Topic: Religion id boring .
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Wed 07/23/08 06:28 PM
The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 07/23/08 06:46 PM
Sam.. \

What are you so angry about? You seem to be putting alot of effort into spreading that religion is a bad thing.

What has it done to you Sam?

Has it been a great disappointment in time of real need?

Most people when this happens do turn angry.

It is nothing new. But It is the people not the philosophy that is flawed.

We are nothing but specks of dust in time. What time we hjave here is nothing compared to the spirit world.

We may not see it but we know angels are thier.

Electricity, the wind sound. None of these we can see but they are real.

So are Angels who have stopped you from getting hurt many times.

Just think about times u stopped for no reason.

They are all around us we just do not recongonize them. We are not sure what to look for. Like the wind sound or electricity.

They are far greater though. Anger presents bitterness and this is a stress filled life.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

dangurtner's photo
Wed 07/23/08 11:35 PM

The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

religion in itself is dead. if you're just going through the motions, hoping that it will save you from eternal damnation (or whatever) won't. and that's boring too.
If you've ever tried praying to God and felt like you were wasting your time, maybe you might want to try to talk to him like a friend, talk about the things that are important to you, let Him know if you're frustrated with Him... He cares. And he cares about what's important to you.
At some point you may hear Him answering and you're suddenly having a conversation with someone you didn't even believe existed. Now that's when "religion" comes alive and ceases to be boring.
You should try it.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:30 AM

The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

religion in itself is dead. if you're just going through the motions, hoping that it will save you from eternal damnation (or whatever) won't. and that's boring too.
If you've ever tried praying to God and felt like you were wasting your time, maybe you might want to try to talk to him like a friend, talk about the things that are important to you, let Him know if you're frustrated with Him... He cares. And he cares about what's important to you.
At some point you may hear Him answering and you're suddenly having a conversation with someone you didn't even believe existed. Now that's when "religion" comes alive and ceases to be boring.
You should try it.

Are you saying that about all religions or only one which is yours of course ?.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 08:30 AM
Edited by paul40 on Thu 07/24/08 08:30 AM
Double post .

davidben1's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:29 AM
star tin gover......

it seems that every human that speak share what is true to them, in all that is spoken in every word.........

if your first post to me was your truth, then do you not show yourself to be all that you now accuse......

do you think that the intent of your heart in your post is not seen.......

rather it was chosen to not respond like with like, because of understanding........

what do you now wish of me.........

no word was ever first spoken to you, but rather you to me, and now you say to go and leave you alone, lol........

you chose me, not i you......

give me the words you deem most fit to say........

is this not one that wishes to control others as you accuse, even restricting and trying to shape others actions and words to suit yourself..........

seems only logical questions to ask of one that speaks.....

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 11:29 AM
Religion is fun not boring! One can create the best fantasy stories of all time!

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien is the study of Norse religions well mythologies now and Narnia by CS Lewis are the studies of Christianity into a fantasy world are but a couple of examples.

If one studies religion, linguistics, mythologies, and philology one can create the greatest stories for entertainment purposes of all time.

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:15 PM

Religion is fun not boring! One can create the best fantasy stories of all time!

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien is the study of Norse religions well mythologies now and Narnia by CS Lewis are the studies of Christianity into a fantasy world are but a couple of examples.

If one studies religion, linguistics, mythologies, and philology one can create the greatest stories for entertainment purposes of all time.

that's true

star_tin_gover's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:15 PM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Thu 07/24/08 06:16 PM

star tin gover......

it seems that every human that speak share what is true to them, in all that is spoken in every word.........

if your first post to me was your truth, then do you not show yourself to be all that you now accuse......

do you think that the intent of your heart in your post is not seen.......

rather it was chosen to not respond like with like, because of understanding........

what do you now wish of me.........

no word was ever first spoken to you, but rather you to me, and now you say to go and leave you alone, lol........

you chose me, not i you......

give me the words you deem most fit to say........

is this not one that wishes to control others as you accuse, even restricting and trying to shape others actions and words to suit yourself..........

seems only logical questions to ask of one that speaks.....

Nope. Simple unadulterated commentary with humor attached.Am I be forthwith the first to say you to be confusing to the poster of the posted poster's post with one's verbage in the realm of subconscious thinking of the conscious wording? Catch my drift? Find humor in yourself. I find it as easy to laugh at myself as I do others. Probably more so.When people take themselves too seriously they soon find theirs to be a lonely existence. Throw your thesaurus away and have a little fun. laugh flowerforyou

dangurtner's photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:19 PM

The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

religion in itself is dead. if you're just going through the motions, hoping that it will save you from eternal damnation (or whatever) won't. and that's boring too.
If you've ever tried praying to God and felt like you were wasting your time, maybe you might want to try to talk to him like a friend, talk about the things that are important to you, let Him know if you're frustrated with Him... He cares. And he cares about what's important to you.
At some point you may hear Him answering and you're suddenly having a conversation with someone you didn't even believe existed. Now that's when "religion" comes alive and ceases to be boring.
You should try it.

Are you saying that about all religions or only one which is yours of course ?.

hmmm... since i've never belonged to another religion, i can't speak from personal experience on this one... but quite a few people have told me that they've gotten away from religion because it was too boring. some of them have tried "the prayer thing", and come to discover that indeed religion is boring without interaction with God.

no photo
Thu 07/24/08 06:21 PM

Religion is fun not boring! One can create the best fantasy stories of all time!

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien is the study of Norse religions well mythologies now and Narnia by CS Lewis are the studies of Christianity into a fantasy world are but a couple of examples.

