Topic: Why the hell are so many people...
lilangel2's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:43 PM
Ok here goes nothing!scared

"Peccy, I am interested in you!"drool


THERE I said it! Whew...I feel sooooo much better now drinker

tngxl65's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:48 PM

Ok here goes nothing!scared

"Peccy, I am interested in you!"drool


THERE I said it! Whew...I feel sooooo much better now drinker

Dangit.. you beat me to it....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 07/22/08 08:55 PM bring up a valid point.

I guess the main reason that I haven't/wouldn't at this point is mainly because of distance. That wouldn't be an issue if I found someone near me ( or at least in the same STATE ) but the " long distance " thing has never worked out for me.

As far as people not wanting to be rejected....That is a valid reason as well. Some people have been rejected....and rejected....and rejected. There is only so much a person can take before they get really gun shy and just keep it to themselves.

scotty1964's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:11 PM
ive said it too about 20 girls on here...but they just dont like me:cry: but im kinda crazy so i dont blame em......

oh and hey shadow...smokin

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:13 PM

Hummm cause it is easier to hide behind the screen in our own little safe world. No rejections, no let downs it is much easier then to have them totally ignore you. JMObigsmile

And run for the rest of your life?:laughing: Hi txsbiggrin

Me run never shshhshsh besides I have rope why tell them when I can just hog tie them and they have no choice lmao :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:14 PM bring up a valid point.

I guess the main reason that I haven't/wouldn't at this point is mainly because of distance. That wouldn't be an issue if I found someone near me ( or at least in the same STATE ) but the " long distance " thing has never worked out for me.

As far as people not wanting to be rejected....That is a valid reason as well. Some people have been rejected....and rejected....and rejected. There is only so much a person can take before they get really gun shy and just keep it to themselves.

I agree on the distance, most are not willing or don't have the means and most of all. there family. As for the rejection, i been rejected so many times and i still don't give up and thats what happens to some people. They give up on things and it comes a pattern. The thing is, learning how to get out of that patern and realize. Life is life and things are going to happen. It's not like i don't go through things and that i don't B. it's just life. The thing is What are you going to do about it....

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:16 PM
Oh well I'm one of the few that if someone does spark my interest have no problem telling them. Of course it hasn't really happened in the serious aspect, but have found several close friends if nothing else.

Nothing ventured nothing gained flowerforyou

And coming from the other side of someone telling me they were crushing me, I found it very flattering blushing

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:16 PM

ive said it too about 20 girls on here...but they just dont like me:cry: but im kinda crazy so i dont blame em......

oh and hey shadow...smokin

I have to, but i got the attitude. NEXT! what the hell, bound to find somone soon or maybe i have and i haven't said anthing yet like somelaugh

Morena350's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:17 PM
Edited by Morena350 on Tue 07/22/08 09:18 PM

Afraid to tell somone they like them and lets keep this simple. It's just a topicsmile2

I know i brang this up before and i know what some of you are going to say, afraid of my feelings getting hurt, might lose a friend etc etc. I alway see the who has a crush thread and alot of people say i have one. Well, what the hell! tell them and stop being such a chicken. Life is to short and waiting around is never going to get anyone anyware. I hear all the time the same people saying they can't find anyone but at the same time there afraid to let somone know they like them. Onece again ill hear, i'm afraid to lose a friend. Well guess what people. If you lose that friend over somthing like that. There not your friend.....

shadow darling.. nice to see you,, but about the topic
I speak for myself, some times is fear of rejection I will hate to be rejected.

Ok ok, lets here itlaugh laugh laugh

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:18 PM

Hummm cause it is easier to hide behind the screen in our own little safe world. No rejections, no let downs it is much easier then to have them totally ignore you. JMObigsmile

And run for the rest of your life?:laughing: Hi txsbiggrin

Me run never shshhshsh besides I have rope why tell them when I can just hog tie them and they have no choice lmao :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

What ever works these days:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:20 PM

Oh well I'm one of the few that if someone does spark my interest have no problem telling them. Of course it hasn't really happened in the serious aspect, but have found several close friends if nothing else.

Nothing ventured nothing gained flowerforyou

And coming from the other side of someone telling me they were crushing me, I found it very flattering blushing


brooke007's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:20 PM
not real worried about it.
id rather tell somebody that i liked them..
than not...

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:21 PM

Afraid to tell somone they like them and lets keep this simple. It's just a topicsmile2

I know i brang this up before and i know what some of you are going to say, afraid of my feelings getting hurt, might lose a friend etc etc. I alway see the who has a crush thread and alot of people say i have one. Well, what the hell! tell them and stop being such a chicken. Life is to short and waiting around is never going to get anyone anyware. I hear all the time the same people saying they can't find anyone but at the same time there afraid to let somone know they like them. Onece again ill hear, i'm afraid to lose a friend. Well guess what people. If you lose that friend over somthing like that. There not your friend.....

shadow darling.. nice to see you,, but about the topic
I speak for myself, some times is fear of rejection I will hate to be rejected.

