Topic: Why do you believe what you believe
tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:12 AM

No, I was not meaning that. What i was trying to get across is this. If god is who he claims to be, and has infinite knowledge and infinite power also, then one would think at least that he would prototype his design and test it before putting it into existance "IF" he wanted it to remain perfect and turn out as he had planned without having to interfere with what was happening.


I didn't want to have to be the one to reveal this truth, but since you asked,..... WE ARE THE PROTOTYPE!

And we had flaws.

That is why the creators wanted to destroy us all, but some of them took pity on us and decided to let the experiment run a muck and see what happened.

And lots of really good things did happen. The depths of evil were matched with equal amounts of love and compassion in a natural balance of nature and consciousness. This turned out to be a good thing.

But the experiments and creations continue in another place. Want to know what the next human body will be like?

It will live around two thousand years. It will not procreate as much. It will be able to regrow a severed limb and it will have a better immune system. It will be both male and female. Yep that's what they are working on.

Of course this will be in another galaxy on a different planet, similar to earth.



frustrated frustrated frustrated :frustrated

ohwell :tongue:

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 11:47 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/12/08 11:48 AM

No, I was not meaning that. What i was trying to get across is this. If god is who he claims to be, and has infinite knowledge and infinite power also, then one would think at least that he would prototype his design and test it before putting it into existance "IF" he wanted it to remain perfect and turn out as he had planned without having to interfere with what was happening.


I didn't want to have to be the one to reveal this truth, but since you asked,..... WE ARE THE PROTOTYPE!

And we had flaws.

That is why the creators wanted to destroy us all, but some of them took pity on us and decided to let the experiment run a muck and see what happened.

And lots of really good things did happen. The depths of evil were matched with equal amounts of love and compassion in a natural balance of nature and consciousness. This turned out to be a good thing.

But the experiments and creations continue in another place. Want to know what the next human body will be like?

It will live around two thousand years. It will not procreate as much. It will be able to regrow a severed limb and it will have a better immune system. It will be both male and female. Yep that's what they are working on.

Of course this will be in another galaxy on a different planet, similar to earth.



frustrated frustrated frustrated :frustrated

ohwell :tongue:

Well that's what they told me they were working on anyway.:tongue: It makes sense to me. bigsmile

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 12:17 PM

There has been a lot of talk about about creation in the past few years. Following is what I believe. I believe there is a creation force. As such I believe there are three options to describe this force.

1) Random chance.
This option makes religion not necessary because there will be no judgment since there isn't anything to do the judging.

2) Intelligent design that is all knowing and all powerful.
This option makes religion not necessary because by the definition of all knowing this entity could tell you at the instant of your birth everything that you are going to do. I don't believe this entity would judge a person for doing everything exactly as it wanted it done and knew it would be done.

3) Intelligent design that is not all knowing and all powerful. This option does leave open the possibility of judgment, but judgment still doesn't seem to likely. Judgment from this entity would be equivalent to someone building a car that had flaws and blaming the car. This option seems to be more likely to involve reincarnation than judgment. The person is flawed in some way and as such needs to be fixed and given another chance.

I don't know which of the three options is true and I also believe there are other possibilities that I haven't considered. Right now I believe the most logical choice is number three, but I hope that anyone that sees flaws in my analysis will respond to the post. I am still, and hope to always be, a seeker of the truth.


4) you could just be dreaming it all

Eljay's photo
Sat 07/12/08 12:47 PM

"KNOWING" something and "CREATING" something are to different things. "IF" he is responsible for ""creating all that will take place"", then He "foreknew" how it would turn out! If therefore he "knew" how it would turn out "HE" that which created all future, created that which would occur. Thus he "FOREKNEW" the results. Either god foreknew what would happen or he is not infinitely knowing. Either god "CAN" no all future "before" it is created - or he can't! If he cant, he is a limited god as to knowledge. Your statement - GOD "CAN"T" KNOW THE FUTURE IF THE FUTURE WILL NEVER HAPPEN. limits god. How? - It was "HIS" future to "CREATE!" [[before it took place]]. He, with his infinite knowledge would surely "HAVE" to know what was going to unfold through out all future occurrences with man, if not then he is not infinitely knowledgeable. your statement that he cant know the future if it never happens is illogical, it was totally in his hands to create the future! Or are you stating that he is incapable of such wisdom or knowledge? if so then he is not an all knowing being. It either WAS his future to know, or it wasn't. It is not a matter of "the future will never happen" as to his knowing, it's a matter of that which he foreknew before he started to create that should have lit up a warning sign of what all would happen if he created things as he presumably did.. What "you" seem to be missing in my point is - god had or has the ability to think about what he decided to do before he actually proceeded to do it, all of it! therefore he could see before creation just how things would end up. If he gave us the ability to weight out are options to do or not do something in the limited ways that we do such, but does not use those faculties he gave us to do the same, then he is a stupid god. For he supposedly knows all at all times about everything.

Forgive me, but I only read the first few sentences. The Bible does not imply that God is responsible for "creating all that will take place", I have not suggested that God is either. I'm not sure if you are going onto a tangent or if you are making a strawman fallacy. We have free will, angels and humans alike. For that reason, God is only responsible for his own actions. Since God isn't creating the future, the only way God can know the future is because the future will happen.

OK, lets look at this from a different perspective spider, Your take, the christian take, i believe, is that once, as i read, that god is like someone in a helicopter watching a parade occurring from beginning to end all at once, for him there is no beginning middle or end to the parade while it takes place, from his vantage point he sees all correct?? is that what your trying to get across??

OK, if it is then, here's what I'm saying.

your god supposedly gave us our intellect or ability to think and create thoughts and dreams, etc. We as pathetic humans, as to infinite intellect or knowledge, still are able to come up with ideas such as making cars or planes or spacecraft correct?

when we do such thing's we take those thoughts we have thought and build what we think will work like a car for instance, it's called a ""prototype"" maybe only one of many to follow. the reason we do this is because there are many flaws usually that have to be worked out before it becomes something of use or offering to others in a meaningful way. Once we get to the point of working out those flaws as much as ""humanly"" possible, we go ahead with putting it into production, if all goes well the product sells and we move on to thinking about the next design(s).

