spans and they incarnate sequentially, retaining all their memories of their past lives and cultures. BUT they are not more spiritually advanced. Their technology only works in third density material worlds. They are trapped in the lower density worlds because of their lack of emotions, love and compassion for others. Hence they are self-centered violent creatures.

Humans will evolve beyond that very quickly because they have a simultaneous incarnational path and they have more capacity for love and compassion. Humans live all their lives simultaneously and that is why they do not retain the details of their other lives which exist throughout time. They have to forfeit connection with their other lives in order to live one at a time. In short, they traverse time with their incarnations.

This information is not for you Spider,(You will scoff at it.) but the answer was posted for the amusement of others who might be interested.


no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:38 PM
I've found the most realistic take, and evidence..on the whole Outer world beings and be found in The disclosure project lead by Dr. Steven Greer [at least if I remember correctly I think that was his name..] If anyone is interested...I suggest taking a look at it...It's not random people saying they've been abducted or seen things flying in the sky, it is only people that were in the military, EX-nasa workers, people that used to be In Nato, etc. talking about specific events, and trying to take things up with the president himself to file disclosure on that specific matter. People discredit civilians , I don't blame them because there are idiots out their that create hoaxes...but..I do believe there are other beings out there, [I've seen some unexplainable stuff myself] and I believe a lot of the technology we have today wasn't even founded by humans, and even more hidden technologies that won't be revealed till later times. Tho humans of course invented many things themselves...

Conspiracy theories...theres so many reasons why a person either would, or would not, believe they are true or not. Some people determine their faith by not believing such theories. On one side of the poll, you have people who believe in conspiracies calling Religious people stupid for being blinded by their faith, on the other hand, you have the people who believe in the various religions out there that call the conspiracy believers the same. Then you have people midway, they take in what they will, disregard the rest and keep an open mind. [at least imo]...also..some people just can't believe anything without proof. I believe they are all valid reasons to agree or disagree with something or not..I mean..hey...we're human...we think for ourselves [for the most part]...we can give a f*ck less about what someone else thinks unless we "ourselves" either are fascinated by it or find some sense of truth behind it.

My take of the whole people think it's stupid or that the powers here on earth can easily take peoples faith for their own advantage. With the technology we have today, I think its quite simple to create a false 2nd coming of Christ, or an invasion of some sort. Not to say that it isn't possible for there to be a real 2nd coming, I for one just don't believe that...more so..back in the day...when a human seen another being it didn't understand or never seen before, that being was referred to as a god. If back in the day, a being came down from a light in the sky, it was considered some god-like being. Now, if you were to see that in present day [some judge by appearance or not], you would either say it's also some god-like being, or say it's an alien. The difference is that the word Alien didn't exist back then, who knows if that word were available back then, maybe we would have a whole different look on things...people have made the word Alien itself seem ridiculous in reference to outer earth life...beings with wings and halo's on some magical paradise, beings in an aircraft from a distant planet or galaxy..if you ask me...considering one ridiculous means you should consider both ridiculous...

I guess I can't say I have a huge source of evidence for what I think. I think it's really cool to hear what others have to say though. Some excel in certain areas, where one knows less one knows more, and vice versa of course. Even if someone had all the answers to the world, they would have a hell of a time trying to convince the rest of the world they were right, with or without evidence.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:43 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Thu 07/31/08 02:46 PM

1.) I don't know what your particular incarnational path was Not everyone follows the same path. But many humans once were reptilian incarnates, but certainly not all of them. (Not all reptilian humanoids are evil overlords either.)

Okay, so anybody could have been an reptile, cool. I think reptiles are neat. Hey, are there any frog people? I think it would be awesome to be a frog person.

The reptilian humanoids of this galaxy are more technically advanced because they have longer life spans and they incarnate sequentially, retaining all their memories of their past lives and cultures

Wait...If reptilians remember their past lives wouldn't they retain memories of being hunted? That doesn't deter them from killing people? And if they incarnate sequentially, how could a human have been a reptile in a past life? So you can jump out of the loop and get eaten for by reptiles for a couple lives and then jump right back into being a reptile?

What's the end goal of us being reptiles, humans, etc. (and hopefully frog people) Do we become some higher being? (Like a frog person?)

This information is not for you Spider,(You will scoff at it.) but the answer was posted for the amusement of others who might be interested.