Ok ok, lets here itlaugh laugh laugh

Whats this? you changed your mindwaving

JustAGuy2112's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:22 PM bring up a valid point.

I guess the main reason that I haven't/wouldn't at this point is mainly because of distance. That wouldn't be an issue if I found someone near me ( or at least in the same STATE ) but the " long distance " thing has never worked out for me.

As far as people not wanting to be rejected....That is a valid reason as well. Some people have been rejected....and rejected....and rejected. There is only so much a person can take before they get really gun shy and just keep it to themselves.

I agree on the distance, most are not willing or don't have the means and most of all. there family. As for the rejection, i been rejected so many times and i still don't give up and thats what happens to some people. They give up on things and it comes a pattern. The thing is, learning how to get out of that patern and realize. Life is life and things are going to happen. It's not like i don't go through things and that i don't B. it's just life. The thing is What are you going to do about it....

But just because you can handle being rejected multiple times, that doesn't mean that everyone else can.

People get discouraged. They start to think that there may be something wrong with them that leads to the rejections. There are any number of things that go into someone not saying something as opposed to speaking up.

I have been rejected more times than I care to count. But the way things were for my family while I was growing up helped me develope a pretty thick skin. Some people don't have the thick skin necesssary to take being rejected.

A64WOODY's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:27 PM
Rejection is only fuel to find the one. Shyness is an excuse. Distance is an obstacle, but obstacles can be hurdled, jumped over, or ran through. If you never say "Ya know something? I really like you and want to meet you!", you will always be on some site saying "I want to meet someone special"!!!

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:29 PM

Afraid to tell somone they like them and lets keep this simple. It's just a topicsmile2

I know i brang this up before and i know what some of you are going to say, afraid of my feelings getting hurt, might lose a friend etc etc. I alway see the who has a crush thread and alot of people say i have one. Well, what the hell! tell them and stop being such a chicken. Life is to short and waiting around is never going to get anyone anyware. I hear all the time the same people saying they can't find anyone but at the same time there afraid to let somone know they like them. Onece again ill hear, i'm afraid to lose a friend. Well guess what people. If you lose that friend over somthing like that. There not your friend.....

Ok ok, lets here itlaugh laugh laugh
OK,,,FINE,,Shadow,,,I LIKE YA MAN,,,,
Nothing to it,wink,,,lol,lol

Morena350's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:29 PM
no shadow, lmao!!! Im trying to be funny laugh laugh

fear of rejection me,, ha ha don't think so!!

but please don't no one tell me they don't love melaugh :banana: :banana:

Morena350's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:30 PM

Afraid to tell somone they like them and lets keep this simple. It's just a topicsmile2

I know i brang this up before and i know what some of you are going to say, afraid of my feelings getting hurt, might lose a friend etc etc. I alway see the who has a crush thread and alot of people say i have one. Well, what the hell! tell them and stop being such a chicken. Life is to short and waiting around is never going to get anyone anyware. I hear all the time the same people saying they can't find anyone but at the same time there afraid to let somone know they like them. Onece again ill hear, i'm afraid to lose a friend. Well guess what people. If you lose that friend over somthing like that. There not your friend.....

Ok ok, lets here itlaugh laugh laugh
OK,,,FINE,,Shadow,,,I LIKE YA MAN,,,,
Nothing to it,wink,,,lol,lol
4u lovely to see you darling,, hahhh we have a nice reunion here huh

No1sLove's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:30 PM
<~~~~ is not afeared of silly boys. :tongue:

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:30 PM bring up a valid point.

I guess the main reason that I haven't/wouldn't at this point is mainly because of distance. That wouldn't be an issue if I found someone near me ( or at least in the same STATE ) but the " long distance " thing has never worked out for me.

As far as people not wanting to be rejected....That is a valid reason as well. Some people have been rejected....and rejected....and rejected. There is only so much a person can take before they get really gun shy and just keep it to themselves.

I agree on the distance, most are not willing or don't have the means and most of all. there family. As for the rejection, i been rejected so many times and i still don't give up and thats what happens to some people. They give up on things and it comes a pattern. The thing is, learning how to get out of that patern and realize. Life is life and things are going to happen. It's not like i don't go through things and that i don't B. it's just life. The thing is What are you going to do about it....

But just because you can handle being rejected multiple times, that doesn't mean that everyone else can.

People get discouraged. They start to think that there may be something wrong with them that leads to the rejections. There are any number of things that go into someone not saying something as opposed to speaking up.

I have been rejected more times than I care to count. But the way things were for my family while I was growing up helped me develope a pretty thick skin. Some people don't have the thick skin necesssary to take being rejected.

I know what your sayingdrinker

This is where they need to learn how to build the confidence. There are ways of doing it, it's just a matter of taking that first step. it's like saying. When your going through problems and you prey alot for help. Well how can anyone or god if your to say help you if you don't take any action yourself?