BUT - with your god, it seems your saying that he just moves forward with faulty designs and fixes them, on the fly as they pop up over time. this causes me and other's problems because if we who are not the creator or have no infinite wisdom or knowledge, can see that it takes us to build "prototypes" in order to finalize our designs of things past, present, and future, that an "ALL" knowing infinite being who supposedly gave us this ability we have - would not in turn, use that same substance he gave us, to work things out before just haphazardously saying ""god said"". If your god can do no better than acting carelessly with his abilities then he is truly a stupid god. Why? Because his vanity, pride, ego, and self centeredness cloud what any human with any common sense would consider a must if he was given the challenge to do as your god supposedly has done.

If he was working for me as a designer and did not prototype his designs and just went ahead and started to mfg. said product's - i would fire him on the spot!! Yet you want to try and make me or others to believe what you say he's done is OK in your eyes? Hmmm??

all of what I've been trying to get at is this - if your god is to stupid to not take the time to run some test, do a prototype, or even think about doing such or thinking it out in a meaningful way as to not allowing such inconsistencies to take place as he has, ""BEFORE"" actually starting to create anything at all, then he is of lesser substance than that which he created. If that be the case then why would one not find him to be stupid? If I'm smarter than that which created me, why then do i need the creator? And why would i follow after such a being? And why would you or anyone else? I try to look at core questions that need to be answered as much as i possibly can - and this is a core question. Why did god not test this creation he set into motion out before going ahead with its beginning, knowing once it was set in motion he could not change anything that happened???

My sense of your logic as to "how the world should run" - and your passing judgement (as it were) on God over the events of the world in an historical and present scenario - leads me to believe that you somehow think God "looks ahead" after setting something in motion, in the hope that man will chose correctly.
And when man does not - God is somehow to blame for not having the for-sight to anticipate this. I might be wrong in my perception of what you are trying to say - but this is what I percieve you are saying.

I have a problem with this logic. You are allowing God to have omniscience - but are limiting His use of it lineally. That - though He may know of the future, He can only function "towards" it, rather than away from it. For God - time moves backwards. He knows of the choices that Man will make - yet He moves the hearts of man backward in time to bring about the "best" result (as it were) according to His will.
Most perception of this "behavior" of God is limited ONLY to the outcome of an event - not the "potential" of it, as this is beyond the limited scope of man to understand the results of what "might" have happened given their idea of how "history SHOULD have happened". An overblown example of this might be the hypothesis "What would have happened to the world population of the Jewish race had the Japanease NOT bombed Pearl Harbor?". It is concievable that every single Jew, Homosexual, Gypsy, or even those falsely accused of such in all of Europe succombed to the Great Solution. That the people of Russia be speaking German right now, and that every home in America have a commemorative poster of Hitler Hanging on the wall. Were that our reality today - there would still be those cursing God for stopping the Japanease bombing - instead of criticizing Him for allowing it to happen.

I always find it a bit amusing when I hear people claim they would have handled Jericho differently than God commanded Joshua. Like they think their presumed solution a possible alternative outcome. Yet they know nothing of what an alternative outcome would bring, since they would still be left with Man having the freedom of choice. This is the product of "Hollywood" think - for lack of a better analogy. Man percieving that they can look back into history and right percieved wrongs without having any idea of what their imagined "corrections" might produce. "The Butterfly Effect" captures this whole way of thinking quite nicely. But what amuses me the most - is that the many "complaints about God's incompetance in the Old Testament is never followed up with a "better solution". I wonder why that is? And here, we're expected to accept this as logical, when no logical alternative is introduced? Amusing.

hi eljay, this is the correct response i was reffering to. You need to invest in another computer - hahaha


leads me to believe that you somehow think God "looks ahead" after setting something in motion, in the hope that man will chose correctly.


No, I was not meaning that. What i was trying to get across is this. If god is who he claims to be, and has infinite knowledge and infinite power also, then one would think at least that he would prototype his design and test it before putting it into existance "IF" he wanted it to remain perfect and turn out as he had planned without having to interfere with what was happening.

After all it is his creation were talking of here, not mine. He as creator has the ability to create something perfectly and if it was created perfectly, then there would be no need to interfere with it at all. I respect your take on this and the anologies provided but it does not hit the core of what i'm asking.

which is - Why would a god with infinite wisdom and power and all else go ahead with something that he could not assure would remain in "perfect" condition? If "perfection" is all he is capable of, then in what sense do you see "this" world and man as perfection? And please dont state it's not completed yet, Why? because for millions it is finished, they are gone, to whatever awaited them. To me the caualties are not worth the needs of a vain god who does this for no other reason than wanting more creatures to adore and worship him.


I do not doubt that God's creation was perfect. I include man in this by the way. However it is this matter of Man's "thinking" and the freedom of choice. Note I did not say "free will". There is no such thing as "free will". I refer to Abra on this who's explination of the difference is all that is needed. I support this believe with the example of Jesus. The only "perfect man" to have walked this earth.

However - with the advent of "sin", death and destruction corrupts perfection. It's like giving a brand new toy to a toddler. Perfect out of the box - hardly to remain so.

The question that I cannot find a response to, is "Why would God - knowing that man was to fail, bother to create Him?" I have no "logical argument" to support this - when clearly, it appears illogical to me as well. However, I don't offer up a viable solution - or alternative to God's ability to have done it "another way", without having created a race of "automitons" or whatever the word for a creature who does nothing more than react the way animals do. This seems boring to me. And what purpose would life have without the ability to make choices?

I tend to find that the bible serves as a better explination of the account of man than any other alternative that I've come across at this point in my short life. I don't need the bible to explain to me that the actions of man are essentially evil - by that, I mean self serving, self centered, selfish, and all of the "me, me, me's" we have in our language. I see it all around me every day. I am guilty of it myself.
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - or so the scriptures say. I haven't met anyone in my 50+ years on this planet to prove this statement wrong. Have you?

This isn't the same thing as saying - "everyone is a sinner". It doesn't say this anywhere in the bible that I've seen. The difference between these two statements, to me, is one merely states that at some point in life, everyone is going to chose wrong. The latter statement - to me - indicates that man, when given a choice, will desire to chose wrong. I don't believe this to be the case. Just that man is capable of it, and at some time or another - will do so. Granted - there are some people who are just plain evil - and will desire to "sin", whenever given the choice, but this is not society at large.