<scoff><scoff> Sorry, I must have something in my throat (a frog person perhaps)... <scoff><scoff>

Thank you, it was quite amusing.

EDIT: Beware of the Crab people!

tribo's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:45 PM

But before you pass your arrogant judgment on my world view or on my beliefs you should have a better understanding of them. You don't, and you don't want to and you never will. You just want to lash out and ridicule. You are where you are and I respect that.

If you have any really sincere questions I would be happy to answer them.


Have you read your comments about Christianity? The pot is calling the kettle black...

(1.)Just let me get this straight...we were all evil lizard overlords at one time, then we decided to become prey for the evil lizard overlords and we are somehow "evolved" forward?

(2.) So what, they aren't as evolved as us, but we are easy prey for them and they have perfected interstellar travel? Flying giant lizard monsters with spaceships somehow seems to be more evolved than a species that produces movies like "Meet the Spartans".

Answers to your sarcastic questions:

1.) I don't know what your particular incarnational path was Not everyone follows the same path. But many humans once were reptilian incarnates, but certainly not all of them. (Not all reptilian humanoids are evil overlords either.)

2.)The reptilian humanoids of this galaxy are more technically advanced because they have longer life spans and they incarnate sequentially, retaining all their memories of their past lives and cultures. BUT they are not more spiritually advanced. Their technology only works in third density material worlds. They are trapped in the lower density worlds because of their lack of emotions, love and compassion for others. Hence they are self-centered violent creatures.

Humans will evolve beyond that very quickly because they have a simultaneous incarnational path and they have more capacity for love and compassion. Humans live all their lives simultaneously and that is why they do not retain the details of their other lives which exist throughout time. They have to forfeit connection with their other lives in order to live one at a time. In short, they traverse time with their incarnations.

This information is not for you Spider,(You will scoff at it.) but the answer was posted for the amusement of others who might be interested.


i'm not amused but thnx for your explanation JB, thought provoking.

tribo's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:49 PM

I've found the most realistic take, and evidence..on the whole Outer world beings and be found in The disclosure project lead by Dr. Steven Greer [at least if I remember correctly I think that was his name..] If anyone is interested...I suggest taking a look at it...It's not random people saying they've been abducted or seen things flying in the sky, it is only people that were in the military, EX-nasa workers, people that used to be In Nato, etc. talking about specific events, and trying to take things up with the president himself to file disclosure on that specific matter. People discredit civilians , I don't blame them because there are idiots out their that create hoaxes...but..I do believe there are other beings out there, [I've seen some unexplainable stuff myself] and I believe a lot of the technology we have today wasn't even founded by humans, and even more hidden technologies that won't be revealed till later times. Tho humans of course invented many things themselves...

Conspiracy theories...theres so many reasons why a person either would, or would not, believe they are true or not. Some people determine their faith by not believing such theories. On one side of the poll, you have people who believe in conspiracies calling Religious people stupid for being blinded by their faith, on the other hand, you have the people who believe in the various religions out there that call the conspiracy believers the same. Then you have people midway, they take in what they will, disregard the rest and keep an open mind. [at least imo]...also..some people just can't believe anything without proof. I believe they are all valid reasons to agree or disagree with something or not..I mean..hey...we're human...we think for ourselves [for the most part]...we can give a f*ck less about what someone else thinks unless we "ourselves" either are fascinated by it or find some sense of truth behind it.

My take of the whole people think it's stupid or that the powers here on earth can easily take peoples faith for their own advantage. With the technology we have today, I think its quite simple to create a false 2nd coming of Christ, or an invasion of some sort. Not to say that it isn't possible for there to be a real 2nd coming, I for one just don't believe that...more so..back in the day...when a human seen another being it didn't understand or never seen before, that being was referred to as a god. If back in the day, a being came down from a light in the sky, it was considered some god-like being. Now, if you were to see that in present day [some judge by appearance or not], you would either say it's also some god-like being, or say it's an alien. The difference is that the word Alien didn't exist back then, who knows if that word were available back then, maybe we would have a whole different look on things...people have made the word Alien itself seem ridiculous in reference to outer earth life...beings with wings and halo's on some magical paradise, beings in an aircraft from a distant planet or galaxy..if you ask me...considering one ridiculous means you should consider both ridiculous...