If one studies religion, linguistics, mythologies, and philology one can create the greatest stories for entertainment purposes of all time.

You should join all the clapping and singing and happy speeches . Oops....did I say speeches ?.
I can not stand them.
waving waving drinker drinker.

dangurtner's photo
Fri 07/25/08 12:54 AM
sooo... tell me a little about yourself... religion is boring to you. what do you find interesting?

Eljay's photo
Sat 07/26/08 12:54 AM

The thread says religion is boring and indeed it is getting more boring than ever before .

Actually - the thread says "Religion Id Boring"

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:08 AM

Sam.. \

What are you so angry about? You seem to be putting alot of effort into spreading that religion is a bad thing.

What has it done to you Sam?

Has it been a great disappointment in time of real need?

Most people when this happens do turn angry.

It is nothing new. But It is the people not the philosophy that is flawed.

We are nothing but specks of dust in time. What time we hjave here is nothing compared to the spirit world.

We may not see it but we know angels are thier.

Electricity, the wind sound. None of these we can see but they are real.

So are Angels who have stopped you from getting hurt many times.

Just think about times u stopped for no reason.

They are all around us we just do not recongonize them. We are not sure what to look for. Like the wind sound or electricity.

They are far greater though. Anger presents bitterness and this is a stress filled life.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

AMEN MIles!!!!

These boards are so ripe with contention that I just don't really bother.

I posted a few things to see what response I would get & most don't want to consider anything except what their small mindedness tells them.

They have the nerve to call it intellect &/or debate. It's not worth getting into spitting matches with people who want to bypass the love & experience in knowing God with "intellectual" discussion.

One can talk "about God" until the cows come home but unless they are willing to put their heart on the line..... they will never enter into God's rest.

Thank you for making people realize that whether they believe it or not God's protection is still around. :smile:

davidben1's photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:13 AM

Sam.. \

What are you so angry about? You seem to be putting alot of effort into spreading that religion is a bad thing.

What has it done to you Sam?

Has it been a great disappointment in time of real need?

Most people when this happens do turn angry.

It is nothing new. But It is the people not the philosophy that is flawed.

We are nothing but specks of dust in time. What time we hjave here is nothing compared to the spirit world.

We may not see it but we know angels are thier.

Electricity, the wind sound. None of these we can see but they are real.

So are Angels who have stopped you from getting hurt many times.

Just think about times u stopped for no reason.

They are all around us we just do not recongonize them. We are not sure what to look for. Like the wind sound or electricity.

They are far greater though. Anger presents bitterness and this is a stress filled life.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

AMEN MIles!!!!

These boards are so ripe with contention that I just don't really bother.

I posted a few things to see what response I would get & most don't want to consider anything except what their small mindedness tells them.

They have the nerve to call it intellect &/or debate. It's not worth getting into spitting matches with people who want to bypass the love & experience in knowing God with "intellectual" discussion.

One can talk "about God" until the cows come home but unless they are willing to put their heart on the line..... they will never enter into God's rest.

Thank you for making people realize that whether they believe it or not God's protection is still around. :smile:

why do you call people small minded?

why do you say others that speak their honest hearts should not have the nerve?

why do you say others do not put their hearts on the line, when many have much pain each day, and share their honest questions, and are told they are obstinate and intellectual for it?

why do you imply other people are hellbound, and then answer their questions?

how are you an ambassador of the love of jesus?

does my mind play tricks on can so many be condemed as ignorant and smallminded and this be love?

what you perceieve as contention is all honest reaction to your words, and these only ask why? percieved inconsistencies of what come out of your mouth, and no one should dare ask why?

why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why? why?

just questions, and not one accusation, just questions, begging for an honest answer to just ONE.

is not the world about free expression.........:cry:

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:33 AM

I find religion very boring and very unjust do you see it the same way ?.

religion is only boring when believers discuss the belief among each other because they choose to leave out the good stuff like the holy wars crusades inqusitions armageddon the four horsemen of the apocalypse the antichrist the beast the angel of death exorcisms promises of floods enslavement torture torment and let's not forget the party central of the after-life.. Hell

boring? ...heck you can't even see all that on the sci-fi channel

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:17 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Sat 07/26/08 03:21 PM
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Have you ever experienced an exorcism?
Have you ever experienced a room full of people being "under the power of God"?
Boring?? are you kidding me?

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:26 PM

Actually - the thread says "Religion Id Boring"

lol :laughing:

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:27 PM

so... tell me a little about yourself... religion is boring to you. what do you find interesting?

I find most of life interesting such as science , politics , music , sex and lots of it ,....and million of other things . Religion ?.............
man made crap that wants to control you in the most bizarre ways ever .

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Sun 07/27/08 06:07 PM
I find religion to be fascinating. The Purpose Driven Life greatly increased my understanding of it. Yeah, it can be tedious at times, but at other times, it can be exhilirating. Nothing else on earth like it.

Religion gets much more interesting when it's personal. If you have and cultivate a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and if you have him and the Holy Spirit in you, religion becomes a living, breathing thing and it becomes much more exciting.

Baptism adds to your understanding and the richness of your relationship in the Lord and thereafter communion becomes much more meaningful and exciting. And when you consider that during communion you are sharing the act with thousands of people all over the world, some taking communion at the very moment you are, it adds that much more to the act, to the covenant feast of the Lord.

Sam 53, I hope you find what is good and fascinating about religion and the Lord God in the near future. Even if you ARE a blue box!laugh