So - do we lay blame on God for the choices Man has/is/will make? If so - what was the alternative's for man at his creation? I've asked this question over and over, have yet to see a response to it. Just "well - he could have", which is no response.


tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 01:23 PM

"KNOWING" something and "CREATING" something are to different things. "IF" he is responsible for ""creating all that will take place"", then He "foreknew" how it would turn out! If therefore he "knew" how it would turn out "HE" that which created all future, created that which would occur. Thus he "FOREKNEW" the results. Either god foreknew what would happen or he is not infinitely knowing. Either god "CAN" no all future "before" it is created - or he can't! If he cant, he is a limited god as to knowledge. Your statement - GOD "CAN"T" KNOW THE FUTURE IF THE FUTURE WILL NEVER HAPPEN. limits god. How? - It was "HIS" future to "CREATE!" [[before it took place]]. He, with his infinite knowledge would surely "HAVE" to know what was going to unfold through out all future occurrences with man, if not then he is not infinitely knowledgeable. your statement that he cant know the future if it never happens is illogical, it was totally in his hands to create the future! Or are you stating that he is incapable of such wisdom or knowledge? if so then he is not an all knowing being. It either WAS his future to know, or it wasn't. It is not a matter of "the future will never happen" as to his knowing, it's a matter of that which he foreknew before he started to create that should have lit up a warning sign of what all would happen if he created things as he presumably did.. What "you" seem to be missing in my point is - god had or has the ability to think about what he decided to do before he actually proceeded to do it, all of it! therefore he could see before creation just how things would end up. If he gave us the ability to weight out are options to do or not do something in the limited ways that we do such, but does not use those faculties he gave us to do the same, then he is a stupid god. For he supposedly knows all at all times about everything.

Forgive me, but I only read the first few sentences. The Bible does not imply that God is responsible for "creating all that will take place", I have not suggested that God is either. I'm not sure if you are going onto a tangent or if you are making a strawman fallacy. We have free will, angels and humans alike. For that reason, God is only responsible for his own actions. Since God isn't creating the future, the only way God can know the future is because the future will happen.

OK, lets look at this from a different perspective spider, Your take, the christian take, i believe, is that once, as i read, that god is like someone in a helicopter watching a parade occurring from beginning to end all at once, for him there is no beginning middle or end to the parade while it takes place, from his vantage point he sees all correct?? is that what your trying to get across??

OK, if it is then, here's what I'm saying.

your god supposedly gave us our intellect or ability to think and create thoughts and dreams, etc. We as pathetic humans, as to infinite intellect or knowledge, still are able to come up with ideas such as making cars or planes or spacecraft correct?

when we do such thing's we take those thoughts we have thought and build what we think will work like a car for instance, it's called a ""prototype"" maybe only one of many to follow. the reason we do this is because there are many flaws usually that have to be worked out before it becomes something of use or offering to others in a meaningful way. Once we get to the point of working out those flaws as much as ""humanly"" possible, we go ahead with putting it into production, if all goes well the product sells and we move on to thinking about the next design(s).

BUT - with your god, it seems your saying that he just moves forward with faulty designs and fixes them, on the fly as they pop up over time. this causes me and other's problems because if we who are not the creator or have no infinite wisdom or knowledge, can see that it takes us to build "prototypes" in order to finalize our designs of things past, present, and future, that an "ALL" knowing infinite being who supposedly gave us this ability we have - would not in turn, use that same substance he gave us, to work things out before just haphazardously saying ""god said"". If your god can do no better than acting carelessly with his abilities then he is truly a stupid god. Why? Because his vanity, pride, ego, and self centeredness cloud what any human with any common sense would consider a must if he was given the challenge to do as your god supposedly has done.

If he was working for me as a designer and did not prototype his designs and just went ahead and started to mfg. said product's - i would fire him on the spot!! Yet you want to try and make me or others to believe what you say he's done is OK in your eyes? Hmmm??

all of what I've been trying to get at is this - if your god is to stupid to not take the time to run some test, do a prototype, or even think about doing such or thinking it out in a meaningful way as to not allowing such inconsistencies to take place as he has, ""BEFORE"" actually starting to create anything at all, then he is of lesser substance than that which he created. If that be the case then why would one not find him to be stupid? If I'm smarter than that which created me, why then do i need the creator? And why would i follow after such a being? And why would you or anyone else? I try to look at core questions that need to be answered as much as i possibly can - and this is a core question. Why did god not test this creation he set into motion out before going ahead with its beginning, knowing once it was set in motion he could not change anything that happened???

My sense of your logic as to "how the world should run" - and your passing judgement (as it were) on God over the events of the world in an historical and present scenario - leads me to believe that you somehow think God "looks ahead" after setting something in motion, in the hope that man will chose correctly.
And when man does not - God is somehow to blame for not having the for-sight to anticipate this. I might be wrong in my perception of what you are trying to say - but this is what I percieve you are saying.

I have a problem with this logic. You are allowing God to have omniscience - but are limiting His use of it lineally. That - though He may know of the future, He can only function "towards" it, rather than away from it. For God - time moves backwards. He knows of the choices that Man will make - yet He moves the hearts of man backward in time to bring about the "best" result (as it were) according to His will.
Most perception of this "behavior" of God is limited ONLY to the outcome of an event - not the "potential" of it, as this is beyond the limited scope of man to understand the results of what "might" have happened given their idea of how "history SHOULD have happened". An overblown example of this might be the hypothesis "What would have happened to the world population of the Jewish race had the Japanease NOT bombed Pearl Harbor?". It is concievable that every single Jew, Homosexual, Gypsy, or even those falsely accused of such in all of Europe succombed to the Great Solution. That the people of Russia be speaking German right now, and that every home in America have a commemorative poster of Hitler Hanging on the wall. Were that our reality today - there would still be those cursing God for stopping the Japanease bombing - instead of criticizing Him for allowing it to happen.

