Topic: OBAMA flip flops
Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:41 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Fri 07/04/08 12:45 PM

Yes Obama flip flopped. I'm not going to bash him for wanting to talking to military leaders. This was a good flip-flop. But one of his major campaign ideas was the 16 month withdrawl. This tells me something. He will tell the public what they want to hear, before he even knows what he's talking about. THEN he will look into things. Shadey, yeah. He can't seem to back up anything he says. His only strong point in my opinion is his public speaking ability. McCain sucks. Isn't much, if at all better than Obama. What really gets me is that dems preach Obama like he is the best thing since sliced bread, while totally bashing McCain. Then THEY preach that they don't like either candidate.

Honestly, has anyone ever heard of an actualy plan for anything coming from Obama that isn't vague? Yes, he says he will invest in alternative energy soucres to help with the oil crisis. But no specifics. Supposedly the government is already making these investments. The troop withdrawl was the only thing he had any remote plan for. But now he is rethinking. Neither candidate has any plans to fight illegal immigration. (Probably because they both support globalization. But that is just speculation.) Ok, i got long winded, but my point still stands. What is so great about Obama? What exactly will he change that will "change" our country?

Now driven. Dont get excited and go reread the story. It is taking a big leap to say that Obama flip flopped on that issue, and he didnt say anything about continueing the war in Iraq!

What the Republicans are so willing to leave out is what he said to clarify his staement,

After his remark at a news conference about refining policy exploded onto the political scene, he called a do-over four hours later to "try this again." He said the refining wouldn't be related to his promise to remove combat forces within 16 months of taking office, but to the number of troops needed to train Iraqis and fight al-Qaida. But then he acknowledged that the 16-month timeline could indeed slip if removing troops risked their safety or Iraqi stability.

Still, he said, "I will bring this war to a close. ... I am not searching for maneuvering room with respect to that position."

That is a far cry from a flip flop!

drinker drinker

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:45 PM
Maybe not, but why does everyone want someone with no foreign policy experience, or any sort of plan to make ANYTHING better?

I'm thinking i'm gonna write in Ron Paul and Jim Webb. Those two are the shizzle. Only problem is that's like giving a vote to Obama. Not that that is any better than voting for McCain. Well... actually our votes don't either way... So F*&% that.... Whateva, i do what i want! (As said Cartman in his ever lasting wisdom)

Whole point is they both suck. The good ones always get overlooked since they will cut back the government and limit their power.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:48 PM

Yes Obama flip flopped. I'm not going to bash him for wanting to talking to military leaders. This was a good flip-flop. But one of his major campaign ideas was the 16 month withdrawl. This tells me something. He will tell the public what they want to hear, before he even knows what he's talking about. THEN he will look into things. Shadey, yeah. He can't seem to back up anything he says. His only strong point in my opinion is his public speaking ability. McCain sucks. Isn't much, if at all better than Obama. What really gets me is that dems preach Obama like he is the best thing since sliced bread, while totally bashing McCain. Then THEY preach that they don't like either candidate.

Honestly, has anyone ever heard of an actualy plan for anything coming from Obama that isn't vague? Yes, he says he will invest in alternative energy soucres to help with the oil crisis. But no specifics. Supposedly the government is already making these investments. The troop withdrawl was the only thing he had any remote plan for. But now he is rethinking. Neither candidate has any plans to fight illegal immigration. (Probably because they both support globalization. But that is just speculation.) Ok, i got long winded, but my point still stands. What is so great about Obama? What exactly will he change that will "change" our country?

Now driven. Dont get excited and go reread the story. It is taking a big leap to say that Obama flip flopped on that issue, and he didnt say anything about continueing the war in Iraq!

What the Republicans are so willing to leave out is what he said to clarify his staement,

After his remark at a news conference about refining policy exploded onto the political scene, he called a do-over four hours later to "try this again." He said the refining wouldn't be related to his promise to remove combat forces within 16 months of taking office, but to the number of troops needed to train Iraqis and fight al-Qaida. But then he acknowledged that the 16-month timeline could indeed slip if removing troops risked their safety or Iraqi stability.

Still, he said, "I will bring this war to a close. ... I am not searching for maneuvering room with respect to that position."

That is a far cry from a flip flop!

drinker drinker

I agree with ya bro. He was pretty vague from the get go. The flipping was minor if any. And like i said, i like the fact that he wants to talk with military leaders before doing anything. Dems and repubs work hard to crucify eachother for obvious reasons. But i still don't support Obama. Mainly because no one knows what he will do when he gets in office.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:50 PM

Maybe not, but why does everyone want someone with no foreign policy experience, or any sort of plan to make ANYTHING better?

I'm thinking i'm gonna write in Ron Paul and Jim Webb. Those two are the shizzle. Only problem is that's like giving a vote to Obama. Not that that is any better than voting for McCain. Well... actually our votes don't either way... So F*&% that.... Whateva, i do what i want! (As said Cartman in his ever lasting wisdom)

Whole point is they both suck. The good ones always get overlooked since they will cut back the government and limit their power.

Obama has a clear cut and defined objective to what he wants to accomplish as President!
I suggest you visit his campaign site since it is way too defined to list them all here!
I think you will be both surprised and impressed!

Tanzkity's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:51 PM

That's why we have Republicans crickster!

They are experts at flip flopping!!!:wink:

No...republicans are just don't like their answers. DEMS, OTOH, say one thing & do another...just like in this article.

Obama is a wild card if you ask me. I don't have any expectations of him at all.