I guess I can't say I have a huge source of evidence for what I think. I think it's really cool to hear what others have to say though. Some excel in certain areas, where one knows less one knows more, and vice versa of course. Even if someone had all the answers to the world, they would have a hell of a time trying to convince the rest of the world they were right, with or without evidence.

thnx for your input AA, it's appreciated.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:51 PM
hey JB, do you believe any of the stuff Alex Collier had said in the past? Just wondering...he talked about some of the stuff you're talking about. I think some of his beliefs just sounds so out there...only because it's so detailed...but to see someone act the way he did, as if he believed every single word that came out of his mouth kinda made me wonder. I mean...the truth just never know.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:53 PM

hey JB, do you believe any of the stuff Alex Collier had said in the past? Just wondering...he talked about some of the stuff you're talking about. I think some of his beliefs just sounds so out there...only because it's so detailed...but to see someone act the way he did, as if he believed every single word that came out of his mouth kinda made me wonder. I mean...the truth just never know.

Was Alex Collier a writer for the TV show "V"?

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:54 PM
The Battle of the UFO researchers

For some people the argument is still, "do extraterrestrial aliens exist?" But that argument stays in the company of people who really do not want to know. They just simply say "No of course not." But there are a lot of educated people who say that they do exist, and many who know they do exist, and there are a few who even talk about it openly. For them, the question of whether or not aliens exist is ridiculous. Of course they do. Their entire lives and occupations involve aliens, UFO's abductees etc.

Forget the question of whether UFO'S and Aliens are here among us. The big argument going on in the UFO/alien community is whether they are benign or malevolent. Or simply: Are the aliens trying to uplift mankind or are they out to take control of the world so that they can make slaves of us and eat us in public without fear of an uprising of human resistance.

UFO researchers Doctor Richard Boylan Ph.D., LLC and Doctor Michael E. Salla, Ph.D have argued about who is spreading disinformation and who is not in a high-toned indignant "I'm-a-better researcher than you" discussion on Internet forums and their posts appeared in clubs around the Internet UFO communtiy.

I am a curious sort; so I spent the evening reading this stuff and trying to figure out who these so-called experts are in the scheme of things, and what roll they play in, what I refer to as, "The End Game." I will give you my 'quick and dirty' assessment of these two people at the end of the article, but here is what they publish about themselves on their web sites:

"Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist,anthropologist, university associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, researcher and author. He provides hypnotherapy for recalling full details of partially-remembered close encounters with the Star Visitors, and for exploring previous life experiences stored in subconscious memory. Information about Dr. Richard J. Boylan and his projects can be found at "

(Jackie) ~~In short, Boylan claims that the Aliens are benevolent, and he believes they are an advanced civilization from the stars,and that most humans are "less evolved" and that the aliens or the "watchers" as he calls them, are here to protect us. He believes there is order, fairness and law in what he calls the "Inter-galactic Federation. He is or claims to be an experiencer (or abductee, however you want to call it.) who has had alien encounters himself, and he works with Alien-human hybrid children in a program he calls "Star Kids." Here is a quote from his website:

"We humans are not the "bad guys", but we have some less-evolved persons in our midst. That is the way it is in the universe as well, we are told. However, the difference is that the less-evolved cultures on other planets are not permitted by the Inter-Galactic Federation to roam the galaxy freely and cause havoc on vulnerable planetary populations, such as us."

(Jackie) ~~Now here is the Information on Salla'a website about him: (I did not not write this stuff, I am just bringing it to your attention. My assessment will be at the bottom of this article.

"Dr. Michael Salla holds a current position as a 'researcher in Residence,' Center for Global Peace, American University Washinton D.C. and was previously an Assistant Professor 1996 -2001) in the International Peace and Conflict Resolution Division, School of International Service, American University. He recently completed his fourth book, The Hero's Journey Toward a Second American Century, and has had over 70 articles, books reviews, and opinion pieces published on topics covering peacebuilding, nonviolence and conflict resolution. For more information go to his site,

The Peace Ambassador Program is a seven day summer program that combines study, meditative practices, and prayer ceremonies at American University and selected Washington DC sites aimed at promoting individual self-empowerment and enlightened national governance in Washington DC. The program provides an opportunity for participants to experience personal spiritual growth through preparing for and integrating higher dimensional energies, while simultaneously helping transform the world's center of political and military power in order to usher in an era of global peace and divine governance on planet Earth.