I always find it a bit amusing when I hear people claim they would have handled Jericho differently than God commanded Joshua. Like they think their presumed solution a possible alternative outcome. Yet they know nothing of what an alternative outcome would bring, since they would still be left with Man having the freedom of choice. This is the product of "Hollywood" think - for lack of a better analogy. Man percieving that they can look back into history and right percieved wrongs without having any idea of what their imagined "corrections" might produce. "The Butterfly Effect" captures this whole way of thinking quite nicely. But what amuses me the most - is that the many "complaints about God's incompetance in the Old Testament is never followed up with a "better solution". I wonder why that is? And here, we're expected to accept this as logical, when no logical alternative is introduced? Amusing.

hi eljay, this is the correct response i was reffering to. You need to invest in another computer - hahaha


leads me to believe that you somehow think God "looks ahead" after setting something in motion, in the hope that man will chose correctly.


No, I was not meaning that. What i was trying to get across is this. If god is who he claims to be, and has infinite knowledge and infinite power also, then one would think at least that he would prototype his design and test it before putting it into existance "IF" he wanted it to remain perfect and turn out as he had planned without having to interfere with what was happening.

After all it is his creation were talking of here, not mine. He as creator has the ability to create something perfectly and if it was created perfectly, then there would be no need to interfere with it at all. I respect your take on this and the anologies provided but it does not hit the core of what i'm asking.

which is - Why would a god with infinite wisdom and power and all else go ahead with something that he could not assure would remain in "perfect" condition? If "perfection" is all he is capable of, then in what sense do you see "this" world and man as perfection? And please dont state it's not completed yet, Why? because for millions it is finished, they are gone, to whatever awaited them. To me the casualties are not worth the needs of a vain god who does this for no other reason than wanting more creatures to adore and worship him.


I do not doubt that God's creation was perfect. I include man in this by the way. However it is this matter of Man's "thinking" and the freedom of choice. Note I did not say "free will". There is no such thing as "free will". I refer to Abra on this who's explination of the difference is all that is needed. I support this believe with the example of Jesus. The only "perfect man" to have walked this earth.

However - with the advent of "sin", death and destruction corrupts perfection. It's like giving a brand new toy to a toddler. Perfect out of the box - hardly to remain so.

The question that I cannot find a response to, is "Why would God - knowing that man was to fail, bother to create Him?" I have no "logical argument" to support this - when clearly, it appears illogical to me as well. However, I don't offer up a viable solution - or alternative to God's ability to have done it "another way", without having created a race of "automitons" or whatever the word for a creature who does nothing more than react the way animals do. This seems boring to me. And what purpose would life have without the ability to make choices?

I tend to find that the bible serves as a better explination of the account of man than any other alternative that I've come across at this point in my short life. I don't need the bible to explain to me that the actions of man are essentially evil - by that, I mean self serving, self centered, selfish, and all of the "me, me, me's" we have in our language. I see it all around me every day. I am guilty of it myself.
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - or so the scriptures say. I haven't met anyone in my 50+ years on this planet to prove this statement wrong. Have you?

This isn't the same thing as saying - "everyone is a sinner". It doesn't say this anywhere in the bible that I've seen. The difference between these two statements, to me, is one merely states that at some point in life, everyone is going to chose wrong. The latter statement - to me - indicates that man, when given a choice, will desire to chose wrong. I don't believe this to be the case. Just that man is capable of it, and at some time or another - will do so. Granted - there are some people who are just plain evil - and will desire to "sin", whenever given the choice, but this is not society at large.

So - do we lay blame on God for the choices Man has/is/will make? If so - what was the alternative's for man at his creation? I've asked this question over and over, have yet to see a response to it. Just "well - he could have", which is no response.


I agree with your take on man's selfishness or self centeredness, even writing a book on it.

However, since there is no answer to why god did as he did, it still leaves a gap so to say as to who he really is. I can see your points as to the automatons and all, have heard those before/robots

- But no one can tell me why? If god already had angels acting the way they did and saw what free will was or could end up doing, god would continue to create man or anything else? All I can see is that he wants or "needs" to be worshipped and this is his goal, it rings true through out the entire bible!! If all he wants is worship and adoration and praise, why not just end it with the angels? Why bring man into it at all? This smells of a VERY vain being to me indeed. He "intentionally" made us to serve this purpose. With out giving anyone a choice before hand, as to whether or not we would like to participate in this plan of his. That wreaks of control to me not someone who is being fair or giving us the ability to look at the game first and have the rules explained and then deciding on our own if we want to play or not. I was not asked! and if i had been, the answer would have been NO! i was not given a choice, it was put upon me, this is not a just god to me at all. He wreaks of the same selfishness i see within myself and all mankind. If he is not above his creation and better than his creation then he either is not the creator or he is mans creation.MO

Eljay's photo
Sat 07/12/08 02:10 PM

"KNOWING" something and "CREATING" something are to different things. "IF" he is responsible for ""creating all that will take place"", then He "foreknew" how it would turn out! If therefore he "knew" how it would turn out "HE" that which created all future, created that which would occur. Thus he "FOREKNEW" the results. Either god foreknew what would happen or he is not infinitely knowing. Either god "CAN" no all future "before" it is created - or he can't! If he cant, he is a limited god as to knowledge. Your statement - GOD "CAN"T" KNOW THE FUTURE IF THE FUTURE WILL NEVER HAPPEN. limits god. How? - It was "HIS" future to "CREATE!" [[before it took place]]. He, with his infinite knowledge would surely "HAVE" to know what was going to unfold through out all future occurrences with man, if not then he is not infinitely knowledgeable. your statement that he cant know the future if it never happens is illogical, it was totally in his hands to create the future! Or are you stating that he is incapable of such wisdom or knowledge? if so then he is not an all knowing being. It either WAS his future to know, or it wasn't. It is not a matter of "the future will never happen" as to his knowing, it's a matter of that which he foreknew before he started to create that should have lit up a warning sign of what all would happen if he created things as he presumably did.. What "you" seem to be missing in my point is - god had or has the ability to think about what he decided to do before he actually proceeded to do it, all of it! therefore he could see before creation just how things would end up. If he gave us the ability to weight out are options to do or not do something in the limited ways that we do such, but does not use those faculties he gave us to do the same, then he is a stupid god. For he supposedly knows all at all times about everything.

