Topic: Why the hell are so many people...
TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:31 PM

Rejection is only fuel to find the one. Shyness is an excuse. Distance is an obstacle, but obstacles can be hurdled, jumped over, or ran through. If you never say "Ya know something? I really like you and want to meet you!", you will always be on some site saying "I want to meet someone special"!!!


TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:33 PM

Afraid to tell somone they like them and lets keep this simple. It's just a topicsmile2

I know i brang this up before and i know what some of you are going to say, afraid of my feelings getting hurt, might lose a friend etc etc. I alway see the who has a crush thread and alot of people say i have one. Well, what the hell! tell them and stop being such a chicken. Life is to short and waiting around is never going to get anyone anyware. I hear all the time the same people saying they can't find anyone but at the same time there afraid to let somone know they like them. Onece again ill hear, i'm afraid to lose a friend. Well guess what people. If you lose that friend over somthing like that. There not your friend.....

Ok ok, lets here itlaugh laugh laugh
OK,,,FINE,,Shadow,,,I LIKE YA MAN,,,,
Nothing to it,wink,,,lol,lol

Hey Iam, good to c-ya:thumbsup:

As for what you said, I know most can't resist me:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:34 PM

no shadow, lmao!!! Im trying to be funny laugh laugh

fear of rejection me,, ha ha don't think so!!

but please don't no one tell me they don't love melaugh :banana: :banana:

Hi Morenawaving It's been a while, hope things are going good for you and i'm sure you know few people love yaflowers

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:36 PM

<~~~~ is not afeared of silly boys. :tongue:

Who would of guessed that smile2

Morena350's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:37 PM

no shadow, lmao!!! Im trying to be funny laugh laugh

fear of rejection me,, ha ha don't think so!!

but please don't no one tell me they don't love melaugh :banana: :banana:

Hi Morenawaving It's been a while, hope things are going good for you and i'm sure you know few people love yaflowers
drinker drinker drinker :wink: love ya 2 my friend

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:43 PM
I too wish people would be more honest. And honest with themselves. I have written a long profile that makes it pretty clear what I will and won't go for and yet it seems like they see what they want to. I also think part of it is a lot of people still think they are going to find their Prince or Princess. Someone who has and does it all; looks, health, stability, wealth, great job, funny, ect ect.. Most people are just average and that seems to be not quite good enough. Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they like being alone more than I do. It isn't particularly a luxury for me.

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:52 PM

I too wish people would be more honest. And honest with themselves. I have written a long profile that makes it pretty clear what I will and won't go for and yet it seems like they see what they want to. I also think part of it is a lot of people still think they are going to find their Prince or Princess. Someone who has and does it all; looks, health, stability, wealth, great job, funny, ect ect.. Most people are just average and that seems to be not quite good enough. Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they like being alone more than I do. It isn't particularly a luxury for me.

I agree with you, I always say. I'm not looking for what i wont. I'm looking for what will make me happy:smile:

justme659's photo
Tue 07/22/08 09:54 PM

because as soon as you tell someone that you like them they quit emailing, calling ect. And why would you announce something like on here. Most people are so far away unless you have been together in person and are engaged it could be over in a matter of days. Then you and the other person have to convince others that you are available again. Its even a fine line to walk even talking to someone without offending them or scaring them off. I dont take it personally. But it does get old.

I knew someone would say it. Well, if your afrad they wont email you back. Then there a wast of your time. Real people don't shove friends off....

Glad I didnt disapoint someone. But if you read my profile, I truly believe that actions speak louder than words. So, if you truly like someone, do you have to say the words? Isnt it better to treat the person like royalty? Call them, ask them out, ect. When it gets to the point where you truly know you love a person, isnt that a private matter between the 2 of you?

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:01 PM
Edited by TheShadow on Tue 07/22/08 10:02 PM

because as soon as you tell someone that you like them they quit emailing, calling ect. And why would you announce something like on here. Most people are so far away unless you have been together in person and are engaged it could be over in a matter of days. Then you and the other person have to convince others that you are available again. Its even a fine line to walk even talking to someone without offending them or scaring them off. I dont take it personally. But it does get old.

I knew someone would say it. Well, if your afrad they wont email you back. Then there a wast of your time. Real people don't shove friends off....

Glad I didnt disapoint someone. But if you read my profile, I truly believe that actions speak louder than words. So, if you truly like someone, do you have to say the words? Isnt it better to treat the person like royalty? Call them, ask them out, ect. When it gets to the point where you truly know you love a person, isnt that a private matter between the 2 of you?