The Program is situated within the Center for Global Peace, American University. Participants will discover the hidden spiritual potential in the configuration of the Washington DC grid system, the significance of key political symbols such as Congress, the White House, the Washington monument, Lincoln Memorial; the hidden function of the greater Washington beltway, and preparing for how to best respond to the influx of higher dimensional energies that have a great potential for transforming life on our planet. At the end of the program, participants will become Peace Ambassadors for creating individual and global peace, and activating enlightened national/divine governance around the planet.

(Jackie) ~~Okay that is the end of my quotes from their web sites. Now for the fun part.

My assessment: Dr. Richard Boylan is what some call a "White Lighter." He loves and worships aliens. He sees only (or mostly) good and benevolent Aliens. He boasts of his behavioral scientist education and pushes it to the limit. Telling Salla that he lacks the academic background to conduct valid "behavioral science" research into "Star Visitor" contacts with "experiencers" which he says is the core of what constitutes information about the "Star Nations."

My assessment of Dr. Michael Salla is what I will call a pawn of the "Powers that be" who hide behind the guise of promoting peace but actually are furthering the agenda of a New World Order with a One World Government controlled by, "them," whoever "they" are. ( I might add that I once read a quote attributed to Henry Kissinger to this effect: "You have a right to be paranoid, because there is a "they" and "they" are out to get us.")

Salla said that in his Study Paper #7 he argued that policy makers became very aware of these diverse extraterrestrial races and decided to respond using a strategic doctrine known as "power politics" or real politik as championed by Dr. Henry Kissinger and his supporters in the secret national security system set up to respond to the extraterrestrial presence.

( Jackie ~"Secret National security system?" What might that be, the CIA? The NSA? The black Ops? The men in black? The "Above Top Secret" guys we don't even have any initials for?)

Richard Broylan countered by pointing out that Kissinger is an indicted international war criminal, and he hinted that that statement pretty much settles what side Salla is working for. Dr. Salla gives credit to Dr. Kissinger as being the "master strategist" for managing the extraterrestrial presence and who was the special focus in his study paper. To which Dr. Broylan responded (in a post on his club):

" Now your true political sentiments surface. Your International war criminal friend Herr Kissinger was the "master strategist" who created the VietNam War debacle that mired the U.S. in its longest war, with the greatest GI deaths, and the only war the U.S. lost. We don't need fascists designing the official engagement policy of human society with the Star Visitors."

My assessment (from a non-academic non-scientific, non-abductee standpoint:)

Jackie ~~ Okay, now let me tell you why I think Dr. Salla is a pawn of the New World Order crowd, Here is a quote of Henry Kissinger : "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 Bilderbergers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.

Note he said "a threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated" so even if the public is just fooled into believing that we are being attacked by Alien beings from some other planet, they will gladly hand over all of their freedoms and individual rights for the guarantee of safety and the New World Order would step into power.

Now personally I do not believe that these non-human intelligent life forms (aliens) are more "spiritually evolved" than we humans. They certainly have the technology, but they don't have compassion, love or wisdom. (I am speaking of the preditorial reptilian aliens here, I don't want to insult any of you good aliens out there who might be really nice guys and gals who don't eat human flesh and drink blood.)

For Salla, you can translate "Global peace" into "One World Government" and you can translate "Divine governance" into "One World Religion" with perhaps a dictator (alien) who is considered to be a God, ruling over the earth. (To be fair, they really do want "peace." Its why they want it and how they go about getting it that is wrong.)

But the battle between these two researchers is strictly an ego thing for now. They have no real conflict because they are on the same side and don't even realize it. Salla is clearly promoting a One World Government which will, he claims, ultimately be ruled by a (non-human or Alien) leader who will be worshiped as a God, ("Divine governance") and Broylan is promoting love (and worship) of these so-called advanced alien beings who "are here to protect us."

As for Doctor Broylan, well, he's just been sleeping with the enemy too long. Abducted, implanted and programmed to do public relations to convince humans that the aliens are only here to help us. To be fair, some of them might be. But Dr. Broylan really wants you to believe that they all are. He even makes excuses for the nasty stories he hears about bad aliens and blames it on government mind control and propaganda.