Forgive me, but I only read the first few sentences. The Bible does not imply that God is responsible for "creating all that will take place", I have not suggested that God is either. I'm not sure if you are going onto a tangent or if you are making a strawman fallacy. We have free will, angels and humans alike. For that reason, God is only responsible for his own actions. Since God isn't creating the future, the only way God can know the future is because the future will happen.

OK, lets look at this from a different perspective spider, Your take, the christian take, i believe, is that once, as i read, that god is like someone in a helicopter watching a parade occurring from beginning to end all at once, for him there is no beginning middle or end to the parade while it takes place, from his vantage point he sees all correct?? is that what your trying to get across??

OK, if it is then, here's what I'm saying.

your god supposedly gave us our intellect or ability to think and create thoughts and dreams, etc. We as pathetic humans, as to infinite intellect or knowledge, still are able to come up with ideas such as making cars or planes or spacecraft correct?

when we do such thing's we take those thoughts we have thought and build what we think will work like a car for instance, it's called a ""prototype"" maybe only one of many to follow. the reason we do this is because there are many flaws usually that have to be worked out before it becomes something of use or offering to others in a meaningful way. Once we get to the point of working out those flaws as much as ""humanly"" possible, we go ahead with putting it into production, if all goes well the product sells and we move on to thinking about the next design(s).

BUT - with your god, it seems your saying that he just moves forward with faulty designs and fixes them, on the fly as they pop up over time. this causes me and other's problems because if we who are not the creator or have no infinite wisdom or knowledge, can see that it takes us to build "prototypes" in order to finalize our designs of things past, present, and future, that an "ALL" knowing infinite being who supposedly gave us this ability we have - would not in turn, use that same substance he gave us, to work things out before just haphazardously saying ""god said"". If your god can do no better than acting carelessly with his abilities then he is truly a stupid god. Why? Because his vanity, pride, ego, and self centeredness cloud what any human with any common sense would consider a must if he was given the challenge to do as your god supposedly has done.

If he was working for me as a designer and did not prototype his designs and just went ahead and started to mfg. said product's - i would fire him on the spot!! Yet you want to try and make me or others to believe what you say he's done is OK in your eyes? Hmmm??

all of what I've been trying to get at is this - if your god is to stupid to not take the time to run some test, do a prototype, or even think about doing such or thinking it out in a meaningful way as to not allowing such inconsistencies to take place as he has, ""BEFORE"" actually starting to create anything at all, then he is of lesser substance than that which he created. If that be the case then why would one not find him to be stupid? If I'm smarter than that which created me, why then do i need the creator? And why would i follow after such a being? And why would you or anyone else? I try to look at core questions that need to be answered as much as i possibly can - and this is a core question. Why did god not test this creation he set into motion out before going ahead with its beginning, knowing once it was set in motion he could not change anything that happened???

My sense of your logic as to "how the world should run" - and your passing judgement (as it were) on God over the events of the world in an historical and present scenario - leads me to believe that you somehow think God "looks ahead" after setting something in motion, in the hope that man will chose correctly.
And when man does not - God is somehow to blame for not having the for-sight to anticipate this. I might be wrong in my perception of what you are trying to say - but this is what I percieve you are saying.

I have a problem with this logic. You are allowing God to have omniscience - but are limiting His use of it lineally. That - though He may know of the future, He can only function "towards" it, rather than away from it. For God - time moves backwards. He knows of the choices that Man will make - yet He moves the hearts of man backward in time to bring about the "best" result (as it were) according to His will.
Most perception of this "behavior" of God is limited ONLY to the outcome of an event - not the "potential" of it, as this is beyond the limited scope of man to understand the results of what "might" have happened given their idea of how "history SHOULD have happened". An overblown example of this might be the hypothesis "What would have happened to the world population of the Jewish race had the Japanease NOT bombed Pearl Harbor?". It is concievable that every single Jew, Homosexual, Gypsy, or even those falsely accused of such in all of Europe succombed to the Great Solution. That the people of Russia be speaking German right now, and that every home in America have a commemorative poster of Hitler Hanging on the wall. Were that our reality today - there would still be those cursing God for stopping the Japanease bombing - instead of criticizing Him for allowing it to happen.

I always find it a bit amusing when I hear people claim they would have handled Jericho differently than God commanded Joshua. Like they think their presumed solution a possible alternative outcome. Yet they know nothing of what an alternative outcome would bring, since they would still be left with Man having the freedom of choice. This is the product of "Hollywood" think - for lack of a better analogy. Man percieving that they can look back into history and right percieved wrongs without having any idea of what their imagined "corrections" might produce. "The Butterfly Effect" captures this whole way of thinking quite nicely. But what amuses me the most - is that the many "complaints about God's incompetance in the Old Testament is never followed up with a "better solution". I wonder why that is? And here, we're expected to accept this as logical, when no logical alternative is introduced? Amusing.

hi eljay, this is the correct response i was reffering to. You need to invest in another computer - hahaha


leads me to believe that you somehow think God "looks ahead" after setting something in motion, in the hope that man will chose correctly.


No, I was not meaning that. What i was trying to get across is this. If god is who he claims to be, and has infinite knowledge and infinite power also, then one would think at least that he would prototype his design and test it before putting it into existance "IF" he wanted it to remain perfect and turn out as he had planned without having to interfere with what was happening.

After all it is his creation were talking of here, not mine. He as creator has the ability to create something perfectly and if it was created perfectly, then there would be no need to interfere with it at all. I respect your take on this and the anologies provided but it does not hit the core of what i'm asking.

which is - Why would a god with infinite wisdom and power and all else go ahead with something that he could not assure would remain in "perfect" condition? If "perfection" is all he is capable of, then in what sense do you see "this" world and man as perfection? And please dont state it's not completed yet, Why? because for millions it is finished, they are gone, to whatever awaited them. To me the casualties are not worth the needs of a vain god who does this for no other reason than wanting more creatures to adore and worship him.


I do not doubt that God's creation was perfect. I include man in this by the way. However it is this matter of Man's "thinking" and the freedom of choice. Note I did not say "free will". There is no such thing as "free will". I refer to Abra on this who's explination of the difference is all that is needed. I support this believe with the example of Jesus. The only "perfect man" to have walked this earth.