Oh Republicans are honest especially when they get caught in the airport bathroom trying to illicit gay sex.................or when they turn out to be just plain im so tired of this thing that people point out about Obama to actually divert the attention of what they really mean............good old fashioned American thinking the views we had back in the 1950's........oh those were the good years huh good old time when everyone knew their place in life..................gimme me a breakfrustrated frustrated

Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:56 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Fri 07/04/08 12:57 PM
You have to expect these kind of unbased attacks by the Republicans.
Remember the swift boat adds and the people showing up at Kerry events carrying the giant sandals?

They are desperate and lying (GWB- doctored CIA reports) is a long established tactic of their party!

BruceRN63's photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:10 PM
Remember the say "fool me once ,shame on you , fool me twice shame on me?"
Kerry "flip flopped"...So we reelected Bush...Looked what happened...War,economy, gas prices ect...(not all his fault but some obviosly is)...
Obama "flip flopped"
Sorry Republican propaganda machine...Can't fool me twice...

Tanler's photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:13 PM
I have seen one that didn t lie in my life time.drool rofl rofl scared surprised

Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:21 PM

Remember the say "fool me once ,shame on you , fool me twice shame on me?"
Kerry "flip flopped"...So we reelected Bush...Looked what happened...War,economy, gas prices ect...(not all his fault but some obviosly is)...
Obama "flip flopped"
Sorry Republican propaganda machine...Can't fool me twice...

The sad thing is that the swift boat adds were all lies aimed to defame Kerry!
There was no truth to them and yet so many blind Americans just took them as fact!
I am glad to see that most Americans have wised up to the Republican tactics this time around. It is better late than never and yet to think of the damage done by the additional 4 years of Bush is sad!
I hope we are not fooled again!
Another 4 years of Bush (McCain) will kill us!!

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:41 PM

Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:46 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:46 PM


no photo
Fri 07/04/08 01:49 PM

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 02:04 PM

Sam Donaldson explains the flipflop for you...........

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 02:22 PM

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 07/04/08 03:32 PM

Maybe not, but why does everyone want someone with no foreign policy experience, or any sort of plan to make ANYTHING better?

I'm thinking i'm gonna write in Ron Paul and Jim Webb. Those two are the shizzle. Only problem is that's like giving a vote to Obama. Not that that is any better than voting for McCain. Well... actually our votes don't either way... So F*&% that.... Whateva, i do what i want! (As said Cartman in his ever lasting wisdom)

Whole point is they both suck. The good ones always get overlooked since they will cut back the government and limit their power.

Obama has a clear cut and defined objective to what he wants to accomplish as President!
I suggest you visit his campaign site since it is way too defined to list them all here!
I think you will be both surprised and impressed!

I am surprised... He didn't have all this infor a couple months ago when i read it. I guess i have some more reading to do. He's still nothing compared to Ron Paul:tongue:

Fanta46's photo
Fri 07/04/08 03:37 PM

Maybe not, but why does everyone want someone with no foreign policy experience, or any sort of plan to make ANYTHING better?

I'm thinking i'm gonna write in Ron Paul and Jim Webb. Those two are the shizzle. Only problem is that's like giving a vote to Obama. Not that that is any better than voting for McCain. Well... actually our votes don't either way... So F*&% that.... Whateva, i do what i want! (As said Cartman in his ever lasting wisdom)

Whole point is they both suck. The good ones always get overlooked since they will cut back the government and limit their power.

Obama has a clear cut and defined objective to what he wants to accomplish as President!
I suggest you visit his campaign site since it is way too defined to list them all here!
I think you will be both surprised and impressed!

I am surprised... He didn't have all this infor a couple months ago when i read it. I guess i have some more reading to do. He's still nothing compared to Ron Paul:tongue:

I can respect that!
Thanks for taking the time to read it man!
Its always a pleasure to converse with you!drinker

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/04/08 04:22 PM

Remember the say "fool me once ,shame on you , fool me twice shame on me?"
Kerry "flip flopped"...So we reelected Bush...Looked what happened...War,economy, gas prices ect...(not all his fault but some obviosly is)...
Obama "flip flopped"
Sorry Republican propaganda machine...Can't fool me twice...

yes well...maybe if those DEMS running would actually say what they are FOR, instead of using Bush as their only battle cry, no one would actually vote FOR them either.

Listen...I'm not taking sides here...I took off the glasses when I saw what we are all stuck with. Neither guy deserves the office as far as I'm concerned. Let's, all of us, not fool ourselves. OK? :smile:

Just sayin'...

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/04/08 04:24 PM

OOPs, Thats what I already knew!
McCain has no foreign policy experience.
And no experience as a Military leader to the degree necessary to be considered qualified to make decisions about the military situation on the ground in IRAQ! you are forcing me to defend McCain.

I don't like him much but he definately has better credentials than Obama on matters of war & military issues.

Come on now....

Clark? LOL He's a wannabe....

Spending 5 yrs as a POW does not qualify as foreign policy experience.
And as Gen Clark (Commander of NATO forces in Western Europe) , Senator Webb, and others have said, being a Pilot does not qualify as command experience!
Also serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee under the failed policies of the Bush Administration doesn't really qualify either. After all they did review the falsified CIA reports and advised Congress to invade Iraq based upon their assessment of the reports.
He also was good friends with a man, Duke Tully, who was proven to have falsified his military records and couldn't even tell. Either that or he helped the man falsify his records!

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/04/08 04:26 PM

She used to be a Democrat! Did you know that?

We were all democrats...until we started living in the REAL world that is.