Salla, on the other hand, probably realizes that there are some bad-ass aliens out there in control and he just wants to make peace with them because he knows he can't beat them in a fight. ("There is a THEY and THEY are out to get us.")

I can easily visualize the day when these two men will come together in their support of a One World Government ruled by a (god-like) non-human/alien. They will be at a seminar smiling and shaking hands with each other for a photo-op while pledging their lives to their new alien god.

So are there any such things as extraterrestrials or aliens from Orion? I really don't know by personal experience. But I suspect that not everyone you meet on the street is as human as they look. I believe there are many non-human intelligent life forms on this planet. I know people (more than you would suspect) who swear that they were abducted.

I met a man in Lamar just a few months ago who claimed to be a "repeater" (an abductee taken more than once, and put back.) He described many different kinds of aliens that he had seen and some horrible things that they had done to him. Yet he was still so confused that he denied that they had "abducted" him. I asked him, "When they took you, did you have a choice in the matter?" He said no. I told him, "That means that you were abducted against your will. They are not your friends." He asked me, "Who told you that?" I said, "They abducted you against your will. They are not your friends." For some reason he had difficulty understanding the reasoning in that. If they were friendly aliens, would they be going around abducting and doing painfull experiments on humans without their consent? Everytime I told him, "They are not your friends." (and I told him that at least five times) he asked me, "Who told you that?" It was quite strange if you ask me. It gave me the willies.

Dr. Boylan calls himself and others who have been abducted "experiencers." I wonder if they had a choice in the matter. Even today our modern medicine has a drug that will remove several hours of your memory. That is a scary thing. If we have it I am sure they have it too. How do you know what happened to you if you have had that drug?

My conclusion: We are not alone. We may not even be at the top of the food chain.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:57 PM

hey JB, do you believe any of the stuff Alex Collier had said in the past? Just wondering...he talked about some of the stuff you're talking about. I think some of his beliefs just sounds so out there...only because it's so detailed...but to see someone act the way he did, as if he believed every single word that came out of his mouth kinda made me wonder. I mean...the truth just never know.

I am not familiar with him or his work. I will check it out, thanks.


tribo's photo
Thu 07/31/08 03:10 PM

The Battle of the UFO researchers

For some people the argument is still, "do extraterrestrial aliens exist?" But that argument stays in the company of people who really do not want to know. They just simply say "No of course not." But there are a lot of educated people who say that they do exist, and many who know they do exist, and there are a few who even talk about it openly. For them, the question of whether or not aliens exist is ridiculous. Of course they do. Their entire lives and occupations involve aliens, UFO's abductees etc.

Forget the question of whether UFO'S and Aliens are here among us. The big argument going on in the UFO/alien community is whether they are benign or malevolent. Or simply: Are the aliens trying to uplift mankind or are they out to take control of the world so that they can make slaves of us and eat us in public without fear of an uprising of human resistance.

UFO researchers Doctor Richard Boylan Ph.D., LLC and Doctor Michael E. Salla, Ph.D have argued about who is spreading disinformation and who is not in a high-toned indignant "I'm-a-better researcher than you" discussion on Internet forums and their posts appeared in clubs around the Internet UFO communtiy.

I am a curious sort; so I spent the evening reading this stuff and trying to figure out who these so-called experts are in the scheme of things, and what roll they play in, what I refer to as, "The End Game." I will give you my 'quick and dirty' assessment of these two people at the end of the article, but here is what they publish about themselves on their web sites:

"Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist,anthropologist, university associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, researcher and author. He provides hypnotherapy for recalling full details of partially-remembered close encounters with the Star Visitors, and for exploring previous life experiences stored in subconscious memory. Information about Dr. Richard J. Boylan and his projects can be found at "

(Jackie) ~~In short, Boylan claims that the Aliens are benevolent, and he believes they are an advanced civilization from the stars,and that most humans are "less evolved" and that the aliens or the "watchers" as he calls them, are here to protect us. He believes there is order, fairness and law in what he calls the "Inter-galactic Federation. He is or claims to be an experiencer (or abductee, however you want to call it.) who has had alien encounters himself, and he works with Alien-human hybrid children in a program he calls "Star Kids." Here is a quote from his website:

"We humans are not the "bad guys", but we have some less-evolved persons in our midst. That is the way it is in the universe as well, we are told. However, the difference is that the less-evolved cultures on other planets are not permitted by the Inter-Galactic Federation to roam the galaxy freely and cause havoc on vulnerable planetary populations, such as us."