However - with the advent of "sin", death and destruction corrupts perfection. It's like giving a brand new toy to a toddler. Perfect out of the box - hardly to remain so.

The question that I cannot find a response to, is "Why would God - knowing that man was to fail, bother to create Him?" I have no "logical argument" to support this - when clearly, it appears illogical to me as well. However, I don't offer up a viable solution - or alternative to God's ability to have done it "another way", without having created a race of "automitons" or whatever the word for a creature who does nothing more than react the way animals do. This seems boring to me. And what purpose would life have without the ability to make choices?

I tend to find that the bible serves as a better explination of the account of man than any other alternative that I've come across at this point in my short life. I don't need the bible to explain to me that the actions of man are essentially evil - by that, I mean self serving, self centered, selfish, and all of the "me, me, me's" we have in our language. I see it all around me every day. I am guilty of it myself.
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - or so the scriptures say. I haven't met anyone in my 50+ years on this planet to prove this statement wrong. Have you?

This isn't the same thing as saying - "everyone is a sinner". It doesn't say this anywhere in the bible that I've seen. The difference between these two statements, to me, is one merely states that at some point in life, everyone is going to chose wrong. The latter statement - to me - indicates that man, when given a choice, will desire to chose wrong. I don't believe this to be the case. Just that man is capable of it, and at some time or another - will do so. Granted - there are some people who are just plain evil - and will desire to "sin", whenever given the choice, but this is not society at large.

So - do we lay blame on God for the choices Man has/is/will make? If so - what was the alternative's for man at his creation? I've asked this question over and over, have yet to see a response to it. Just "well - he could have", which is no response.


I agree with your take on man's selfishness or self centeredness, even writing a book on it.

However, since there is no answer to why god did as he did, it still leaves a gap so to say as to who he really is. I can see your points as to the automatons and all, have heard those before/robots

- But no one can tell me why? If god already had angels acting the way they did and saw what free will was or could end up doing, god would continue to create man or anything else? All I can see is that he wants or "needs" to be worshipped and this is his goal, it rings true through out the entire bible!! If all he wants is worship and adoration and praise, why not just end it with the angels? Why bring man into it at all? This smells of a VERY vain being to me indeed. He "intentionally" made us to serve this purpose. With out giving anyone a choice before hand, as to whether or not we would like to participate in this plan of his. That wreaks of control to me not someone who is being fair or giving us the ability to look at the game first and have the rules explained and then deciding on our own if we want to play or not. I was not asked! and if i had been, the answer would have been NO! i was not given a choice, it was put upon me, this is not a just god to me at all. He wreaks of the same selfishness i see within myself and all mankind. If he is not above his creation and better than his creation then he either is not the creator or he is mans creation.MO

I understand your "objection" (for lack of a better word) to your perception of God. I do not disagree with it either. However, I have come to terms with it - without giving up anything of my personality or being. It comes down to the concept of "worship". I'm not saying that it is "fair" that God requires worship from His creation - just that this is the way it is. In my youth, this angered me. This lack of having any say in this matter. Having given this some thought as the years went by, I realized that I had nothing to add to the "Law" as it were, and no viable alternative. I also began to realize that I had no power to prevent the consequence of disagreeing with God's "Law" - reguardless of how "rightious" I thought I was being. At this point, I decided to not get wrapped up in the whole idea of what I understood "worship" to be, and instead thought of it as nothing more than "giving in to the reality of God's existance". Percieving life and "worship" in this manner - (as merely acceptance of the idea that God's way might be a better one than my idea of it - to me this is worship) changed me, - radically. This new reality co-incided with my entire change of perception of my parents. I grew up under severly strict circumstances - of which I rebelled against vehemently - only to suffer the consequences thereof. I came to the realization one day that my father was not an idiot - I was, not realizing the purpose behind the strict rules that had been established. They were never to my detriment, and had I heeded them, I would not have participated in a number of behaviors I thought I would enjoy - but later came to regret. I liken this experience of reality with my parents - to my experience with God.

This does nothing to add to the confusion I share with you of why God created the angels (particularly the rebelous ones) and man - only to suffer at the hands of their own choices. But until I can reason out a "better way" than seeking out the wisdom of God to exist in this "hell's playground" I wake up to every morning, I'm pretty much getting through it much better with His help than I ever thought I could without it. I don't concern myself with the fact that this God will stand as the witness to man's facing his own judgement at the end of "days", for I remain as everyone else does - concerned "ultimately" for myself. This does not mean I am not concerned for the choice of others, I genuinely feel for people who make destructive choices for themselves, and long to help them - but i cannot make decisions for them. They do that for themselves, and once they've done that, I feel no compulsion to sacrifice myself because of their consequesnces. I can do no more than empathise.

So - this selfishness of God I see only for the good of man - not his demise. This I attribute to the selfishness of man.

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 03:26 PM
I agree with your take on man's selfishness or self centeredness, even writing a book on it.

However, since there is no answer to why god did as he did, it still leaves a gap so to say as to who he really is. I can see your points as to the automatons and all, have heard those before/robots

- But no one can tell me why? If god already had angels acting the way they did and saw what free will was or could end up doing, god would continue to create man or anything else? All I can see is that he wants or "needs" to be worshiped and this is his goal, it rings true through out the entire bible!! If all he wants is worship and adoration and praise, why not just end it with the angels? Why bring man into it at all? This smells of a VERY vain being to me indeed. He "intentionally" made us to serve this purpose. With out giving anyone a choice before hand, as to whether or not we would like to participate in this plan of his. That wreaks of control to me not someone who is being fair or giving us the ability to look at the game first and have the rules explained and then deciding on our own if we want to play or not. I was not asked! and if i had been, the answer would have been NO! i was not given a choice, it was put upon me, this is not a just god to me at all. He wreaks of the same selfishness i see within myself and all mankind. If he is not above his creation and better than his creation then he either is not the creator or he is mans creation.MO

LOL You are sounding like Abracadabra here Tribo.

But if you look at it from the viewpoint that WE ARE GOD and that we manifested as the angels and as mankind and as all things in the universe then you can see VERY CLEARLY what GOD'S PURPOSE IS.

To exist, to be conscious of self, to live, to love, to be free.

