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Topic: Religion id boring .
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Sun 07/27/08 06:15 PM
Religion is a man made soap opera where the believers are parrots repeating what some folks said thousands of years ago . In fact there are thousands of religions and not only hundreds . For One crazy idea some believe that one and only religion is correct although many are very similar in many aspects . Add to this misery the history of blood on the hands of religion , the contradictions....etc and you are seeing humans in denial .

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Sun 07/27/08 06:37 PM
One reason people believe one religion is correct is because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me."

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 06:44 PM

One reason people believe one religion is correct is because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me."

You are reading from an old book that was not even written in English for many centuries .
This old book can not be proven correct as it means nothing . Show your proof , evidence , or any scientific or philosophical or logical baking . My friend you have NONE .
Repeating things like a parrot does not make them a truth or a reality or a scientific reality .

no photo
Sun 07/27/08 06:45 PM
Edited by sam53 on Sun 07/27/08 06:46 PM
Double Post .

no photo
Mon 07/28/08 06:42 AM
Edited by paul40 on Mon 07/28/08 06:43 AM

I find religion very boring and very unjust do you see it the same way ?.

Religion is more than boring . did you see them on TV asking for money all the time while they have huge mansions and live like kings ?.
Religion is among many other things a business .
Some priests do not get married and abuse small children and then the pope comes years later and gives his regrets and apologies ....etc.
The soap opera of religion will continue....!.

dangurtner's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:42 PM

One reason people believe one religion is correct is because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father but by me."

You are reading from an old book that was not even written in English for many centuries .
This old book can not be proven correct as it means nothing . Show your proof , evidence , or any scientific or philosophical or logical baking . My friend you have NONE .
Repeating things like a parrot does not make them a truth or a reality or a scientific reality .

see, that's where you don't get it: it's not about religion or parroting things out of a book that wasn't originally written in english, it's about a personal relationship with Christ...The proof is in finding Him yourself. I can't prove to you that God is real, or that he's the truth; you have to experience that on your own.
Go ahead, ask Him to reveal Himself to you...He will...you'll see.....what do you have to lose??

no photo
Thu 08/14/08 07:36 AM
i see religion as the opposite. I have a degree in religious studies not because i myself am religious, but as far as from the academic point of view i love learning why people believe what they do. To me now this is my personal view but everything in your life is affected by religion. You can say seperation of chruch and state'however look at our rules and look at the 10 commandments you can't lie under oath, you cannot commit murder, adultry is not permitted only 1 husband 1 wife, etc, etc. Then think about what your values you are, who raised you what were their values where did these values come from. To me this was a question that I loved to think about and not just about my own history but about other people why is the Jihad so important, what does the Quran say what are mohammads views why is he the last profit, why do hindus have multiple Gods, why do you eat certain foods , why are there certain holidays, how do pagan holidays and christian holidays relate, why do they relate, how did this happen, for me religion is one of the most exciting things int he world because of its social psychological impact on the world .... even those who don't believe are impacted.... but then again this is only my view!

davidben1's photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:44 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Thu 08/14/08 09:08 AM
oh, for the love of repeated words as wisdom, lol........

perceptions of text can be seen to be heard, as many in days past, based on perception peering thru good and evil, and so all words heard are as either a condemantion and damnation to some, and as good and glorious for others, and of course any that think they are of "god" and others are not, look and find words spoken that make oneself good and others evil, lol......

seems hearing was effected by what was most WISHED TO BE BELIEVED, not all of what was described in text, so it was found, lol...

indeed all the actions displayed and words spoken tell the desire of any human, lol.......

does not any human that wish to see themself as wise, find ready data to show wisdom, and if any wish to think themself as evil, so again can evidence be found by ones own actions, lol.....

if one says they have never done any evil, then one would say they are totally happy with each action ever committed, and have never lied, as a lie most believe to be evil, and if one would say they have never done evil, then who would not know such one has not seen themself, or has forgotten who they have been, lol......

if any declare they believe in god, then they would not lie, as text declares all thoughts of all men as coming from god, and all are as equal, and declare if the whole truth contained within itext is found, this would make one view all as such, but the perception of no bias would have to come first before reading, lol......

so naturally, many continue to read, without first having a neutral non-biased eyesight to hear with.......

this perception was as told in the very first book genisis, that eating or believing in good and evil perception from the poison tree of knowledge of good and evil would produce death and war amoung mankind, and put emnity between peoples, as indeed the interpretations that have come from such have been shown to have come true, as told in all history books, lol.....

so seems interpretations from text, cannot be thru this filter of perception, or they do the more of the same as witnessed everywhere, and indeed it was said that in days to come, predceeding a new beginning, the thoughts of words heard by all would be split or divided as some good and some evil, therefore making each think as evil, or see evil, as to seperate words into categories cannot produce wisdom, but a perception that has no choice but to perpetuate more evil, and why it is called as evil in text, as it be the only thing that can proceed evil being created, lol.......

indeed, it is seen this starts in the human brain, where each thought is heard as a good or bad thought, as certainally all actions with the hands come first from thoughts, and keep anyone from believing themself as all good, and then others as not good, and not believing what text said that all are children of god, but just seperated from whole wisdom for a time while mortal, to propell an illusion of good and evil, as what bad can exist if good does not exist as well, and visa versa, for the conscious mind to percieve and gain an understanding of the what the difference be...........