(Jackie) ~~Now here is the Information on Salla'a website about him: (I did not not write this stuff, I am just bringing it to your attention. My assessment will be at the bottom of this article.

"Dr. Michael Salla holds a current position as a 'researcher in Residence,' Center for Global Peace, American University Washinton D.C. and was previously an Assistant Professor 1996 -2001) in the International Peace and Conflict Resolution Division, School of International Service, American University. He recently completed his fourth book, The Hero's Journey Toward a Second American Century, and has had over 70 articles, books reviews, and opinion pieces published on topics covering peacebuilding, nonviolence and conflict resolution. For more information go to his site,

The Peace Ambassador Program is a seven day summer program that combines study, meditative practices, and prayer ceremonies at American University and selected Washington DC sites aimed at promoting individual self-empowerment and enlightened national governance in Washington DC. The program provides an opportunity for participants to experience personal spiritual growth through preparing for and integrating higher dimensional energies, while simultaneously helping transform the world's center of political and military power in order to usher in an era of global peace and divine governance on planet Earth.

The Program is situated within the Center for Global Peace, American University. Participants will discover the hidden spiritual potential in the configuration of the Washington DC grid system, the significance of key political symbols such as Congress, the White House, the Washington monument, Lincoln Memorial; the hidden function of the greater Washington beltway, and preparing for how to best respond to the influx of higher dimensional energies that have a great potential for transforming life on our planet. At the end of the program, participants will become Peace Ambassadors for creating individual and global peace, and activating enlightened national/divine governance around the planet.

(Jackie) ~~Okay that is the end of my quotes from their web sites. Now for the fun part.

My assessment: Dr. Richard Boylan is what some call a "White Lighter." He loves and worships aliens. He sees only (or mostly) good and benevolent Aliens. He boasts of his behavioral scientist education and pushes it to the limit. Telling Salla that he lacks the academic background to conduct valid "behavioral science" research into "Star Visitor" contacts with "experiencers" which he says is the core of what constitutes information about the "Star Nations."

My assessment of Dr. Michael Salla is what I will call a pawn of the "Powers that be" who hide behind the guise of promoting peace but actually are furthering the agenda of a New World Order with a One World Government controlled by, "them," whoever "they" are. ( I might add that I once read a quote attributed to Henry Kissinger to this effect: "You have a right to be paranoid, because there is a "they" and "they" are out to get us.")

Salla said that in his Study Paper #7 he argued that policy makers became very aware of these diverse extraterrestrial races and decided to respond using a strategic doctrine known as "power politics" or real politik as championed by Dr. Henry Kissinger and his supporters in the secret national security system set up to respond to the extraterrestrial presence.

( Jackie ~"Secret National security system?" What might that be, the CIA? The NSA? The black Ops? The men in black? The "Above Top Secret" guys we don't even have any initials for?)

Richard Broylan countered by pointing out that Kissinger is an indicted international war criminal, and he hinted that that statement pretty much settles what side Salla is working for. Dr. Salla gives credit to Dr. Kissinger as being the "master strategist" for managing the extraterrestrial presence and who was the special focus in his study paper. To which Dr. Broylan responded (in a post on his club):

" Now your true political sentiments surface. Your International war criminal friend Herr Kissinger was the "master strategist" who created the VietNam War debacle that mired the U.S. in its longest war, with the greatest GI deaths, and the only war the U.S. lost. We don't need fascists designing the official engagement policy of human society with the Star Visitors."

My assessment (from a non-academic non-scientific, non-abductee standpoint:)

Jackie ~~ Okay, now let me tell you why I think Dr. Salla is a pawn of the New World Order crowd, Here is a quote of Henry Kissinger : "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 Bilderbergers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.

Note he said "a threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated" so even if the public is just fooled into believing that we are being attacked by Alien beings from some other planet, they will gladly hand over all of their freedoms and individual rights for the guarantee of safety and the New World Order would step into power.