We HAD TO GIVE OURSELVES "FREE WILL" because we want to be free. God wants to be completely free, and want to experience life from every aspect with a different point of view and take that knowledge and experience back to ITS core being.

Soul is free. Source wants to live and be free. Why would it manifest creatures who were not free if It wants to inhabit them and live through them?

Ultimately, the creation is a self realized creature who has the capacity for love and joy and the desire to create things.


tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 03:42 PM

I agree with your take on man's selfishness or self centeredness, even writing a book on it.

However, since there is no answer to why god did as he did, it still leaves a gap so to say as to who he really is. I can see your points as to the automatons and all, have heard those before/robots

- But no one can tell me why? If god already had angels acting the way they did and saw what free will was or could end up doing, god would continue to create man or anything else? All I can see is that he wants or "needs" to be worshiped and this is his goal, it rings true through out the entire bible!! If all he wants is worship and adoration and praise, why not just end it with the angels? Why bring man into it at all? This smells of a VERY vain being to me indeed. He "intentionally" made us to serve this purpose. With out giving anyone a choice before hand, as to whether or not we would like to participate in this plan of his. That wreaks of control to me not someone who is being fair or giving us the ability to look at the game first and have the rules explained and then deciding on our own if we want to play or not. I was not asked! and if i had been, the answer would have been NO! i was not given a choice, it was put upon me, this is not a just god to me at all. He wreaks of the same selfishness i see within myself and all mankind. If he is not above his creation and better than his creation then he either is not the creator or he is mans creation.MO

LOL You are sounding like Abracadabra here Tribo.

LOL You are sounding like Abracadabra here Tribo.
To exist, to be conscious of self, to live, to love, to be free.

We HAD TO GIVE OURSELVES "FREE WILL" because we want to be free. God wants to be completely free, and want to experience life from every aspect with a different point of view and take that knowledge and experience back to ITS core being.

Soul is free. Source wants to live and be free. Why would it manifest creatures who were not free if It wants to inhabit them and live through them?

Ultimately, the creation is a self realized creature who has the capacity for love and joy and the desire to create things.


LOL You are sounding like Abracadabra here Tribo.

uh oh - now i really do need someone to pray to - hahaha


We HAD TO GIVE OURSELVES "FREE WILL" because we want to be free. God wants to be completely free, and want to experience life from every aspect with a different point of view and take that knowledge and experience back to ITS core being.


hmmm? again, your starting to sound to religious to me JB, sorry. Now your giving the creative force conscience and will and purpose and human qualities. sorry no go. We may believe similarly but not the same.

Soul is free. Source wants to live and be free. Why would it manifest creatures who were not free if It wants to inhabit them and live through them?


my force wants nothing of the kind, it's only purpose is to bring forth creative substance into bieng - period.


Ultimately, the creation is a self realized creature who has the capacity for love and joy and the desire to create things.


praise the source!! - you've found religion!!

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/12/08 04:05 PM

my force wants nothing of the kind, it's only purpose is to bring forth creative substance into bieng - period.

Yes, originally, that was the intent. It still is at its core.

But that creative substance became conscious and evolved. It grew and manifested. It divided into many directions and many points of view.

Yet that same original creative substance is still the same as it was in the beginning. It has not changed.

What comes forth from it changes and become conscious and continues to manifest its own creations using the original creative force.

All manner of things that you can imagine and more exist, and all come from that original creative force.

May the force be with you and may you learn to use it.drinker


There are many parts of the whole that may not appear to be free, in body. They make up the body of things that serve to function as environments and who knows what all. It is the more conscious individual that desires freedom. The less conscious things probably don't mind being a rock for billions of years. But eventually consciousness move through all things and finds a body, like a humanoid, that can think and be aware and create.


no photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:08 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/12/08 04:20 PM

my force wants nothing of the kind, it's only purpose is to bring forth creative substance into being - period.

If that is all "your force" wants, what is the point?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

What then?

hmmm? again, your starting to sound to religious to me JB, sorry. Now your giving the creative force conscience and will and purpose and human qualities. sorry no go. We may believe similarly but not the same

The "creators" and the prime source are not exactly the same thing.

The creators do have consciousness, will and purpose. Some have human qualities too. They are not prime source, they are the users of the force. Do I have to explain every detail to you? Geeeeeeze laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:24 PM


my force wants nothing of the kind, it's only purpose is to bring forth creative substance into being - period.

Yes, originally, that was the intent. It still is at its core.

But that creative substance became conscious and evolved. It grew and manifested. It divided into many directions and many points of view.

Yet that same original creative substance is still the same as it was in the beginning. It has not changed.

What comes forth from it changes and become conscious and continues to manifest its own creations using the original creative force.

All manner of things that you can imagine and more exist, and all come from that original creative force.

May the force be with you and may you learn to use it.drinker



Yes, originally, that was the intent. It still is at its core.


My source has no "intent" it can act no other way that it does. It is not mind, or thought,nor does it have intentions, or anything thought of by man.


But that creative substance became conscious and evolved. It grew and manifested. It divided into many directions and many points of view.


all that the source brought forth was complete, their was no time involved, it was complete from its beginning, your talking of evolution - I'm not. I'm talking or stating that for me - the CF brought all into existence at once, simultaneously - it was not - and then was. consider it a universal belch! - hahaha


Yet that same original creative substance is still the same as it was in the beginning. It has not changed.


yep always will be.


What comes forth from it changes and become conscious and continues to manifest its own creations using the original creative force.


if you wish to believe that go right ahead.


All manner of things that you can imagine and more exist, and all come from that original creative force.


What i can imagine are my imaginations. They "exist" only in my imaginations. If more exist beyond my imaginations, then i will not positively know of them til they show themselves and are recognizable by me, even if the CF has done so. till then it is only speculation and theory. what i don't know, i don't know.

tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 04:41 PM


my force wants nothing of the kind, it's only purpose is to bring forth creative substance into being - period.

If that is all "your force" wants, what is the point?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

What then?

hmmm? again, your starting to sound to religious to me JB, sorry. Now your giving the creative force conscience and will and purpose and human qualities. sorry no go. We may believe similarly but not the same

The "creators" and the prime source are not exactly the same thing.