it is easiest to perceive thinking of oneself being born, and all being as perfect, no harm, no pain, no grief, no evil, no bad actions.....would one know any difference between the two?

so for a time this was as a dire neccessity, for mortals to be each one sent to a place of learning, as to a school system, each progressing from kindergarten thru collage, to make for each that return to perfect, now knowing what there is good, very good.......

it was also said that there would be a time that if civilization came to know all wisdom, by understanding themselves, then heaven or wisdom or truth or perfect would be created on earth, by freeing the power of minds to create without physical hands, and even many are around us that show such powers, but how could this be if there was thinking there was evil, and not seeing the thoughts tell how to erase evil, not erase "evil" people by killing them, lol.......

how can one believe they are good while the declaration go forth that many many many are evil, and indeed this was as good for then, but if "god" is only truth, and wisdom, why is this still required to be told, as it is a damned perception, that create misery for all mankind......

if it is seen any that create evil only do so because they were left to believe their own thoughts were as good and evil, and so now create such things not knowing what they are hearing from the mind are all as words just as prophecy, some being what is to come, some being what has already happened, and some being as what is now, and some telling only how one feel, and some telling only how another is thinking or feeling to give understanding of others, lol.........

god was spoken of to be whole truth, wisdom, heard by each, not a minds picture of one big guy sittin in a chair as a dictator of good and bad, as a ONE BEING judge of all beings as slaves, but each being a free moral agent, each heart determining what the want is, and all things whispered to each as thoughts all day long, are only describing what each being is encountering along their path, and that none can want to do evil if they truly know their own self, and understand their own thoughts, but what that has declared itself as speaking for god has told others how they are as well from god, and how this is so, as if one hear from god, then would they not know how each thought is from their own god, as wisdom from each one their own angel, or pefect self whispering form the other side of death, trying to teach a mortal all wisdom, and any that hear these things forsaking the poison apple, of hearing all thru good and evil, would be welcome back into the garden while alive, or have to wait for death to return, as all were said to come from the garden initially, so what that came from the garden cannot go back to it upon death, lol....... this was also called as heaven, lol

to think one hear all wisdom from god, and believe others do not, break even the simplest truth, that all are children, lol......

it seems to find that the mind is effected with a bias, a poison apple, as the apple of the eye be what one worship as good, be the only thing mankind was to see as the beginning of all wisdom, to begin to hear the wisdom even spoken to each one all day long, and this knowing allow hearing thru neutrallity, or just as data, and does not allow one to see others as ignorant, and what solution to anything cannot be found if each is seen as equal, and what another is descrbing with words be as real things felt and known, for the purpose of bringing all families and brothers and friends and lands and countries together, to create a place that all speakers of wisdom in days past have said was to come and gave clues as to how to create it.........peace

dawnyhi's photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:49 AM
was that spose to be is....now i just dont know sad

davidben1's photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:54 AM

was that spose to be is....now i just dont know sad

does one profess all things not understood as the ignorance of the writter, or the fault of the hearer.......hum

seems this perception held by either party would be as damned to not see or hear more, lol.....

so it is me that will take the blame, for writing such things that have no understandable meaning.......like i said many times, ramblings of an idiot.....

hey, do not even idiots have the freedom to share idiotic words of ignorance, lol........

dawnyhi's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:03 PM

was that spose to be is....now i just dont know sad

does one profess all things not understood as the ignorance of the writter, or the fault of the hearer.......hum

seems this perception held by either party would be as damned to not see or hear more, lol.....

so it is me that will take the blame, for writing such things that have no understandable meaning.......like i said many times, ramblings of an idiot.....

hey, do not even idiots have the freedom to share idiotic words of ignorance, lol........

i'm an idiot too...know that you too are loved

Dragoness's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:07 PM

I find religion very boring and very unjust do you see it the same way ?.

I guess it can be considered boring and unjust. I see it as a great deciet on the part of the churches and it is also dangerous because it is a brainwashing of sorts. Brainwashing can tell people anything is right and they will act on it even if it is not right to begin with.

no photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:59 PM

You get out of religion only what you put into it.

Confuscious say:

Most things are harder to get out of than into.smokin

dangurtner's photo
Sun 08/17/08 02:07 PM

was that spose to be is....now i just dont know sad

does one profess all things not understood as the ignorance of the writter, or the fault of the hearer.......hum

seems this perception held by either party would be as damned to not see or hear more, lol.....

so it is me that will take the blame, for writing such things that have no understandable meaning.......like i said many times, ramblings of an idiot.....

hey, do not even idiots have the freedom to share idiotic words of ignorance, lol........

You're not an idiot...
You seem to be a very happy person, lol-ing all the time laugh

Lord_Psycho's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:00 PM
Who cares!!!!! Get a job!!!!why bother with religion is religion gonna pay ur bills n ur hookers?

davidben1's photo
Sun 08/17/08 06:22 PM

was that spose to be is....now i just dont know sad

does one profess all things not understood as the ignorance of the writter, or the fault of the hearer.......hum

seems this perception held by either party would be as damned to not see or hear more, lol.....

so it is me that will take the blame, for writing such things that have no understandable meaning.......like i said many times, ramblings of an idiot.....

hey, do not even idiots have the freedom to share idiotic words of ignorance, lol........

You're not an idiot...
You seem to be a very happy person, lol-ing all the time laugh

most cannot percive thru the screen, that indeed what you say is true, lol......

is this not all just human nature, so what is wrong?

lol....seems more and more each day is percieved to be, lol..

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