I agree, actions does speak louder then words. Using what i said about telling somone, was just an exsample. The thing and i think you can see this. People will chat with one another and they might like each other, but don't let it go any further, knowing there might be somthing there because of fear. And alot of people let fear run there life. HelL! get out of it and start living i say.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:08 PM
You are right, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:12 PM

because if they like me back then i have to do somehting. and something cost moneyrofl

Boooooooooooooooooooo!Ya get what you put in to it!!laugh laugh

scoundrel's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:24 PM
I am new here, but let me say it: Each person who ventures to display their opinion, image, wants, thoughts, etc...has guts. YOU ARE HERE because you have the guts to put yourself/heart/mind at risk, because YOU want to be part of this.
I admire you, even if I do not like you, at first sight.
You've got the guts to read whatever anyones else says, and maybe you've got the courage to stand up and say something, too.
SO, get over "I'm afraid of rejection" nonsense, because you wouldn't even post your file if you were that afraid.
As for distance? Two months ago, I emptied my savings to fly across the ocean to meet a lady that I met online. I came back; we didn't work out, and that's that. Now, I'm saving again, and do not regret a penny that I spent.
You ought to try it. LIVE LIFE. Be outrageous.
It's not like somebody posted your face/location to all the weirdo sicko online sites, "For a good time, call...."
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Dragoness's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:27 PM

I am new here, but let me say it: Each person who ventures to display their opinion, image, wants, thoughts, etc...has guts. YOU ARE HERE because you have the guts to put yourself/heart/mind at risk, because YOU want to be part of this.
I admire you, even if I do not like you, at first sight.
You've got the guts to read whatever anyones else says, and maybe you've got the courage to stand up and say something, too.
SO, get over "I'm afraid of rejection" nonsense, because you wouldn't even post your file if you were that afraid.
As for distance? Two months ago, I emptied my savings to fly across the ocean to meet a lady that I met online. I came back; we didn't work out, and that's that. Now, I'm saving again, and do not regret a penny that I spent.
You ought to try it. LIVE LIFE. Be outrageous.
It's not like somebody posted your face/location to all the weirdo sicko online sites, "For a good time, call...."
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:27 PM

Rejection is only fuel to find the one. Shyness is an excuse. Distance is an obstacle, but obstacles can be hurdled, jumped over, or ran through. If you never say "Ya know something? I really like you and want to meet you!", you will always be on some site saying "I want to meet someone special"!!!

Couldn't of said it better my self.drinks :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:31 PM

I am new here, but let me say it: Each person who ventures to display their opinion, image, wants, thoughts, etc...has guts. YOU ARE HERE because you have the guts to put yourself/heart/mind at risk, because YOU want to be part of this.
I admire you, even if I do not like you, at first sight.
You've got the guts to read whatever anyones else says, and maybe you've got the courage to stand up and say something, too.
SO, get over "I'm afraid of rejection" nonsense, because you wouldn't even post your file if you were that afraid.
As for distance? Two months ago, I emptied my savings to fly across the ocean to meet a lady that I met online. I came back; we didn't work out, and that's that. Now, I'm saving again, and do not regret a penny that I spent.
You ought to try it. LIVE LIFE. Be outrageous.
It's not like somebody posted your face/location to all the weirdo sicko online sites, "For a good time, call...."
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

First of all, welcome. And thank youdrinker

scoundrel's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:31 PM

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Back atchya, Dragoness! Breathe fire on life!!

drinker drinker drinker

AtariBaby's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:32 PM

Afraid to tell somone they like them and lets keep this simple. It's just a topicsmile2

I know i brang this up before and i know what some of you are going to say, afraid of my feelings getting hurt, might lose a friend etc etc. I alway see the who has a crush thread and alot of people say i have one. Well, what the hell! tell them and stop being such a chicken. Life is to short and waiting around is never going to get anyone anyware. I hear all the time the same people saying they can't find anyone but at the same time there afraid to let somone know they like them. Onece again ill hear, i'm afraid to lose a friend. Well guess what people. If you lose that friend over somthing like that. There not your friend.....

Ok ok, lets here itlaugh laugh laugh
Hi The Shadow.
I totally agree with you. Take for example the stealth mode here on mingle2. A stealth mode???
The stealth stops you appearing on others list of views. If you took the time out to go on stealth to check someone out, then to do that you must be a little interested in them in the first place but yet you remain unknown to that person and probably will!!!!!

Are we all too Shy???

Hell, I don't know. It is a dating site are we not supposed to take a chance of telling people we like them. That was the impression I was under.
Maybe I am wrong!!!!

scoundrel's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:32 PM
My pleasure, sir. And keep up the tough talks, bud.

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:36 PM

I think I'd rather keep it to myself, just the way I feel right now....


no photo
Tue 07/22/08 10:42 PM

I am new here, but let me say it: Each person who ventures to display their opinion, image, wants, thoughts, etc...has guts. YOU ARE HERE because you have the guts to put yourself/heart/mind at risk, because YOU want to be part of this.
I admire you, even if I do not like you, at first sight.
You've got the guts to read whatever anyones else says, and maybe you've got the courage to stand up and say something, too.
SO, get over "I'm afraid of rejection" nonsense, because you wouldn't even post your file if you were that afraid.
As for distance? Two months ago, I emptied my savings to fly across the ocean to meet a lady that I met online. I came back; we didn't work out, and that's that. Now, I'm saving again, and do not regret a penny that I spent.
You ought to try it. LIVE LIFE. Be outrageous.
It's not like somebody posted your face/location to all the weirdo sicko online sites, "For a good time, call...."
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

drinker drinker drinker drinker