Topic: This is a question for the men...
BlndwBdge's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:28 AM
OOOOOOOO WHOOPS>>>> it was a ? for the bad...

Blonde moment blushing laugh laugh

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:28 AM

nope....because I have kids older than you and would feel like dating my dau....sorryflowerforyou

That is understandable. Thanks for your honesty!:smile:

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:29 AM

OOOOOOOO WHOOPS>>>> it was a ? for the bad...

Blonde moment blushing laugh laugh

some women have sore belly buttons

cause blond guys are ditzie too

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:30 AM

SO Joking!

SO you don't think I am cute?

because you are a woman of incredible character and charm and would not hold a loud mouthed Jester's bafoonery against him.
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


I don't hold grudges. You are priceless!

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:31 AM

OOOOOOOO WHOOPS>>>> it was a ? for the bad...

Blonde moment blushing laugh laugh

No problem.

dcrdnk's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:31 AM
nope noway noway sorry , ...... you must be 38 to ride this ride......:wink: devil bigsmile

armbender's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:32 AM
toughy...ummmm....if u were closer to my age...yes :)

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:33 AM
No, too far away!!

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:34 AM

nope noway noway sorry , ...... you must be 38 to ride this ride......:wink: devil bigsmile

You have an age requirement just for a ride???? Damn, I feel like the kid at the amusement park that isn't tall enough for all the coasters...sad sad sad

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:35 AM

toughy...ummmm....if u were closer to my age...yes :) are a sweetie.

bobdesigns4262's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:35 AM

nope noway noway sorry , ...... you must be 38 to ride this ride......:wink: devil bigsmile

You have an age requirement just for a ride???? Damn, I feel like the kid at the amusement park that isn't tall enough for all the coasters...sad sad sad
...worth the price of admission...devil

armbender's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:36 AM
r u sure ur 38?? wow i think u r a beautiful woman to be honest...its kinda sad for me that theres a huge age differance :(

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:36 AM

No, too far away!!

Is that the only reason????

PATSFAN's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:37 AM

No, too far away!!

Is that the only reason????


dcrdnk's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:38 AM

nope noway noway sorry , ...... you must be 38 to ride this ride......:wink: devil bigsmile

You have an age requirement just for a ride???? Damn, I feel like the kid at the amusement park that isn't tall enough for all the coasters...sad sad sad

yep, sorry darlin' .... ya'll get 2 possessive....laugh laugh


SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:39 AM

nope noway noway sorry , ...... you must be 38 to ride this ride......:wink: devil bigsmile

You have an age requirement just for a ride???? Damn, I feel like the kid at the amusement park that isn't tall enough for all the coasters...sad sad sad
...worth the price of admission...devil

Do you have an age requirement???? Obviously you have a price! How much???laugh laugh laugh

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:40 AM

r u sure ur 38?? wow i think u r a beautiful woman to be honest...its kinda sad for me that theres a huge age differance :(

I am only 31 sweetie!

SuperMom30's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:41 AM

No, too far away!!

Is that the only reason????



darkowl1's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:41 AM
i think you are a well rounded individual with good looks as well. very nice high cheekbones by the way. you seem lonely, so lonely that you compromis the very thing you seek, a like-minded individual as your-self. in hurrying to get, un lonely, you'll end up with a jerk again, because you are settling. definitely, play the field and go out and have fun, but keep your eye on what you really want, and what matters to you, and your little ones, and don't settle for anything less....and until then, enjoy the mr. wrongs.:banana: :laughing:

armbender's photo
Sat 07/05/08 11:41 AM

r u sure ur 38?? wow i think u r a beautiful woman to be honest...its kinda sad for me that theres a huge age differance :(

I am only 31 sweetie!

omg i am soooo sorry!!!
i thought it read 38 at first! im tired i guess...long week at the family reunion my dad and i hosted lol!!

o well but still lookin younger than 31 :)