Now personally I do not believe that these non-human intelligent life forms (aliens) are more "spiritually evolved" than we humans. They certainly have the technology, but they don't have compassion, love or wisdom. (I am speaking of the preditorial reptilian aliens here, I don't want to insult any of you good aliens out there who might be really nice guys and gals who don't eat human flesh and drink blood.)

For Salla, you can translate "Global peace" into "One World Government" and you can translate "Divine governance" into "One World Religion" with perhaps a dictator (alien) who is considered to be a God, ruling over the earth. (To be fair, they really do want "peace." Its why they want it and how they go about getting it that is wrong.)

But the battle between these two researchers is strictly an ego thing for now. They have no real conflict because they are on the same side and don't even realize it. Salla is clearly promoting a One World Government which will, he claims, ultimately be ruled by a (non-human or Alien) leader who will be worshiped as a God, ("Divine governance") and Broylan is promoting love (and worship) of these so-called advanced alien beings who "are here to protect us."

As for Doctor Broylan, well, he's just been sleeping with the enemy too long. Abducted, implanted and programmed to do public relations to convince humans that the aliens are only here to help us. To be fair, some of them might be. But Dr. Broylan really wants you to believe that they all are. He even makes excuses for the nasty stories he hears about bad aliens and blames it on government mind control and propaganda.

Salla, on the other hand, probably realizes that there are some bad-ass aliens out there in control and he just wants to make peace with them because he knows he can't beat them in a fight. ("There is a THEY and THEY are out to get us.")

I can easily visualize the day when these two men will come together in their support of a One World Government ruled by a (god-like) non-human/alien. They will be at a seminar smiling and shaking hands with each other for a photo-op while pledging their lives to their new alien god.

So are there any such things as extraterrestrials or aliens from Orion? I really don't know by personal experience. But I suspect that not everyone you meet on the street is as human as they look. I believe there are many non-human intelligent life forms on this planet. I know people (more than you would suspect) who swear that they were abducted.

I met a man in Lamar just a few months ago who claimed to be a "repeater" (an abductee taken more than once, and put back.) He described many different kinds of aliens that he had seen and some horrible things that they had done to him. Yet he was still so confused that he denied that they had "abducted" him. I asked him, "When they took you, did you have a choice in the matter?" He said no. I told him, "That means that you were abducted against your will. They are not your friends." He asked me, "Who told you that?" I said, "They abducted you against your will. They are not your friends." For some reason he had difficulty understanding the reasoning in that. If they were friendly aliens, would they be going around abducting and doing painfull experiments on humans without their consent? Everytime I told him, "They are not your friends." (and I told him that at least five times) he asked me, "Who told you that?" It was quite strange if you ask me. It gave me the willies.

Dr. Boylan calls himself and others who have been abducted "experiencers." I wonder if they had a choice in the matter. Even today our modern medicine has a drug that will remove several hours of your memory. That is a scary thing. If we have it I am sure they have it too. How do you know what happened to you if you have had that drug?

My conclusion: We are not alone. We may not even be at the top of the food chain.

i followed this up to just about a year ago and then stopped, lost interest at the time, but i conclude with much you say, having had someone in the family who actually seen the beings (greys) i know they are here. as to the others i cannot rule that out. thnx JB.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 03:15 PM


That article is one that I wrote a few years back under a pen name. (One of my alternate personalities) ~(Jackie Tracer Hunt.)bigsmile

It is still posted on my home town website although you can't find it from there. I couldn't even find it on my computer to post here so I did a search for it on google and found it. LOL

tribo's photo
Thu 07/31/08 03:24 PM



That article is one that I wrote a few years back under a pen name. (One of my alternate personalities) ~(Jackie Tracer Hunt.)bigsmile

It is still posted on my home town website although you can't find it from there. I couldn't even find it on my computer to post here so I did a search for it on google and found it. LOL

thnx JB, i was referring to those you mentioned and others i've read in the pat from George adamski in the 40's/50's till recently, schaeffer had a few books on interterestial beings also both ancient and present, though the greys have been my main research i have learned of many others, the naga i was unfamiliar with till just recently as you know, but the conspiracies of the grey in Mexico and other places and our governments cover up is where most of my energy and time was spent. this also alludes to what you posted and the battle over whether they are good or bad intentioned creatures or not. it will be interesting to see how it plays out in the long run if I'm still around - hahaa