The creators do have consciousness, will and purpose. Some have human qualities too. They are not prime source, they are the users of the force. Do I have to explain every detail to you? Geeeeeeze laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


The creators do have consciousness, will and purpose. Some have human qualities too. They are not prime source, they are the users of the force. Do I have to explain every detail to you? Geeeeeeze


No baby we just believe differently when it comes to there being - "enumerable" - creators - not saying your wrong, just saying that's not something i agree with at this point in time.


The "creators" and the prime source are not exactly the same thing.


No there not. I again don't agree that others exist that can create, anywhere in the universe.
all that was created was done so at once, if anything its changing but not evolving. It may be even devolving, or decaying. don't know for sure yet, may never.


If that is all "your force" wants, what is the point?


everything you see is the point.

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:04 PM

No there not. I again don't agree that others exist that can create, anywhere in the universe.
all that was created was done so at once, if anything its changing but not evolving. It may be even devolving, or decaying. don't know for sure yet, may never.

Interesting theory. How do you suppose that happened?

A raw creative energy just burped and presto!... the entire infinite universe appeared down to the very last butterfly?

Did it come from another universe? Where did the information come from?

(This universe is energy and information, where did that information come from?)

I do find that extremely hard to believe. Please explain to me how that could happen.

I would like to discuss this with you on another thread.

What about it?


no photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:18 PM
I again don't agree that others exist that can create, anywhere in the universe.

I see creators in training everywhere in this reality. Imagination and creativity rule the world. If we were not creative we would be nothing but robots. I cannot imagine a world with no creators. The universe is abundantly creative and the creative force flows through all things, that is consciousness at work.

A universe without creators is a dead universe. sad That picture of a universe is the atheist view. frown indifferent

indifferent A dead universe is a non-existent universe because given the nature of infinity we would have been long gone if we did not continue to recreate ourselves.

all that was created was done so at once,

I'm trying to picture that. I get nothing.noway frustrated

... if anything its changing but not evolving. It may be even devolving, or decaying. don't know for sure yet, may never.

The only thing constant is change. The 3-d physical universe has both entropy and rebirth. If all it had was entropy, we would have been gone a long time ago.

There are other universes beside the physical universe. They exist at higher a frequency. We cannot see them.


no photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:25 PM

If that is all "your force" wants, what is the point?


everything you see is the point.


I can hear that song playing now. Its called, "Is that all there is?"

Is that all there is?
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friend,
then let's keep dancing...

Let's break out the booze
and have ... a ball
If that's all
there is..........

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:


That's one depressing world view if you ask me.

I can't see it.
I think there is more.

Much more.
Much much much more.


tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:36 PM


If that is all "your force" wants, what is the point?


everything you see is the point.


I can hear that song playing now. Its called, "Is that all there is?"

Is that all there is?
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friend,
then let's keep dancing...

Let's break out the booze
and have ... a ball
If that's all
there is..........

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:


That's one depressing world view if you ask me.

I can't see it.
I think there is more.

Much more.
Much much much more.


cant argue your premises or takes on it JB, it is my view, you have all the freedom to think as you do, just like abra and others, if to you it's depressing or atheisic, then so be it, it is not to me. My perspective is unlike any others i know so no surprise there.flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:27 PM
I would like to consider your take on it in a serious manner and I would like to understand how and why you believe the way you do.

Are you talking about the physical universe only or do you imagine other universes of different frequency?

In contemplating infinity, and the non existence of time, I can see how one could say that it all happened "at once" and simultaneously. I understand that concept.

Many many things could happen "simultaneously" in the context of "now." An infinite number of things.

But at some point in that eternal "now" consciousness, intent, intelligence and creativity entered the picture and began creating environments for individual points of view (observers)

Whether you want to say it happened all at once makes no difference. It had to have gone from a raw creative force with no intentions (as you describe) to a creative force with intentions and desires.

Therefore during this simultaneous happening, the raw creative force evolved or manifested into something different and eventually resulted in humanoids living on planets.

So please describe to me what you imagine this simultaneous process was and how it went from raw creative force to a human living on the planet earth.


tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:04 PM

I would like to consider your take on it in a serious manner and I would like to understand how and why you believe the way you do.

Are you talking about the physical universe only or do you imagine other universes of different frequency?

In contemplating infinity, and the non existence of time, I can see how one could say that it all happened "at once" and simultaneously. I understand that concept.

Many many things could happen "simultaneously" in the context of "now." An infinite number of things.

But at some point in that eternal "now" consciousness, intent, intelligence and creativity entered the picture and began creating environments for individual points of view (observers)

Whether you want to say it happened all at once makes no difference. It had to have gone from a raw creative force with no intentions (as you describe) to a creative force with intentions and desires.

Therefore during this simultaneous happening, the raw creative force evolved or manifested into something different and eventually resulted in humanoids living on planets.

So please describe to me what you imagine this simultaneous process was and how it went from raw creative force to a human living on the planet earth.


to answer you dear G - i would have to reveal info i donot and will not reveal hear in a public forum, but thanks for the offer. :smile:

spreid's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:11 PM
I have really enjoyed the thought that has gone into your posts. After reading through them I have modified my original thoughts and am trying this on for size. The creation force is not all knowing and powerful. It exists in some form and it exists to create. The reason we have pain and hardship in the world is because it isn't perfect. I agree with the comment we are the prototype. Evolution happens because it sees it's mistakes and is the process of correcting them. It apparently can't stop evil before it happens but in each generation of prototypes it is slowing making corrections. I still don't think this entity judges, but maybe instead it recycles souls for lack of a better word. Thank you again for your interest.


tribo's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:20 PM

I have really enjoyed the thought that has gone into your posts. After reading through them I have modified my original thoughts and am trying this on for size. The creation force is not all knowing and powerful. It exists in some form and it exists to create. The reason we have pain and hardship in the world is because it isn't perfect. I agree with the comment we are the prototype. Evolution happens because it sees it's mistakes and is the process of correcting them. It apparently can't stop evil before it happens but in each generation of prototypes it is slowing making corrections. I still don't think this entity judges, but maybe instead it recycles souls for lack of a better word. Thank you again for your interest.


laugh well spreid, i for one am sorry to have been resposable, if i was at all, for your new perceptions. But good luck with that. As long as it works for you, that's all that matter's.